Incomplete Undead List

Updated March 29, 1997


AirHead (Eric Freeman) [] Joined: November 30, 1996, 14:27 EST Member of Harf Has a Prosthetic Forehead he is not wearing

Cash : 1304 A$ Bonds: 100 PFAirHead

Brinjal (Simon Clarke) Joined: April 11, 1996, 12:14 EDT Gaoler NAP Swinger Has the Magic Potato Has a Silver Moon Cash : 687 A$ Bonds: 100 PFBrinjal
fon (Adrian Smith) [] Joined: 5th of existing players On Vacation since May 6, 01:32 EDT; ER: September 7, 02:23 EDT; On Ice) Has a Chartreuse Goose Egg A Silly Vacation Hat awaits him Cash : 327 A$ Bonds: 100 PFfon
G. Peefalt (Aaron Morris) Joined: December 17, 1996, 05:52 EST On Vacation (since Jan 17, 12:25 EST; ER: Jan 31, 12:25 EST) Cash : 967 A$ Bonds: 100 PFGPeefalt
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin) [] Joined: Septemper 5, 1996, 20:27 EDT Expert in Players Has a Blue Cross and three Silver Stripes Has a Rock to wind a string around Has Phoebe's Matchbox Bonus Votes: 1 Processing Chips: 35 Has two heads Has an Amber Banana Has another Prosthetic Forehead he is not wearing Silly Vacation Hat Priest of The Church of the Markovian Dream Member of (None Yet) Cash : 1435 A$ Bonds: 75 PFGuy
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham) [] Joined: July 13, 1996, approx 20:30 EDT On Vacation since Jan 22, 05:15 EST; ER: Feb 05, 05:15 EST) Winner of the 10th Cycle by R 220, January 20, 1997) Has a Champion's Cloak Senator (seat Rebus 8-{}) Harfmeister Has a Right-Handed Grapefruit Has two Whamiols Has a Vending Machine Has a Scroll of Crumble Has a Gravitational Monopole Has the Onyx Lion Otzma Cards: Go Fish, Summon Tornado, Untouch Me Processing Chips: 8 Has a Prosthetic Forehead he is not wearing Cash : 1631 A$ Bonds: 20 PFHabeous
Pascal (Jason Reed) [] Joined April 1, 1996, quit April 4; rejoined June 10, 1996, 05:25 EDT On Vacation (since September 4, 18:45 EDT, ER: Sept 18, 18:45 EDT; On Ice) Has a Chartreuse Goose Egg A Silly Vacation Hat awaits him Burned as a Heretic on July 8, 1996 Enlightened Cash : 286 A$ Bonds: 100 PFPascal
this is not a name (Mike Epstein) [] Joined: April 3, 1996, 03:10 EST Appointer Historian Senator (seat Sinecure 33) Has a Wool Sweater Burned as a Heretic on August 2, 1996 Enlightened Silly Vacation Hat Member of (None Yet) Leader of (None Yet) Member of The Church of the Markovian Dream Cash : 545 A$ Bonds: 100 PFthis
Uncle Sam (Sam Peterson) [] Joined: September 14, 1996, 04:06 EDT Has the Magic Potato Has a Prosthetic Forehead he is not wearing Has another Prosthetic Forehead he is not wearing Cash : 643 A$ Bonds: 15 PFUncle
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard) [] Joined: 1st of existing players Promoter Tabulator Has a Blue Cross Has a Chartreuse Goose Egg Cash : 1 A$

23 Skidoo (David Thomas Fisher) [davefish@po.EECS.Berkeley.EDU]

Joined: December 10, 1996, 07:04 EST On Vacation (since Dec 15, 01:33 EST; ER: Jan 14, 01:33 EST)

Cash : 1191 A$

Bonds: 100 PF23Skidoo

Clairence (Clair Anthony Viglione) [cvig@ComCAT.COM]

Joined: December 3, 1996, 04:21 EST On Vacation (since Jan 09, 22:44 EST; ER: Jan 11, 22:44 EST)

Has a Chartreuse Goose Egg

Cash : 1200 A$

Bonds: 100 PFClairence


Has 235 A$

Has 10 PFNarf

Has 84 BPStrider

Has a Whamiol

Member of

Has the Little Bag O' Chips C (worth A$1)

Has the Big Ole Jug of Wine (worth A$5)

Has the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (worth A$)

Has the IRC Trout of Slapping (worth A$10)

He loses the following offices:




Has 1179 A$

Has 90 PFLestrade

Has 3 Processing Chip

Has a Prosthetic Forehead

Member of The Church of the Markovian Dream

Has the marble pedestal (worth A$15)

Ludwig (Chris Lundberg) [OSTRA@INTERSERV.Com] Joined: Feburary 1, 1997, 06:00 EST Has the Little Bag O' Chips B Has the A Big Bowl of Dip Has the Victory Gin Has the The Splendid One Man Percussion Section Has the EEL Button Swinger for (None Yet) Cash : 700 A$ Bonds: 100 PFLudwig Haunting: 2 swing points