Amend Rule 712, section (iii) to read(iii) The duties are
a) To place players sentenced to Gaol in Gaol within a seven-day period immediately following the expiration of their grace period. This shall be done by publically posting a description of the cell of that player, and their sentence shall begin at that time. The Gaoler may not Gaol players except as provided by the rules. Should it prove impossible to place that player in Gaol within the one-week period, the Gaoler shall be exempt from this duty in this instance.
b) To maintain a list of all players currently in the Gaol, and their remaining sentence.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amend the first sentence of Rule 710, section 7b) to read
7b) If the penalty was a SENTENCE in the Gaol, player X shall be moved from their current Location to the Gaol at such time that the Gaoler places them in Gaol (not to be more than seven days following the expiration of their grace period, at which time their sentence will start.
Amend the next-to-last paragraph of R1067 to read:
No player in Cow Town may be removed from Cow Town without first giving their consent. This rule takes precedence over Rule 1018 and any mutable rules dealing with heresy, witchhunts, the justice system, or the Gaol. It defers to the rule describing the Yellow Submarine.
Create a new rule entitled "Yellow Submarine" with the following as text:
The lake in which the Cow Town Hotel lies shall henceforth be referred to as the Sea of Green.
There exists the Ackanomic entity known as the Yellow Submarine. If at any time the citizens of Acka wish to apprehend a fugitive who has fled to Cow Town, the Yellow Submarine may be used for this purpose.
Within three days of a player entering Cow Town, any player may send a private message to the Captain of the Yellow Submarine naming an amount of Ackadollars they are willing to contribute to fund a voyage of the Yellow Submarine to apprehend that player. If more than one player is in Cow Town, they must name which player they wish to apprehend. Likewise, a fugitive in Cow Town may send a private message to the Captain of the Yellow Submarine naming an amount of A$ they are willing to spend to prevent the Yellow Submarine's voyage. If any player sends more than one message described in this paragraph, only the largest amount named shall have effect.
At the end of the three day period, the Captain shall make public a list of all players submitting amounts and the amount they submitted. If the sum of all appliccable contributions to fund the Yellow Submarine's voyage is more than twice the fugitive's offer, the offered amount of A$ shall be transferred from all contributing players accounts (the fugitive in question is not for this purpose a contributing player); the Yellow Submarine shall dive into the depths of the Sea of Green, and the fugitive shall no longer be in Cow Town, nor shall he be eligible to reenter it for the next three days. The Captain receives 15 A$ from the Treasury for this service.
If at the end of the three day period, the fugitive's offer is at least half the to sum of of all contributions to fund the Submarine's voyage, the fugitive shall transfer the offered amount to the Captain, and the Captain shall explain to Acka that mechanical difficulties make it impossible to apprehend the fugitive. If the Captain received in excess of 15 A$ from the fugitive in this episode, he shall transfer half that excess (rounding down) to the Treasury for future maintenance of the Submarine.
If at the end of the three day period, the fugitive is no longer in Cow Town, no payments described in this rule are due, and the Captain is not required to set sail nor even to make public the list of offered payments.
The Captaincy of the Yellow Submarine may be transferred with the permission of the present Captain, though doing so is in bad taste and other players are permitted to sneer. The Captain of the Yellow Submarine may appoint a Lieutenant of the Yellow Submarine, who, while the Captain is on Vacation, shall gain all rights and priveleges of the Captaincy save the right to transfer the Captaincy. If the Captain of the Yellow Submarine should quit the game, the Lieutenant of the Yellow Submarine immediately gains the Captaincy in full. Should there ever be no Captain, the Captaincy shall be publically Auctioned. {{Guy Fawkes is the Captain of the Yellow Submarine.}}
Proposal 1302 - Wed Oct 02 11:24:13 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted
1. Any player who feels offended by another player, or is engaged in a heated discussion with another player, may challenge that player to a duel, subject to the limitations described below.2. The procedure for challenging is as follows:
The Challenging player finds another players who agrees to be eir Second. The Challenger gives eir Second the name of the player e wishes to Challenge, and the reason for the Challenge. The Second posts a public message, which anounces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, and the fact that a Challenge has been made.
The Chalenged player has four days to find a player who agrees to be eir Second and have the Second respond to the message publically. The message should contain the following information: The fact that that the post is a reply to a Challenge, the Challenge it is a reply to, and a Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the four days, or the Challenged player declines the Challenge, then he is considered to have forefeit the Duel. In this case, the Challenged player loses 6 points, and the Challenging player gains 6 points.The Game or Contest chosen fot the Duel must be one listed on the Games & Contests web page, or must be described in this rule; moreover, it must be playable by two players and have definitive rules for determining a winner.
The Challenged player may explicitly waive the privilege of choosing a Contest, in which case the Challenging player may choose a Contest. However, if the response to the Challenge message includes neither a choice of Contest, nor an explicit message to the effect that the Challenged player has waived the privilege of first choice, then the Challenged player is considered to have forfeit the Duel. In this case e loses 6 points and the Challenging players gains 6 points.If the Challenged's Player has accepted the Duel, then the President has the duty to anounce that a Duel will be taking place between the Challenged player and the Challenging player who will be competing against each other in the specified Game or Contest, and that the the winner of the Game or Contest will be the winner of the Duel. If the Presidents is invloved in the Duel, then this duty becomes the duty of a Senator whose name comes first in alphaebetical order from among the Senators who are not involved in the Duel.
When the Duel is over, the winner of the Duel receives 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The loser of the Duel loses 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The winner's Second receives 3 points, the loser's Second loses 3 points.
The results of the Duel have no other direct influence over Ackanomic. However if either the Challenger or the Challenged have committed themselves in a public message to a certain action depending on the results of the Duel, then they must perform that action. Should they fail to perform that action, it is the duty of the Second of the other player taking part in the Duel to call CFCJ against that player. Any other player may do so as well.
3. Contests:
A. Limerick Contest:
Each of the participants in the duel writes a limerick about the other participant. The limerick may be silly, funny, and even ridicule the other participant in a good-humored manner, as long as it is not offensive. The limericks no more than five days after the Challenge has been publically anounced. If one of the participants fails to post a limerick, then the other wins by default. Once both limericks have been posted, there is a four-day voting period. During the voting period all Players may send their votes to their tabulator, indicating which limerick is the better one. The participant whose limerick got the most votes, wins the duel. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the duel.B. Boolean tic-tac-toe: {{[I did not invent this one, so save your praises]}}
(i) The game of Boolean tic-tac-toe, heretofore known as Bttt is played on a 3x3 grid labeled in the following mannera b c d e f g h i(ii) At the begining of the game on participant is randomly chosen to play the role of T, the other participant plays the role of F. The former is known as the T-players, the latter is known as the F-player.
(a) The symbol ! is the NOT symbol.
(b) The follwoing comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to T
(c) The following comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to F
(d) every symbol is equivalent to itself
(iv)Participants alternate turns. The T-player always goes first. The first turn must be played no more than three days after the game has been anounced. Every subsequent play must take place within 3 days of the most recent play. A participant who misses this deadline loses by default.
(v) There are two possible plays Play and Anti-Play.
Play - Participant places eir symbol, in an unoccupied square. A Particiapnt may not any of the equivalents of the symbol. The T-player may only play T, the F-Player may only play FAnti-Play - An Anti-Play consists of adding the NOT symbol next to a symbol already on the grid. If there is already a NOT symbol next to that location, then the number next to the NOT symbol is incremented. If there is no number then a 2 is inserted between the NOT symbol and T or F symbol If the number next to a NOT symbol is 3 then it is illegal to Anti-Play in that square.
It is illegal for a participant to Anti-Play on eir own Symbol or any of its equivalents. Anti-Play is only permissible if the other Participant has a winning move in eir next turn.(vi) Winning - A player wins when three symbols in a single column,row or diagonal are all equivalent to eir symbol. If no there is no legal move and no winner can be determined according to the criteria described in the previous sentence, the winner is the participant who has more symbols equal to eir own symbol in the grid.
a. It is impermissible to Challenge an Untouchable Player to a Duel.b. A Player who Challenged another Player to a Duel or a Player who has been Challenged by another Player to a Duel is Untouchable until the Duel procedures are over, for whatever reason.
c. A Player who was a Chalengee in a Duel, that is, was Challenged to a Duel and accepted, continues to be Untouchable until 20 days after the end of the Duel procedures.
d. Players on Vacation are Untouchable {{[Is this necessary?]}}
e. Players in Gaol are Untouchable.
f. A Player who anounces that e will be going on Vacation on a specific future date is Untouchable starting on the date of the anouncement or four days before the anounced date of the Vacation, whichever is later, until the date he actually goes on Vacation or four days after the anounced date of the Vacation, whichever is earlier. If by that latter date the Player still has not gone on Vacation, then he cannot be Untouchable for a period of 14 days, this sentence has no effect on the other subsections of this rule.
g. If a player who is currently engaged in Duel procedures goes on Vacation that lasts more than 7 days e foreits the Duel.
h. If a Player who is currently engaged in Duel procedures goes on Vacation that lasts 7 days or less, all Duel procedures are delayed by a number of days equal to the number of days e was on Vacation. If a player goes on a second Vacation during the same Duel he forfeits the Duel.
i. It is impermissible for a Player running for Office to Challenge another Player running for the same Office.
j. A player who has declined a Duel, or failed to respond to a Challenge, is Untouchable until 3 days after the date e has declined, or until 3 days after e is considered to have forfeit the duel.
k. If both the Challenger and the Challenged go on Vacation simultaneously, then the Duel is cancelled.
Proposal 1303 - Wed Oct 02 11:24:29 EDT 1996
Let Modesty Cut Both Ways
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.Amend Rule 1109 by replacing the second paragraph with the following:
Whenever a Modest Proposal is adopted, the number of points scored by its author as a direct result of authoring an adopted proposal shall be half the number of points they would otherwise have scored (rounded toward zero). Likewise, whenever a Modest Proposal is rejected, the number of points taken from its author as a direct result of authoring a rejected proposal shall be half the number of points they would otherwise have lost (rounded toward zero).
Proposal 1304 - Wed Oct 02 16:55:04 EDT 1996
Party Unity again
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Accepted
{{This is a Modest Proposal}}Ammend Rule 391 Rewarding Party Unity by replacing the first paragraph with:
If on any proposal every member of a political party votes Yes then one extra Yes vote is cast on the proposal for every three distinct members of that party. The extra vote(s) are not considered to have been cast by any players.
Proposal 1305 - Thu Oct 03 12:45:08 EDT 1996
snowman Parade
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected
{{[Guy Fawkes has his day, and Techno has an Amber Banana Tree - all i want is a parade!]}}If on any day the player named snowgod and the player named ThinMan publically agree with any public message posted by the other on any matter that has evoked discussion in ackanomic, and that does not appear to be unanimously supported or opposed, a state of Awe shall exist among the people of Ackanomic for the remainder of the day.
Furthermore, a parade shall be held in honor of the event with the player, either snowgod or ThinMan, who posted the message that the other agrees with as the guest of honor. This rules takes precedence over other mutable rules, in as much as it allows for an alternate method of triggering a parade. It is considered bad form for one player to agree with the other solely to induce a parade, and players are allowed to sneer.
Limitations: Any number of states of Awe may occur during a two week period, but no more than one parade can be triggered by this rule during a two week peiod.
For the purposes of this rule any use of the phrase "the player named snowgod" shall refer to the player who was named snowgod upon the acceptance of this rule and "the player named ThinMan" shall refer to the player who was named ThinMan upon the acceptance of this rule.
Proposal 1306 - Thu Oct 03 12:46:08 EDT 1996
If we don't need Gravity, we'd better have Pressure
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Accepted
[The empirical observations outlined in "We don't need Gravity" reveal a great deal about the nature of the Earth and the Universe. This cosmology, while including some speculation, is consistant with and explains those observations.]The Universe consists of a semi-infinite block of 2024 aluminium alloy joined to a semi-infinite block of Type 304 stainless steel. The sole defect in these semi-infinite blocks is a spherical hollow centered at the interface with a diameter two average cat-heights greater than the greatest distance defined or implied in any other Rule. The Earth lies centered within this hollow, oriented parallel to the interface between the blocks with Ackanomia facing the stainless steel side. The spherical hollow is pressurized to 1 atmosphere with life-sustaining gas.
Note that the asymmetry of the Universe will cause anything that becomes detached from the underside of the Earth to fall to the the stainless steel surface of the hollow.
This Rule takes precedence over any Rule that would define or imply any distance greater than the greatest distance defined or implied by this Rule.
Proposal 1307 - Thu Oct 03 18:39:23 EDT 1996
Rule Suites
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
{{[the idea here is to organize things like party chess and otzma cards out of the main rule set and into their own rules document, but still have the components be rules in every way, with rule numbers, precedence the way it works normally, etc.Also, it should be easy to add several new components without needing to speculate on whether another proposal in the queue ahead of it passes; the new rule is automatically numbered into the end of the rule suite, if the rule change is specified something like:
Create a new rule called "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Jabberwocky" as a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite, which reads: ...
Let me know if ya think it will work :)]}}
Create a new rule called "Rule Suites", reading:1) A rule is a Head of Rule Suite if and only if all of the following lettered items are true of it:
a) Its rule number is a single integer (i.e. without the . (dot))
b) Its title is of the form "<phrase> Rule Suite" where <phrase> is a string which contains at least one alphabetic character, and is unique amongst the <phrase> parts of all extant rule titles which have the form "<phrase> Rule Suite". [e.g. "Party Chess Rule Suite"]. The quote marks themselves are not part of the title, they are used here only for delimiting purposes.
c) Its text contains an overview of the content or purpose of the Rule Suite. This overview may be in notes brackets.
d) Its text contains a phrase or sentence in notes brackets which can serve as a link to the Rules in the Rule Suite.
2) A Head of a Rule Suite may contain other material which shall be interpreted normally.
3) A rule is a member of a Rule Suite if and only if its number is X.Y, where X is the number of a Head of a Rule Suite, and Y is a positive integer.
4) It is a privilege of the Web-Harfer to move rules which are members of Rule Suites out of the main rules document into a seperate document, and to establish and maintain a link from the link phrase (section 1 d)) to this document. If any such member rules are moved to a seperate document, then all such member rules of that Rule Suite must be moved to that document, and the link must be established and maintained. This section takes precedence over any other mutable rule which conflicts with it in any way.
Amend R 642 in the following ways:
1) place the following paragraph before what is currently the last paragraph:
If a rule change specifies it is creating a new rule to be a member of a Rule Suite named "<phrase> Rule Suite", and a Head of a Rule Suite rule exists with same title as "<phrase> Rule Suite", then that new rule is numbered X.Y, where X is the number of that Head of a Rule Suite, and Y the lowest available Y such that Y is a positive integer, and X.Y is not the number of any other rule. All such new rules in a single proposal which qualify to be numbered under the method described in this paragraph are numbered in the order in which they appear in the proposal.
2) Change its title to "Proposal and Rule Numbering"
Amend R 491 to remove the first occurrance of the word "is" from the second paragraph.
Create a new rule with title "Party Chess Rule Suite" which reads:
[This is the head of the Party Chess Rule Suite. Party Chess is a multi-player chess variant played on a 20x20 board with drop-style setup, which is open to arbitrary piece creation.]
[The rules for Party Chess, and the definition of the pieces, can be found bu following this link]
{{renumber this rule to 985}}
{{renumber R 990 to 985.1}}
{{renumber R 991 to 985.2}}
{{renumber R 992 to 985.3}}
{{renumber R 994 to 985.4}}
{{renumber R 1079 to 985.5}}
{{renumber R 1080 to 985.6}}
{{renumber R 1082 to 985.7}}
{{renumber R 1083 to 985.8}}
{{renumber R 1085 to 985.9}}
{{renumber R 1086 to 985.10}}
{{renumber R 1087 to 985.11}}
{{renumber R 1094 to 985.12}}
{{renumber R 1233 to 985.13}}
Proposal 1308 - Thu Oct 03 18:39:44 EDT 1996
Active Players Revisited
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author
This is a Modest proposal. [Its only real effect is to leave Players inactive when they return from Vacation, until they vote. Which, I think, is how things ought to be done; no point slapping somebody with a CFJ judgeship just as they get back from a week in the Bahamas.]Lines beginning with three hyphens in this proposal are delimiters. They are not part of the text they delimit; they merely mark its beginning or end.
1. Rule 587 ("Definition of Active Player") is amended to read, in full:
Each Player is either active or inactive. A new Player or returning Player is inactive when he or she first registers.
{{ All Players become active as of now. }}A Player becomes active when he or she votes. A Player becomes inactive when he or she goes on vacation or is placed on vacation.
---2. Rule 201 ("Quorum") is amended by removing the sentence "Vacationing players who do not vote are not considered active for the purpose of determining quorum."
3. Rule 207 ("Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported") is amended by replacing
If a proposal does not meet quorum, each active player who was not on vacation and abstained on the proposal shall lose 5 points and be placed on vacation.
If a proposal does not meet quorum, each active Player who abstained on the proposal shall lose 5 points and be placed on vacation.
---4. Rule 457 ("Vacationing") is amended by replacing
A player on vacation is not considered an "active player" while they are on vacation. Nor may they be removed from the game by any procedure, unless that procedure *explicitly* states that it applies to vacationing players, or that procedure is part of this Rule.
A Player on vacation may not be removed from the game by procedure, unless that procedure explicitly states that it applies to vacationing players, or that procedure is part of this Rule or an Immutable Rule.
---5. Rule 797 ("Festival of Torkola") is amended by replacing
1) This rule defines the Festival of Torkola, a period of much merriment and mirth in the land of Ackanomia, where players concentrate on enjoying the existing rules, and relatively inactive players may participate in ways other than just voting.
1) This rule defines the Festival of Torkola, a period of much merriment and mirth in the land of Ackanomia, where players concentrate on enjoying the existing rules, and the less involved players may participate in ways other than just voting.
---[That use of "inactive" wouldn't necessarily have caused a problem, but I think it would have been a little confusing to leave it there.]
Proposal 1309 - Thu Oct 03 22:37:49 EDT 1996
Frinking Straws
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Made Harfy by Habeous Corpus at Fri, 04 Oct 1996 06:17:50 EDT
Decision: Rejected
Create a new rule with the following text:Living on the underside of the earth has brought many peculiar customs to Acka. Some, like Suction Cups, give a special harfiness to everyday life. Others, like face-down-drinking (frinking) can be a true nuissance. To prevent one's drink from falling out of one's glass into the sky, the glass must be held with the mouth facing one's feet. To frink properly requires one to rest the near edge of the glass against one's upper lip, opening one's mouth, then carefully bending over and letting the liquid flow in over the roof of one's mouth. While frinking means that hiccups are virtually unknown in Acka, it has caused more than its share of spilt drinks, with a usual result of the beverage flowing into one's nostrils, eyes, hair, etc. This is also a major cause of air pollution.
The frinking straw is a long flexible tube. By inserting one end into a beverage and sucking on the other, the owner of a frinking straw may frink in relative comfort without the risk of a spilt beverage. As a result, he may frink one more beverage than usual at any public gathering. However, the Frobozz Magic Beverage Company, Ackanomic Division, is so impressed by the advanced frinking technique of the straw that they charge only 1 A$ for any drink ordered by a straw user. This takes precedence over any frinking limits or prices established in other mutable rules.
Frinking straws may be purchased from the Treasury for 1 A$ but since they are disposable items, a straw is destroyed at the end of a public gathering in which it is used.
Proposal 1310 - Thu Oct 03 23:47:50 EDT 1996
Hangover Prevention
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Amend R 1237 in the following ways:
1) Add the following text to the end of second paragraph.
"The drinks must be ordered within three days of the start of the public gathering. If another public gathering starts within three days of a previous one, drinks may no longer be ordered for the previous one."
2) Replace the first occurrance of the word "metal" in the rule with the word "medal".
Proposal 1311 - Fri Oct 04 02:00:39 EDT 1996
Time Zone
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
{{[I want to try this without the strike. I got 5 votes for Central/Eastern US (no preference between the 2, but wanted one of the 2), and 4 for GMT, and a couple people said we don't really need or want a time zone. In any case, we'll see what happens now. If GMT makes more sense, then it can be amended. The argument really becomes does *any* time zone add value. I was thinking of proposing something funky like Newfoundland time, which I believe is -0245 or something weird, just to make that point.]}}------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create a new rule which reads:
A day in Acka starts when the day starts in New York City, USA, and ends when the day ends there. This is called the Acka Day. [That is to say, the official time zone is EDT(-0400)/EST(-0500)].
Whenever a day of the week, day of the month, or time of day is specified, in the rules or other official document, and it is not qualified with a time zone, it shall be said to occur, if it is a time of day, when that time of day occurs in the Acka Day, and if a day or date, it shall begin and end when the corresponding Acka Day begins and ends.
Amend R 565 to remove all occurrances of the string "EDT"
Amend R 609 to remove all occurrances of the string " Eastern time"
Amend R 1023 to remove all occurrances of the string "(based on New York Time)".
Amend R 1240 to replace the following:
"The time zone used for the purposes of this rule is that from which the announcement was sent, unless Acka should ever have an official time zone, in which case this rule defers to that of the official time zone."
""Days" and "dates" as used in this rule are said to begin and end when the Acka Day begins and ends"
Proposal 1312 - Fri Oct 04 03:31:35 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule reading:A class of Protected entity known as a Garment exists. Garments are Tradeable, unless the rules for a particular Garment specify otherwise. Garments may be worn and unworn, and these actions, with respect to a particular garment, may only be performed by the owner of the Garment. Only those entities explicitly designated by the rules as Garments are Garments.
Wearing garments may cause the occurance of specific game effects (as described in the rules), but these will only occur if the Garment is being worn. Owners of Garments must publically announce that they are wearing or unwearing a Garment, to change the state of the Garment. Garments are assumed to be unworn in the case of transferrence (with respect to both the old, and new owner)
A player may wear no more than 1 Garment at any one time.
Proposal 1313 - Fri Oct 04 03:31:47 EDT 1996
Purple Robe of Justice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
{{All extant Purple Robes of Justice are destroyed [pleeeese vote yes for patent infringement III :)]}}The Purple Robe of Justice (Robe) has [just] been discovered in the catacombs beneath the Courthouse. It is unique, and quite valuable, and the older it gets, the more valuable it becomes. The Robe is a mimsy, non-Tradeable, Garment.
Whoever is wearing the Purple Robe of Justice has their odds of being selected to judge a CFJ trebled. This clause takes precedence over R 588 inasmuch as the random process is affected in the way described above.
If the owner of the Robe is ever penalized some number of points for failing to deliver a verdict on a CFJ, failing to respond to a CFJ, or for having a CFJ overturned, they immediately lose the priceless Robe, and it goes Somewhere Else.
The value of the Robe is price that was last paid for it, plus A$15.
Any player (other than the Robe's owner), may buy the Robe, thus becoming the new owner, regardless of where it is, provided they pay its current value to the Treasury, and all of the following are true:
a) It is not currently being auctioned. b) Its current owner, if a player, has had it at least 1 week. c) Its current owner is not judging a CFJ. d) Its current owner is not a judge-designate for a pending CFJ.
Other rules may designate other ways in which ownership of the Robe may be transferred. This rule defers precedence to those, including the fact that the above conditions need not necessarily be met, unless the other rule specifies such.
A player losing ownership of the Robe never receives monetary compensation for losing it.
{{The Purple Robe of Justice is hereby auctioned in a private auction. The assistant tabulator is the auctioneer. The previous sentence takes precedence over R 1023 in case of a conflict.}}
Proposal 1314 - Fri Oct 04 14:38:03 EDT 1996
Handicapping and Glory
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted
{{[As Malenkai suggested, I'm trying this again under non-strike conditions, with a few clarifications.]}}Amend R666, section b) to read:
b) All Undead stop hauting all Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit, and Victory Eggplants. Then, all Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit, and Victory Eggplants are destroyed.
Amend R666, section c) to read:c) The winner is declared winner of the cycle, and a Right-Handed Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak, should such entities be defined by the rules, are created in that player's possession. If this results in his having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory, should such an entity be defined by the rules.
Amend R666, section i) to read:i) All players' points are reset to -15 N, where N is the number of cycles that player has won. If this causes a player's score to be negative, a Victory Eggplant is created in that player's possession. Victory Eggplants are Protected, and once created, may not be transferred.
Add the following text to the the end of R339:These score changes do not apply to the owner of a Victory Eggplant. A Victory Eggplant is destroyed if its owner has a non-negative score.
Create a new rule, entitled "Marks of the Champion," with the following as its text:
The types of entities called Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are defined by the rules. Both are Protected, and may not be created except as defined in the rules; once created, they cannot be transferred or destroyed. A Champion's Cloak is a regal garment of the color(s) and design of its owner's choice, while Badges of Glory are elaborate medals of various designs. (It is customary, though not required, for the owner of either of these entities to describe it within 3 days of earning it.) A player may wear a Champion's Cloak and/or Badge of Glory that he owns, and he may request to be called, "Exalted One," or the honorific of his choice while he wears it/them. It is not necessary to honor such requests. If a class of entities called Garments exists, they are Garments.
When a player leaves the game, his Undead, should such a thing exist, shall haunt any Champion's Cloak or Badge of Glory that he owned.
{{All extant Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are destroyed. Then, all players who have previously won a cycle are awarded a Champion's Cloak. Then, all players who have previously won multiple cycles are awarded N-1 Badges of Glory, where N is the number of cycles that he has won. If a player would have just received one or more of the items described above had he not left the game, their Undead, if they have one, is given the appropriate items to haunt.}}
Proposal 1315 - Fri Oct 04 16:28:04 EDT 1996
Easy Money
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted
A new rule shall be created entitled "Easy Money" with the following text:--
If a player posts a message to the public forum containing his intent to transfer A$ from his own account to another player or players, and if that message does not specify the transfer of any other entity, then the trade is accomplished immediately. This rule defers to any rule that limits the transfer of A$.
Proposal 1316 - Sun Oct 06 20:52:44 EDT 1996
The Will of Tim
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected
This is a modest proposal.{{All A$ belonging to "Tim" shall be divided up and distributed evenly to all other players, with any remainder going to the treasury}}
Proposal 1317 - Sun Oct 06 20:53:34 EDT 1996
Pheobe Abuse
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected
{{snowgod shall be placed in Gaol for 2 days, as punishment for losing Pheobe's Matchbox.}}
Proposal 1318 - Sun Oct 06 20:53:59 EDT 1996
Bond Options
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule which reads:1) A class of entity known as Bond Options (Options) exist. Bond Options are Tradeable and mimsy.
2) Any player may create an Option at any time by publically announcing they are doing so, and by providing the following information about the option:
a) Name of the PFBond the option is associated withAn option is said to be "written" by the player who created it. The writer of the option, and the 4 pieces of information above, may not be changed for a particular option so long as that option exists.
b) Quantity of that bond the option is associated with. This value must be positive and evenly divisible by 10.
c) Strike Price per associated bond. This value may be fractional, so long as this value times quanitity in b) is a positive whole number.
d) Expiration Date, which must be a date at least 7 days after the date the option is created.3) A player may destroy any Option that they own by publically announcing they are doing so.
4) An option is automatically destroyed upon the end of its Expiration Date.
5) A player may exercise any options that they own, so long as they were written by another player, by publically announcing they are doing so.
Upon an exercise:
a) The player who wrote the option has 3 days to give the quantity of bonds specified in the option to the exercising player. If they fail to do so, they are fined A$200 to the Treasury, and have broken the rules.
b) The player who exercised the option has 3 days from the time of receiving the bonds to give (Strike Price * Quantity) to the player who wrote the option. If they fail to do so, they are fined A$200 to the Treasury, and have broken the rules.
c) If either player is on vacation, or in Gaol, the times above are extended until 3 days past when they are not on vacation or in Gaol. These are the only two situations which will extend the times above.
d) Upon exercise, an Option is destroyed.
6) Specific Options are named as follows:
O<Name of Bond>-<Quantity>-A$<Strike Price>-<Exp. Date as yymmdd>-<Writer>[For example, if I were to create an option to buy 10 PFMalenkai for A$20 apiece, by Dec 1, 1996, such an option would be named: OPFMalenkai-10-A$20-961201-Malenkai]
Proposal 1319 - Mon Oct 07 03:45:34 EDT 1996
Section-Renumbering Bee
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
This is a modest proposal.Amend Rule 1022 by adding the following after item e in section 5a:
f) Correcting the labels (numbers or letters) of a set of numbered or lettered sections when there are skipped or repeated labels, and at the same time, changing any reference in any rules to any of the relabeled sections so that they refer to the intended sections.
{{[ Rule 1022 itself contains such an error, dating to the original rule, and I stupidly didn't fix it when I amended the mis-labeled section a while back. Now Malenkai has created another one with proposal 1283, giving rule 594 two section iv's. Proposals that change procedures, such as the end-of-cycle procedure in Rule 666, often have problems with leaving behind a set of sections that are not properly labeled; indeed, it isn't labeled correctly now.
BTW, the spelling bee will fly again soon; in the last few weeks people have been spelling better than normal, and we've had fewer rule changes than normal, so there isn't a huge backlog of misspellings. ]}}
Proposal 1320 - Mon Oct 07 14:55:01 EDT 1996
Restoring Righteousness
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected
{{This is a modes Proposal.Ammend Rule 729 by deleting the last paragraph.}}
Proposal 1321 - Mon Oct 07 14:55:20 EDT 1996
Fighting Forehead Discrimination
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected
{{This is a modest Proposal.Ammend Rule 937 by deleting the last paragraph.}}
Proposal 1322 - Mon Oct 07 14:55:42 EDT 1996
Model Airplane Kits
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected
Create a Rule titled: Model Airplane Kit{{All extant Model Airplanes and Model Airplane Kits are hereby destroyed}}
The Gadget known as a Model Airplane Kit exists. Its Blueprint is as follows:
Blueprint for a Model Airplane Kit.
A Model Airplane Kit consists of all parts, glue, paint and tools necessary to build one Model Airplane. The Player purchasing the kit must specify which type of aircraft is contained in the kit. Model Airplane Kits come in Easy, Regular and Hard types.
Once the owner of a kit announces publicly that e is Bulding the Model Airplane, the following conditions will apply:
During the period the Player is constructing the Model Airplane, e may not vote, partake of any Games or Contests, be involved in any way in a Duel, go on Vacation, run for elective office, be appointed to a permanent office, be appointed as an Acting Officer, or make any Proposals. E shall not be counted as part of a Quorum for voting purposes. If e already holds an office, that office shall be treated as if e was on vacation. If e is already involved in a Duel, in any capacity, e may not begin construction of a Model Airplane. E may be chosen for any action normally chosen by random sampling [e.g. judging CFJs and CFCJs, finding Phoebe, etc.]. E may file Appeals, be chosen as Mentor, call for and partake in Witchhunts, or any other legal game action not proscribed by this Rule.
It shall take exactly seven (7) days to build an Easy Model Airplane; eight (8) days to build a Regular Model Airplane; and nine (9) days to build a Hard Model Airplane.
When the Model Airplane is completed, the Player constructing it must publicly announce its completion, and give a description of airplane. Once completed, the same Player may not build another Model Airplane for a minimum of fourteen (14) days.
The Model Airplane can do nothing, absolutely nothing. Its presence may not have any effect whatsoever on the gamestate or on gameplay.
Model Airplane Kits and Model Airplanes are Tradeable.
Model Airplane Kits are produced by a Vending Machine Add-on, if such a device exists, and is owned by Habeous Corpus. For each Model Airplane Kit sold through a Vending Machine Add-on, A$5 of the procedes shall be turned over to the Treasury. The owner of the Vending Machine Add-on for Model Airplane Kits may determine the price they sell for. {{Initially, Model Airplane Kits sell for A$15 for and Easy, A$25 for a Regular, and A$50 for a Hard.}}
{{Initially, there exists a total of three (3)) Model Airplane Kits, one Easy, One Medium and one Hard. They belong to Habeous Corpus.}}{{Respctfully submitted, Habeous Corpus}}
Proposal 1323 - Mon Oct 07 14:55:58 EDT 1996
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule with the following text:Any tradeable entity except A$ may be rented. The procedure for this is as follows:
A public message shall be posted naming the entity(ies) to be rented, a non-zero amount of A$, and a length of time (known as the rental period). Both Player A (representing the name of the player who currently owns the entity(ies) to be rented) and Player B (representing the name of the player who wishes to rent it/them) must agree to the terms of this message.
Upon the agreement of both Players A and B, the rental period shall begin, the named amount of A$ shall be transferred from Player B to Player A, and Player B shall be considered the owner of the named entity(ies) for all purposes except as follows:
1) He may not destroy the rented entity(ies)
2) He may not trade or transfer the rented entity(ies) except to Player A. If such a transfer occurs before the expiration of the rental period, Player A must agree to it before it can occur, upon which the rental period is deemed expired.Player B, not Player A, shall receive all benefits or penalties (points, A$, etc.) for ownership of the rented entity(ies) during the rental period.
Upon expiration of the rental period, if Player B still possesses the rented entity(ies), they immediately revert to Player A's possession, unless player A is no longer in the game, in which case Player B becomes in fact their owner for all purposes.
This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules concerning ownership of tradeable entities.
Proposal 1324 - Tue Oct 08 01:30:21 EDT 1996
No Cheesy Whamiol Points
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule which reads:{{
Amend the Blueprint for the Whamiol (aka "Blueprint: Whamiol") to read:"
Whenever a new Player enters the game and becomes an active player, the Whamiol will increase the score of it's owner by fifteen points (effective the time it is publically knowable the new player is an active player). If no new players become active for a period equal to or exceeding 30 days, the Whamiol will become anxious and subtract one point from it's owners score once every two days until such time as a new player joins the game and becomes active.
Proposal 1325 - Tue Oct 08 01:31:00 EDT 1996
Shotgun Control
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule entitled "Substantially Similar Proposals" which reads:Proposal A is invalid if it, or the game effect that would occur if it is adopted, is substantially similar, (in the judgement of a judge to adjudicate such matters) to Proposal B, or the game effect that would occur if Proposal B is adopted, and both of the following are true:
a) Proposal A was distributed after Proposal B.
b) Proposal B is still under voting consideration.
Proposal 1326 - Tue Oct 08 01:31:16 EDT 1996
Lots of Office Stuff
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
{{[I attempt to make the following changes to offices:I have taken out Web-Harfer and Inventor and Swinger as optional offices from the RFC version. I want to get the concept in, then worry about the controversial offices. Right now, the acting GmaesMaster is breaking the rules. I wish to fix that, in general plus do the other stuff listed.
1) Create the idea of an "optional office", where the office need not be filled if there are no volunteers, and where acting officers will not be breaking the rules if they do not perform the tasks of an optional officer, as tinan is right now as acting GamesMaster. I have made the following offices optional: Historian, Postmaster, Chess-Umpire Map-Harfer, GamesMaster, and Poet Laureate. I have also made Swingers optional for parties (and have a comment justifying that where I do it)
2) I have merged Appointer into President and eliminated Appointer.
3) I have added "Officer in charge of random things" to a few rules.
4) I have done some miscelleaneous cleanup.
5) I have changed all references of "Assistant Tabulator" to "Count Tabula". This could have been done via CSR, but I figured I do it while I was going through all the office stuff anyway.
Its long. Sorry.]}}
{{[Optional Offices]}}
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Amend Rule 609, "Offices, Commonalities", as follows:
1) Add the following text at the end of the rule:
(ix) Optional OfficesAn office is considered "optional" if and only if it is specified as such by the rules. An optional office has the following effects:
a) A player filling an optional office in an acting capacity is not required to perform the duties of that office. This sub-section takes precedence over section (iv) and R 612.
b) If a nomination is held for an optional office, and no one volunteers for that office, no action is taken to fill the office once the nomination period ends, except as follows: If an optional office is vacant, and no nomination or election is currently being held for that office, any player may insist that a nomination (or election, as the case may be) commence, by making a statement to that effect to the public forum. At such time, a nomination (election) shall be conducted by the appropriate officer.
(x) Office Type
All offices are either Functional or Political. If the rules fail to specify the type of an office, that office is a Political Office. Vacancies in a particular Political office are filled by election for office (by the procedure in R 611), unless other rules specify otherwise. In the case of an optional Political office where a nomination did not produce any volunteers, the election process is aborted at that point.
"2) Change section (viii) to read:
"(viii) A player may not acquire titles or offices except as specified by the rules."
3) Indent all section headers and section text uniformly.
Amend Rule 611 "Offices, Related Definitions", as follows:
1) Add the following text after the word "volunteer" in section (i) e):
", except in the case of optional offices [qv Rule 609, section (ix)]".
2) Replace all occurrances of "the Assisant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula"
Amend R 621, "Historian", to read:
The Historian is an optional office with one seat.
The duties are to maintain a WWW page of the History of Ackanomic. Content of the page is up to the Historian [but should include the comings and goings of political parties (and their agendas); history of Presidents, Senators, and Winners, notable historical events such as the Quorum Crisis, etc].
The Historian does not receive a salary, but it is considered good form for players to give donations to the Historian when he or she is doing a good job.
Amend R 832, "Postmaster", to replace the first paragraph with:
"The Postmaster is an optional functional office with one seat."
Amend R 894, "Map" to delete the last paragraph.
Amend R 895, "Map-Harfer" to replace "a Functional Office" with "an optional Functional Office".
Amend R 991 so that section 1. A. reads:
"The optional functional office of Chess-Umpire exists. If, at any time, there is no player performing the duties of Chess-Umpire, the game of Party Chess is suspended (or not started), and all other players who would have duties with regard to Party Chess are absolved of those duties. This clause takes precedence over all mutables rules dealing with Swingers and Party Chess."
Amend R 985.2 so that section 1. A. reads:
"The optional functional office of Chess-Umpire exists. If, at any time, there is no player performing the duties of Chess-Umpire, the game of Party Chess is suspended (or not started), and all other players who would have duties with regard to Party Chess are absolved of those duties. This clause takes precedence over all mutables rules dealing with Swingers and Party Chess."
Amend R 1206 so that section 3 reads:
"3. The optional Functional Office of GamesMaster exists."
Amend R 1271 "Poet Laureate" so that the first paragraph reads:
"The optional Office of Poet Laureate exists. The Duties are:"
{{[Merging the Appointer and President]}}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Amend R 504, "The President of Ackanomia", to append the following at the end of the current text:
(i) The Duties are:
a) To publicly announce the occurrence of an open Seat for a Functional Office.
b) To conduct a the nominations for open Functional Office seats.
c) To publicly announce the occurrence of a Player being appointed to hold a Functional Office.
d) Other rules may define other duties.(ii) The Privileges are:
a) To decide who among the volunteers shall be selected to hold an open Seat for Functional Office.
b) Other rules may define other privileges.(iii) Whenever this Office is filled in an acting capacity, the Acting President may exercise Privilege "a" as listed in section (ii) of this Rule. This takes precedence over any Rule that would prevent this action.
Amend R 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", as follows:
1) Amend section (ii) to read:
(ii) As a Privilege of Office, each Player shall receive a weekly salary of A$3 for every Functional Office held.
2) Replace all occurrances of the string "Appointer" with "President".
Repeal R 614, "Appointer"
Amend R 615, "Speaker", to replace all occurrances of "A$10" with "A$5".
{{[Officer in charge of random things]}}
------------------------------------------------------------------------Amend R 306, "Magic Potato" to replace "Registrar" with "Officer in charge of random things".
Amend R 937, "Silly Vacation Hat" to replace all occurrances of "registrar" with "Officer in charge of random things".
Amend Rule 1240, "The Machine That Goes *ping* (revisited)", as follows:
1) Replace the last paragraph with:
"Whenever the Machine randomly teleports itself, it is the duty of the Officer in charge of randon things to determine and report its new location."
2) Change its title to: "The Machine That Goes *ping*"
{{[Misc cleanup]}}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Repeal Rule 576, "Political Offices, Starting List"
Amend R 588, "Selecting A Judge" to replace the following sentence:
"This selection is performed by the officer who is officially assigned this duty (the job will be performed by the Speaker in the absence of such an officer)."
"It is a duty of the Clerk of the Court to make this selection.".
Amend R 589, "Invoking Judgement" to replace the following text:
"officer who is officially responsible for handling calls for judgement (in the absence of such an officer, the Speaker assumes these duties)"
"Clerk of the Court"
Amend R 613 to replace all occurrances of the phrase "one month" with the phrase "30 days".
{{[Count Tabula]}}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Amend R 400, "Politeness Moon", to replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator" and "The Assistant Tabulator", with "Count Tabula".
Amend R 414, "The Office of the Tabulator" as follows:
1) replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
2) Add the following at the end of the rule:
"The terms "Count Tabula", and "Assistant Tabulator" are synonomous, as used in the rules. [this will be removed by CSR, hopefull, when no longer needed]"
Amend R 629, "Constitutional Convention; Procedure" to replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
Amend R 729, "Ackanomic Middle Ages" to replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
Amend R 730, "Steel Flea" as follows:
1) replace all occurrances of "the assistant tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
2) remove all occurrances of the following sentence:
"If no Officer is in charge of random things, this duty shall fall to the Registrar, unless e indicates that e can't be bothered, in which case this duty falls to the Speaker."
Amend R 1023, "Auction" to replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
Amend R 1112.3, "Let those who are without Harf cast the first stone." to replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
Amend Rule 1268 "Commission d'Arts" to replace all occurrances of "the Assistant Tabulator", "The Assistant Tabulator", and "Assistant Tabulator" with "Count Tabula".
Proposal 1327 - Sun Oct 13 20:41:49 EDT 1996
Proper Care and Handling of the Chartreuse Goose
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted
Insert the following between the existing second and third paragraphs of Rule 1243:The player possessing the Chartreuse Goose is responsible for feeding it. At such time that officers' salaries are paid, 4 A$ shall be deducted from the account of the player then possessing the Chartreuse Goose, if such a player exists. He may post a public message describing exactly what he has fed the Goose. Otherwise, it shall be assumed that the Goose has eaten grass, much like cows eat grass. If this payment would force a player to go into debt, the 4 A$ is not paid, but instead the Goose becomes grumpy and bites its owner, inflicting a 2-point penalty.
If he has paid for the Goose's food or been bitten since the last time he has treated the Goose to a luxury, the Goose-holder may post that he is spending an additional 12 A$ to treat the Goose to some luxury (feather preening, an extra-large meal, a trip to the movies, etc.). If he does so, the Goose has a 5% chance of taking pity on its owner and flying Somewhere Else. Whether or not the goose flies away is determined by the officer in charge of random things.
{{Guy Fawkes loses two points and Malenkai receives two points as partial compensation for the loss of his unpublished idea and his subsequent assistance with this proposal.}}
Proposal 1328 - Sun Oct 13 20:42:02 EDT 1996
Encouraging New Games
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.Amend Rule 1206, Section 9e to read:
If at least 5 Active Players, or 10% of the Active Players, whichever is greater, endorse the description within 7 days, it is approved, and the player who submitted it receives 4 points; otherwise, it is rejected. This sub-section defers precedence to sub-sections b and d.
Proposal 1329 - Sun Oct 13 20:42:20 EDT 1996
Church Sanctuary
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted
If a player is declared a Heretic or otherwise threatened to be burned, then any priest can grant the player a "Sanctuary Of Salvation", even if the priest is the player herself, by making a public statement to that effect.That player is said to have taken refuge in solemn meditation and may not send any public messages for 27 hours. Any witchhunt against the player is canceled.
If the player breaks her vows of silence, then the SOS is annulled and all proceedings (as Heretic) against the player can resume.
If the player is not a member of the church that gave her sanctuary, and did stay silent for 27 hours, then she must pay A$11 to the priest of that church.
Title: Telepathy, Telekinesis and Side Effects.
When a player's score is a prime number, her amount of A$ is a prime number and the number of proposals she has had passed is a prime number, all simultaneously, then her stars are said to be aligned.
Any player that is put in the Ackanomic Afterlife when her stars are aligned will gain the ability to use telepathy. If this is not the first occurrence of this, and the previous time was at least one month or more before, then the player also gains the use of Telekinesis.
A player with telepathy may send public and private messages even if other rules (unless immutable) prohibit her from doing so and it is not considered normal communication - she accesses minds directly. A player with telekinesis may vote even when prohibited to do so even by other rules (unless immutable) - as she is said to be able to manipulate her (and only her) vote counter.
Any player may make as many use of these powers as she wants, so long as she still has them. However, if either of these actions are made, and the player had used one less than 17 days (408 hours) earlier, then that player is captured and taken into captivity by the W-File Pair.
The W-File Pair is a team of two agents, Mold and Scold. They will inject the player with an alien sedative which will remove the player's power that was last used. Also, they will question the player about "alien colonization" for 48 hours, during which time the player can take no action which would be prohibited if the player was in Goal. However, the player is not actually in the Goal. After the 48 hours, the player is freed.
Telepathy, telekinesis are protected actions. The W-File Pair is a protected entity.
Proposal 1330 - Sun Oct 13 20:42:41 EDT 1996
This Proposal does not deserve a title
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Amend R 726 to replace the last 4 paragraphs with:
Whenever a party's Swinger or Acting Swinger is on vacation, that party shall appoint another one of its members Acting Swinger. Whenever the NAP Swinger or NAP Acting Swinger is on vacation, the Speaker shall appoint a non-aligned player Acting Swinger.
If, however, all the members of a party are on vacation then no acting swinger is appointed for that party. If all non-aligned players are on vacation then no acting NAP Swinger is appointed.
If a Swinger's Office remains vacant for more than 6 days then the Office is declared a Warm Office, until it is no longer vacant.
Amend R 457 to replace all occurances of:
"some other assignment of these duties"
"some other assignment (including possible non-assignment) of these duties"
Proposal 1331 - Sun Oct 13 20:42:59 EDT 1996
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted
This is a modest proposal.{{ [The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, has been commissioned by the players of Ackanomic to create a special limited edition badge for service above and beyond the call of duty as a player, the Badge of Many Thanks.] All players who do not hold a functional office are billed A$10. All players who hold a functional office recieve a Badge of Many Thanks. Players who own a Badge of Many Thanks are encouraged to wear them at public ceremonies. }}
Proposal 1332 - Sun Oct 13 20:43:45 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author
Farenheit 451, a "novel" by Ray Bradburry, an extra-nomic author, has been found to promote such intolerable behavior as censorship and book burning.In order to discourage the citizens of Ackanomic from believing that censorship should be condoned, no player will be allowed to read Farenheit 451, or any other work by Ray Bradburry. Furthermore, mention of his name, or the titles of any of his works, is strictly forbidden in any public message or official ackanomic document, including Rules and proposals.
This rule specifically does not apply to itself.
Proposal 1333 - Sun Oct 13 20:43:58 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.A proposal to ammend R1085 in the following manner:
The follwing text will be added to section 3, immediately following the first sentence of that section.
"A CopyCat cannot Capture another CopyCat."
Proposal 1334 - Sun Oct 13 20:44:17 EDT 1996
Enough, Already
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted
Insert the following between the existing 3rd and 4th paragraphs of R790.{{The Fat Lady, who has been singing continuously since June 5, is commended for her efforts and will now stop.}} The Fat Lady's singing will endure for exactly three hours, or until any player publicly posts an original limerick politely asking her to stop, whichever comes first.
Proposal 1335 - Sun Oct 13 20:44:34 EDT 1996
Codex of Kra
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
The Codex of Kra has recently been unearthed outside the window of the Ackanomic House of Pancakes. It is an ancient tome in an arcane language, probably scribed by the Elder Ackanomians who created the Machine that goes *ping*. All that has been discovered about it initially is that it seems to describe the laws of Ackanomican physics, and the empirical observations and theory which led to the formulation of those laws.The optional office of AckaPhysicist exists. It is a privilege of the AckaPhysicist to translate the Codex of Kra, and report its contents to the people of Acka [maintaining, or arranging to maintain a web page of its contents would be ideal].
Such translations shall describe the Acka world and universe (multiverse?) in terms of the Ackanomican physics, mathematics, observations, theory, experiments, etc, as discovered by the Ancients, as well as any additional conclusions the AckaPhysicist draws from his translations of the Codex.
If any player believes a particular translation posted by the AckaPhysicist to be an obvious forgery, or otherwise doubts its accuracy, they may publically accuse the AckaPhysicist of being a quack, if they do so within three days of the translation being published. In this case, there will then be a three day voting period, during which players may send one vote each to Count Tabula saying either "the Ancients weren't that clueless", or "my own experiments have produced similar results". No quorum is required; a simple majority of votes challenging the translation's accuracy will prove that the AckaPhysicist is a quack in the case of this particular translation.
If the AckaPhysicist is found to be a quack, he is fined A$25 for misleading the masses with bogus science, and the translation in question is stricken from the official records. If the translation is proven to be genuine, however, the accuser must publically apologize to the AckaPhysicist, and pay him A$25 compensation for the damage to his reputation.
Upon the AckaPhysicist being found a quack for the third time in a single term, he is immediatly impeached from the office, and has 7 days to write a piece on Elvis returning from the dead in an alien spaceship for one of Acka's newspapers, if any exist. If none exist, or he cannot get permission from the onwer of one to publish the piece, he must start his own in accordance with the rules for doing so, and publish the piece.
Any results not foung bogus are added to the official publication of the Codex of Kra. Such writings become part of game custom where they do not contradict the Rules. Translations of the Codex of Kra hold legal sway only if, when, and where the rules indicate that they do.
The Codex of Kra is unique and owned by no player, but it remains in the custody of the AckaPhysicist while he is translating it, with translated passages being available for view at the Library.
If proposal 1326 was not accepted, amend this rule in the following ways:
a) replace all above occurrances of the string "Count Tabula" with the string "the Assistant Tabulator".b) remove the first occurrance of the word "optional" from the second paragraph.
Proposal 1336 - Mon Oct 14 22:12 EDT 1996
Stopping Newspaper Abuse
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected
Amend rule 891 by changing its 3rd paragraph as described below:
1. Change "of name of" to "word 'Newspaper' and name of".
2. Change "article." to "article and its subject header."
3. Add to the end: "No newspaper's name may include 'Newspaper'."
Proposal 1337 - Mon Oct 14 22:14 EDT 1996
It shouldn't be bad to own the PF bonds of a champion
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
This is a modest proposal.Amend rule 666, section j, by changing "0" to "-15 N, as defined in section i, above,"
Proposal 1338 - Tue Oct 15 19:57 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule called "Towers" which reads:1) There are two types of towers: Ostentatious Towers and Public Towers. An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own (the term "Ostentatious Tower" is always with respect to a particular player). A Public Tower is a tower that a player adds to a public building, (that is, a building defined by the rules which is owned by no player, and is not haunted by an Undead), or to a kaa of public land.
2) A player is always said to be "permitted" to build (or extend) an Ostentatious Tower associated with them. A player is said to be permitted to build (or extend) a Public Tower provided they submit a plan to the Senate, and the Senate votes approval of that plan within 3 days of its submission. Such a plan must describe a tower that could legally be built (or a legal extension of an extant Public Tower). The Public Tower so built (or extension thereof) as a result of this permission must accord with the plan approved by the Senate.
3) There is no limit to the number of towers that may be added to a building, and there is no upper limit to their height, so long as they are constructed (or extended) via procedures defined in the rules. Towers are protected, as is the act of constructing (and extending) them.
4) A tower is constructed as follows, provided the player is permitted to contruct it. The player publically announces which building they are adding a tower to (or which kaa of land they are building it on), a description of the tower, and the height of the tower (as a positive integral number of meters). Towers must be at least 35 meters tall. Towers cost A$3 per meter to construct, and if a player cannot afford the construction costs, they may not build a tower of that height.
5) A player may also extend the height of a tower they are permitted to extend by an integral number of meters, at a cost of A$5 per meter, by publically announcing they are doing so, and by describing the extension.
6) A building's height is the height of its tallest tower. All buildings without a tower are less than 35 meters high, unless the rules specify otherwise. A stand-alone tower built on a kaa of land without an attached building is considered a building in its own right.
7) Any tower in the Gaol's evidence room is twisted into a pretzel-shaped blob, and will not exceed the height of the Gaol. Towers may not manipulate protected entities or perfrom protected actions except where specified by the rules. Towers may only be destroyed as specified in the rules.
8) It is said that a tower of sufficient height will reach close to the edge of the stainless steel hollow walls that surround the earth, and it is known that a Brass Monkey is taller than two average cat-heights.
{{9) renumber this rule to 841}}
Proposal 1339 - Tue Oct 15 19:58 EDT 1996
Ammend 985.1
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Append the following sentence to Section 4.A. of R985.1 "This section defers to section 3.C. of this rule."
{{[While 3.C. explicitly defers the entire rule to a PCPD rule which defines another means of Capture. 4.A. takes precedence over 3.C. this should fix this]}}
Proposal 1340 - Tue Oct 15 19:59 EDT 1996
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Amend Rule 1099, section 3) to read as follows:
3) If a departing player has been nominated, their confirmation period starts at the time of their nomination and ends 3 after their nomination. During the confirmation period, players may send messages to the public forum supporting the nominee (maximum one such messge per player). The nominee shall receive one confirmation point for each such message posted in accordance with the rules. They shall also receiv one point for each cycle (or game) they won while a player, up to a maximum of 5 points from this source.
{{[The confirmation periods for Wayne and this is not a name shall now end, if they have not already done so.]}}
Proposal 1341 - Tue Oct 15 20:00 EDT 1996
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author
Create a new rule with the following text:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Proposal 1342 - Wed Oct 16 21:57 EDT 1996
Money, Cigarettes, and Bicycles
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Amend R 1046 as follows:
1) Place the following text at the end of the rule:
{{All A$ owned by the Orkatass Lawn Care Company and Motor Inn are transferred to the Treasury. [this amendment is because it will be one less thing to track, yet keep the flavor of the rule.]}}
2) Replace the period at the end of the third paragraph with the following text:
" (which is then immediately transferred to the Treasury, as the OLCCaMI is a not-for-profit entity)."
Proposal 1343 - Thu, 17 Oct 1996 08:29:28 -0500 (CDT)
No Scamming during a Crisis
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author
This is a Modest proposal.Create a new rule reading:
It is considered bad taste to scam during a crisis, and players are permitted to sneer at this behaviour.
Proposal 1344 - Thu, 17 Oct 1996 09:09:30 -0500 (CDT)
Round Earth Restoration Society
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Made Harfy by Habeous Corpus at Fri, 18 Oct 1996 07:02:36 EDT
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule reading:At some time in the distant past, the Earth was indeed round, and through a great cataclysm, it became flat when two massive roughly hemispherical chunks broke off of it, one from the north, and one from the south. Like all things which fall off the Earth, these two fragments of the Earth now dangle from emergency tethers.
The Round Earth Restoration Society exists. Its goal to restore a round shape to the Earth by building enormous winch-like machines to reel in these two dangling fragments. Unfortuantely, the cost of such machines is very high -- 15,000 A$. At any time, a player may make a contribution to the Round Earth Restoration Society by posting a public message containing a non-negative amount of A$ less than that player's current balance that they wish to transfer to the Treasury on behalf of the Round Earth Restoration Society. If taxes should ever exist in Acka, such contributions are tax-deductible. The first player to make such a contribution becomes Chairman of the Round Earth Restoration Society, and it is his duty to keep track of how much money has been transferred to the Treasury on the Society's behalf. Should this player ever go on vacation or leave the game, the next player to contribute shall take over this title and duty.
Once the Round Earth Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$, a large machine shall be built, and the northern fragment joined to the earth, giving it a roughly hemispherical shape. Once an additional 15,000 A$ has been raised, the southern fragment will be likewise joined, restoring a spherical shape to the Earth.
If the earth should become hemispherical, saying such is not Heresy, and this takes precedence over Rule 729. If the Earth should ever become a sphere, all occurrences of the words "flat" and "round" in Rule 729 shall become "round" and "flat," respectively, and this paragraph shall then be repealed.
Proposal 1345 - Fri 18 Oct 8:27 CDT 1996
Reuse and Closet Cleaning
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Amend R 1298 in the following ways in the order specified:
1) replace all occurrances of the word "senator" with the word "Officer".
2) replace all occurrance of the word "A" or "a" before the word "Officer" with the word "An" or "an", respectively.
Amend R 1314 to read:
{{[as it stands now, these entities appear to be tradeable, given a construction that gives "operational rule words" such as "tradeable" some sort of higher status than regular english words. Game custom is unclear on this, IMO, but I'm in here anyway, so I might as well fix it.
The actual change is based on the fact that the badges should not be garments. I would like to wear all of them at once.]}}
The types of entities called Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are defined by the rules. Both are Protected; Champion's Cloaks are non-Tradeable Garments. Neither may be created or destroyed except as specified in the rules.
A Champion's Cloak is a regal garment of the color(s) and design of its owner's choice, while Badges of Glory are elaborate medals of various designs. (It is customary, though not required, for the owner of either of these entities to describe it within 3 days of acquiring it.)
A player may request to be called, "Exalted One," or the honorific of his choice while he wears any of these objects. It is not necessary to honor such requests.
{{[this clause is also unnecessary, as items are non-mimsy by default.
When a player leaves the game, his Undead, should such a thing exist, shall haunt any Champion's Cloak or Badge of Glory that he owned.]}}
Proposal 1346 - Fri 18 Oct 8:28 CDT 1996
Unwrangling Grab-a-Donkey
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule called "Unwrangling Grab-a-Donkey" with the following text:"
{{Renumber this rule to 1275}}{{This rule takes precedence over rule 1276.
Amend Rule 1276 to read:
Create a game known as Grab-a-Donkey. The game consists of a moderator, known as the Wrangler and players, who initially comprise all current active Players of Ackanomic, not including the Player designated as the Wrangler, those on Vacation, in Gaol, or otherwise prohibited from performing Ackanomic actions. Each player in Grab-a-Donkey starts off with one (1) donkey.
The following special equipment is required to play Grab-a-Donkey. The equipment will be issued from the Game Box at the start of play, and all equipment will automatically be returned to the Game Box at the end of the game.
One (1) donkey per playerThe Wrangler may call for a Grab-a-Donkey game at any time, as long as no Grab-a-Donkey game is currently being played. If no Wrangler exists, the first player to claim to be Wrangler may call for a game of Grab-a-Donkey in accordance with the previous sentence. A game of Grab-a-Donkey may only be called once per calendar month, however.
One lariat per player (used to Grab other donkeys)
One (1) blanket (used to Cover the player's own donkey)The rules of Grab-a-Donkey are as follows:
A. When a new game of Grab-a-Donkey starts, all Players of Ackanomic, excluding the Wrangler, those exempted as noted above, or those who publically decline participation, will be placed on the Grab-a-Donkey Active List ("GAL" hereafter).
B. Each Round, a player on the GAL will either
(a) Cover their donkey,
(b) Grab another player's donkey on the GAL,
(c) Stand Around Admiring their Donkey,
(d) Resign (this action is only permissible in the first round)Unless a player specifies a different choice to the Wrangler in a private message by the end of the Round, the player will Stand Around Admiring their Donkey. Rounds will last no less than one full day and no more than 3 full days from the start of the round. Players may change their action at any time before the end of the Round.
Upon a player resigning, or leaving the game of Ackanomic, their stated actions that round are disregarded, and they are removed from the GAL at the start of the next round. They are considered to have Covered their Donkey for determining the outcome of the current round.
C. If exactly one player ("A") chose to Grab another player's donkey ("B"), and if B did not Cover their donkey, then B will lose their donkey and be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round. "A" is said to have successfully grabbed "B"'s donkey. If more than one player attempted to grab "B"'s donkey, none of those attempts is successful.
D. If only one player on the GAL did not choose to Cover their donkey, then all other players will be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round.
E. At the end of the Round, the Wrangler will publicly report what each player on the GAL did, and determine the results.
F. If and when there are exactly zero players left on the GAL, that game of Grab-a-Donkey shall end. The current Wrangler shall lose their title at that time.
G. If and when there is exactly one player left on the GAL, that game of Grab-a-Donkey shall end. That player shall be considered to be the Belt Holder of that game of Grab-a-Donkey (and shall also have the title of Wrangler). The Belt Holder shall be awarded 3 Points plus the number of donkeys he successfully grabbed that round.
He shall also have the right to Propose exactly one (1) amendment to this rule that changes the way the game of Grab-a-Donkey is played. No player other than the Belt Holder should submit such proposals, and other players are permitted to sneer at such attempts (and vote them down). An exception to this is maintainence proposals, or proposals whose rule changes would fix bugs or paradoxes, are permitted by anyone.$$the clause enclosed in double-dollar signs shall be known as "This Clause". Immediately upon a game state in Acka occurring in which a game of Grab-a-Donkey is not being played, the player known as Malenkai when the proposal that created This Clause was distributed shall lose the title of Wrangler, if he has it. Then (whether or not Malenkai lost the title of Wrangler per above), This Clause shall be removed from this rule. [I don't need to be wrangler again if the current game ends in a draw.]$$
Proposal 1347 - Fri 18 Oct 8:32 CDT 1996
Deciphering Duels
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.{{[the following rewrite will make my job easier, and hopefully make the rules easier to read :)]}}
Amend R 1302 to read:
1. Any player who feels offended by another player, or is engaged in a heated discussion with another player, may challenge that player to a duel, subject to the limitations described below.
2. The procedure for challenging and conducting a duel is as follows:
The Challenging player finds another player who agrees to be their Second. The Challenger gives their Second the name of the player he wishes to Challenge, and the reason for the Challenge.
The Second posts a public message, which anounces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, and the fact that a Challenge has been made.
The Challenged player has 3 days to find a player who agrees to be their Second and have the Second respond to the message publically. The message must contain the following information: The Challenge it is a reply to, and a Game or Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the Game or Contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the 3 days, or the Challenged player declines the Challenge, or the response does not confrom to the rules preceeding, then he is considered to have forefeit the Duel.
The Game or Contest (hereafter called Contest) chosen for the Duel must be one accepted for listing (or listed) on the Games & Contests web page. Moreover, it must be playable by exactly two players and have definitive rules for determining a winner.
If the Challenged player waived the privilege of choosing a Contest, the Challenging player may choose a Contest.
The duel starts upon the Challenged Player posting his acceptance of the Duel. [The President, or any other Political Officer, may annouce the start of the duel, if they wish.]
When the Duel is over, the winner of the Duel receives 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The loser of the Duel loses 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The winner's Second receives 3 points, the loser's Second loses 3 points.
The results of the Duel have no other direct influence over Ackanomic. However if either the Challenger or the Challenged have committed themselves in a public message to a certain action depending on the results of the Duel, then they must perform that action if the rules permit performance of the action. Should they fail to perform that action, they are breaking the rules.
3. Whenever a duel is forfeited, the Challenged player loses 6 points, and the Challenging player gains 6 points. The Seconds scores are not changed in this case.
4. Conditions under which a duel may not be called, or unusual forfeit and cancellation conditions:
a. It is impermissible to Challenge an Untouchable Player to a Duel.
b. A Player who Challenged another Player to a Duel or a Player who has been Challenged by another Player to a Duel is Untouchable until the Duel procedures are resolved.
c. A Player who was a Challengee in a Duel, that is, was Challenged to a Duel and accepted, continues to be Untouchable until the end of the Calendar month in which the duel ended.
d. Players on Vacation or in Gaol are Untouchable.
e. A Player who anounces that he will be going on Vacation on a specific future date is Untouchable until they return from that vacation, or for three days if they do not go on that vacation within 3 days.
f. If a player who is currently engaged in Duel procedures goes on Vacation or to Gaol he forfeits the duel.
g. A Player running for Office may not Challenge another Player running for the same Office to a duel.
h. A player who has declined a Duel, or failed to respond to a Challenge, is Untouchable until 3 days after the date he has declined, or until 3 days after he is considered to have forfeit the duel.
i. If both the Challenger and the Challenged go on Vacation simultaneously, then the Duel is cancelled.
j. No player may make more than 3 challenges per calendar month. No more than 6 duels may be called per calendar month.
Create a new rule called "Adding Contests", which reads:
This rule has precedence over all mutable rules.Add the following contest, in quotes, to the Games and Contests page:
Limerick Contest1) Equipment: None
2) Number of Players:
Exactly 2, with the GamesMaster as a referee. It is permissable for the GamesMaster to be both a player and the referee at the same time.
3) Starting an instance of the contest
The Limerick Contest is started as directed by the Ackanomic rules, in which case the GamesMaster is the referee, or when a sufficient number of players and referees agree to start and participate in it.
4) Rules of the contest:
Each of the players in the contest writes a limerick about the other player. The limerick may be silly, funny, and even ridicule the other participant in a good-humored manner, as long as it is not offensive. The limericks must be posted within 5 days of the start of the contest. If one of the participants fails to post a limerick, then the other wins by default. If neither post, the referee chooses a winner at random.
Once both limericks have been posted, there is a 3 day voting period. During the voting period all Ackanomic players may send their vote to the referee, indicating which limerick is the better one. The participant whose limerick got the most votes, wins the contest. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the contest. In the case that that does not determine a winner, the referee determines a winner at random.
"Add the following game, in quotes, to the Games and Contests page:
"Boolean tic-tac-toe (Bttt)
1) Equipment: None
2) Number of Players: Exactly 2.
3) Starting an instance of the game
Bttt is started as directed by the Ackanomic rules, or when a sufficient number of players agree to start and participate in it.
4) Rules of Bttt:
(i) The game of Bttt is played on a 3x3 grid labeled in the following manner:
a b c d e f g h i(ii) At the begining of the game one participant is randomly chosen by the GamesMaster to play the role of T, the other participant plays the role of F. The former is known as the T-players, the latter is known as the F-player.(iii)
(a) The symbol ! is the NOT symbol.
(b) The follwoing comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to T
(c) The following comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to F
(d) every symbol is equivalent to itself(iv)Participants alternate turns. The T-player always goes first. The first turn must be played no more than three days after the game has started. Every subsequent play must take place within 3 days of the most recent play. A participant who misses this deadline loses by default.
(v) There are two possible plays Play and Anti-Play.
Play - Participant places their symbol, in an unoccupied square. A Particiapnt may not any of the equivalents of the symbol. The T-player may only play T, the F-Player may only play F
Anti-Play - An Anti-Play consists of adding the NOT symbol next to a symbol already on the grid. If there is already a NOT symbol next to that location, then the number next to the NOT symbol is incremented. If there is no number then a 2 is inserted between the NOT symbol and T or F symbol.
If the number next to a NOT symbol is 3 then it is illegal to Anti-Play in that square. It is illegal for a participant to Anti-Play on their own Symbol or any of its equivalents. Anti-Play is only permissible if the other Participant has a winning move in their next turn.
(vi) Winning - A player wins when three symbols in a single column, row or diagonal are all equivalent to their symbol. If there is no legal move and no winner can be determined according to the criteria described in the previous sentence, the winner is the participant who has more symbols equal to their own symbol in the grid. If this still produces no winner, a winner is chosen randomly by the GamesMaster.
Proposal 1348 - Fri 18 Oct 8:34 CDT 1996
Trinkets, Riddles, and Buried Treasure
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Made Harfy by Habeous Corpus at Fri, 18 Oct 1996 12:17:15 cst
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule called "Trinkets" which reads:{{all extant Trinkets are destroyed with no compensation to their owner. The preceeding sentence takes precedence over all others in this rule.}}
A class of Tradeable entities known as Trinkets exist. Trinkets may be traded via the same procedures allowed for the trading of Ackadollars.
Trinkets always have a value in positive A$. The value of a Trinket may only be changed as specified by the rules. The owner of a Trinket may exchange it for its value in A$ by publically announcing they are doing so. This action destroys the Trinket, and it upsets the art and antiquities communities.
A player may create a Trinket by publically announcing its name, description, and value, and by paying its announced value to the Treasury. A player may not create a Trinket he cannot afford the value of. Once created, the creating player becomes the owner of the Trinket.
Other rules may also create and bestow ownership of Trinkets, so long as the rule provides for naming, describing, and valuing the Trinket.
Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified by the rules.
[What are Trinkets used for? Adding color, basically. Allowing gifts of value other than Prosthetic Foreheads to be given, and for possible use as Buried Treasure, or other uses.]
Create a new rule called "Buried Treasure!" which reads:
A player may bury Treasure by publically announcing that they are doing so, and by stating what the Treasure consists of. The Treasure must consist of one or more tradeable entities owned by that player. Hereafter, the term "Treasure" means the collection of these specified constituent entities.
Immediately after this announcement, the player ceases to own the Treasure; it is considered "buried" or "hidden", and is unowned.
A player who buries Treasure must write a Treasure Map that describes, at a minimum, the conditions which must be met for a player to "find" the Treasure. These conditions may be as simple or as difficult to achieve as desired by the map writer. In fact, they may be impossible to achieve under the current ruleset. For the purposes of this rule, "conditions" means 1 or more conditions.
The map writer is free to disclose all, part, or none of the map publically or privately at any time, or drop hints, clues, obscure riddles, etc in any manner they choose, even if such is not obvious, is subtle, or is encrypted [for example, the text of a proposal could be part of a Treasure Map, or a riddle, in disguise]. The map writer should consider the fun and spirit of the game when making such decisions [they could always just give the entities away].
Upon a player (who is not a map custodian with respect to the map in question) achieving the conditions for finding buried Treasure as specified by a Treasure Map, it is a duty of the map writer or a map custodian (if any exist) to make this fact, and the map, public (once they become aware of the condition being achieved, and final act that lead to the condition being achieved is publically knowable). This action destroys the map, and the player who achieved the conditions receives the Treasure, and thus becomes the owner of its constituent entities (which are no longer considered "Treasure"). In the case of multiple players achieving the conditions before the map is destroyed, the first to achieve it finds the Treasure. If the condition is achieved simultaneously by 2 or more players, the finder is determined at random by the Officer in charge of Random Things.
The map writer is free to achieve the conditions. This is considered bad form, and the Chartreuse Goose is permitted to sneer. Furthermore, when this happens, the Chartreuse Goose is transferred to the map writer from wherever it is.
The rules may specify conditions under which a player becomes a map custodian for a particular Treasure Map. Once a player becomes a map custodian for a particular map, they are not permitted to disclose anything about the map, or find the Treasure associated with that map, even if they achieve the conditions, as long as that map is in existance. A player will never "un become" a map custodian for a particular map once they have been one. Any player responsible for announcing that another player has achieved the conditions will not do so in the case of a map custodian (with respect to that map) achieving them.
Whenever a map writer goes on vacation, or leaves the game, they should give the map to the Speaker (or acting Speaker), who becomes the map custodian (although for short vacations, they may not wish to do this). Upon the Speaker going on vacation, they should give the map to the acting Speaker, etc. It is possible, and acceptable, for a map to be permanently or temporarily lost because of players leaving the game. Such is the nature of buried treasure. Players should avoid giving the map to a map custodian, unless it is in the best interest of the fun of the treasure hunt (i.e., they are going on a long vacation or leaving).
The map writer is not a map custodian, unless he happens to become one as specified in the above paragraph.
Proposal 1349 - Fri 18 Oct 8:36 CDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted
Deep In the rain forest it was doing what it usually does in rain forests, which was raining: hence the name. This rain will cause a horrible flood to sweep through ackanomic destroying all of the suction cups that keep us attached to the bottom of the earth is something is not done. Therefore, on the first of each month every non-vacationing priest must post a prayer of deliverance to the public forum. This prayer must contain at lest 3 words with 6 sylables, and one line of text that is "spoken in tounges".If exactly one priest fails to comply with this rule his house shall lose it's suction cups and dangle from the bottom of the earth. If two priest fail to comply, 5 buildings chosen at random will lose their suctions cups. If more than two priest fail to comply, the floods shall destroy all of the suction cups in ackanomic, causing everything to dangle.
Proposal 1350 - Fri 18 Oct 8:37 CDT 1996
Intercarinary Meilinosis
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Habeous Corpus at Fri, 18 Oct 1996 12:21:00 cst
Decision: Rejected
An epidemic of insanity is sweeping through Ackanomic. Though no one actually knows who, exactly, is insane, rumors are flying everywhere and the Gaoler is trying his best to find out.If a player has 10 or more of his proposals fail consecutively, and this fact comes o the attention of the Gaoler, he may make a public announcement to the effect of said player (hereafter known as Tom Fool Plum Loco) Ris a danger to himself, and to othersS and then send out Rthe nice young men in the shiny white coatsS to detain him. It is considered good form for the Gaoler to include copious amounts of legal and/or medical mumbo-jumbo in his public safety announcement.
Once detained, Tom Fool Plum Loco shall be placed in a special cell of the Gaol, one with padded-walls and a speaker high in the corner playing soothing choral music sung, in part, by the Fat Ladies younger sister. He shall be questioned daily by the Gaoler regarding the nature of his illness, and itUs causes. he may also be questioned about the the nature of his failed proposals and the possibilty that they were inspired by RLittle VoicesS. The Gaoler may ask further questions on various subjects at his discretion. Once again, including legal and/or medical mumbo-jumbo will be considered good form.
After Tom Fool Plum Loco has been detained for three days, the Gaoler shall mnake another public safety announcement, this one containing the results of his interrogations. This announcement should include a decent amount of the above mentioned mumbo-jumbo and the GaolerUs impressions of Tom Fool Plum LocoUs state of mind.
After this final public safety announcement is made. the Gaoler has 24 hours to release Tom Fool Plum Loco from the gaol. If in the GaolerUs view, Tom Fool Plum Loco was RinsaneS or RdisturbedS or possibly Rhearing voicesS, he may bill Tom Fool Plum Loco up to A$50 for services rendered. If the Gaolerm feels that the detained player was not RdisturbedS, etc. after all he should publically apologize for the inconvenience, once again including the mumbo-jumbo bit.
This rule includes some legal mumbo-jumbo of itUs own, namely: it claims precedence over other mutable rules, in as much as it allows for an alternate procedure for placing players in the Gaol. For the purposes of this rule, a streak of consecutive failures is considered to end once a player has been detained. Proposals that failed due to quorum do not count for the purposes of this rule.