Ackanomic Poll Archive

Poll Question #1 - Mon Mar 4 5:15pm 1996
Creator: Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

How do you feel about the current number of Ackanomic players?


1. There are too many players.
2. There are the right amount of players.
3. There are too few players.


Might I venture to suggest that in addition, Players offer their opinion on the ideal number of Players for the game?


Player                              Answer      Suggested # of Players
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)                 3                  15
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)        3                  25
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)     3               15-20
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)             3               12-20
chess piece face (Paul Swan)           3
Rusty Tapwater (Art Peel)              3               25-30
Gumby (Neil Griffin)                   3               20-25

The results are fairly clear in that everyone seems to think we need more players, so I'm sure we all welcome the recent influx (for a while, things looked terminal). The other clear message, however, is that things can go too far. No-one seems to want the numbers to get more than 30 or so, so the Publicist should perhaps take note if he finds himself being too successful. I suspect the reason why many of us joined a relatively new game was too avoid having very large numbers of players (part of the reason, at least).

Poll Question #2 - Mon Mar 11 11:42am 1996
Creator: Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Do you favor the fragmentation of jobs into many different offices (such as Promoter, Registrar, Clerk of the Courts, Web-Harfer, etc) or do you favor a single office (Speaker) or a very few offices handling these tasks?


1. I favor the existence of many offices to handle the work in Ackanomic.
2. I favor the existence of a few offices to handle the work in Ackanomic.
3. I favor the existence of a single office to handle the work in Ackanomic.



Player                                  Answer
mr cwm (Eric Murray)                       2
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)                     2
Simon Marty Harriman (Andy Swan)           1
Dr McSpong (Julian Richardson)             1
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)                 1
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)         1
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)            1
Gumby (Neil Griffin)                       1

Clearly, people are keen to have plenty of employment opportunities within the Game.

Poll Question #3 - Wed Mar 20 3:05pm 1996
Creator: Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Would you support the creation of a more extensive governmental structure within Ackanomic (i.e. President, Senate, etc)?


1. Yes, wholeheartedly.
2. Yes, but not very extensive.
3. No, but a little more governmental structure would be nice.
4. No, absolutely not.



Player                                  Answer
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)                 1
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)                 4
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)                     2
Simon Marty Harriman (Andy Swan)           1
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)            1
Malenkai (Randy Hall)                      4
fon_ (Adrian Smith)                        4
Bobalugah Rajiboo (Sean Crystal)           1
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)         1
Gumby (Neil Griffin)                       2

Well, there seems to be a bit of a split on this one. Of course, most of the proposals on the subject have already gone through, so I suspect many of those who didn't respond to the Poll must be in favour of such game structures. Clearly, complexity of some variety will inevitably arise as the game matures, so I wonder if it's the nature of the structure is what put off those who voted 4 - perhaps it is a little too like Real Life (for you Americans, at least)? In fact one of the suggestions for next week's question dealt with that very subject, so we may get to find out what people think.

That' all from me. Best wishes to my successor.

Poll Question #4 - Thu Mar 28 7:45am 1996
Creator: fon (Adrian Smith)

How closely should the Ackanomic world mirror the "RealWorld"?


1. As close as possible
2. About what we have now
3. Let's do our own thing



Player                                  Answer
Dr. McSpong 3 Meletus 3 mr.cwm 3 /dev/joe 3 this is not a name 3 pTang1001001sos 3 Tera Ypsilon 3 Nick 3 Calvin N Hobbes 3 Wayne 3 Mohammed 2.5 SnafuMoose 2

Poll Question #5 - Thu Apr 4 9:00am CST 1996
Creator: Dr McSpong (Julian Richardson)

Do you think the volume of ackanomic mail is :


HONK) Not high enough.
WHACK) Just about right.



Player                                  Answer
SnafuMoose WHACK this is not a name WHACK Mohammed WHACK /dev/joe WHACK pTang1001001sos WHACK chess piece face WHACK The Governor DING! Nicolo Flychuck DING! fon DING! Snowgod HONK Simon Marty Harriman HONK And one irrelevent extra vote from the Governor for Buzz.....flipflipflipflipCRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCH *BANG* SCREEEeeech

Poll Question #6 - Fri Apr 12 11:45am CDT 1996
Creator: The Governor (Dan Marsh)

Do political parties currently serve a useful purpose in the game?


(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) They have potential, but it isn't being used



Player                                  Answer
pTang1001001sos A this is not a name A CarseraC A Robert Sevin A chess piece face A Mohammed B Thin Man B Robin Hood C mr cwm C spammy C /dev/joe C Brinjal C Techno C Malenkai C The Governor C snowgod C Device C

Poll Question #7 - Fri Apr 12 11:45am CDT 1996
Creator: Dan Thompson

Are you( the player and observers responding) a student or proffesional or neither and what are you doing or studying?


This is purely a curiosity of mine and I wondered if others of you were curious too. In the future I plan to ask about origin of Ackanomic names, where people live and things like that.


pTang1001001sos, a game designer working for a team making a computer game.

this is not a name, who is a high school senior.

CarseraC, a student that is working as a professional at Stork RMS. Im studing the fine art of Control System Engineering.

President Robert Sevin: Student -- Math & Computer Science

chess piece face, a student at the University of Texas at Austin, where he is currently double majoring in english and sociology. He also happens to be my little brother.

Mohammed a student studying electrical engineering.

Thin Man, a professional x-ray crystallographer.

Robin Hood a postgrad

Mr.cwm, a professional teaching physics to undergraduates.

spammy who is just getting back into the University of GA after a year hiatus, a Comp. Sci. major who also lives with a great band and runs their Webpage and does roadwork for them.

/dev/joe, a chemical engineering student.

Brinjal, a game designer/PBM game moderator.

Techno: Student: Computer Science. Professional: Computer Repair Technician

Malenkai, a Professional Unix admin/Internet engineer/code cowboy

The Governor, a politician by calling, a poorly-paid proofreader at a small publishing company by trade.

Snowgod who is: taking a year off from school to earn some money... Manage a video store.... Creative Writing Major.....

Device, a student in high school! (just) Who likes to dip his hands into just about everything.

P.Perigo, a former student (business), now a semi-professional with a commercial real estate development company...I say "semi" because while the attitude is all business there are no "suits & ties" (or "dresses & pantyhose" for that matter) worn in this office, strictly casual attire.

Wamphyri a proffesional whose profession ranges from day to day, a soldier-

I (Simon Marty Harriman) am a college sophmore at Tarrant county Junior College right now and I will be back where I belong at the University of Texas in Austin in the fall. I am a government major and I hope to tech high school or college government and then go on to have a political career after I get done teaching.


There it is guys, the official results. Kind of unwieldy. If anybody likes the way I presented this, thanks. If anybody hates it HARF OFF(I stole the word harf from Robert Sevin, btw). Just kidding, I realize this is a mess and would like suggestions on how to better present the results. Thanks again to those who reponded, eternal shame to those who didn't.

Poll Question #8 - Fri Apr 19 1:45pm CDT 1996
Creator: Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

How interested in having a United Nomics are you?


A) Not interested
B) Would keep up with its happenings.
C) Would work to become an active part of it.


I realize my categories aren't so good on this one, but if you have an alternate answer, that's O.K.


Player                                  Answer

Poll Question #9 - Fri Apr 19 1:45pm CDT 1996
Creator: Simon Marty Harriman (Andy Swan)

What is the origin of your ackanomic name?

Please be as specific as possible. I am including the origins of my twenty characters, legal limit name. I realize that these are not as much topics that are answerable by observers, but observers could tell what their name would be or something if they would like.



On June 1, 1996, Proposal 807 passed, repealing the "Official Polls" rule.