Proposal Archive (3101-3150)

Proposal 3101 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:16 EDT
Harfhogger Penalty
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Harfmeisters are under increasing pressure to designate Harf these days, what with it affecting possession of Cheddars, Agenda Hats and suchlike. Yet there is still no penalty for a Harfmeister (other than having to go to eir home) who refuses to give out Harf until e is forced from Office. Seeing as 5 points are given per Harfy thing that happens, a commensurate penalty (double damages) should be enforced. Not so much to make the office untenable, but not so little as to make the penalty ineffective.]

Amend Rule 1112 by inserting the following PEN-delimited text immediately after the final occurrence of the text "guilty of Hogging the Harf":

, loses 10 points at the time the verdict becomes public,

Proposal 3102 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:17 EDT
Grand Repealo
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Again, the modest declaration serves minimal purpose. There is no point anti-voting NO on this proposal, as it amends Rule 207. I feel that Grandiose designation of proposals is a pointless endeavour these days. Such designations are used so infrequently that their removal would not significantly affect game play.]

Amend Rule 207 by (a) deleting all instances of the following 2 quoted sentences:

"If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points."

"If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points."

and (b) replacing all instances of the text "a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose" with "a non-Modest proposal"

Amend Rule 209 to read as delimited by MODONLY-below:

A proposal is considered to be Modest if and only if the author of the proposal prefaces the proposal with the words "This is a Modest proposal".
The sentence that declares a Proposal to be Modest is considered "furniture" for the purposes of Rule 207.

Proposal 3103 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:18 EDT
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

This is a Chess Proposal.

[The RoundCount variable is not very useful right now. It was originally introduced to determine when swingpoints were awarded. We've been on fortnight Swingpoint awards for months, yet the RoundCount remains. I'm sick of tracking it, and would rather see it go.]

Amend Rule 1230.2, section 4 subsection B item (i) to read as delimited by TURNBASED below:

(i) If a Swinger's Office is Warm, and the Swinger is not checked, then:
(a) If the Office has no on-board pieces, or the previous move made by that office was not a Pass, then that Swinger's Office automatically Passes when its turn begins, otherwise
(b) That Swinger's Office automatically Surrenders when its turn begins.

[The above section previously referred to rounds.]

Delete the following ROUNDY-delimited text from Rule 1230.2:

C. A Round of play is defined as a time period in which each Swinger played at least once, at least one Swinger played only once, and no Swinger who played more than once played after all Swingers who played exactly once.
Each time a Round of play is over, RoundCount is incremented by 1. Whenever a new game of Party Chess is started, and no other rule specifies what the RoundCount shall be, it shall be set to 0.

Delete section 9 subsection A item (i) from Rule 1230.2, and relabel items (ii) and (iii) as (i) and (ii) respectively.

[Deleted text: There has not been a Free For All for at least one Round. This refers to restrictions on Free for Alls - section (ii) specifies a six-week break. We don't need any additional restrictions to compensate for the loss of the round restrictions.]

Amend Rule 1230.40 by deleting section d), and relabelling sections e) and f) to d) and e) respectively.
[The incrementing of the RoundCount at the end of the game is now unnecessary.]

Proposal 3104 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:19 EDT
Nameless Thing #1
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Status: retracted

Create a rule, titled "The Mu-Cow Hunter" and numbered 1395, with the following ZEN-delimited text:


An Active player of Ackanomic exists whose Ackanomic name is The Mu-Cow Hunter. The real name of The Mu-Cow Hunter is Larry. The Mu-Cow Hunter is not a person, and does not have an e-mail address; this takes precedence over any rule which requires players to be people or to have e-mail addresses.

The Mu-Cow Hunter is at all times on the CFJ eligibility list. If any rule specifies that a player shall be randomly selected, there shall be a probability of 0 that The Mu-Cow Hunter is selected; this takes precedence over the rule entitled "Level Playing Field". The Mu-Cow Hunter is not considered to be a player for the purposes of determining quorum.

The Mu-Cow Hunter shall abstain on all proposals, with the exception of the proposals e submits; e shall vote BAA! on these proposals, if such a vote exists.

The Mu-Cow Hunter shall submit one and only one proposal on the third day of every month; e shall submit no proposals on any other day.

The proposal which The Mu-Cow Hunter submits is titled "Mu". It consists of the text "The Mu-Cow Hunter gains a Winning Condition upon the passage of this proposal."

If a proposal submitted by the Mu-Cow passes, e shall upon its passage submit a CFJ on the statement "The Mu-Cow Hunter has achieved a Winning Condition on ." The CFJ shall include no reasoning.



Proposal 3105 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:20 EDT
A tad too big for a CSR I think
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify the rule created by proposal 3048 (Feuds) by replacing:

"a. The Similarity between the Organizations is less than 50 "


a. The H Similarity between the Organizations is less than 50"

Proposal 3106 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:21 EDT
Let me Out!!!!
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is as modest proposal.

Modify rule 256 (Leaving the Game) by appending the following text to the end:

"A player may leave the game either as a public action or by mailing the registrar, or by responding to a query from the speaker as in rule 257 stating eir wish to be removed."

Proposal 3107 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:22 EDT
By the Holy Claws of Klortho the Magnificent
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Throughout the Ruleset, replace every occurrence of the word "Ackadollar"(in any state of capitalization, especially including "AckaDollar")with "Quatloo", and every occurrence of "A$" with "Qo".

Proposal 3108 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:23 EDT
If Leaving Me Is Easy
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 257, "No Dead Players Allowed", by appending to the first paragraph the following text(delimited by RAINBOW):

If this response indicates that e wishes to leave the game, then e may be removed from the game by the Speaker forwarding eir email response to the public forum.

Proposal 3109 - Thu 21 May 1998 00:24 EDT
I hope the Scorekeeper has been paying attention
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend Rule 1250.21, "Abstract Crescent" as follows:

I. Replace

b. This. Game needs no General Equipment


b. General Equipment: Gamepoints as needed.


II. Append the following sentence to the end of the text of section d:

All players start with a score of 0 Gamepoints.


III. In the paragraph that constitutes the body of section 4, and in the first paragraph that constitutes the body of section 5, replace all instances of the word "points" with "Gamepoints".


IV. Append the following text to the end of the rule:

All Abstract Crecent games in progress are changed to follow the modified rule.

For all Abstract Crecent games in progress, all points received or lost as a result of this rule for the particular instance of the game in progress are converted to Gamepoints scoped to that particular instance of the game in progress and to the appropriate player.

Proposal 3110 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:15 EDT
These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ Just trying to keep rules in the appropriate centuries. In other words, I disagree with the placements others have made. :-) ]}}

{{[ Locations are in the 800's. ]}}

Renumber Rule 1130, "The Ackanomic Printing Guild", to 856.

{{[ Miscellaneous entities are in the 900's. ]}}

Renumber Rule 1140, "The Chocolate Frog", to 927.

Renumber Rule 1389, "Quarantine", to 940.

{{[ I've been guilty of putting "miscellaneous" into the 1300's myself, but I recall it being sort of "science and religion". The 1100's are more miscellaneous to me. ]}}

Renumber Rule 1302, "Happiness", to 1131.

Proposal 3111 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:16 EDT
Games on IRC
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

[I would implement games on IRC on a per game basis, and would do it basically as follows. I do not think most games should be played on IRC, but some should be and I know that I do not have the patience to play spades via e-mail :-). IAC, the decision as to which games are available for IRC play can be left up to the voters later. This will also allow things like a game of chess as a duel, which again I prolly do not have the patience to do over e-mail, and allowing games in principle over IRC is a different issue than allowing any of our games over IRC.]


Amend rule 1250.1, "Games & Contests" to add the following text to the end of the rule:

XIV. Games on IRC

A particular IRC server is a valid forum for playing Games and Contests provided all of the following are true with respect to the server, the game, and its participants, as appropriate:

a. The game lists in its General Equipment section: 'Optionally, an Ackanomic IRC server', or words to that effect.

b. The following information is announced at least 24 hours prior to the start of the game in the main forum: The URL of the particular server that the game will be played on, and the start time of the game.

c. The specified server is defined as General Equipment [in rule 1250.3].

d. All players and referees (participants) consent to participate in the game on the specified server. The game or contest does not require, in general, non-participant Acka players to be played normally. [e.g. Limerick Contest].

e. At least one referee, (or one player in the absence of a referee), has client software capable of logging sessions on the specified server, and that person volunteer to log the particular game in its entirety. {{[sorry for the obtuse wording, but things like could be considered IRC servers (especially for spades), but logging is not possible, (forget the fact that it is controlled by the evil empire...)]}}

The results of a game on IRC are considered publicly knowable when the volunteer per subsection e posts the entire log file via e-mail to the customary Games list, (or posts the URL of the log file via e-mail to the customary Games list, in the case of large log files).


Amend rule 1250.3, "General Equipment", to add the following text to the end of the rule:

VI. Ackanomic IRC servers:

{{[see later why no actual servers are listed in this proposal.]}}


Amend the Postal Code to add the following text to the end of the paragraph that begins with "acka-games@":

IRC servers are legal fora in lieu of acka-games@ provided the server in question is specified, and used as described in the rules.


{{[At this point I would add specific servers to section VI of rule 1250.3, and amend a few games to be playable on IRC. These are separate issues, however, and should be accepted separately, since I would not propose adding someone else's IRC server to the rules, or risk the proposal failing because people don't want spades to be played on IRC.

If you have an IRC server, adding it to section VI as a G&C submission with a little {{magic}} (as opposed to the default of adding it with a new roman numeral section) should not be too hard, if you want]}}

Proposal 3112 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:17 EDT
The Leaders in Creative Mayhem
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

Create a new Rule, a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite, numbered 1240.X, where X is the smallest integer greater than all Y such that 1240.Y is already a Rule in the Otzma Card Rule Suite, titled "Otzma Card of Type ACME InstaGadget", with the following MEEPMEEP! delimited text:

This rule defines an Otzma Card type called ACME InstaGadget. The F-designation of ACME InstaGadget Otzma Cards is Rare. There may be no more than 5 ACME InstaGadget cards in existence at any one time.

A player with an ACME InstaGadget card may play it in the public forum, naming a type of Gadget whose Blueprint is not Useless, and paying either
(a) the last price paid at Public Auction for a Gadget of that Type, if such a value is defined, or
(b) A$500.
The amount paid goes to the Treasury.
A Gadget of that type will be created in the possession of the player who played the Otzma Card.
[Note: This Card has no Counteraction, so the Gadget is created 3 days after the Otzma Card is played.]

Proposal 3113 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:18 EDT
Do You Glimp At Me?
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{ Destroy any Benefyts which were created after the submission of this Proposal, except by the method described in Rule 1044. [Just to be safe] }}

Amend Rule 1044, "Swingpoints", as follows:

Append to section 3.d.

d. A Player may, as a public action, convert ten of eir own Swingpoints into a Benefyt.

the text "Benefyts are tradeable entities."

{{[ Hopefully Benefyts are sufficiently "entityish" that Rule 500 will still apply to them, but I want to make them Tradeable so I can give mine to J. M. Bear, who is more likely to use them than I. ]}}

Proposal 3114 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:19 EDT
Two Blue Einsteins
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 1144, entitled "Height and Justice", with text as follows(delimited by BAUER):

The Height of an individual is considered to be one meter for every A$ e possesses.

To be selected as Judge for a CFJ, one must be able to remain in the courtroom(i.e. one must not be required by any other Rule to leave it).

{{ If Proposal 3107, "By The Holy Claws of Klorto The Magnificent", passed, replace "A$" above with "Qo". }}

Proposal 3115 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:20 EDT
Minor rules suite change
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 311 (Rule Suites) as follows. Append the following REMOVAL delimited paragraph as the final paragraph of the rule.
If the Head of a Rule Suite is repealed, all rules in that Rule Suite are also repealed.
{{[Just looking through it this morning, and noticed that if the Head of a Rules Suite were to be repealed, it was undefined what happened to the rules in that suite. This is probably the cleanest situation.]}}

Proposal 3116 - Thu 21 May 1998 19:21 EDT
Fictionary Misere
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 1250.10 (Fictionary) by replacing the text:

"5b) The game shall end when all players have been Brainiac the same number of times, and one or more players has 25 or more Gamepoints. The single player with the most Gamepoints wins, and receives 1 A$ for each Gamepoint they have. If there is no such player, all players who are tied with the most Gamepoints receive A$12. There is no winner declared, however. The winner also receives a standard Trophy. "

with the text:

"5b) The game shall end when all players have been Brainiac the same number of times, and one or more players has 25 or more Gamepoints. The single player with the most Gamepoints wins, and receives 1 A$ for each Gamepoint they have. If there is no such player, all players who are tied with the most Gamepoints receive A$12. There is no winner declared, however. If however when someone reaches a score of twenty five points or more and all players have been Brainiac the same number of times and exactly 1 player has scored no Gamepoints (positive or negative) during the entire game of fictionary then the player who has scored no points shall be declared the winner and shall receive A$30. The winner also receives a standard Trophy."

Proposal 3117 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:18 EDT
Nameless Thing #1
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

Create a rule, titled "The Mu-Cow Hunter" and numbered 1395, with the following ZEN-delimited text:


An Active player of Ackanomic exists whose Ackanomic name is The Mu-Cow Hunter. The real name of The Mu-Cow Hunter is Larry. The Mu-Cow Hunter is not a person, and does not have an e-mail address; this takes precedence over any rule which requires players to be people or to have e-mail addresses.

The Mu-Cow Hunter is at all times on the CFJ eligibility list. If any rule specifies that a player shall be randomly selected, there shall be a probability of 0 that The Mu-Cow Hunter is selected; this takes precedence over the rule entitled "Level Playing Field". The Mu-Cow Hunter is not considered to be a player for the purposes of determining quorum.

The Mu-Cow Hunter shall abstain on all proposals, with the exception of the proposals e submits; e shall vote BAA! on these proposals, if such a vote exists.

The Mu-Cow Hunter shall submit one and only one proposal on the third day of every month; e shall submit no proposals on any other day.

The proposal which The Mu-Cow Hunter submits is titled "Mu". It consists of the text "The Mu-Cow Hunter gains a Winning Condition upon the passage of this proposal."

If a proposal submitted by the Mu-Cow passes, e shall upon its passage submit a CFJ on the statement "The Mu-Cow Hunter has achieved a Winning Condition on (date).", with (date) replaced by the date at which the latest proposal sumbitted by the Mu-Cow passed. The CFJ shall include no reasoning.


Proposal 3118 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:19 EDT
I wouldn't .sig to that level
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: rejected

Create a rule, numbered 1367, with the following QWERTY-delimited text:


If a player submits a proposal which unintentionally contains any sort of personal identification, as the result of a failure to indicate the end of the proposal or for any other reason, this act is known as Being Extremely Careless, Indeed.

If any player believes that another player has Been Extremely Careless, Indeed, than e may call a Carelessness Hearing on that other player, naming the proposal with respect to which that player Was Extremely Careless, Indeed. A Carelessness Hearing is a Hearing; its Hearing Harfer is the player who called it, and is known as the Guardian of Punctiliousness. The valid responses to a Carelessness Hearing are "E's more absentminded than the Mad Scientist", "You mean we don't *want* meaningless text cluttering up the ruleset?", and "BAA!"

At the conclusion of the Hearing, the following events occur, in the given order:

1) All players who voted "BAA!" on the hearing are burned as witches.
2) If more votes for "E's more absentminded than the Mad Scientist" than for "You mean we don't *want* meaningless text cluttering up the ruleset?" were recorded, than the player on whom the Carelessness Hearing was called must pay a fine equal to the Standard Harfer Fee to the treasury, gains a Chartreuse Goose Egg, ceases to be Enlightened, if e is Enlightened, and is said to be an Amazingly Absentminded Ackanomian.
3) If more votes for "You mean we don't *want* meaningless text cluttering up the ruleset" than for "E's more absentminded than the Mad Scientist" were recorded, than the player who called the Hearing suffers all the consequences listed above, except that e is not said to be an Amazingly Absentminded Ackanomian.

The above provisions notwithstanding, no player may call a Carelessness Hearing on an Amazingly Absentminded Ackanomian.


Proposal 3119 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:20 EDT
Cortex Clarifications
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", as follows:

1. Before the first paragraph, insert the heading "I. Sending CFJs to the Supreme Court".

2. Before the fourth paragraph, insert the heading "II. How the Supreme Court judges a CFJ".

3. Before the fifth paragraph, insert the heading "III. Effects upon a judgement of an appeal by the Supreme Court".

4. Before the ninth paragraph, insert the heading "IV. Appeal limits".

5. Delete the eighth paragraph. {{[It read: If a case reached the Supreme Court through submission by the Praetor, a player may still appeal the Court's decision, but the case shall be treated as if it had already been appealed once.]}}

6. In the last paragraph, change "e.g., a second appeal verdict" to "e.g., a second appeal verdict, or a verdict on an appeal of a CFJ originally submitted to the Supreme Court by the Praetor".

7. Delete the first sentence of the last paragraph, and make a new paragraph containing that sentence between the second and third paragraphs.

Amend rule 416, "Supreme Court", as follows:

1. Before the first four paragraphs, insert the following four double-quote-delimited headings, respectively:
"I. Becoming a Justice"
"II. Justice Eligibility"
"III. Filling in when there are fewer than two Justices"
"IV. Filling in for Vacationing Justices"

2. Then move the last paragraph to the end of section III.

Amend Rule 417, "Justices Rock", by removing the text "Justices Rock" that appears at the beginning of the body of the rule.

Amend Rule 425, "Praetor", by deleting section II and renumbering each later section to the roman numeral one less than it is currently numbered. [This is the one which used to define how to supply Acting Justices for Vacationing Justices, supplanted by what I am calling section IV of R416.]

Proposal 3120 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:21 EDT
As Good As It Gets
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 421.2, "Common Sense Reports", by appending the following text (delimited by URSULA) to the first paragraph:

However, if it is possible for a player to issue two CSR's of different kinds(i.e. which affect different sets of Rules, or make different sorts of changes), then a single CSR which includes both kinds of changes is also legal; this takes precedence over any Rule which may otherwise restrict issuing of CSR's by that player. (Thus, a player who is both Chess-Umpire and RuneMaker may issue a single CSR which affects both the Party Chess Rule Suite and the Otzma Card Rule Suite.)

{{[ Why have to issue two CSR's when one will do? ]}}

Proposal 3121 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:22 EDT
A benefit to bandwagoning
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

{{[I believe there should be some benefit to bandwagon voting (IE flow-voting) on a proposal. I also dislike anti-voting, but that's a different discussion :). Therefore, I propose the following as a benefit of jumping on the bandwagon so to speak and give people a choice of which they would prefer to earn, points for anti-voting or a small amount of cash for flow-voting]}}

Amend rule 207 section III by replacing the current text of paragraph 1 with the followin MONEY delimited text.
If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points, every player who voted NO on it receives 1 point, and every player who voted YES on it recieved A$ 1. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points, and every player who voted YES on it recieved A$ 4. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points and every player who voted YES on it recieves A$ 2.

{{If Grandiose proposals are no longer part of the rules, remove the sentance from Rule 207, section III, paragraph 1 that reads "If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points, and every player who voted YES on it recieved A$ 4."}}

Amend Rule 207 section III, paragraph 2 by replacing it with the following MONEY delmited text.
If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 5 points, every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point, and every player who voted NO on it recieves A$ 1. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it recieves A$ 4. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points, every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points, and every player who voted NO on it recieves A$ 2.

{{If Grandiose proposals are no longer part of the rules, remove the sentance from Rule 207, section III, paragraph 2 that reads "If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it recieves A$ 4."}}

Amend rule 207 section III, paragraph 3, by appending the following FLOW delimited sentance.
Voting YES ona proposal which is accepted, or voting NO on a proposal which is rejected, is called "flow-voting".

Amend rule 207 section V, paragraph 1 by appending the the following MONEY delimited text to it.
A new player also recieves bonus A$ as if they had flow-voted regardless of their actual vote. [Note that this will give new players a double bonus if they had flow-voted initially]

Amend rule 207 section VI by appending the following MONEY delimited text to the end of the first paragraph.
No A$ shall be recieved by any player for a Null proposal.

Amend rule 207 section VII by appending the following MONEY delimited text to the end of the first paragraph.
No A$ shall be recieved by any player for a Boring proposal.

{{If A$ have been renamed to Qo, replace all occurances of A$ in Rule 207 with Qo}}

Proposal 3122 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:23 EDT
Not that we use them very often, but...
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

{{[Currently the rules on AOJs require that the entire Supreme Court agree on a use of their special powers. This could be difficult to accomplish now that the Supreme Court has so many members. The proposed amendment would allow a group made of any 2/3rds of the Supreme Court to author AOJs.]}}

In Rule 417 Justices Rock, make the following VOLTRON delimited changes:


1. Delete the paragraph begining "The players that are also Justices" and replace it with:

Justices have the following special powers:

2. Delete the paragraph begining "The decision must be made public" and replace it with:

Justices may only use these special powers as a group. If 2/3rds of the members of the Supreme Court, or all of the members of the Supreme Court if there are fewer than 4 members, agree to, they may issue an Act of Justice (AOJ), of which they are considered to be the authors. An AOJ is a public statement by the Justices authoring it, in which they state what decision is being nullified, an explanation as to why, and the names of its authors. Once made public, the AOJ goes into effect and cannot be overturned except by another AOJ, or by a CFJ or CFCJ that shows that it was not issued in accordance with the rules.


Proposal 3123 - Sat 23 May 1998 07:24 EDT
How Can a Cubical World End?
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[If the CEIS achieves its goals, the world will be rendered cubical, and the method by which it could become round will cease to exist. Yet Rule 1320 would survive, and all it does is detail what happens when the world Ends as described in Rule 1319. It should disappear too.]

Amend Rule 1319.2 by replacing the quoted text
"This Rule, as well as Rule 1319 and 1319.1(the RERS and FEPS rules), shall be repealed then"

with the quoted text
"This Rule, as well as Rules 1319, 1319.1 and 1320 [the RERS, FEPS and End of the World rules], shall be repealed then"

[There are also some inconsistencies in Rule 1320 - it causes the cycle to immediately end, but Rule 600 overrules it on the matter of allowing a player to win that cycle - all it does is establish a winning condition. So we would have a cycle end without a winner, a torturous state of affairs.]

Amend Rule 1320 by replacing the third paragraph with the following COMPLIANT-delimited text:

The End of the World results in a cataclysmic eruption of harf, in which one player becomes the Prophet of Doom. This player will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society that is capable of winning a Cycle at the time that the Earth was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, then the player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are tied will become the Prophet of Doom. If none of the players who are tied for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who are tied to become the Prophet of Doom. Whenever this Rule causes a player to be selected to become the Prophet of Doom, that player will achieve a Winning Condition. The Prophet of Doom must then challenge the True Prophet to a duel as soon as it is possible to do so.

Proposal 3124 - Sun 24 May 1998 10:59 EDT
Fresh From The Fruit to You
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

Create a new Rule, numbered 860, titled "Ackanomic Juice Packaging Plant", with the following DOLE-delimited text:

The Ackanomic Juice Packaging Plant (or AJPP) is a small building and a Common Location. The Plant is responsible for the manufacturing of all available Fruit Juices. Fruit Juices are Beverages, and the only types of Fruit Juices are Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice (or RHGJ) and Jade Grapefruit Juice (or JGJ).

Any player with a Right-Handed Grapefruit may sell RHGJ to the AJPP, provided they have not already sold RHGJ to the AJPP in the current calendar week. A player selling RHGJ to the AJPP loses the AJPP, and gains A$10.

Any player with a Jade Grapefruit may sell it to the AJPP. The Jade Grapefruit is destroyed, and the player who sold it to the AJPP receives A$20 and a Jade Grapefruit Juice (or JGJ).

Create a new Rule, numbered 940, entitled "Food and Frink", with the following CONSUME-delimited text.

Foodstuffs are a class of gift entities. Beverages are a class of gift entities. Foodstuffs and Beverages may only be created and destroyed as specified by the rules.
A player may always eat a Foodstuff they possess, destroying it. They may also frink a Beverage they possess, destroying it. Players may also frink Foodstuffs, provided the Foodstuffs frinked are types of Lemur.

[*frink* *frink*]

Amend Rule 668, "Eggs and Fruit", by changing the last sentence to read as quoted: "A player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at any time make Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice, which is a Fruit Juice and therefore a Beverage."

Proposal 3125 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:00 EDT
Things can only get better
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Create a new rule numbered 440 [look, I remembered to number it!] titled "Campaign Promises" and reading as follows:

"Any time between the start of a nomination period for a political office and the results of the election for the same office being announced is known as the campaign period. During the campaign period for an office any player may publicly announce what they plan to do if they get into the office [for example a would be president claiming e will build a bomb shelter, or a would be herald promising to put up a web page containing visual representations of all the players' arms]. If this player then gets elected to the position and fails to fulfill these promises then the chartreuse goose is transferred to the officer. If the player already has the goose then e is immediately removed from the relevant office. This rule may only be applied once with reference to each campaign promise [so if a player breaks two campaign promises then e will get the goose and be removed from office]."

Proposal 3126 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:01 EDT
dull name
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal rules 921 and 923 (acid rain dance and amber banana). [I can only recall this ever being used once.]

Proposal 3127 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:02 EDT
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Append the following text to the end of rule 1250.6 (Description of an Eleusis Deck):

" Red and blue may be grouped together as sky colours, and black and green as earth colours."

Proposal 3128 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:03 EDT
No more cheap locusts
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal

Modify rule 1230.42 (Creation of a PartyChessPiece Locust) to read in full:

"A Locust is a piece with a Material Value of the smaller of

a) 6, or
b) 1.5*N rounded down, where N is the number of on-board Locust pieces.

However, for the purpose of purchasing the piece the material value is never considered less than three.

A Locust is depicted by the ASCII character '&'.

A Locust may move up to N/2 squares, rounded up, in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, and then up to N/2 squares, rounded down, in a direction perpendicular to that of the first move, where N is the number of on-board Locust pieces. A Locust may not skip over pieces in its path, and must make both halves of its move in order to move at all. "


"A Locust is a piece with a Material Value of the smaller of

a) 6, or
b) 1.5*N rounded down, where N is the number of on-board Locust pieces.

A Locust is depicted by the ASCII character '&'.

A Locust may move up to N/2 squares, rounded up, in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, and then N/2 squares, rounded down, in a direction perpendicular to that of the first move, where N is the number of on-board Locust pieces. A Locust may not skip over pieces in its path, and must make both halves of its move in order to move at all. "]

Also, rename the rule "PartyChessPiece Locust" and renumber it to 1230.24.

Renumber rule 1230.41 (Party Chess Piece Guard) to 1230.25 [whilst I'm at it].

Proposal 3129 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:04 EDT
Ambassador Changes
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

Modify rule 419.1 (Ambassador) to read in full:

"There exists the functional office of Ambassador which has one seat.

The duties of the office are to keep in touch with what is happening in other nomics, namely:

1) Providing information about Ackanomic to people holding similar posts in other Nomics.
2) Requesting similar information about any other nomic at any player's request.
3) Acting as Ackanomic's liaison to Internomic and performing all the duties of the liaison as specified in rule 419.2 (Internomic Interface). If such a thing exists the Ambassador must be subscribed to the Internomic mailing list [currently]
4) Providing general information about Internomic to any player requesting it (such as how to subscribe to the mailing list, or what the web site URL is), and generally keeping all players up to date on things such as Internomic proposals.

The privileges of the office are:

1) To send an Internomic Proposal to the Spelling Exchequer if e believes it contains any spelling mistakes.
2) To receive the standard salary for a functional office."

Modify rule 419.3 by replacing "Ambassador" with "Liaison to Internomic (usually the Ambassador)".

Proposal 3130 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:05 EDT
Who won the fued?
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1216 (Feuds), section 4, sentance 1 by inserting the word 'more' between 'won' and 'Duels' in the phrase 'have won Duels than'.

{{[ This could possibly have been done by CSR, but I don't have the right to issue them ]}}

Proposal 3131 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:06 EDT
Oldest repeal in the book
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.
{{[Alfvaen's current attempt to provide meaning to this rule not-withstanding, I think this rule is just useless clutter in the ruleset and thus would like to see it go away. ]}}

Repeal rule 42.

Proposal 3132 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:07 EDT
Oldest repeal in the book
JT (JT Traub)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)

This is a modest proposal.
{{[Alfvaen's current attempt to provide meaning to this rule not-withstanding, I think this rule is just useless clutter in the ruleset and thus would like to see it go away. ]}}

Repeal rule 42.

Proposal 3133

Due to an error on the part of the Promoter, there is no Proposal 3133.

Proposal 3134 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:09 EDT
Slaying weasels
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted

In Rule 205 (When Score Changes Take Effect), Section 1 (Score Changes Managed by Officers), part c, replace the sentance 'They must do so in a timely manner.' by the words 'They must do so within 3 days.'

Proposal 3135 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:10 EDT
Slaying weasels
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
In Rule 205 (When Score Changes Take Effect), Section 1 (Score Changes Managed by Officers), part c, replace the sentance 'They must do so in a timely manner.' by the words 'They must do so within 3 days.'

Proposal 3136 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:11 EDT
Arms Reduction
Koxvolio (Ian Koxvold)
Decision: accepted

(([The introduction of so many, and such powerful, new special moves suggests that they need to be limitedm against accidental and intended abuse - imagine the Kamikaze special move without the word positive - it would automatically checkmate everyone...]))

In Rule 1230.2 Part 6 ("Swingers like to play around II"), replace the following TOOEASY-delimited text with the MORELIKEIT-delimited text.

D. Special - The Swinger spends one Benefyt and performs the Special Move for one of eir on-board pieces as defined by the PartyChessPieceDef rule defining that piece. This Atomic Play cannot be used by a swinger who owns no Benefyts.

D. Special - The Swinger spends one Benefyt and performs the Special Move for one of eir on-board pieces as defined by the PartyChessPieceDef rule defining that piece. This Atomic Play cannot be used by a swinger who owns no Benefyts, nor can it be used to attack or capture a King.

Proposal 3137 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:12 EDT
Removing a vestige of PFBonds
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal.
Amend Rule 508 by removing the final paragraph.
{{[The paragraph in question reads:
The first Fortnightly Dividend shall be calculated two weeks after the end of the last PF Bond cycle, at which point this sentence shall be removed from the rule.
{{[This paragraph seems irrelevant to the current rules and for some reason was never removed, but PF Bonds were ]}}

Proposal 3138 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:13 EDT
A Really Funny Name so it be accepted and give me a winning condition.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{Add the phrase "cargo bay doors" to the Ackanomic Lexicon.}}

{{Reduce the minimum haircut length by an eight of an inch.}}

{{[Give K 2 a Winning Condition]}}

Proposal 3139 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:15 EDT
Surfs Up
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 250 (Registered Players) to replace:
Players are named, unownable entities.
Players are named, tradeable entities.

{{All Players own themselves}}

Amend Rule 252 (Joining the Game) in the following two ways:
Append to the sentence:
Upon the posting of such an announcement, the person becomes registered as a player.
the following:
and shall own emself.

Append to the sentence:
The Undead with that player's Ackanomic name changes from an Undead to a player.
the following:
and shall own emself.

Amend Rule 256 (Leaving the Game) in the following two ways:
Insert between item 6 and 7:
6) If the Player is not owned by emself, e shall involuntarily transfer sufficient A$, trinkets and Gadgets with a total Market Value equal to 10% more than the eir Market Value to eir owner, avoiding debt if possible.

Renumber the items appropriately.

Amend Rule 510 (Voluntary Debt Prohibited) to insert as the second paragraph:
Should a player who owns emself ever go into debt they shall immediately put emself up for private auction. The proceeds of the auction shall be transferred to the Player who was auctioned. If no qualified bids were made, then the treasury shall transfer to the player the minimum of A$100 and the absolute value of eir debt and the player shall then be owned by the treasury.

Amend the following sentence of section IV (Donation Value) of Rule 850 (Museum):
Objects on display are valued by the Museum as follows:
to read:
Objects on display are valued by the Museum according to eir Market Value which is calculated as follows:

Create a Rule numbered 517 titled "Serfdom" with the following (SURFSUP delimited) text:
For the purposes of this Rule any Player who owns a Player other than emself shall be referred to as a Master while the Player who is owned by a Master shall be referred to as a serf.

1. Duties and Obligations of a serf.
i) A serf is respectful. A serf shall refer to eir Master as either Master, M'Lord or Most Harfy One, or alternately by a title specified by eir Master. It is the Crime of Disrespect for a serf to address or refer to eir master in any other manner.
ii) A serf is considerate. A serf may not challenge eir Master to a duel nor be a second to a Player who has. Nor may they call a hearing of any type against eir Master.
iii) A serf is compliant. All trinkets and Ackadollars given to a serf, by other Players, or from buried Treasure or Fortnightly Dividends, shall be taxed by eir Master at a rate of 10%. This amount is transferred from the serf to the Master.
iv) A serf is helpless. If a serf feels they have been unfairly treated by any Player other than eir Master they may complain publicly about em. If it is legal for the Master to challenge the offending Player to a duel e must do so, if e does not e shall lose 6 points and eir serf shall gain 6 points. This Privilege may be exercised at most once per month.

2. Rights and Responsibilities of a Master.
i) A Master is Generous. Once a month when officer salaries are paid each Master shall transfer the Standard Harfer Fee to each of eir serfs for the all of the serfy things they did that month.
ii) A Master is Wise. Four times per calendar month a Master may command eir serf (if e is a voting Player) to perform a particular voting action on a proposal by privately mailing both the Tabulator and eir serf of the required voting strategy. Provided that the serf was not the author of that proposal, the serf shall perform the required voting action on the selected proposal. A serf cannot be required to be a part of a political party that gets a unity vote. Any entities required to perform the voting action must be supplied by the Master. Additionally, the Master shall transfer the Standard Harfer fee to eir serf the first time this privilege is exercised in each calendar month.

The Market Value of a Player is considered to be equivalent to the smallest total Market Value of the entities that have been exchanged for the player during any particular trade that occurred since e last owned emself. However if a Player owns emself, eir Market Value shall be A$ 0. A Player may buy emself out of serfdom by paying 10% more than eir Market Value to eir Master if they have not owned emself during the pervious 30 days.

While an entity may own a Player it shall not be considered to own the Player's possessions.

Proposal 3140 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:16 EDT
Myers Stock-take
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Part I: Creating a Garment Rule Suite]}}

{{[The Head]}}

Amend Rule 931 (Garments, Especially Hats) to read in full (HEADOFTHEDESPICABLEONE delimited):
A class of entity known as a Garment exists. Only those entities explicitly designated by the rules as Garments are Garments. Garments are tradeable, unless the rules for a particular Garment specify otherwise.

The owner of a particular garment may as a public action, don that garment if he is currently not wearing that garment, or remove it if he is currently wearing it. The location of a garment that is being worn is the same as that of its wearer. If an entity ceases to be in possession of a garment it shall no longer be considered to be wearing that garment.

The rules may state that a Garment is of a particular class of Garment. Only one of each class of garment may be worn by a particular entity at any one time. If the rules fail to specify a class for a particular garment then it shall be of no class and any number of that garment may be worn. This rule defers to any rule describing the the number garments an entity may wear.

[Rule defined Garments and their properties may be found by following this link]

Rename Rule 931 (Garments, Especially Hats) to "Garment Rule Suite"

{{[Miscellaneous Garment Collection Service]}}

Replace the final two paragraphs of Rule 929 (Baaa) with:
But while a player possesses the Little Lamb, e has three times the normal probability of receiving the Magic Potato.

Remove the following sentence from Rule 975 (Yes Virginia):
Pairs of dress pants are Garments.

Remove the following paragraph from Rule 1160 (Heraldry):
Coats of Arms are not Garments, but for A$10 a player with a Coat of Arms may purchase a Surcoat bearing their Coat of Arms. Surcoats are Garments.

Amend Rule 1230.40 (Winning a Hand) to replace section a) with:
a) The ChessChamp receives a ChessChamp's Cardigan. If e already has a ChessChamp's Cardigan, then it instead instantly transforms into a Tarnished Badge of Gluery. The ChessChamp additionally receives 10 Swingpoints.

{{[Miscellaneous Garments]}}

Create a new rule as part of the Garment Rule Suite [931.1] titled "Red Light Specials" (ONSPECIAL delimited):
i) Hats belong to a class of Garment known as Headwear.
ii) Pairs of dress pants belong to a class of Garment known as Bottoms.
iii) Surcoats belong to a class of Garment known as Tops. A Player with a Coat of Arms may purchase a Surcoat bearing their Coat of Arms for A$ 10.
iv) ChessChamp's Cardigan belong to a class of Garment known as Tops. Tarnished Badges of Gluery are Garments.
v) Wool Sweaters belong to a class of Garment known as Tops. They are created by the Orkatass Lamb Products Company when purchased. A player who is in possession of the Little Lamb may purchase a Wool Sweater from the Treasury for A$ 10. A Player who is wearing a Prosthetic Foreheads may not put on or remove a Wool Sweater, because Wool Sweaters will not fit over Prosthetic Foreheads.

{{[Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory]}}

Amend Rule 669 (Marks of the Champion) to read in full (WEARTHECHAMPIONS delimited):
Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are nontradeable Garments. Champion's Cloaks belong to a class of Garment known as Cloak. A Champion's Cloak is a regal garment of the colour(s) and design of its owner's choice, while Badges of Glory are elaborate medals of various designs. [It is customary, though not required, for the owner of either of these entities to describe it within 3 days of acquiring it.] A player may request to be called, "Exalted One," or the honorific of his choice while he wears any of these objects. It is not necessary to honour such requests.

Renumber Rule 669 (Marks of the Champion) to 931.2 [part of the Garment Rule Suite].

{{[Agenda Hats - Nemesis Eggplants (they'd be orphaned otherwise)]}}

Replace the following sentence in Rule 671 (Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats):
Agenda Hats are ownable Headwear.
Agenda Hats belong to a class of Garment known as Headwear.

Renumber Rule 671 (Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats) to 931.3 [part of the Garment Rule Suite].

{{[Purple Robe of Justice.]}}

Replace the following sentence in Rule 933 (Purple Robe of Justice): The Robe is a mimsy, non-Tradeable, Garment.
The Robe is a non-Tradeable belonging to a class of Garment known as Cloak.
{{[Its Unique so its automatically mimsy]}}

Renumber Rule 933 (Purple Robe of Justice) to 931.4 [part of the Garment Rule Suite].

{{[Chartreuse Cape]}}

Amend Rule 947 (The Chartreuse Cape) to read in full (MURREYVEIL delimited):
The Chartreuse Cape is a unique, non-tradeable Garment belonging to the class of Cloak. More specifically, it is a large, voluminous cape, hanging below the knees of its wearer, and it is chartreuse in colour.The Chartreuse Cape is always owned by the current holder of the Office of the Caped Crusader. If there is no Caped Crusader, it is Somewhere Else. Whenever a new Caped Crusader is elected, it comes into his possession.

A player wearing the Chartreuse Cape has the ability to fly as if he had a wings mutation. He also has the strength of ten men, and can see through walls. Other rules may describe other effects of wearing the Chartreuse Cape.

Renumber Rule 947 (The Chartreuse Cape) to 931.5 [part of the Garment Rule Suite].

{{[Gingham Dresses]}}

Replace the following sentence in Rule 1389 (Quarantine):
A Gingham Dress is a type of nameless garments.
Gingham Dresses belong to a class of garment known as Bottoms.

Renumber Rule 1389 (Quarantine) to 931.6 [part of the Garment Rule Suite].

Proposal 3141 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:17 EDT
The Scorekeeper Doesn't Have Enough To Do
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 1140 (The Chocolate Frog) to read in full:

There is an unique, named, ownable entity known as the Chocolate Frog. It is a small, golden statue in the shape of a lawnmower. It is the most valued possession in all Acka. Whoever owns it is known as The First Citizen. On the eleventh of each month the Scorekeeper will randomly select a player from amongst the active players who gained the least points from anti-voting during the pervious seven days and the Chocolate Frog will be transferred to that player.

Any players who vote against a proposal made by the First Citizen will receive no points for anti-voting. Any player who publicly insults the First Citizen will be guilty of the Crime of Disrespect.

Proposal 3142 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:18 EDT
It Doesn't Need to be Unique
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 999 (The Quirpele of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis) to read:

The Quirpele of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a unique tradeable entity. The owner of the Quirpele of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis may do any of the following, as a public action:
a) Replace the noun phrase "Spelling Bee" in all Rules (including this one), and in any Proposals in the voting queue, with any legal Ackanomic name.
b) Cause the Brass Monkey to climb eir house.
c) Make it a Crime for a post to the public forum over the next 24 hours not to hail em as Emperor.

{{[Replace "Spelling Bee" in rule 999 with "in the rules". Next person replaces "in the rules" in rule 101 with "K 2" ;) ]}}

Proposal 3143 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:19 EDT
Felicitous Populi
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

Create a new Rule, as a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite titled "Otzma Card of Type Felicitous Populi", with the following LUCKY delimited text:

This card may only be played in the public forum.

A player who plays this Card shall unambiguously announce:
i) an event described in the rules which requires a random determination to be made, for which there is more than one possible outcome
ii) the desired outcome from amongst the possible outcomes for that event
iii) and an amount of A$ which e is 'betting' (referred to as B).

Immediately upon playing the card the specified amount of A$ is transferred to the treasury from the player. If the player had insufficient A$ the card shall have no effect.

Otherwise, if the named event occurs during the 3 days after the card is played, the the probability of the desired outcome is increased in the following manner. All outcomes are expressed as fractions using the smallest common denominator (referred to as D). The denominator of all the possible outcomes and the numerator of the desired outcome are increased by X, where X is B*D/200 rounded down.

{{[Functionally equivalent to assigning an additional X spots on the Ackanomic Magic Dice]}}

At any given time there may be at most 7 Cards of this type. 'Felicitous Populi' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal.

Its Counter-Action:
If the card is countered prior to the random determination the probability of the specified event occurring shall be unaltered form its usual value. If the card is countered after the random determination the player who played it shall transfer an amount of A$ equal to B to the player who countered the card.

This rule has precedence over any rule that defines probabilities for a given event.


{{[Turning a one Page Ackanomicon secret into a five page one would cost A$12. Increasing the functional F-Designation of an Otzma card from Normal to Common, prior to reading from a SBoC, would cost about A$30

Proposal 3144 - Sun 24 May 1998 11:20 EDT
Quality Merchandise
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Garments Part II. Gives some minor attributes to some of the miscellaneous Garments. Hopefully I've managed to set it up so that the effect will be the same regardless of the passage of Part I]}}

Append to the Rule titled "Quarantine" as a new paragraph the following INSANE delimited text:
Optionally, at the time a Player receives a Gingham Dress after a capsize, e may purchase a pair of Army Boots for A$ 10. Army Boots belong to a class of Garments known as Footwear. Army Boots may only be worn while wearing a Gingham Dress. A player who ceases to wear a Gingham Dress will also cease to wear any Army Boots e happens to be wearing. A player who is wearing both Army Boots and a Gingham Dress is said to be insane and will receive A$ 10 every time a proposal that is authored by em is accepted and is either Foolish or contains the silly phrase as defined by Rule 207.1 (That's just silly).

If a rule titled "Red Light Specials" exists amend it in the following three ways:
Append the SMART delimited text to section ii).
A Player who is wearing a pair of Dress Pants is said to be well dressed and will receive an additional point as a result of a parade.

Append the HERALD delimited text to section iii)
The score of a Player who is wearing a Surcoat is said to be displaying eir colours and eir score will change by an additional two points at the conclusion of a duel or if e was a second by an additional point.

Replace the text in section v) with the following WOOLLY delimited text.

Wool Sweaters belong to a class of Garment known as Tops. They are created by the Orkatass Lamb Products Company when purchased. A player who is in possession of the Little Lamb may purchase single Wool Sweater from the Treasury for A$ 10, provided that e has not previously done so since e last took possession of the little lamb. A Player who is wearing a Prosthetic Foreheads may not put on or remove a Wool Sweater, because Wool Sweaters will not fit over Prosthetic Foreheads. A Player who is wearing a Wool Sweater has twice the chance of finding either the Great Oars or Raft of Ackanomic. When a Player who owns any Wool Sweaters finds the Great Oars or the Great Raft of Ackanomic, one of em will get wet, shrink and be destroyed.

In the event a rule titled "Red Light Specials" does not exist perform the following three amendments:
Amend Rule 929 (Baaa) to replace the final paragraph with the above WOOLLY delimited text.
Amend Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) to append the above SMART delimited text to the second last paragraph.
Amend Rule 1160 (Heraldry) to append the above HERALD delimited text to the final paragraph.

Proposal 3145 - Sun 24 May 1998 22:58 EDT
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Succession Scheme
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[The problems with the Frankenstein Monster's creation last time have indicated that the line of succession for Mad Scientists is no longer clear cut. Depending on the result of the current CFJ on the issue, it could be that else...if is stuck as Mad Scientist for ever. A simple change will fix that.]

Amend Rule 596, "The Mad Scientist", by replacing the second paragraph with the SUCCEED-delimited text below:

This Office can only be filled or transferred as follows: If the seat is vacant, it is filled by the last Player to provide any Mad Scientist with a valid part for a Frankenstein Monster. If it is impossible or illegal for that player to become Mad Scientist [the player is already a "real" scientist, or all qualifying players have left], then the seat shall be filled by Election for Office.

Proposal 3146 - Sun 24 May 1998 22:59 EDT
Fresh From The Fruit to You
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 860, titled "Ackanomic Juice Packaging Plant", with the following DOLE-delimited text:

The Ackanomic Juice Packaging Plant (or AJPP) is a small building and a Common Location. The Plant is responsible for the manufacturing of all available Fruit Juices. Fruit Juices are Beverages, and the only types of Fruit Juices are Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice (or RHGJ) and Jade Grapefruit Juice (or JGJ).

Any player with a Right-Handed Grapefruit may sell RHGJ to the AJPP, provided they have not already sold RHGJ to the AJPP in the current calendar week. A player selling RHGJ to the AJPP loses the RHGJ, and gains A$10.

Any player with a Jade Grapefruit may sell it to the AJPP. The Jade Grapefruit is destroyed, and the player who sold it to the AJPP receives A$20 and a Jade Grapefruit Juice (or JGJ).

Create a new Rule, numbered 940, entitled "Food and Frink", with the following CONSUME-delimited text.

Foodstuffs are a class of gift entities. Beverages are a class of gift entities. Foodstuffs and Beverages may only be created and destroyed as specified by the rules.
A player may always eat a Foodstuff they possess, destroying it. They may also frink a Beverage they possess, destroying it. Players may also frink Foodstuffs, provided the Foodstuffs frunk are types of Lemur.

[*frink* *frink*]

Amend Rule 668, "Eggs and Fruit", by changing the last sentence to read as quoted: "A player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at any time make Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice, which is a Fruit Juice and therefore a Beverage."

[Changes: Frinked becomes Frunk - are ya happy Alfvaen? One little typo corrected earlier as well.]

Proposal 3147 - Sun 24 May 1998 23:00 EDT
Upon Reflection
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

In Rule 207 replace (n+2-p) with (n-p).

{{[ As it is, BAA! voting is almost no-risk... ]}}

Proposal 3148 - Wed 27 May 1998 06:04 EDT
Enough sheep already
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Append the following NOBAA delimited text to the end of rule 360
Voting in a hearing with a vote that is not defined by that hearing is the crime of Flagrant Disregard. When the results of a hearing are published, if the results contain a vote that is not a valid vote for the hearing and the Hearing Harfer publishes them, he has commited the crime of Publishing Misleading Data.

{{[Sorry, I'm just sick of BAA votes on things other than proposals and the fact that people keep publishing them]}}

Proposal 3149 - Wed 27 May 1998 06:05 EDT
It's Snowing!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Bribe: A$1 to all players who vote YES on this Proposal.

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a Rule named "Nervous Norvus", numbered 799, with text as follows (delimited by CNH):

It is the Crime of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis to talk in a public dorum about publicly unknowable things.

This Rule repeals itself five minutes after it comes into existence. {{[ So it's not worth the trouble of adding to the Ruleset, is it? ]}}

{{ Reduce Alfvaen's score by 4 points. Increase JT's score by 1 point. }}

Proposal 3150 - Fri 29 May 1998 02:27 EDT
Third time's a charm :-)
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then I feel old and foolish now.

Create a new rule numbered 708 entitled "To the Stocks" and reading as follows delimited by "ROTTEN-EGG"

There exists the location of the Ackanomic Town Square (square) It is a common location, and it occupies four kaas of land. Located in the square are several sets of stocks. Whenever a player is sentenced to a sentence in the stocks they are transported to the square and considered to be "in the stocks" for the duration of the sentence.

Whenever a player is in the stocks they are treated as if they were in gaol except for the following differences:

1. There is no limit on the number of public messages they may post in a day due to the greater ease with which someone in the stocks may communicate.

2. A player in the stocks may give any gift entities to another player [not organisation], provided the other player is in the Ackanomic Town Square.

Any player may release any other player from the stocks providing they are in the square and not in the stocks. To do so however is the crime of aiding and abetting [It is considered good form for any CFCJs with a TRUE verdict on this crime to give as a penalty a time in the stocks]. If a player is released from the stocks then their sentence is considered to have ended.

There exists a unique unownable entity called "Cut-me-own-Throat Dibbler" [Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures, page 15] (Dibbler). Entities owned by Dibbler are not considered to be in the Treasury. Any player who is in the square but not in he stocks may purchase any of Dibbler's merchandise for the prices indicated below:

Miscellaneous Vegetables: A$3
Tomato: A$5
Rotten Egg: A$10

Any merchandise purchased from Dibbler must immediately (i.e. in the same message) be thrown at a player in the stocks, otherwise it will decompose (due to it's low quality).

Any player in the stocks who has had anything thrown at them may be ridiculed with immunity to the politeness moon (within reason). In addition, for each item thrown at a player there is a chance that that player becomes ill. The odds are 1 in 20 for miscellaneous vegetables, 1 in 10 for tomatoes and 1 in 5 for rotten eggs. If a player becomes ill in this way then upon their sentence in the stocks ending they are transferred to the hospital where they must remain for three days.

At the end of every month Dibbler has all his money confiscated for selling bad quality goods and this is transferred to a random active player "for bringing this man's dreadful merchandise to the state's attention".

Create a new rule called "The Ackanomic Hospital" with the text as delimited by KING_SYNDROME

The Ackanomic Hospital is a common location and a cosy building. Whenever a player is ill and in the hospital they are encouraged to groan in any public messages .

Modify rule 1123 by appending the following LUNATIC delimited text to the end:

In addition, whenever a player is found to have snowgod's disease they are transported to the Ackanomic Hospital where they must remain for three days whilst they are recovering from their illness.

Modify rule 709 by replacing the following BORING delimited text with the following BRAND_NEW delimited text:

If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet accepted or declined the appointment when e enters the Gaol, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge.

If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet delivered the verdict, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge and the Clerk of the Courts must select a new judge.

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