Clues, Riddles, and Guesses for Treasure 136

breadbox wrote (Mar 21, 1997):

Oh, mighty scholar of *blurp*, may I intrude here and hazard a guess that what the Machine That Goes *blurp* is trying to tell us is:

IF, AND ONLY IF this cycle has a number that is odd and greater than one, THEN the Player That Is Malenkai shall win the cycle.


Bascule wrote (Mar 21, 1997):

Congratulations breadbox, most learned student of *blurp*. The minutes you spent tackling this most arduous of puzzles did not pass in vain. I have been most impressed with the persistence and tenacity you have so consistently displayed, so much so that were it within my power I would bestow upon you the honoured qualification of BBlp. Instead, you have discovered the location of the Wondrous Machine That Goes *blurp*. The treasure map read as follows:

The first player to post a public message containing the words "IF, AND ONLY IF this cycle has a number that is odd and greater than one, THEN the Player That Is Malenkai shall win the cycle" shall find the Machine That Goes *blurp*. Unless it was their second try.

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