Proposal Archive (2601-2650)

Proposal 2601 - Thu 15 Jan 1998 08:36 EST
Still illogical
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.

Modify rule 340 such that at the end is added, preceded by the lowest integer Roman numeral not already in use:

For the purposes of rule numbering 2000 is less than 1.

Proposal 2602 - Thu 15 Jan 1998 09:33 EST
The Long Eggplant Free Zone
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 431 by inserting the following LONG-delimited text after the text "no such call has occurred during the current cycle.":

The Illuminatus has the privilege of calling for Agenda Submissions whenever no such call has occurred in the past 90 days.

{{[If a cycle lasts for 3 months, we could easily have 8 or 9 new players. More hats should be allowed in at this point.]}}

Proposal 2603 - Fri 16 Jan 1998 06:25 EST
Fools Rush In
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

{{All FairyDollars are destroyed.}

Create a new Rule in the Otzma Cards Rule Suite, titled "Otzma Card of Type Fairy Gold", with the following HAHA-delimited text:

This rule defines an Otzma Card type.
FairyDollars are tradeable entities. n FairyDollars may be represented by the text F$n. 24 hours after a FairyDollar is created, it is destroyed. This card may be played only in the public forum.
When this card is played, F$100 is created in the possession of the player who played the card. For the purposes of all other rules, F$ are identical to A$.
Counter-Action: A total of 150 Dollars (being AckaDollars and FairyDollars) are transferred from the player who played the Fairy Gold card to the Treasury. FairyDollars will be transferred before AckaDollars. If the player does not have 150 Dollars, then all eir Dollars will be transferred to the Treasury.

Proposal 2604 - Fri 16 Jan 1998 06:26 EST
Those Pesky Vulcans
Rex Mundi (Gavin Doig)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

Vulcan changes its name to the following double-quote delimited string, where n is replaced by the lowest cardinal number such that the name is unique:
"Rule 1 is repealed. #n"

Proposal 2605 - Fri 16 Jan 1998 06:27 EST
Side Hat
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula", as follows:

Add the following text(delimited by YETI)to the end of the second-last paragraph:

Count Tabula also has the Duty to conduct any Nominations for Office that are not the responsibility of any other Officer.

Proposal 2606 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:27 EST
Name That Crime
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[This proposal gives all crimes a name. That way you can identify which crime is taking place in the CFCJ statement for better clarity. Given that some crimes had names, but others were nameless, I felt a fix up was deserved. Also note that under the current rules, if a player commits a Crime on one occasion, then regardless of what happens in the future, any future CFCJ alleging they committed that same Crime on a different occasion could be judged true on the basis of the first Crime - no date is specified.]}}

Amend Rule 309 by changing

"It is a Crime to be the author of both Proposal A and Proposal B. (as the terms 'Proposal A' and 'Proposal B' are used in this rule). "


"Being the author of both Proposal A and Proposal B as defined in this rule is committing the Crime of Repetition."

Amend Rule 422 by changing

"For a player not on vacation not to be subscribed to at least one form of the official mailing list is a Crime. For a voting player not on vacation not to be subscribed to at least one form of the official voting mailing list is a Crime"


"A player not on vacation who is not subscribed to at least one form of the official mailing list is committing the Crime of Disinterest. A voting player not on vacation who is not subscribed to at least one form of the official voting mailing list is committing the Crime of Apathy"

Amend Rule 517 by replacing all instances of "a Crime" with "the Crime of Breach of Contract".

Amend Rule 701 by changing

"To break the Rules is a Crime, a Felony.
To perform an action specified by the Rules to be Illegal is a Crime. An action specified by the Rules to be "impermissible" is, by contrast, impossible. However, an attempt to commit such an action is a Crime [even though the action itself does not occur]. "


"To break the Rules is to commit the Crime of Blatant Disregard.
To perform an action specified by the Rules to be Illegal is the Crime of Illegal Action. An action specified by the Rules to be "impermissible" is, by contrast, impossible. However, an attempt to commit such an action is the Crime of Attempting the Impossible [even though the action itself does not occur]."


"Failure of an Officer to perform a Duty of an Office e holds is a Crime. The act of performing a Duty incorrectly is Malpractice, which is also a Crime. "


"Failure of an Officer to perform a Duty of an Office e holds is the Crime of Non-Performance. The act of performing a Duty incorrectly is the Crime of Malpractice."

Amend Rule 710 by replacing the following CHARGE-delimited text:

3) Its "statement" shall be "X has committed a Crime", where X is replaced with the name of a registered player.

with the following SPECIFIC-delimited text:

3) Its "statement" shall be "X committed the Crime of Y on Z", where X is replaced with the name of a registered player, Y is replaced by the name of a Crime as defined in the current ruleset, and Z is replaced by a date earlier than the current date.

and the following DETAIL-delimited text:

4) Its "reasoning" section shall show how Player X comitted a Crime. CFCJs shall only be judged TRUE if the Crime described in the reasoning was comitted by player X. CFCJs which do not detail exactly one Crime, in the judgement of the judge, shall be judged INVALID.

with the following UNIQUE-delimited text:

4) Its "reasoning" section shall show how Player X comitted the Crime of Y on the date Z. CFCJs shall only be judged TRUE if the Crime Y was comitted by player X on date Z. CFCJs which do not detail exactly one Crime, in the judgement of the judge, shall be judged INVALID.

Amend Rule 846 by replacing:

"It is a crime to give a description of the house which is not in accord with the rules. "


"Giving a description of the house which is not in accord with the rules is the Crime of Acting Like a Realtor. "

Amend Rule 925 by replacing "time is a Crime" with "time is the Crime of Media Baroncy" and replacing "It is a Crime" with "It is the Crime of Lying In Print".

Amend Rule 1009 by replacing

"It is a Crime to be a member of more than one Political Party at once."
"Being a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously is the Crime of Branch-Stacking."

Proposal 2607 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:28 EST
Weasel Slayer
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 344 by replacing the following:

Any language containing these words can be considered vague and/or overly broad and tends to obfuscate the true interpretation of a rule. These words are known as "weasel words."


Such words are known as "weasel words". Any words which are vague, overly broad and obfuscate the intended meaning of a rule qualify as weasel words.

Also replace:

shall have his court fee for the submission of the CFJ waived. If that proposal is accepted and the CFJ is judged in the player's favor, then that player shall receive the honorary title of "Weasel Slayer."


shall gain one extra point and receive the honorary title of "Weasel Slayer" should the relevant proposal be accepted and the CFJ be judged true.

{{[Firstly, this corrects the problem that I encountered when judging the first weasel words CFJ. It also changes the reward, since there is no court cost for standard CFJs, only CFCJs. Lastly it removes the full stop from the honorific title]}}

Proposal 2608 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:28 EST
Reduced anti-voting
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected

{{[This is a compromise proposal which removes anti-voting from modest proposals, but leaves it on others. This allows players to "turn off" anti-voting.]}}
Replace this text in rule 207: "If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points.

If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 5 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points."
with this:
"If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points.

If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 5 points. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points."

-Henry Towsner, AKA else...if, The Fearless Alibi Posesser, Laefu, and Yilran

No iron can stab the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place.
-Isaac Babel

Proposal 2609 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:30 EST
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend rule 1250.18, "Ye Olde Rusty Lantern", to replace:

with the word "Lantern"


with the word "Lantern" (or "YORL")

Proposal 2610 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:30 EST
This Must Be Stopped
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Repeal Rule 594.21 {{[It is far too dangerous.]}}

Proposal 2611 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:31 EST
Third time lucky
Rex Mundi (Gavin Doig)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

The organization that was called Vulcan on 1/1/1998 changes its name to the following double-quote delimited string, where n is replaced by the lowest cardinal number such that the name is unique:
"Rule 1 is repealed. #n"
Rex Mundi loses 1 point, and K 2 gains 1 point. [Thanks.]

Proposal 2612 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:31 EST
Here Comes the Bribe
Slagothor (Eric Plumb)
Status: removed (invalid bribery by Rule 313)

This is a Modest Proposal.

Should this Proposal pass, all players who took one or more voting actions, as specified in Rule 313, on this Proposal shall receive 20 points, in addition to any other rewards or penalties that may occur.

All other players shall be tarred and feathered.

Proposal 2613 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 00:31 EST
A Private Affair Between Gentlebeings
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ Some unlikely, but possible, Duel cases, that may need to guard against someone crashing them. Ghost already has this safeguard in place... ]}}

Amend Rule 1250.16, "Viruses", as follows:

In section 10, after the text "if a game of Viruses has the maximum number of players" insert " or is being played as a Duel ". {{[ The completion of the sentence is "then no additional players may join." ]}}

Amend rule 1250.18, "Ye Olde Rusty Lantern", as follows:

Under the section labeled "The Barkeep", add to the second paragraph {{[
At the beginning of the tale, the Barkeep shall announce the number of benches and the names of the Bards who will start the tale.
]}} the sentence "If the game is being played as a Duel, there may be only two benches."

Proposal 2614 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 13:30 EST
make up your mind!
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: accepted

This is Modest proposal.

Ammend Rule 402, section ii, paragraph e to read "During the Election Period, each voting player may cast one vote for any one of the Nominees by so notifiyng the appropriate Officer. A voting player may change eir vote at any time by so notifiying the appropriate Officer. The appropriate Officer shall only consider the last vote e recieved from each voting player."

Proposal 2615 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 13:32 EST
Schedules Plus
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

{{[There are a number of documents in the game which the rules refer to, but which themselves are not strictly part of the rules. These include the CFJ Ineligibility List, the Guidelines for Zuriti'ili, and the Literature List. I believe it would be in the best interests of the game to have a consistent means for dealing with these kinds of rule-defined documents. I call them Schedules.]}}

Create a rule, numbered 312, entitled "Schedules", with the following TOGETHER-delimited text:

1) A document is a Schedule if and only if all of the following criteria hold:
a) It has a Schedule code, which is one or more alphabetic characters.
b) It is referenced by the Ruleset.
c) It has a title by which it can be referred to (in addition to being referred to via its Schedule Code).
d) Its Schedule Code is not the same as the Schedule Code of any other document satisfying (a)-(c) above.

2) Schedules may be amended by proposal as if they were part of the ruleset.
3) A Schedule only has authority over the game to the extent that it is explicitly delegated this authority by the Ruleset.
4) A Schedule has lower priority than any rule, unless that rule explicitly defers to the Schedule. If two Schedules conflict then the Schedule with the shortest Schedule code has precedence, and if the lengths of the two Schedule codes are the same, then the Schedule whose code is earlier in alphabetic order shall have precedence.
5) A rule may refer to a Schedule by title, by use of the text "Schedule 9", where 9 is replaced by a valid Schedule Code, or by any other unambiguous method.
6) This rule has precedence over all other rules which refer to Schedules over whether a document is a Schedule.

{{The Literature List is given Schedule Code A.}}
{{The CFJ Ineligibility List is given Schedule Code B.}}
{{The Zuriti'ili Guidelines is given Schedule Code C.}}

Create a new Rule, numbered 407.2, entitled "Schedule-Harfer", with the following TRACK-delimited text:

The Office of the Schedule-Harfer is a Functional Office. The Duties are:
a) To keep an accurate copy of all Schedules, and to make the text of any document which is a Schedule available to any player upon request.
b) To annotate each Schedule in the Official Rules Document with customary ancillary information, such as the Schedule's creator and revision history, when known.
The Privileges are:
a) To add section headers and other furniture to the Schedules. Document. This furniture does not become part of the Rules.
b) To add whitespace and line breaks to the Schedules. The Schedule-Harfer should consider all player requests to do so.
c) To maintain the Schedules as separate physical documents, provided there is at least one physical document from which all the schedules can be located.

Replace the first instance of Literature list in Rule 210 with the text "Schedule A (otherwise known as the Literature List)".

Delete the first, tenth, eleventh and twelfth sentences of section IV of Rule 210 {{[Now redundant with the information on Schedules]}}

Delete the words "the Literature list" from the last sentence of Rule 210 {{[Schedule definition gains precedence]}}

Delete all of section (d) of Rule 413 that precedes the first full stop in section (d). Delete the first full stop in Rule 413. {{[Transfers harfing the CFJIL from the CotC to the S-H]}}

Amend Rule 212 by replacing the first instance of "CFJ Ineligiblity List (List)" with "Schedule B (also known in this rule as the List)".

Amend Rule 719 by replacing the text

"The Clerk of the Court shall maintain a list of the legal Zuriti'ili guidelines, which he shall make available to any player upon request. After all legal appeals of a particular Zuriti'ili CFCJ have been resolved and it is no longer legal to appeal that CFCJ, the Clerk of the Court shall append any Zuriti'ili guideline from that CFCJ that was not overturned to his list of legal guidelines. "

with the sentence

"Any guideline not overturned on a Zuriti'ili CFCJ is appended to Schedule C (The Zuriti'ili Guidelines) when it is no longer legal to appeal that CFCJ."

{{[Hands control of this over to the S-H]}}

{{Yes, I'm willing to do the work on this one}}

{{If the player who was named breadbox at the time the proposal creating these rule changes sends a public message prior to that proposal being accepted which indicates eir willingness to become Schedule-Harfer, then that player becomes Schedule-Harfer. Otherwise, the player known as Slakko on 17 January 1998 becomes Schedule Harfer.}}

Proposal 2616 - Sun 18 Jan 1998 13:34 EST
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[I'm not sure my idea of proposal magic to move the threads together went over too well, but I have to get back to my life :-) So, perhaps we can compromise on areas that effect me, and leave the issue open for academic fun. This seems better than me resigning as speaker, and spending 6 days going through the process again, especially with the possibility, however small, of a different result. I cannot remain speaker until this is sorted out, which could be longer than 7 days]}}


Create a new rule entitled Speaker Emeritus, numbered 399, with the following text:


This rule has precedence over all other rules, except rules 1, of course. :)

If Malenkai is Speaker, then
a) He is removed from the office of Speaker
b) Alfvaen, if such a player exists, becomes Speaker

Regardless of who is Speaker, Malenkai is given the title of Speaker Emeritus.

[well, we need something to make it non-null in the one thread. :-) BTW Slakko, for you office list, I became speaker first when CFJ 184 was returned (Jun 12 96), and except for a few days in july, held it continuously since then. Long time.]


Proposal 2617 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 06:38 EST
Bill the pirate king (Aaron Shapiro)
Decision: rejected

{{If adopted this proposal becomes rule 860 or the next higher=20 available number in the 800's so that its number is unique}}

1)Let a common location known as the beach exist. The beach is a=20 desolate strip of sand 30 to 300 cat lengths in width. It is always = sunny at the beach unless weather conditions are=20 specified by other rules. Any player may go to the beach as a public = action. Any player at the beach is said to be having=20 fun. [im pretty sure having fun is harfy]
1) Let a common location known as the ocean exist. A player may not go = to the ocean unless e is at the beach, or=20 as otherwise specified in the rules. Any player entering the ocean is = said to be swimming. Any player possessing=20 the wings mutation is unable to swim. A player at the ocean may not take = part in any public action, [vote, bid on an auction=20 etc...] The ocean surrounds ackanomia on the sides that the gaol = touches. [as shown by the official map] It is exactly that=20 shade of blue green that oceans are, and is composed almost entirely of = salt water. The ocean extends from the specified=20 edges of ackanomia to the edge of the world. [There are rumors of other = lands in the ocean but they are probably a heresy=20 of the worst kind and speaking of them would get you tarred and = feathered.] The ocean is prevented from running over the=20 edge of the obviously flat world by a large wall of some rust proof = metal that closely resembles stainless steel. [ this is part of why the=20 round earth restoration league needs such an expensive machine, the = wall must meet up with a groove in the=20 hemispherical portion of the world to interlock and prevent future = seperation.]

2) Any player(s) successfully rafting down the Ackanomian River as = described in rule 836 shall go to the beach. =20
The player(s) must then rest at the beach beach for 1(one) day before = moving to any other location.

Proposal 2618 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 06:39 EST
Can He Leave The Room With Us?
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 413, "Clerk of the Court", to replace "The Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker when there is no Speaker" with "The Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker when there is no Speaker or Acting Speaker". {{[ Otherwise the CotC may have an impossible duty... ]}}

Proposal 2619 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 06:39 EST
Enable Otzma Chess to Work
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 1230.2 by replacing the text:
"A. Move - The Swinger moves an on-board piece e controls from the square it is on to an unoccupied square according to the applicable rules."
"A. Move - The Swinger moves an on-board piece e controls from the square it is on to either (a) an unoccupied square according to the applicable rules, or (b) an off-board position provided such a move is legal according to rule 1240.9"

and the text:

"C. Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces, unless it is impossible to place the piece without it attacking at least one other piece, and the Swinger involved has fewer than five on-board pieces and a weight of 0. "


"C. Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces, unless either

(a) it is impossible to place the piece without it attacking at least one other piece, and the Swinger involved has fewer than five on-board pieces and a weight of 0;


(b) the placement is made in accordance with Rule 1240.10."

{{[This may not strictly be necessary, but it avoids a possible CFJ call by making it absolutely clear that paradrops are possible.]}}

Amend Rule 1240.9 by:

1) removing the text "(but not on a special D-turn or special DD-turn)".
2) replacing the text 'Swingers may exercise this option using the syntax for a Move, with the phrase "off-board" replacing the destination square.' with 'A King may not be removed from the board in this way'

{{[The original language about D and DD turns was referring to turns where one or more Swingers were in check, and was therefore designed to prevent Kings being airlifted to safety. This change ensures that requirement is met.]}}

Proposal 2620 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 06:40 EST
It'll never happen again (Yeah right...)
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 256 Leaving the Game by replacing the first sentence with the following BLAH delimited text.

Upon a player leaving or attempting to leave the game, that player is removed from all offices. This occurs even if that player (somehow) fails to actually leave the game. The following procedure then takes place, in the order shown, but only if the player successfully left the game.

Then delete section 2) of Rule 256. Renumber sections 3) through 6) to 2) through 5).

{{[Its unlikely that this will ever make any difference, but imagine how much easier things would have been if it had read like this a few weeks ago.]}}

Proposal 2621 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 13:58 EST
The Mad Hatters
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

{{[Ever wonder how you're going to get rid of that absolutely impossible Agenda Hat, when you have to let people know what it is before you can trade it? This is how.]}}

{{All Mad Hatters are destroyed. Beep, Blip and Bonk are destroyed.}}

Create a new Rule, numbered 675, entitled "Mercury Poisoning", with the following CHARITY-delimited text:

The Mad Hatters is an Organization. The Mad Hatters at all times owns a Trade License and a More Than Human. Beep, Blip and Bonk are three unownable entities. Beep, Blip and Bonk become members of the Mad Hatters, if they are not currently members. Beep, Blip and Bonk always have eir support proxied to The Mad Hatters. Beep, Blip and Bonk may express eir consent in the Public Forum by a message from the Illuminatus which indicates the consent of Beep, Blip and/or Bonk.

The Mad Hatters automatically approve any trade that satisfies one or more of the following forms, provided that the trade is possible:
1) A player trades a Visible Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters in exchange for A$1.
2) A player trades A$10 to the Mad Hatters in exchange for a Visible Agenda Hat, and the player involved in the trade was not the last player to trade this particular Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters.

If the Mad Hatters have been in possession of a given Visible Agenda Hat for more than 7 days, and a player points this fact out, then that Visible Agenda Hat is destroyed.

{{[This is how the pointless, obsolete or just plain stupid hats can be stopped from cluttering up the game]}}

{{Transfer A$100 from the Treasury to The Mad Hatters}}

{{Red Barn gains 3 points. Slakko loses 3 points}} {{[The above change is not based on proposal ideas. Rather, it is a royalty payment for the use of the phrase "Beep Blip Bonk" from Red Barn's signature.]}}

Proposal 2622 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 14:00 EST
Money, Money, Money
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected

Create a new rule entitled, "The Appraiser" reading as delimited by CASH:
(a) There shall be a functional office called Appraiser.

(b) The purpose of the Appraiser is to determine the value, in A$, of all entities in the game. The Office may perform other functions if they conform to the rules.

(c) A privilege of the Appraiser is to issue Certificates of Valuation(CoV). A CoV consists of one entity, which must be either appraised or unappraised, and either a positive integral value of A$ or a statement that it has no value.

(d) The Appraiser shall distribute CoV's publicly, and assign each one a unique number. After a CoV is distributed, any player may officially object to it by publishing his or her objection publicly. If less than 2 voting players object to the CoV within a 3 day review period immediately following its distribution, then entity will be appraised as specified in the CoV. The Appraiser shall publish a notice that the entity has been reappraised.

Create a new rule entitled "Appraisals" reading as delimited by GREENBACKS
All entities are one of the following: unappraisable, unappraised, appraised, or valued. Entities which are appraised or valued have a positive integral number of A$ associated with them. It is a duty of the appraiser to maintain a list of all appraised or valued entities, along with their values, and to make this list available to all players upon request.

Entities are only valued or unappraisable as specified in the rules. All Unique entities are unappraisable unless otherwise specified. One acka-dollar is valued, and has a value of A$1. A trinket or Magik is valued as the number of A$ spent to create it. One kaa of land is appraised at A$50.

A players net value is equal to the sum of the appraised or valued prices of all entities they own.

Amend the first sentence of Rule 844 to read as follows: "A player may purchase a kaa of empty, common land for it appraised value."

{{else...if is appointed the Appraiser.}}

-Henry Towsner, AKA else...if, The Fearless Alibi Posesser, Laefu, and Yilran

No iron can stab the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place.
-Isaac Babel

Proposal 2623 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 14:02 EST
Game Misconduct
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

Create a new Rule numbered 1205, entitled Game Misconduct, with the following text:

If a player of Ackanomic deliberately interferes with the play of a sub-game, even if he is not a participant in that sub-game, he has committed the Crime of Game Misconduct. Interference, in this case, would be doing something that makes it impossible to play a sub-game as its rules and game spirit intend. [Examples include: Revealing the definition of the Ing word of a game of Fictionary. Providing lists of possible Ghost or Double Crash words.] Cheerleading, jeering, and even providing advice to a sub-game player, are permissible so long as they do not violate the above clauses.

{{[I think this addresses a number of issues that have come up recently. Although I doubt he realized it, whoever it was that posted a list of words that "triva" appeared in completely wrecked that game of Ghost, this would make such acts specifically illegal. This should also cover the problems that "People are dictionaries too" was going after, at least so far as other Ackanomic players are concerned. I realize that there are some "weasel words" in here, but I don't think that such leeway is appropriate in this situation. This gives the judge a chance to decide what constitutes deliberate interference for a particular game.]}}

Proposal 2624 - Mon 19 Jan 1998 14:03 EST
Randy Newman Was Right
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported", by deleting section V., "Short Proposal Bonus", and renumbering sections VI through VIII as V through VII.

{{[ As Scorekeeper, I find this the hardest thing to remember to check for with Proposals. If people are really attached to it, then that's okay, but IMHO except for repeals, and sometimes even then, short proposals are more likely to be sloppy about fixing everything they should. ]}}

Proposal 2625 - Wed 21 Jan 1998 13:34 EST
Don't Give Gaol Birds the Boot
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 709, Gaol, by inserting the following TMBG-delimited text immediately before the text 'Note that "game action"':

9) A player in the Gaol may remove a Puppet Head.

{{[Currently a player in Gaol for more than 7 days could be forced to become non-voting if there is a quorum failure. I think that this is an unnecessary additional punishment when you're already restricted to Gaol for such a long period of time.]}}

{{[I also think that this is one of the rules that would be a good idea to Schedulise. If the rules are filled with a big long list of what you can do in Gaol, they get fairly bulky. If we add too many more things to it, I'd suggest hiving it off to a separate document.]}}

Proposal 2626 - Wed 21 Jan 1998 13:35 EST
Come One, Come All
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[7 is such an arbitrary number. As Chess-Umpire, I don't care how many people are playing Party Chess. So I'll eliminate the maximum players rulings.]}}

Amend Rule 1040 by replacing:
"The number of Capital Swinger offices that exist in the Treasury at any one time is 7 less the number of non-Warm Swinger Offices in Party Hall."

"Exactly one Capital Swinger office exists in the Treasury at any one time."

Remove section 4 B (iii) from Rule 1230.2.
Renumber section 4 B (iv) of Rule 1230.2 to 4 B (iii).

Proposal 2627 - Fri 23 Jan 1998 02:47 EST
Only The Stars Look Down
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 1240.17, "Otzma Card of type Grave Robber", as follows:

Replace the text "If the Undead ownes any entities" with "If the Undead owns any tradeable entities". {{[ 'Cause there's no reason to steal the poor beggars' Blue Crosses... ]}}

{{ If, as the result of any Grave Robber card played before this Proposal is accepted, any nontradeable entities have been transferred from an Undead to a player, then each such entity is returned to the Undead, and a tradeable entity, selected as if the Card had been played according to the current version of Rule 1240.17, is transferred from the Undead to the Player instead. }}

{{[ Also, to fix the fact that Grave Robber still refers to Bonds Promissory...although I have a vague thought that some such fix proposal had already been submitted...? ]}}

Delete the text "and Bonds Promissory", and the text "plus enough BPs to total 10". Replace the text "10 A$ or PFs" with "up to 10 A$".

Proposal 2628 - Fri 23 Jan 1998 02:48 EST
I'm Sure That Wasn't Meant
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 1240.7 by appending the text " from another entity" after the word "received".

{{[This way trinket creation / destruction does not count.]}}

Proposal 2629 - Fri 23 Jan 1998 02:49 EST
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sat 24 Jan 1998 06:51 EST

Append the following EVIL delimitted text to rule 721.
II. New Player Embezelment

Intentionally causing a player to lose currency during the first three weeks of eir being a new player, is Annoying. It is also Evil.

Proposal 2630 - Fri 23 Jan 1998 02:52 EST
legal Ackanomic name
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest Proposal.

Ammend section i of Rule 666 to be the "-delimited text:
"Fortnightly Dividends are reinstituted, as if all players's scores were zero at the end of the previous fortnight."

Proposal 2631 - Fri 23 Jan 1998 02:56 EST
Fair Hearings
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Replace the penultimate paragraph of rule 360 with the following GOLDFISH-delimited text:

When the results of a Hearing are inconclusive, the Hearing Harfer shall recount the votes, discounting any cast by a non-Player Entity. If the result is still inconclusive, the result is whichever of the tied responses appears first in the Rule defining them, unless the Rule for a particular hearing defines an alternative way to resolve the inconclusive hearing.

Proposal 2632 - Sat 24 Jan 1998 22:01 EST
Polite, yeah right
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Replace the last sentance in Rule 374 with the "-delimited text. "If it shows that it was polite, its author gets the nickname Jazz JackRabbit for the next 3 days, and the player who called the hearing loses 2 points." {{[ It seems to me that there should be a penality for calling a hearing that was wrong. As it stands now, you can call as many hearings as you want, and kill Count Tabula. ]}}

Proposal 2633 - Sat 24 Jan 1998 22:01 EST
Curse of the Bee Ack
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Mon 26 Jan 1998 18:07 EST

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.

{{[For those of you who don't know of the B-Ack, I suggest you point your browsers at the Literature List. There it lurks, even now!]}}

Create a New Rule, numbered 961, and entitled "Curse of The B-Ack", and with text as delimited by GOBACK below:

The B-Ack is a fearsome creature known to inhabit the Wilds of Ackanomia. It cannot be located by any glance at the map, because of its ability to camouflage itself into more acceptable surroundings. It has been sighted, at times, latching on to the bottom of important rule web pages, and cursing travellers to those pages with its fearsome cry of "BEE - ACK!" The B-Ack is an unownable entity.

Ackans who visit the Wilds of Ackanomia must be careful to avoid the Curse of the B-Ack. It is therefore best that they keep quiet when in the Wilds. Therefore, each day that a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomia and posts a public message, there is a 40% chance that the B-Ack will hear the player and chase them on the following day. The player will be treated as if e had Gone Postal. This is because (i) further public messages ruin a player's attempts to elude the B-Ack, and thus lead to further hiding, and (ii) the only weakness of the B-Ack is good poetry.

The one exception to the above paragraph is when the B-Ack hears a player on a day that the player is launching a spaceship. In this case, there is a 50% chance (as determined by the Officer in Charge of Random Things) that the B-Ack will be transported to the destination of the spaceship. As there is only one B-Ack in the whole of Ackanomia, this rule will then repeal itself. If the B-Ack is not transported to the spaceship's destination, then the player instead steams the B-Ack with the spaceship exhaust, having no effect other than to make the B-Ack angry.

Players who encounter the B-Ack are encouraged to publicly give a description of its physical characteristics (note that these should be vague). This description should only be given once the player is no longer in the Wilds of Ackanomia, and only one description may be sent by a player for each time they are chased by the B-Ack. Posting such a description earns a player 6 points.

Scientists are permitted to sneer at any such description, claiming such a creature is "physically impossible", and gain 2 points for doing so, provided they sneer within 3 days of the public posting of the description.

Proposal 2634 - Sat 24 Jan 1998 22:03 EST
Fair Is Fair
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend R710, section 8b, to add at the end of that section:

"The player is also paid A$10 times the amount of the SENTENCE, up to a maximum of A$200."

Proposal 2635 - Sat 24 Jan 1998 22:03 EST
Le Grand Dalmuti
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sun 25 Jan 1998 18:37 EST

Create a new rule, number 1101, to read as below.

"A player who has a score greater than 0 and greater than all the other players will also be known as 'Le Grand Dalmuti'.

If a player who is not Le Grand Dalmuti gains points such that it makes their score equal to that of Le Grand Dalmuti, then Le Grand Dalmuti's score shall be increased by 4 points.

If a player's score overtakes Le Grand Dalmuti's score, thereby becoming Le Grand Dalmuti themselves, the player(s) with the lowest score will get a bonus number of points equivalent to one half the score of the new Le Grand Dalmuti's."

Proposal 2636 - Sat 24 Jan 1998 22:04 EST
Servant of Two Masters
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 1301, "Church", as follows:

Append the following text(delimited by FROMAGE)as section 11.:

11. Priesthood is relative to a particular Church; in other words, a player may not be simply a Priest, but must be a Priest of a particular Church. (It is possible for a player who is a member of two Churches to be a Priest in one Church but not in another.) A Player may only be a Priest of a Church if e has been Ordained a Priest of that Church since the last time e joined that Church.

Proposal 2637 - Sat 24 Jan 1998 22:05 EST
Machinery to Eliminate the Hegemony of Rule 1
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 101 by replacing
"The rules and the game state"
"The rules, the rule numbers, and the game state, which are three distinct unownable entities,".

Amend Rule 303 by replacing

"is not considered part of the text of the rule itself."
"is not considered part of the rule itself."

{{[These changes should make it legal to renumber Rule 2000 to Rule 0 and overrule rule 1.]}}

Proposal 2638 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 06:23 EST
The rainbow
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected

Rule 905 will be amended to read as delimited by CRISS-CROSS
1. Each player has a Blue Cross Rank, a Red Cross Rank, and a Crystal Cross Rank, collectively known as Cross Ranks, are all non-negative integers. At all times, a player's Blue Cross Rank is equal to the number of non-Null proposals he submitted which have been accepted, plus an additional 10 if he has a Blue Cross Bonus. A player's Red Cross Rank is the number of CFCJ's they have submitted whos last verdict was true, plus 10 if he owns a Red Cross Bonus. A player's Crystal Cross Rank is the number of CSR's they have issued which have been performed, plus 10 if he owns a Crystal Cross Bonus.
If a player has registered for the game and quit one or more times previous to his most recent registration, proposals, CFCJ's, and CSR's he made under his previous registration(s) shall count towards his Cross Ranks if they were accepted, had a final verdict of TRUE, or were performed, even if he wasn't a player when they were accepted, judged, or performed.

2. Any time a player has more than one Cross Bonus or a given color, all but one of his Cross Bonuses of that color are destroyed. Any time a rule requires that a player be given a Cross Bonus, one is created with his name stamped in gold upon it, and it is given to that player. Blue Cross Bonuses and Red Cross Bonuses are nameless, nontradeable entities. Ruby Slippers, Gold Stripes, Silver Stripes, Blue Crosses, Red Crosses, Crystal Crosses, Onyx Stripes and Perspex Stripes are nameless, nontradeable entities, and are medals.

3. a. When a President or Senator has ended a term in office by resigning, or due to his term of office expiring, and he has served at least 6 weeks in that office, then he is given a Blue Cross Bonus if he does not already have one, except in the case that the player resigned from the office of President or Senator while an Impeachment Paper was pending to remove him from that office.
b. When a Caped Crusader, Boy Wonder, or Justice has ended has ended a term in office by resigning, or due to his term of office expiring, and he has served at least 6 weeks in that office, then he is given a Red Cross Bonus if he does not already have one, except in the case that the player resigned from any of these offices while an Impeachment Paper was pending to remove him from that office, or the Caped Crusader resigned while a CFCJ was pending against them.

4. a. A player with a Blue Cross Rank of 20 or more qualifies for a Blue Cross. A player with a Red Cross Rank of at least 20 qualifies for a Red Cross. A player with a Crystal Cross Rank of at least 20 qualifies for a Crystal Cross.
b. For each 160 points of Blue Cross Rank above 20 that a player has, he qualifies for a Ruby Slipper.
c. For each 40 points of Blue Cross Rank a player with a Blue Cross has above that required for his Blue Cross and all his Ruby Slippers, he qualifies for a Gold Stripe. For each 10 points of Red Cross Rank above that required for a Red Cross, a player qualifies for an Onyx Stripe. For each 10 points of Crystal Cross Rank above that required for a Crystal Cross, a player qualifies for a Perspex Stripe.
d. For each 10 points of Blue Cross Rank a player with a Blue Cross has beyond that required for his Blue Cross and all his Ruby Slippers and Gold Stripes, he qualifies for a silver stripe.

5. Any time a player has too many medals for his Blue Cross Rank, as defined by the previous section, then medals are taken from him and destroyed such that he no longer has too many. Any time a player has too few of any of these medals, the President, Proconsul, or Senator may award medals of the appropriate types to that player until he has enough of each type. The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, performs the creation and destruction of these medals as medals are to be awarded or destroyed.

6. A player with at least one Gold Stripe or Ruby Slipper shall have the title "Officer of the Blue Cross." A player with one Ruby Slipper shall have the title "Commander of the Blue Cross". These may be abbreviated OBC and CBC respectively. Any player who possesses a Red Cross or a Crystal Cross, but not both, shall have the title of "Order of the Lesser Crosses". Any player who possesses a Red Cross and a Crystal Cross shall have the title of "Knight Commander of the Order of the Lesser Crosses". These may be abbreviated to OLC and KCLC respectively.

A player with two Ruby Slippers may wear them on his feet; any two Ruby Slippers so worn are considered to be a spaceship. A player wearing a spaceship may click the two Ruby Slippers together to launch himself to Kansas, provided he obeys any other restrictions in the rules on spaceship launches.

Kansas is a moon of Acka; it is a location not in Acka, nor on either side of Acka. Ruby Slippers magically adjust to fit any feet as needed.

{{[Current tallies of players' Crystal Cross Rank:
mr cwm 7
Vynd 6
Mr Lunatic Fringe 2
Malenkai 2
All other players 0

{{[Current tallies for players' (past and present) Red Cross Rank:
Malenkai 4
Mr. Lunatic Fringe 3
/dev/joe 2
ThinMan 2
Mohammed 2
Strider 2
Alfvaen 2
The Governor 1
this is not a name 1
fnord 1
Red Barn 1
Attila the Pun 1
Robert Sevin 1
Guy Fawkes 1
Slakko 1
All other players 0

{{[I changed Black Cross to Red so that each cross would have an unambiguous abbriviation.]}}

{{Transfer 5 points from else...if to Slakko [For thinking of this and doing most of the work]}}

{{Transfer 1 point from else...if to Fortunato [It's my fault he lost a point on that last CFCJ I filed.]}}

-- --
-Henry Towsner, AKA else...if, The Fearless Alibi Posesser, Laefu, and Yilran

No iron can stab the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place.
-Isaac Babel

Proposal 2639 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 06:25 EST
McCarthy-ism lives on
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Status: retracted

Create a rule entitled "Red Scare" reading as follows:
It is possible that there are athiestic communists across the river who intend to destroy our democratic, just, and religious way of life, and may even believe that black is not a color. Clearly, on this risk, and the risk that they have sent spys amoung us, we must take precautions. To protect against spies, the President may publicly announce that "There are spies amoung us." If the President has not announced this in the thirty days preceding the announcement, than Ackanomic will be said to be "Paranoid" for one week. During this time it will be a crime to publicly suggest that there is something wrong with the Ackanomian way of life. This is the Crime of Sedition. A player who commits this crime may, in addition to the usual penalties, be tarred and feathered for between 1 and
7. Being tarred and feathered is identical to being in gaol except that a tarred and feathered player cannot get out until their sentence is over or Ackanomic is no longer Paranoid. When Ackanomic ceases to be Paranoid, all players who are tarred and feathered cease being tarred and feathered.

This rule takes precedence over all other rules, since any rule conflicting with this one must be a pinko-commie.

{{Transfer 1 point from else...if to Slakko [Royalties. This was inspired in large part by his Though Police proposal.]}}

Proposal 2640 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 06:26 EST
Godwin Austen
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 251, "Player Names", by changing "three to twenty characters in length" to "two to twenty characters in length".

{{ Reduce Alfvaen's score by four points; increase K 2's score by four points. [Since I can't claim any credit for the idea, but I myself would prefer to type "K2" instead of "K 2"...]}}

Proposal 2641 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 06:27 EST
A humble token of our appreciation
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Status: retracted

Create a new rule entitled "Harfer Day" reading as follows:
The 20th of February will be know as Harfer Day. Some time during the calender week containing Harfer-Day the President may give a speech commemerating the hard work of the Harfers throughout the history of Ackanomic. If e does so, e will recieve 5 points for it. This day will not count towards the time limit for a harfer to complete eir duties. All players are encouraged to personally thank the harfers who make Ackanomic possible on this day. The holder of each of the following positions will recieve 10 points for each of the following positions they hold on Harfer Day:

Chess Umpire
Clerk of the Courts
Count Tabula
Post Master
Treasure Harfer
Trinket Harfer
Undead Harfer
Web Harfer
Assistant Web Harfer

If any player attempts an action on harfer day which would cause work for any of these positions (including, but not limited to, voting, making a proposal, finding/burying a treasure, making a trinket, etc. etc., but expressly not including sending a public message which does not perform an action or the act of paying the standard harfer fee) then that player must pay the standard harfer fee, and will be considered horribly impolite for the next week. All players are encouraged to sneer at a player who does this.

{{[Feb 20 is the day the first official harfer position, the web-harfer, was created. There were of course harfing position before this, but this was the first one with the word harfer in it (as far as I know.) Besides, the timing works well, being just about a month after our birthday celebration.]}}

Proposal 2642 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 19:56 EST
Just Trying to Clean Up After the Peons
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend section I of Rule 303 ("Proposal and Rule Numbering") by replacing "non-negative" with "positive", and then by deleting the sentence that begins with "The valid rule number is associated with the rule".

Repeal Rule 2000 if, and only if, it has the title "Death to Immutability".

Proposal 2643 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 19:56 EST
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal rule 261 [Zombie Master]

Proposal 2644 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 19:58 EST
Remember breadbox's Threat
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

{{All Commanders of the Blue Cross receive the title of Consulting Surgeon.}}

Create a new Rule, numbered 857, titled "Ackanomic Hospital", with the following SICKBAY-delimited text:

The classy Common Location known as the National Ackanomic Hospital exists. Whenever a player is Injured, they are transferred to the Hospital. Whenever a player is found to be suffering from snowgod's Disease, they are transferred to the Hospital.

A player in the Hospital may not leave the Hospital unless another player who is a Consulting Surgeon sends a public message allowing the exit, or the hospitalised player sends a public message after being in Hospital for 3 consecutive days, pointing out that fact. Such messages automatically results in the hospitalised player being transferred to eir Home.

A player may not make a proposal or CFJ in Hospital, as attempts to do so are discounted as paranoid delusional ramblings.

Create a new Rule, numbered 435, titled "Kneecapper General", with the following BANG-delimited text:

The Optional Functional office of Kneecapper General exists. It has one seat. Whenever a player becomes Kneecapper General, they receive the title of Consulting Surgeon.

It is a privilege of the Kneecapper General to, once per calendar week, issue a Public Requirement as a public message. A Public Requirement is an action which is permissible for all active players to perform, and the performance of the action must be publicly knowable within 3 days of the action having been performed.

If at least one-quarter of all active players perform the Public Requirement within a week, then all active players who fail to perform the action are Kneecapped by the Kneecapper General. When a player is Kneecapped, they lose 5 points and become Injured.

If fewer than one-quarter of all active players perform the Public Requirement and the week has elapsed, then the Kneecapper General Kneecaps emself. However, instead of losing 5 points, they gain 10 points for being true to eir code of honour. Whenever the Kneecapper General Kneecaps emself, e automatically resigns eir Office of Kneecapper General.

{{[breadbox's threat to kneecap everyone who didn't support Malenkai for the HoE inspired this obviously.]}}

{{Slakko loses 4 points. breadbox gains 4 points.}}

Proposal 2645 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 19:59 EST
McCarthy-ism lives on yet more
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by K 2 (Kelly Kelly) on Sat 31 Jan 1998 17:56 EST

Create a rule entitled "Red Scare" reading as follows:
It is possible that there are athiestic communists across the river who intend to destroy our democratic, just, and religious way of life, and may even believe that black is not a color. Clearly, on this risk, and the risk that they have sent spys amoung us, we must take precautions. To protect against spies, the President may publicly announce that "There are spies amoung us." If the President has not announced this in the thirty days preceding the announcement, than Ackanomic will be said to be "Paranoid" for one week. During this time it will be a crime to publicly suggest that there is something wrong with the Ackanomian way of life. Any Player may call a Hearing on the matter of whether a certain public message from another Player was seditious.
The valid responses to a Sedition Hearing are "Perhaps he's only a light shade of pink." and "Commie traitor!". If the verdict of the Hearing shows that the message was seditious, the Player who sent it is tarred and feathered until Ackanomic is no longer paranoid. If it shows that it was not seditious, the person who called the hearing is tarred and feathered for one day. Being tarred and feathered is identical to being in gaol except that a tarred and feathered player cannot cease to be tarred and feathered except as specified in this rule.

This rule takes precedence over all other rules, since any rule conflicting with this one must be a pinko-commie.

{{else...if loses one point. Slakko gains one point. [Royalties. This was inspired in large part by his Though Police proposal.]}}

Proposal 2646 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 20:00 EST
A humble and humbling token of our appreciation
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Slakko (Duncan Richer) on Sun 1 Feb 1998 04:36 EST

Create a new rule entitled "Harfer Day" reading as follows:
The 20th of February will be know as Harfer Day. Some time during the calender week containing Harfer-Day the President may give a speech commemerating the hard work of the Harfers throughout the history of Ackanomic. If e does so, e will recieve 5 points for it. This day will not count towards the time limit for a harfer to complete eir duties. All players are encouraged to personally thank the harfers who make Ackanomic possible on this day. The holder of each functional office will recieve a salary as if it were the first monday of the month on this day.

If any player attempts an action on harfer day which would cause work for any of these positions (including, but not limited to, voting, making a proposal, finding/burying a treasure, making a trinket, etc. etc., but expressly not including sending a public message which does not perform an action or the act of paying the standard harfer fee) then that player will be considered horribly impolite for the next week. All players are encouraged to sneer at a player who does this.

This rule take precedence over all rules necessary in order to pay proper tribute to our great harfers.

{{[Feb 20 is the day the first official harfer position, the web-harfer, was created. There were of course harfing position before this, but this was the first one with the word harfer in it (as far as I know.) Besides, the timing works well, being just about a month after our birthday celebration.]}}

Proposal 2647 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 20:00 EST
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

Rename rule 917 to "Rocks, walls, facial hair and root vegetables" and then ammend it by adding:

"There exists a type of entity called A Magic Radish."

between the third and fourth paragraphs.

In addition modify rule 594.4 by inserting the following paragraph:

"If a Vending Machine is owned by the possessor of the Magic Potato, e may vend therefrom Magic Radishes. The price for which a Magic Radish may be sold starts at A$7.

Proposal 2648 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 20:01 EST
Play it again, Sam
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal

Amend rule 911 by replacing "76" with "126" and replacing "152" with "252".

Amend rule 666 by replacing "p)" with "q)", then "o)" with "p)", then "n)" with "o)", then "m)" with "n)" and then insert the following text immediately before the paragraph starting "n)":

"m) If the base value of the magic number was changed in accordance with section k) then amend rule 911 by replacing "126" with _X_ and "252" with _Y_ where _X_ is the integer value closest to one third of the base value of the magic number (rounding up) and _Y_ is the integer value closest to two thirds of the base value of the magic number (rounding up). Then replace the second number in section m) of this rule with _X_ and the third number in section m) of this rule with _Y_ where _X_ and _Y_ are the same as they were in the previous sentence of this rule.

{{[the current points values seem a little low to me, considering that the magic number is almost four hundred. This system will allow players to keep the trombone for longer in a long drawn-out points cycle.]}}

Proposal 2649 - Sun 25 Jan 1998 20:03 EST
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected

Create a rule numbered 0, with the following DREAM delimited text:
A player may announce that they believe an Alternatively Defined Reality by informing all players of this belief (for example by sending it to the main mailing list.) An ADR must be a series of facts about the game state. The ADR will be "dubious" for one week. During that week, players may disbelieve it by informing all players that they are doing so. If, at the end of the week, at least one quarter of all active players have disbelieved it, then it will be discarded and the player who initially believed it will lose 15 points. However if this does not happen, then the game state will be changed such that the statements specified in the ADR are true. This rule has precedence over all other rules.
(ADR's should consist of statements, such as "no player commited a crime between date x and date y" If this passed, then it would be true that no player commited a crime during that period.)

Proposal 2650 - Mon 26 Jan 1998 03:19 EST
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[ It seems that when a CFCJ is filed against a player they have no official method to go on record and respond to the allegations. The following allows them to append reasoning relevant to the case to the CFCJ document ]}}

Add the following DEFENCE delimited text to rule 710, between sections 5 and 6, and renumber the sections that follow, appropriately:

6) Before the result of a CFCJ is made public the player who is alleged to have committed a crime may add their own reasoning and claims of mitigating circumstance to the official publication of the result by sending it either to the person in charge of CFCJs, or to the public forum.

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