Proposal 2251 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 17:31 EDT
A Big Dingleberry I found while trying to figure out this duel thing
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
Amend R1215, 'Duels', as follows:
Change section 3 to read:
3. When a duel is forfeited, the player who forfeited loses 6 points, and his opponent in the duel gains 6 points. The seconds scores are not changed in this case.
{{[ It now says:
3. Whenever a duel is forfeited, the Challenged player loses 6 points, and the Challenging player gains 6 points. The Seconds scores are not changed in this case.
but it is possible for the Challenging player to forfeit duels by going on vacation or to Gaol, by section 4f. Alfvaen thus forfeited the tromino go duel back on July 9.
Also fix some stuff to ensure it is always well-defined who forfeits: ]}}
At the end of the 4th paragraph of section 2, change
"he is considered to have forfeited the Duel"
"the Challenged player forfeits the Duel"
Proposal 2252 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 20:05 EDT
Eliminate CFCJing onself
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[To me, calling a CFCJ on onself seems out the spirit, or does not exploit the harf of the rule. There seem to be two cases to call a CFCJ, and neither of them are appropriate on onself. If one wants to penalize onself, there are easier, and perhaps more interesting, ways to do so. While it may be a noble goal to penalize onself, it seems that if there is enough damage, harf, or interest in the crime, someone else will call the CFCJ]}}
Amend rule 710, "Criminal Justice", to replace:
3) Its "statement" shall be "X has committed a Crime", where X is
replaced with the name of a registered player.
3) Its "statement" shall be "X has committed a Crime", where X is replaced
with the name of a registered player other than the initiator.
Proposal 2253 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 20:15 EDT
Defining self-similarity
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend rule 1003, "Organizations", to replace:
For any two Organizations X and Y, orgsim(X, Y) is defined as the
percentage of members of X who are also members of Y.
For any two Organizations X and Y, orgsim(X, Y) is defined as the
percentage of members of X who are also members of Y, except for the
case where X and Y are the same, in which case it is defined to be 0.
Proposal 2254 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 20:55 EDT
List Cleanup
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[Gist: remove any observers who are not actively observing when setting up the new lists]}}
Create a new rule numbered 422.1 titled "List Cleanup", which reads:
I. For the purposes of this rule, the term "observer" is defined as it
is in rule 422, except that those who would hold the title Elder if
they rejoined the game two weeks after the date this rule was created
are excluded [Brinjal and Bascule, I believe]. {{All observers lose
the ZZimsy attribute.}}
II. It is a duty of the Postmaster to send a message to all observers, asking them if they wish to remain subscribed to the lists they are subsribed to. This message shall be sent within 7 days of the creation of this rule [to allow a big window on transition of the office].
III. All observers who fail to send an affirmative response to the Postmaster within 7 days of the message being sent are ZZimsy observers. Acquiring the ZZimsy attribute is considered a change in the game state.
IV. The Postmaster shall remove all ZZimsy observers from all lists to which they are subscribed.
V. The Postmaster shall publically post a list of all ZZimsy observers;
upon doing so, this rule shall repeal itself.
Amend rule 422, "Postmaster", to replace:
Any person subscribed to any public forum who is not a player is
considered to be an observer.
Any person subscribed to any public forum who is not a player is
considered to be an observer. It is a privilege of the Postmaster to
remove any observer from any list provided they are given 7 days notice,
and they do not object within that time.
Proposal 2255 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 21:10 EDT
Remove some more unused rules
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[these rules may have been fun to read while in the proposal queue, but I do not think we need them in the ruleset]}}
Repeal Rule 42, "Revenge of Life, the Universe, and Everything"
Repeal Rule 938 "We Shall Inherit The World!"
Repeal Rule 1322 "Doomsday! Part II"
Repeal Rule 1324 "More Blatant Elitism"
Repeal Rule 1326 "Gimme that Gnome yet again"
Repeal Rule 2103 "Doomsday! Part II"
Repeal Rule 2104 "More Blatant Elitism"
Repeal Rule 2105 "Universal Nomic Strikes Back!"
Repeal Rule 2106 "Gimme that Gnome yet again"
{{[listed twice because that is the way they are in the rules document. The one that is wrong will fail. Also, I have no idea why they were in the 1300s, any renumbering should have put them in the 1100's]}}
Proposal 2256 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 21:22 EDT
vault: not found
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[this is like the Synod was when proposal 2220 was submitted, a complex, unused rule. Perhaps this proposal will spur interest and proposals to simplify and repair (as 2220 did), perhaps not and acka will decide to eliminate the rule. In any case, same comments I made in the proposal 2220 debates apply here too, nothing more, no need to rehash them. It is still my opinion that a useable rule, (meaning a rule meant to be used in the course of normal, as opposed to extradordinary gameplay, should be either used or repealed, if its been around awhile.]}}
Repeal rule 607, "Winning by Finding the Crystal Chalice" Repeal rule 607.1, "Vault Divination"
Proposal 2257 - Sun 20 Jul 1997 23:53 EDT
Table Lookup Is Easier
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported", as follows:
Replace the existing text of section III
III. Scoring on Accepted Proposals If a non-Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points.
with the following(delimited by FOO):
III. Scoring on Proposals
If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points.
If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 5 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points.
Voting NO on a proposal which is accepted, or voting YES on a proposal which is rejected, is called "anti-voting".
A proposal can only be declared to be Modest or Grandiose as defined by the Rules.
Delete the existing section IV. {{[This has been folded into Section III.]}}
IV. Scoring on Rejected Proposals If a proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points.
Replace the existing text of section VI
VI. Short Proposal Bonus If a non-Modest proposal is accepted which contains less than five lines, none of which contains more than 80 characters, including space characters, of text in the body of the proposal (excluding whitespace and furniture), the player who submitted it is awarded 5 extra points.
with the following(delimited by BAZ):
VI. Short Proposal Bonus
If a proposal is accepted which contains less than five lines, none of which contains more than 80 characters, including space characters, of text in the body of the proposal (excluding whitespace and furniture), the player who submitted it is awarded half again as many points as e would have gained from Section III, above, rounded up.
In Section VII, replace "a three-point bonus" with "a bonus equivalent to the points which would be gained by anti-voting[one point for Modest proposals, five points for Grandiose proposals, three points otherwise]".
Renumber Sections V-VIII of the Rule as Sections IV-VII.
Amend Rule 209, "Modesty and Pride", by deleting the second and fourth paragraphs.
{{[ All the scoring information has been moved into Rule 207. ]}}
Also, append the following text(delimited by QUUX):
The sentence that declares a Proposal to be Modest or Grandiose is considered "furniture" for the purposes of Rule 207.
Renumber Rule 207.2, "Keep 'em in the Game", to 206. Renumber Rule 207.3, "Foolishness", to 207.2.
{{[ It fits uncomfortably in the R207 Rule Suite anymore, which is devoted otherwise entirely to scoring on _proposals_ only. Perhaps the other Rules in the Suite should be folded into R207 for simplicity as well. ]}}
Proposal 2258 - Tue 22 Jul 1997 01:34 EDT
Capital Offices
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
{{[gist - create a 3rd class of offices called capital offices, which are basically tradeable offices. The current tradeable offices are hopelessly broken, this fixup will lay the groundwork for 2 new independent ideas:
1) orgs owning offices
2) the office of sorceror as a tradeable office, expensive so that
orgs would generally own one.
The groundwork here would also make it easier to create other cool tradeable offices (we could dump entities and gadgets, every empowered thing could be an office ;-) ]}}
I. Amend rule 401, "Offices, Commonalities", in the following ways:
1) replace [at the top of the rule]
Offices are named, unownable entities, unless the rules specify otherwise
for a particular office.
Offices are named, unownable entities, except for Capital Offices, which
are Tradeable entities.
1a) Add the following to the end of the text of section (i):
Players are the only entities eligible to serve as officers.
[This is a bug now with tradebable offices and entities that may hold tradeable entities. The next proposal will allow orgs to hold capital offices, but I want to decouple this groundwork from that proposal, because we may not want orgs to hold offices -- seperate vote.]
2) replace [in section (iv)]
For any given Seat, there can be an "Acting" Officer only if the Seat
is vacant.
A Capital Office is never filled in an Acting capacity, except as described
in rule 404.
and add the following to the end of section (iv):
An entity never holds a particular seat in both an Acting capacity and
a "normal" capacity. If this ever appears to be the case, it is assumed
that they are holding the office in an Acting capacity only.
{{[rule 404 is impeachment. The clause being replaced is wrong, we don't play that way, so either the game is broken, or something else neuters that clause (actually its the vacation rule with its godlike precedence, and the impeachment rule, which impeaches the officer before the IP is resolved). IAC, we don't need it. We need the gizz added to the end, unfortunately, for a couple of loopholes]}}
3) Add "(except for Capital offices)" before the final period of section (vi), clause b) [this is the bit where terms will allow the officer to act in an acting capacity until it is filled again. We do *not* want this for capital offices, but it will win by intra-rule precedence]
4) Replace:
"All offices are either Functional or Political." with:
"All offices are either Functional, Political or Capital."
[in section (x). The default will remain political (I want to change that to a different word someday, like "fun" or something, but not here)];
and append the following to section (x):
Capital Offices are filled by the owner of the Office, when the owner
is an enitity eligible to hold Offices, otherwise such an Office remains
5) Append the following to the end of the text of section (ii):
"It is possible that an office has no duties.";
and append the following to the end of the text of sectionb (iii):
"It is possible than an office has no privileges."
{{[this is brought about by CFJ 439. While I think that CFJ should be judged FALSE, it raises an interesting point that this fixes]}}
II. Amend rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment", as follows [Impeachment of tradeable offices is horribly broken, IMO]:
1) replace
(iii) Upon submission of the IP, the Player in question shall no longer
be considered to hold the Seat, instead filling an "Acting" role for the
Office. There shall be no action taken to fill that Seat until the IP is
(iii) Upon submission of the IP, and while it remains unresolved, the
entity holding the Office shall be said to be holding it in an Acting
2) Append the following text to the end of section (v):
If the office was a Capital Office, it is transferred Somewhere Else,
and becomes unowned.
III. Amend rule 593, "Ackanomic Research Guild", to replace:
The Office of Wizard has one seat. This office is Tradeable, and is held
by the player who possesses the seat, if any. When this seat is vacant
(and not buried), it is auctioned in a public Auction, with a minimum bid
of A$100.
The Office of Wizard is a Capital Office with one seat. When the office
is in the Treasury or Somewhere Else, it is auctioned in a public
Auction, with a minimum bid of A$100.
Amend rule 1040, "Party Hall" as follows [this thing has been amended 20 times already :-)]:
1) replace [at the top of the rule]:
I. Party Hall is an Institution. Party Hall is in session when there are
three or more Swingers.
I. Party Hall is an Institution. Party Hall is in session when at least
3 Swinger Offices are filled.
{{[this wording change is important, because capital offices always exist in the treasury]}}
2) Replace:
II. The number of members of Party Hall is equal to the number of
Parties plus the number of Capital Swingers plus one. Each member is a
Political Officer known as a Swinger. The Office of Swinger is an Optional
Political Office.
II. The number of members of Party Hall is equal to the number of
Parties plus the number of Capital Swinger offices filled plus one.
Each member is an Officer known as a Swinger. Capital Swingers are
Capital Offices; otherwise the Office of Swinger is an Optional Political
3) Replace section III, subsection B with:
B. Capital Swingers -
Capital Swinger Offices are Capital Offices. Whenever an enity that is any type of Swinger acquires a Capital Swimger's office, the newly acquired office is transferred to the Treasury.
The number of Capital Swinger offices that exist in the Treasury at any one time is 7 less the number of non-Warm Swinger Offices in Party Hall. If there is ever a different amount in the Treasury, Capital Swinger offices are created or destroyed in the Treasury so that the proper number exist there.
If a Capital Swinger Office exists in the Treasury, then:
1. Any player who is not currently a Swinger may announce eir desire to purchase an Office of Capital Swinger from the Treasury.
2. An amount of A$ equal (100 + (Number of Swingers in Party Hall multiplied by 50)) is transferred from that player's account to the Treasury.
3. The player names the Office a legal Ackanomic name; upon doing so, it is transferred from the Treasury to the player.
4. A Capital Swinger may resign at any time. In such a case, the Office of
Swinger e resigned from is transferred to the Treasury. All of the Party
Chess pieces associated with it are destroyed.
4) Append the following to section V.:
At the completion of this process, the Capital Swinger office in question
is transferred to the Treasury.
Amend rule 255, "Vacationing", to replace:
(including possible non-assignment) of these duties.
(including possible non-assignment) of these duties (or the office).
Proposal 2259 - Thu 24 Jul 1997 11:52 EDT
Beldin's Parka's Revenge
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: rejected (failed to meet quorum)
This is a modest proposal
{{I am not submitting this because I have a vendetta against the Museum, but because the current interpretation of the rules is at variance with the intuitive interpretation.}}
Amend rule 850 (Museum) by replaceing the paragraph:
"Objects may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules. Any person caught stealing from the Museum, as described in the rules, shall go to Gaol with a sentence of 7 days per object pilfered, in addition to any other penalties described in the rules."
with the following paragraph:
"Entities may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules. Any person caught stealing from the Museum, as described in the rules, shall go to Gaol with a sentence of 7 days per object pilfered, in addition to any other penalties described in the rules. If the Museum loses an entity displayed there, and the rules do not describe how that entity is manipulated thereby, that entity is transfered to the Treasury, and it ceases to be on display in the museum."
Proposal 2260 - Thu 24 Jul 1997 23:20 EDT
Squidging the tax loophole
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: rejected (failed to meet quorum)
{{[This doesn't fix the tax loophole, but it will require players to cooperate in order to best take advantage of it. Also note that "banks" can try to make up their costs by charging for banking services, (well, assuming any other loopholes are fixed, (working on it,)) and for organizational powers beyond the non-bank wealth cutoff.]}}
Create a rule numbered 1114, entitled Banking Licenses, with the following text:
A Banking License is an organizational power. An organization may buy a Banking License for 200 A$.
If any organization without a Banking License at any time owns more than 250 A$, the difference between the number of A$ owned by the organization, and 250 A$, divided by the number of members of the organization, then rounded up, is immediately transfered to each member of the organization.
The preceding paragraph shall have no effect until 7 days after this rule was created. At that time this paragraph shall delete itself. [This is to allow organizations time to buy Banking Licenses if they wish.]
Proposal 2261 - Fri 25 Jul 1997 00:22 EDT
And So The Ring Was Lost For An Age
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected (failed to meet quorum)
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 511, "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die", as follows:
Append to the third paragraph the sentence "Majiks are tradeable entities." {{[ It seems logical enough that Majiks shouldn't be gift entities anymore... ]}}
Proposal 2262 - Fri 25 Jul 1997 00:23 EDT
Breaking The Protection Racket
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Amend Rule 595, "Gadgets", as follows:
Replace the existing text of clause (vi)
(vi) A Gadget may create, destroy, or manipulate a Protected entity if its Blueprint so specifies. [So, Gadgets can affect other Gadgets, create points, and so on, as long as this behaviour does not conflict with the Rules.]
with the following(delimited by PREFAB):
(vi) A Gadget may create, destroy, or manipulate an entity if its Blueprint so specifies, as long as this behaviour does not conflict with the Rules.
Renumber clause (vii) as clause (viii).
Insert as clause (vii) the following text(delimited by ALBUQUERQUE):
(vii) A Gadget may become Broken as specified by its Blueprint, or by other means, unless its Blueprint specifies that it is indestructible. A Gadget that is Broken will not perform any of the functions specified in its Blueprint, unless its Blueprint specifies otherwise.
{{ Amend the Blueprint for the Butler as follows:
Append the sentence "A Butler is a mechanical Gadget." to the first paragraph. In the third paragraph, replace the first occurrence of the word "entities" with "tradeable entities". Before the last sentence of that paragraph, insert the sentence "Any entities on the list are still considered to be owned by the Butler's owner until they are traded."
[Hopefully this will fix any problems with the Butler.] }}
Proposal 2263 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Checks & Balances
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions" {{[if it exists]}}.
Create a new Rule, numbered 411.1, named "Senate Resolutions", with the following text(delimited by BEEFEATER):
The President, the Speaker, the Supreme Court Justices, and the Senators may each introduce a Senate Resolution at most once per calendar month by publicly posting its text. The officer introducing the resolution shall then post a presumptuous, ostentatious speech, at least as long as the text of the resolution, explaining why the resolution should be accepted.
If the text of the resolution is longer than 20 80-character lines, or if it is not prefaced in the same document with a statement to the effect that the following text is a Senate Resolution and a provisional title, then the Officer who introduced it is considered an Incompetent Political Buffoon for the following three days. Otherwise, a vote is initiated in the Senate on the question of whether or not to accept the Resolution; the voting period shall be three days for this.
If the Senate votes in favor of accepting a resolution then immediately after the results of the vote are publicly announced (as described in rule 1001), that resolution's text is added to the ruleset as a new rule with its initial title the specified provisional title, and an initial number equal to the first integer greater than 5000 which is not already a rule number. The player who initiated the resolution is then permitted to cheer, strut, and make victory gestures. The CSRR Officer is permitted and encouraged to assign such a rule a new number once within the first 7 days of its existence (in order to place it in the correct section of the rules); the Harfmeister is permitted to once rename such a new rule to any legal name during the first seven days of its existence.
If the Senate votes against accepting the resolution then the player who introduced it loses 10 points and is encouraged to moan, gripe, and complain about their choice of either "tree-hugging, big-government, hippie liberals" or "gun-toting, poor-hating, draconian conservatives."
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, each Senator who votes in favor of accepting a resolution is removed from his Senator seat at the same time that the complete, final voting results on that resolution are publicly announced. Senators who are removed from their seats in this way shall not be eligible to be re-elected as Senators for eight weeks following the removal.
This rule cannot be amended except through a Proposal submitted by a player and distributed by the Promoter. In particular, it cannot be amended as the result of a Senate Resolution, even through the use of self-deleting text. This takes precedence over other rules which may otherwise be considered to specify ways to amend this rule.
Proposal 2264 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Burning Chrome
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ As it stands, with 'Tabulator distribution order' being the accepted sequence, it is possible for an unscrupulous Tabulator to manipulate Chrome Streaks and LSAP. The Acrobot may have spoiled us. :-) Also, it's easier to look at the list of proposals by number than to grovel over the headers of email messages... ]}}
Amend Rule 919, "Brass Monkey", by inserting the following text(delimited by AMAZON)after the second paragraph:
The ordering of proposals, for the purpose of determining a Streak, shall depend only on the numerical ordering of the Proposals. A proposal is considered to immediately follow another proposal either if the first's number immediately follows the second, or the only proposals which were assigned numbers less than the first and greater than the second were retracted or otherwise removed from voting consideration.
Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:
Replace the text(delimited by ORINOCO):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic.
with the following(delimited by ENYA):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic. The ordering of proposals, for this purpose, is by numerical order of proposal number, as for a Chrome Streak.
{{[ I didn't want to duplicate the entire text, or create a new fundamental "proposal-ordering" rule; maybe I should have. In any case, hopefully the pointer from the LSAP definition to the Chrome Streak will function even if Rule 919 disappears, since it will still be defined by "game custom". ]}}
Proposal 2265 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Burning Chrome
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ As it stands, with 'Tabulator distribution order' being the accepted sequence, it is possible for an unscrupulous Tabulator to manipulate Chrome Streaks and LSAP. The Acrobot may have spoiled us. :-) Also, it's easier to look at the list of proposals by number than to grovel over the headers of email messages... ]}}
Amend Rule 919, "Brass Monkey", by inserting the following text(delimited by AMAZON)after the second paragraph:
The ordering of proposals, for the purpose of determining a Streak, shall depend only on the numerical ordering of the Proposals. A proposal is considered to immediately follow another proposal either if the first's number immediately follows the second, or the only proposals which were assigned numbers less than the first and greater than the second were retracted or otherwise removed from voting consideration.
Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:
Replace the text(delimited by ORINOCO):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic.
with the following(delimited by ENYA):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic. The ordering of proposals, for this purpose, is by numerical order of proposal number, as for a Chrome Streak.
{{[ I didn't want to duplicate the entire text, or create a new fundamental "proposal-ordering" rule; maybe I should have. In any case, hopefully the pointer from the LSAP definition to the Chrome Streak will function even if Rule 919 disappears, since it will still be defined by "game custom". ]}}
Proposal 2266 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Checks & Balances
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions" {{[if it exists]}}.
Create a new Rule, numbered 411.1, named "Senate Resolutions", with the following text(delimited by BEEFEATER):
The President, the Speaker, the Supreme Court Justices, and the Senators may each introduce a Senate Resolution at most once per calendar month by publicly posting its text. The officer introducing the resolution shall then post a presumptuous, ostentatious speech, at least as long as the text of the resolution, explaining why the resolution should be accepted.
If the text of the resolution is longer than 20 80-character lines, or if it is not prefaced in the same document with a statement to the effect that the following text is a Senate Resolution and a provisional title, then the Officer who introduced it is considered an Incompetent Political Buffoon for the following three days. Otherwise, a vote is initiated in the Senate on the question of whether or not to accept the Resolution; the voting period shall be three days for this.
If the Senate votes in favor of accepting a resolution then immediately after the results of the vote are publicly announced (as described in rule 1001), that resolution's text is added to the ruleset as a new rule with its initial title the specified provisional title, and an initial number equal to the first integer greater than 5000 which is not already a rule number. The player who initiated the resolution is then permitted to cheer, strut, and make victory gestures. The CSRR Officer is permitted and encouraged to assign such a rule a new number once within the first 7 days of its existence (in order to place it in the correct section of the rules); the Harfmeister is permitted to once rename such a new rule to any legal name during the first seven days of its existence.
If the Senate votes against accepting the resolution then the player who introduced it loses 10 points and is encouraged to moan, gripe, and complain about their choice of either "tree-hugging, big-government, hippie liberals" or "gun-toting, poor-hating, draconian conservatives."
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, each Senator who votes in favor of accepting a resolution is removed from his Senator seat at the same time that the complete, final voting results on that resolution are publicly announced. Senators who are removed from their seats in this way shall not be eligible to be re-elected as Senators for eight weeks following the removal.
This rule cannot be amended except through a Proposal submitted by a player and distributed by the Promoter. In particular, it cannot be amended as the result of a Senate Resolution, even through the use of self-deleting text. This takes precedence over other rules which may otherwise be considered to specify ways to amend this rule.
Proposal 2267 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Get Thee Hence From My Sight
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ While the recent CFJ specifies that Church Policy can make it Iconoclasm for a member to remain in the Church, this is not quite as strong as I want. I think a Church should be able to forcibly eject a member. ]}}
Amend Rule 1301, "Church", as follows:
Replace the existing text of sections 4. a.-c.
4.a. The Church Founder has the power to ordain Priests.
b. A Founder may ordain a Player as a Priest if and only if that Player is a member of eir Church.
c. The Founder may delegate any of his duties or authorities to the Priesthood, except for the power to ordain Priests.
with the following(delimited by AUTO-DA-FE):
4.a. The Church Founder has the power to ordain Priests. The Church Founder also has the power to expel Players from eir Church; this is called Excommunication.
b. A Founder may ordain a Player as a Priest, or Excommunicate a Player, if and only if that Player is a member of eir Church.
c. The Founder may delegate any of his duties or authorities to the Priesthood, except for the power to ordain Priests and to Excommunicate.
{{[ Even if we do this, though, I still think it a good idea for a CFCJ to be able to remove a player from an Organization. ]}}
Amend Rule 710, "Criminal Justice", as follows:
Add to section 5) a clause g), with the following text(delimited by HEATHEN):
g) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Organizations to which e currently belongs.
Proposal 2268 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Checks & Balances
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions" {{[if it exists]}}.
Create a new Rule, numbered 411.1, named "Senate Resolutions", with the following text(delimited by BEEFEATER):
The President, the Speaker, the Supreme Court Justices, and the Senators may each introduce a Senate Resolution at most once per calendar month by publicly posting its text. The officer introducing the resolution shall then post a presumptuous, ostentatious speech, at least as long as the text of the resolution, explaining why the resolution should be accepted.
If the text of the resolution is longer than 20 80-character lines, or if it is not prefaced in the same document with a statement to the effect that the following text is a Senate Resolution and a provisional title, then the Officer who introduced it is considered an Incompetent Political Buffoon for the following three days. Otherwise, a vote is initiated in the Senate on the question of whether or not to accept the Resolution; the voting period shall be three days for this.
If the Senate votes in favor of accepting a resolution then immediately after the results of the vote are publicly announced (as described in rule 1001), that resolution's text is added to the ruleset as a new rule with its initial title the specified provisional title, and an initial number equal to the first integer greater than 5000 which is not already a rule number. The player who initiated the resolution is then permitted to cheer, strut, and make victory gestures. The CSRR Officer is permitted and encouraged to assign such a rule a new number once within the first 7 days of its existence (in order to place it in the correct section of the rules); the Harfmeister is permitted to once rename such a new rule to any legal name during the first seven days of its existence.
If the Senate votes against accepting the resolution then the player who introduced it loses 10 points and is encouraged to moan, gripe, and complain about their choice of either "tree-hugging, big-government, hippie liberals" or "gun-toting, poor-hating, draconian conservatives."
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, each Senator who votes in favor of accepting a resolution is removed from his Senator seat at the same time that the complete, final voting results on that resolution are publicly announced. Senators who are removed from their seats in this way shall not be eligible to be re-elected as Senators for eight weeks following the removal.
This rule cannot be amended except through a Proposal submitted by a player and distributed by the Promoter. In particular, it cannot be amended as the result of a Senate Resolution, even through the use of self-deleting text. This takes precedence over other rules which may otherwise be considered to specify ways to amend this rule.
Proposal 2269 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Burning Chrome
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ As it stands, with 'Tabulator distribution order' being the accepted sequence, it is possible for an unscrupulous Tabulator to manipulate Chrome Streaks and LSAP. The Acrobot may have spoiled us. :-) Also, it's easier to look at the list of proposals by number than to grovel over the headers of email messages... ]}}
Amend Rule 919, "Brass Monkey", by inserting the following text(delimited by AMAZON)after the second paragraph:
The ordering of proposals, for the purpose of determining a Streak, shall depend only on the numerical ordering of the Proposals. A proposal is considered to immediately follow another proposal either if the first's number immediately follows the second, or the only proposals which were assigned numbers less than the first and greater than the second were retracted or otherwise removed from voting consideration.
Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:
Replace the text(delimited by ORINOCO):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic.
with the following(delimited by ENYA):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic. The ordering of proposals, for this purpose, is by numerical order of proposal number, as for a Chrome Streak.
{{[ I didn't want to duplicate the entire text, or create a new fundamental "proposal-ordering" rule; maybe I should have. In any case, hopefully the pointer from the LSAP definition to the Chrome Streak will function even if Rule 919 disappears, since it will still be defined by "game custom". ]}}
Proposal 2270 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Burning Chrome
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ As it stands, with 'Tabulator distribution order' being the accepted sequence, it is possible for an unscrupulous Tabulator to manipulate Chrome Streaks and LSAP. The Acrobot may have spoiled us. :-) Also, it's easier to look at the list of proposals by number than to grovel over the headers of email messages... ]}}
Amend Rule 919, "Brass Monkey", by inserting the following text(delimited by AMAZON)after the second paragraph:
The ordering of proposals, for the purpose of determining a Streak, shall depend only on the numerical ordering of the Proposals. A proposal is considered to immediately follow another proposal either if the first's number immediately follows the second, or the only proposals which were assigned numbers less than the first and greater than the second were retracted or otherwise removed from voting consideration.
Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:
Replace the text(delimited by ORINOCO):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic.
with the following(delimited by ENYA):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic. The ordering of proposals, for this purpose, is by numerical order of proposal number, as for a Chrome Streak.
{{[ I didn't want to duplicate the entire text, or create a new fundamental "proposal-ordering" rule; maybe I should have. In any case, hopefully the pointer from the LSAP definition to the Chrome Streak will function even if Rule 919 disappears, since it will still be defined by "game custom". ]}}
Proposal 2271 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Checks & Balances
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions" {{[if it exists]}}.
Create a new Rule, numbered 411.1, named "Senate Resolutions", with the following text(delimited by BEEFEATER):
The President, the Speaker, the Supreme Court Justices, and the Senators may each introduce a Senate Resolution at most once per calendar month by publicly posting its text. The officer introducing the resolution shall then post a presumptuous, ostentatious speech, at least as long as the text of the resolution, explaining why the resolution should be accepted.
If the text of the resolution is longer than 20 80-character lines, or if it is not prefaced in the same document with a statement to the effect that the following text is a Senate Resolution and a provisional title, then the Officer who introduced it is considered an Incompetent Political Buffoon for the following three days. Otherwise, a vote is initiated in the Senate on the question of whether or not to accept the Resolution; the voting period shall be three days for this.
If the Senate votes in favor of accepting a resolution then immediately after the results of the vote are publicly announced (as described in rule 1001), that resolution's text is added to the ruleset as a new rule with its initial title the specified provisional title, and an initial number equal to the first integer greater than 5000 which is not already a rule number. The player who initiated the resolution is then permitted to cheer, strut, and make victory gestures. The CSRR Officer is permitted and encouraged to assign such a rule a new number once within the first 7 days of its existence (in order to place it in the correct section of the rules); the Harfmeister is permitted to once rename such a new rule to any legal name during the first seven days of its existence.
If the Senate votes against accepting the resolution then the player who introduced it loses 10 points and is encouraged to moan, gripe, and complain about their choice of either "tree-hugging, big-government, hippie liberals" or "gun-toting, poor-hating, draconian conservatives."
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, each Senator who votes in favor of accepting a resolution is removed from his Senator seat at the same time that the complete, final voting results on that resolution are publicly announced. Senators who are removed from their seats in this way shall not be eligible to be re-elected as Senators for eight weeks following the removal.
This rule cannot be amended except through a Proposal submitted by a player and distributed by the Promoter. In particular, it cannot be amended as the result of a Senate Resolution, even through the use of self-deleting text. This takes precedence over other rules which may otherwise be considered to specify ways to amend this rule.
Proposal 2272 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Get Thee Hence From My Sight
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ While the recent CFJ specifies that Church Policy can make it Iconoclasm for a member to remain in the Church, this is not quite as strong as I want. I think a Church should be able to forcibly eject a member. ]}}
Amend Rule 1301, "Church", as follows:
Replace the existing text of sections 4. a.-c.
4.a. The Church Founder has the power to ordain Priests.
b. A Founder may ordain a Player as a Priest if and only if that Player is a member of eir Church.
c. The Founder may delegate any of his duties or authorities to the Priesthood, except for the power to ordain Priests.
with the following(delimited by AUTO-DA-FE):
4.a. The Church Founder has the power to ordain Priests. The Church Founder also has the power to expel Players from eir Church; this is called Excommunication.
b. A Founder may ordain a Player as a Priest, or Excommunicate a Player, if and only if that Player is a member of eir Church.
c. The Founder may delegate any of his duties or authorities to the Priesthood, except for the power to ordain Priests and to Excommunicate.
{{[ Even if we do this, though, I still think it a good idea for a CFCJ to be able to remove a player from an Organization. ]}}
Amend Rule 710, "Criminal Justice", as follows:
Add to section 5) a clause g), with the following text(delimited by HEATHEN):
g) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Organizations to which e currently belongs.
Proposal 2273 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Burning Chrome
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ As it stands, with 'Tabulator distribution order' being the accepted sequence, it is possible for an unscrupulous Tabulator to manipulate Chrome Streaks and LSAP. The Acrobot may have spoiled us. :-) Also, it's easier to look at the list of proposals by number than to grovel over the headers of email messages... ]}}
Amend Rule 919, "Brass Monkey", by inserting the following text(delimited by AMAZON)after the second paragraph:
The ordering of proposals, for the purpose of determining a Streak, shall depend only on the numerical ordering of the Proposals. A proposal is considered to immediately follow another proposal either if the first's number immediately follows the second, or the only proposals which were assigned numbers less than the first and greater than the second were retracted or otherwise removed from voting consideration.
Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:
Replace the text(delimited by ORINOCO):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic.
with the following(delimited by ENYA):
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from the beginning of the game of Ackanomic. The ordering of proposals, for this purpose, is by numerical order of proposal number, as for a Chrome Streak.
{{[ I didn't want to duplicate the entire text, or create a new fundamental "proposal-ordering" rule; maybe I should have. In any case, hopefully the pointer from the LSAP definition to the Chrome Streak will function even if Rule 919 disappears, since it will still be defined by "game custom". ]}}
Proposal 2274 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Blinding Big Brother
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions".
Proposal 2275 - Wed 30 Jul 1997 17:07 EDT
Checks & Balances
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions" {{[if it exists]}}.
Create a new Rule, numbered 411.1, named "Senate Resolutions", with the following text(delimited by BEEFEATER):
The President, the Speaker, the Supreme Court Justices, and the Senators may each introduce a Senate Resolution at most once per calendar month by publicly posting its text. The officer introducing the resolution shall then post a presumptuous, ostentatious speech, at least as long as the text of the resolution, explaining why the resolution should be accepted.
If the text of the resolution is longer than 20 80-character lines, or if it is not prefaced in the same document with a statement to the effect that the following text is a Senate Resolution and a provisional title, then the Officer who introduced it is considered an Incompetent Political Buffoon for the following three days. Otherwise, a vote is initiated in the Senate on the question of whether or not to accept the Resolution; the voting period shall be three days for this.
If the Senate votes in favor of accepting a resolution then immediately after the results of the vote are publicly announced (as described in rule 1001), that resolution's text is added to the ruleset as a new rule with its initial title the specified provisional title, and an initial number equal to the first integer greater than 5000 which is not already a rule number. The player who initiated the resolution is then permitted to cheer, strut, and make victory gestures. The CSRR Officer is permitted and encouraged to assign such a rule a new number once within the first 7 days of its existence (in order to place it in the correct section of the rules); the Harfmeister is permitted to once rename such a new rule to any legal name during the first seven days of its existence.
If the Senate votes against accepting the resolution then the player who introduced it loses 10 points and is encouraged to moan, gripe, and complain about their choice of either "tree-hugging, big-government, hippie liberals" or "gun-toting, poor-hating, draconian conservatives."
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, each Senator who votes in favor of accepting a resolution is removed from his Senator seat at the same time that the complete, final voting results on that resolution are publicly announced. Senators who are removed from their seats in this way shall not be eligible to be re-elected as Senators for eight weeks following the removal.
This rule cannot be amended except through a Proposal submitted by a player and distributed by the Promoter. In particular, it cannot be amended as the result of a Senate Resolution, even through the use of self-deleting text.
Proposal 2276 - Sat 09 Aug 1997 18:49 EDT
Thinking of Maud you forget everything else.
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted
Amend Rule 505, "Treasury And Ackadollars" by appending the following clause(delimited by DUAM XNAHT):
VI. Total Wealth:
The Total Wealth of a Player, Undead, or Organization is defined as the sum of the total number of A it possesses plus the combined values of all trinkets and Majiks in its possession.
Amend Rule 510, "Voluntary Debt Prohibited", as follows:
Replace "No player" with "No Player, Undead, or Organization"
Then, append the following text(delimited by PRIRUTSENIE):
Any time an Undead owes money that is greater than the amount of A$ in its possession, then the following procedure is followed:
i) If the Undead in question owns no Trinkets, the procedure ends.
ii) The Undead's Trinket with the largest value is donated to the Treasury, and the corresponding number of A$ is added to eir total. If there are multiple Trinkets which each have this largest value, then one is selected at random.
iii) If the Undead now has enough A$ to pay its debt, the procedure ends. Otherwise, return to step i).
Amend Rule 666, "End of Cycle" as follows:
Replace the existing text of section e)
e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury. The winner shall pay only 10% (round down), however. 20% (round down) of each Undead's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury.
with the following(delimited by XIXOXU):
e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's Total Wealth is owed to the Treasury. The winner shall owe only 10% (round down), however. 20% (round down) of each Undead and Organization's Total Wealth is owed to the Treasury.
Amend Rule 261, "Zombie Master", by replacing "10% of their Ackadollars" with "10% of their Total Wealth", and "the poorest player" with "the player with the least Total Wealth".
Proposal 2277 - Sat 09 Aug 1997 18:52 EDT
Share The Harf
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1112, "Let there be Harf!", by replacing the text "the title is given (or transferred) to the Speaker" with "the title is given (or transferred) to an active non-vacationing player chosen at random".
{{[ Context: this will change what happens if the Harfmeister leaves the game or goes "on ice". ]}}
Proposal 2278 - Tue 19 Aug 1997 00:49 EDT
Getting some Profit after all
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal. Ammend R1303 "Synod" in the following ways:
Replace the text "(NoM*2)/(TotalMem*5)" With the text "(NoM*2)/(TotalMem*5)*Profits"
Proposal 2279 - Fri 22 Aug 1997 17:03 EDT
Fixing the Zombie
Ben (Benjamin Good)
Decision: accepted
This is Modest proposal. Amend 1230.21 "Party Chess Piece Zombie" in the following way:
Replace the text: represented by the character Z.
with the text: represented by the character *.
Proposal 2280 - Sat 23 Aug 1997 14:03 EDT
Maybe this will work
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.
Ammend Rule 597 by inserting the following text between the first and last sentences of the second to last paragraph:
Unlike other Blueprints, Blueprints for Frankenstein Monsters are not destroyed if they are in conflict with or in violation of the Rules.
Proposal 2281 - Sun 24 Aug 1997 17:50 EDT
This'll never work
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
Create a new rule with the title Unofficial catchphrases, numbered 1140. Text will be as follows:
Any player may establish or change their unofficial catchphrase by publicly announcing their new catchphrase. This announcement should include a great deal of fanfare and grandstanding. The catchphrase itself should be a minimum of 4 words in length, and no more than 20. A player may eliminate their catchphrase by announcing that they no longer have an unofficial catchphrase.
Players should take every reasonable opportunity to use their unofficial catchphrases, both in conversation and in proposals. If a proposal passes which contains a player's unofficial catchphrase, he is pleased, and is permitted to partake in a brief victory dance.
Players who do not have an unofficial catchphrase may, if they dislike another player's catchphrase, announce their objection by stating in a public message "I think X's catchphrase bites!" where X is the name of a player with an unofficial catchphrase. If two other players publicly state their agreement with this announcement within 3 days, then the catchphrase in question will be eliminated. If, however, the player whose catchphrase was objected to changes or eliminates it voluntarily before two players agree with the objection, then the objection will be canceled. A player whose catchphrase is elminiated due to objection may not announce a new unofficial catchphrase until a proposal, written by him and containing the unofficial catchphrase of another player, passes.
Proposal 2282 - Tue 26 Aug 1997 14:20 EDT
Use The Luke, Force
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions"
Proposal 2283 - Thu 28 Aug 1997 09:23 EDT
Vive la Revolution!
Balsamic Dragon (Vivian Norwood)
Decision: accepted
Proposal Number Whatever:
Vive la Revolution!
There shall be a unique organization known as The Revolution. Its sole purpose shall be to attempt to thwart the rise to power of the Vulcan Party. Anyone may join the Revolution by publically declaring that they are doing so, unless they are a member of the Vulcan Party. All Revolution members are encouraged to wear tri-cornered hats and post revolutionary sentiment (i.e., Viva la Revolution!) at the end of their posts.. There will be a day upon which the Revolution will come. At this day, which can only be set by a separate proposal, the Vulcan Party will be the first up against the wall.
Balsamic Dragon
Proposal 2284 - Thu 28 Aug 1997 09:23 EDT
Vive la Revolution!
Balsamic Dragon (Vivian Norwood)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
There shall be a unique organization known as The Revolution. Its sole purpose shall be to attempt to thwart the rise to power of the Vulcan Party. Anyone may join the Revolution by publically declaring that they are doing so, unless they are a member of the Vulcan Party. All Revolution members are encouraged to wear tri-cornered hats and post revolutionary sentiment (i.e., Viva la Revolution!) at the end of their posts.. There will be a day upon which the Revolution will come. At this day, which can only be determined by amendment to the ruleset, the Vulcan Party will be the first up against the wall.
Proposal 2285 - Fri 29 Aug 1997 12:03 EDT
I'd Rather Just Make Doubly Sure That This Will Get Done Eventually
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: removed (by Vulcan Action 101)
Repeal Rule 1, "Let's Be Clear About This".
Repeal Rule 5001, "Concerning Government".
In Rule 417, "Justices Rock", remove all occurences of the text "4) An AOJ that nullifies a Senatorial decision either to accept or to reject a Senate Resolution."
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions".
Proposal 2286 - Fri 29 Aug 1997 13:41 EDT
I'll See You After School
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results Are Reported", as follows:
Replace the existing text of Section IV
IV. Effect of Proposals which do not meet Quorum If a proposal does not meet quorum, each active player who was not on vacation and abstained on the proposal shall lose 5 points and become non-voting. The events which Rule 254 generates when a player voluntarily changes to non-voting status do not occur in this case, but if a player who became non-voting by this rule does not become a voting player within a week of having become non-voting, then the events in Rule 254 are carried out as if the player voluntarily became non-voting. Players who become non-voting in this manner do not lose offices they hold because of doing so, until they have remained non-voting for one week; this takes precedence over rule 401.
with the following(delimited by CARWASH):
IV. Effect of Proposals which do not meet Quorum
If a proposal does not meet quorum, each active player who was not on vacation and abstained on the proposal shall lose 5 points and receive a Puppet Head(a nontradeable entity), if e does not already have one. A player with a Puppet Head may get rid of it by saying "Memo to myself: Do the dumb things I gotta do. Touch the puppet head." [They Might Be Giants, "Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head", "They Might Be Giants"] in a public message. After a player has possessed a Puppet Head for seven consecutive days, e immediately becomes a non-voting player, with all the events in Rule 254 occurring as if the player voluntarily became non-voting. The Puppet Head is then destroyed.
Proposal 2287 - Sat 30 Aug 1997 14:13 EDT
If your right hand offends you
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: rejected
Repeal Rule 1005 "Organizational Action"
Proposal 2288 - Sun 31 Aug 1997 08:40 EDT
Who Was That Maud Person, Anyway?
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
Amend Rule 505, "Treasury And Ackadollars" by appending the following clause(delimited by DUAM XNAHT):
VI. Total Wealth:
The Total Wealth of a Player, Undead, or Organization is defined as the sum of the total number of A it possesses plus the combined values of all trinkets and Majiks in its possession.
Amend Rule 510, "Voluntary Debt Prohibited", as follows:
Replace "No player" with "No Player, Undead, or Organization"
Then, append the following text(delimited by PRIRUTSENIE):
Any time an Undead owes money that is greater than the amount of A$ in its possession, then the following procedure is followed:
i) If the Undead in question owns no Trinkets, the procedure ends.
ii) The Undead's Trinket with the largest value is donated to the Treasury, and the corresponding number of A$ is added to eir total. If there are multiple Trinkets which each have this largest value, then one is selected at random.
iii) If the Undead now has enough A$ to pay its debt, the procedure ends. Otherwise, return to step i).
Amend Rule 666, "End of Cycle" as follows:
Replace the existing text of section e)
* e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury. The winner shall pay only 10% (round down), however. 20% (round down) of each Undead's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury.
with the following(delimited by XIXOXU):
* e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's Total Wealth is owed to the Treasury. The winner shall owe only 10% (round down), however. 20% (round down) of each Undead and Organization's Total Wealth is owed to the Treasury.
Amend Rule 261, "Zombie Master", by replacing "10% of their Ackadollars" with "10% of their Total Wealth", and "the poorest player" with "the player with the least Total Wealth".
Proposal 2289 - Mon 01 Sep 1997 07:13 EDT
Just Trying to Clean Up After the Despots
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: retracted
Repeal Rule 411.1, "Senate Resolutions", if it exists.
In Rule 417, "Justices Rock", remove all occurrences (if any) of the text "4) An AOJ that nullifies a Senatorial decision either to accept or to reject a Senate Resolution."
Repeal Rule 5001, "Concerning Government", if it exists.
Proposal 2290 - Wed 03 Sep 1997 17:52 EDT
The Flat Earth Preservation Society
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)
Decision: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
Create a rule that reads:
The Flat Earth Preservation Society exists. Its goal to prevent the
Round Earth Restoration
Society from restoring a round shape to the Earth by building
enormous scissor-like
machines to cut the tethers of the Earth's two dangling fragments.
Unfortunately, the cost
of such machines is very high -- 15,000 A$.
At any time, a player may make a contribution to the Flat Earth
Preservation Society by
posting a public message containing a non-negative amount of A$ less
than that player's
current balance that they wish to transfer to the Treasury on behalf
of the Flat Earth
Preservation Society. If taxes should ever exist in Acka, such
contributions are
The first player to make such a contribution becomes Chairman of the
Flat Earth
Preservation Society, and it is his duty to keep track of how much
money has been
transferred to the Treasury on the Society's behalf. Should this
player ever go on vacation
or leave the game, the next player to contribute shall take over this
title and duty.
Once the Round Earth Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$, a
large machine shall be
built, and the southern fragment severed from the earth, and causing
the text in R1319
which reads "Once an additional 15,000 A$ has been raised, the
southern fragment will be
likewise joined, restoring a spherical shape to the Earth" to be
removed. Once an additional
15,000 A$ has been raised, the southern fragment will be likewise
severed, maintaining a
flat shape to the Earth. When that happens, the text reading "Once
the Round Earth
Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$, a large machine shall be
built, and the northern
fragment joined to the earth, giving it a roughly hemispherical
shape." shall be removed
from R1319.
{{[This leaves the Round Earth Restoration Society in existence,
since it may well wish to
undertake new, prohibitively expensive, lifting-machines to recover
the fragments (or even
to become an organization), but revokes its power.]}}
Proposal 2291 - Fri 05 Sep 1997 15:01 EDT
Breaking The Protection Racket
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
Amend Rule 595, "Gadgets", as follows:
Replace the existing text of clause (vi)
(vi) A Gadget may create, destroy, or manipulate a Protected entity if its Blueprint so specifies. [So, Gadgets can affect other Gadgets, create points, and so on, as long as this behaviour does not conflict with the Rules.]
with the following(delimited by PREFAB):
(vi) A Gadget may create, destroy, or manipulate an entity if its Blueprint so specifies, as long as this behaviour does not conflict with the Rules.
Renumber clause (vii) as clause (viii).
Insert as clause (vii) the following text(delimited by ALBUQUERQUE):
(vii) A Gadget may become Broken as specified by its Blueprint, or by other means, unless its Blueprint specifies that it is indestructible. A Gadget that is Broken will not perform any of the functions specified in its Blueprint, unless its Blueprint specifies otherwise.
{{ Amend the Blueprint for the Butler as follows:
Append the sentence "A Butler is a mechanical Gadget." to the first paragraph. In the third paragraph, replace the first occurrence of the word "entities" with "tradeable entities". Before the last sentence of that paragraph, insert the sentence "Any entities on the list are still considered to be owned by the Butler's owner until they are traded."
[Hopefully this will fix any problems with the Butler.]
Proposal 2292 - Fri 05 Sep 1997 15:02 EDT
Otzma Reform
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Ammend R1240.1 "Definition of Otzma Cards" in the following ways:
I. Ammend section II.1 to read in full :"At any given time the number of Otzma Cards in Ackanomic may not exceed 100."
II. Ammmend section III.4 to read in full:
When an Otzma day starts, the RuneMaker determines the following values:
a. LSAP - Longest String of Accepted Proposals, since the beginning of the
previous Otzma-Day. On the first Otzma Day, the LSAP is calculated from
the beginning of the game of Ackanomic. The ordering of proposals, for
this purpose, is by numerical order of proposal number, as for a Chrome
III Ammend section III.6 to read in full:
a. There are two methods the RuneMaker can use to create Otzma Cards.
Probablistic, and Deterministic. For each Otzma Card, the RuneMaker shall
make a random determination that will determine the method used, with
equal probabilites.
b. The Deterministic method - theRuneMaker selcets an Otzma Card type among the legal Otzma Card types and creates it.
c. The Probabilistic method - the RuneMaker the type of the new Otzma Card by randomly selecting a type among the legal Otzma Card types. The probability of an Otzma Card type being selected depends upon its F-Designation. The default F-Designation is Normal. All Normal Card types have the same probability of being selected. Cards with an F-Designation of Rarae have one third the probability as Normal Cards. Cards with the F-Designation of Common, have three times the probability of beng selected.
d. Rules that define Otzma Cards may define an F-Designation for that type of Otzma Cards.
{{[I was thinking of adding a clause that allows rules to specify ways to temporarily change the F-Designation, which will be reset at the end of an Otzma Day, that seemes like a bit much to track. I'd rather try it like this first, we can add it later. Anyway, there are sufficient to make Otzma Cards]}}
e. The maximum number of Otzma Cards that the RuneMaker may create on a single Otzma Day is equal to the LSAP. If the LSAP is equal to or greater than 10, and it is permissible to create Otzma Cards, then the RuneMaker must create at least 1 Otzma Card.
f. It is impermissible to create an Otzma Card if creting that Card will exceed any Instance limits specified for Otzma Cards by the rules {{[this allows specifying instance limits not only for single types, as we do now, but also instance limits for one type that depend on the existence of other types]}}
g. At the end of the Otzma Day the RuneMaker publically posts a list of the the Otzma Cards he created, and initiates an Auction (public or private at eir discretion) for each group of OTzma Cards, where the Cards are grouped by distinct type. Auctions are conducted as specified by R516.
{{[Note that both F-designations and Instance are ways of regulating Otzma Cards, also it is now possible to create mroe Otzma Cards, originally I intended to accumulate slowly. When Cards were used, they were used in waves. I sends that another period of Otzma may come upon us. Note that ths rpoposal does away with the more tedious calculations. It also replaces the phrase "Otzma Cards in existence" with "Otzma Cards in Ackanomic". This may appear superflous, but I intend to propose ETP soon, and since there is no reason for us to track entities tha have been exported, it seemed a beter way to phrase it]}}
Proposal 2293 - Sat 06 Sep 1997 07:22 EDT
Cults have their Day
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Ammend R1301 "Church" in the following ways:
I. Ammend section 8 to read in full:
a. If a Church ever has no Priest, or (Heaven Forbid!) fewer than zero
Priests, or fewer than four members, it is transformed into a Cult.
b. The Cult has the same name as the Church and retains ownership of all the assets and entities of the Church, however it is impermissible for the Cult to trade, to use any Organizational Powers, and it is not eligible for a Seat in the Synod. This takes precedence over R1003.
c. For purposes of membership, the Church Founder is considered a Priest.
d. Any function that can be performed by a Priest, can also be performed by the Church Founder.
e. Any Priest who leaves the a Church ceasea to a Priest of that Church. A Priest who is no longer a Priest of any Church ceases to be a Priest.
f. A player who joins a Cult and was previously a Priest or a Founder of the Church that was transfomred into that Cult, becomes a Priest of that Cult.
g. If a Cult has at least four members, at least one of which is a Priest of that Cult, it can transform itself inot a Church, as an Organizational Action.
h. A Cult is an Organization.
Proposal 2294 - Sat 06 Sep 1997 13:59 EDT
Entity Transfer Protocol
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected
Create a new rule entitled :"Entity Transfer Protocal Rule Suite" which contains the following text:
1. The Synod has the duty of handling all transfer of Entities into and
out of Ackanomic, except when the Synod is not in Session, in which case
this duty falls to the President, or to an Acting Smuggler, appointed by
President for this purpose. Whenever this rule referes to the Synod, it
shall be interpreted as a refference to the Synod, or whoever replaces it
in the duties described in this rule, unless specifically stated
2.Entities may only exported to, or imported from, other nomics which are members of Internomic. Should be there an question as to which player/entity in another nomic is responsible for handling imports/exports, then the Synod will question the Internomic Liasion of that nomic, and will accept eir reply as the official reply of that nomic.
3. The Synod may export an entity only if meets the following criteria:
a. It is Tradable.
b. It has a valid Entity Profile.
c. The transfer was initiated by the entity's owner.
4. An entity's profile must specify values for the following properties,
which must be assiged to the entity in its nomic of origin:
a. Entity Behavior Rule
b. Nomic of origin
5.Export Procedure:
An entity's owner informs the Synod that e wishes to export an entity
or entities.
E must specify the entity or entities to be exported, and the name of the
nomic it is to be transferred to. E should also specify the name of the
player/entity within that nomic it is to be transferred to [some nomic
may not be able to accept transfers without the name of the recipient] and
is encouraged to provide a valid Entity Profile for each entity to be
exported. If e does provide an Entity Profile, then he may request that
the Synod write one for em, in exchange for A$50 per Entity Profile which
are transfered from the owner to the Synod.
The Synod then notifies the receiving nomic, or the player/entity within
that nomic whose job it is to imprt entities.
If the receiving nomic rejects the transfer, then the Synod makes a public
anouncement to that effect, and the owner of the entities retains
ownership of those entities. A receivng nomic which failed to respond
within 7 days of the notification, is deemed to have rejected the
The transfer does not take place until it has been both an official
anuncement has been made both by in Ackanomic and in the receiving nomic
that the transfer is being made.
Once the transfer has been made, the entity is no longer by tracked by any
Ackanomic Officer. If it has a corresponding Entity Behaviro Rule, then
that rule is repealed from the Entity Transfer Protocol Rule Suite.
If the entity is defined by a rule which specifies either implicitly,
or explicitly, the number of such entities that exist in Ackanomic, then a
statment is appended to that rule that specifies that NUM entities of this
type are currently not in Ackanomic.
6. An entity may only be imported into acka if it has a valid Entity Profile.
7. Import procedure -
a. The Synod is notified by a player/entity of another nomic who is
responsible for Exporting entities from that nomic.
b. If the entity does not meet the import criteria the Synod must reject
the transfer.
c. The Synod may ammend a short prefix to the name of an imported entity
to avoid breaking the rules of Ackanomic
d. If more than one entity is being transferred, the Synod handles each
entity indidually.
e. Within 7 days of receiving the notification, the Synod must take one of
the following public actions:
(i) Accept the entity.
- The Synod adds the Entity Behavior Rule of the imported entity
as a member of the Entity Transfer Protocol Rule Suite.
If Ackanomic is the nomic of origin of such an entity,
and, in the judgement of the Synod, the Entity Behavior Rule
is sufficiently similar to an Ackanomic rule which describes the
entity, then the Synod does not need to add it to the
Entity Transfer Protocal Rule Suite.
- The Synod transfer the entity to the intended recipient.
If no there is no intended recipient, or the intended can't
leglly receive the entity, then the entity becomes unowned
- The Synod may specify a Customs Fee to be transferred to
it from the recipient. If there is no recipient, it is transferred
from the Treasury.
- If any player feels the Customs Fee is too high, e may call
for a Customs Fee Hearing. When such a hearing is called,
payment of the Customs Fee is delayed until the results of the
Hreading are made publically knowable. The appropriate responses
for this Hearing are "This is Highway Robbery", "The Synod deserve
this for their hard work". If most of the responses are "This is
highway Robbery", then the Customs Fee is set to 0.
If most of the responses "The Synod deserve this for their hard
work" then the Customs Fee is unchanged.
- If anyone other the Synod currently performs the duties described
in this rule, then they are not allowed to ask, or receive a
Customs Fee. A Customs Fee Hearing does not delay the transfer
of the entities.
(ii) Publically post a recommandation as to accepting/rejecting the entity. In this case, an Import Hearing is called. The apropriate responses for this Hearing is "Trash that foreign junk", and "That import is way cool". If most of the responses are "Trash that foreign junk" then the transfer is rejected. If most of the responses are "That import is way cool" then the transfer is accepted, and the procedure in the previous section is carried out.
f. Rejection of an entity transfer does not require any special action,
although it is considered good form to notify the nomic that attempted the
g. Once an entity is imported is has the following properties : Tradeable,
Proposal 2295 - Sat 06 Sep 1997 13:59 EDT
And So The Ring Was Lost For An Age
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 511, "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die", as follows:
Append to the third paragraph the sentence "Majiks are tradeable entities." {{[ It seems logical enough that Majiks shouldn't be gift entities anymore... ]}}
Proposal 2296 - Sat 06 Sep 1997 17:04 EDT
Set SwingPoint right
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal
{{All Existing Swingpoints are destroyed. 40 Swingpoints are created and randomly distributed between all the active players.}}
Proposal 2297 - Sun 07 Sep 1997 17:14 EDT
Under Your Clothes You're Naked, Miss Dudley!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1301, "Church", as follows:
Amend Section 4.a. by replacing the text "the power to ordain Priests" with "the power to ordain Priests, and to strip Priests of their Priestly status(which is called defrocking)".
Amend Section 4.b. by replacing the text "may ordain a Player as a Priest" with "may ordain a Player as a Priest, defrock a Player who is a Priest".
Amend Section 4.c. by replacing the text "to ordain Priests" with "to ordain Priests, to defrock Priests".
Proposal 2298 - Tue 09 Sep 1997 19:28 EDT
No more floods
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal R1321 "Rama-lama-ding-dong"
[We've done it, and it's begining to get a little repetitive. Anyway, those were the elections I lost]
Proposal 2299 - Thu 11 Sep 1997 06:50 EDT
The Way Things Ought to Be
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
This proposal will not only resolve any possible conflict between
Rules 1 and 255, 1 and 102, and 102 and 255, it will also resolve any
and all present and future conflicts among rules with blanket
precedence claims by causing R102 to stop effectively deferring
precedence to such rules. At also removes the "law" terminology from
R 102.
Amend rule 102 by replacing the first paragraph with the following
text (delimited by the next two pairs of adjacent ampersands):
If two or more rules other than this one conflict about a particular
issue, and if the rules other than this one (and not restricted to the
conflicting rules) specify a single, coherent, unambiguous method for
resolving the conflict then that method is applied to determine which
rule or rules take precedence with regard to that issue. Otherwise,
wherever the rules conflict on a particular issue, the rule with the
lowest number among those rules which conflict on that issue shall
guide play with regard to that issue.
Proposal 2300 - Thu 11 Sep 1997 07:02 EDT
Remember this?
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal
Ammend Rule 411 Senate by deleting the last sentence and replacing it with the following: If a Senate vote is tied after all the Senators and Acting Senators have voted, then the ProConsul may cast a tiebreaking vote on the matter in question.