non-Modest proposal accepted: author +10, NO voters +3
proposal rejected, meets quorum: author -7, YES voters +3
proposal fails quorum: abstainers -5
proposal is short: author +5
non-Modest proposal accepted, new player: author +3
proposal rejected: author +3
silly proposal: author +5
foolish proposal: author +10
Score between -60 and -1 million: reset to zero
Score -60: +80
foolish proposal: all score effects doubled
Modest proposal: half non-Modest score from R207
Grandiose proposal accepted: +6 author
Literature: +1/sentence or +1/14 words(whichever is lower)
Great Work accepted: -7 for NO voters
Does not respond to CFJ selection in three days: -10
Does not deliver judgement within seven days of accepting: -10
Original verdict upheld on appeal: -1 to -25(default -25) to appealer
Original verdict overturned on appeal: -1 to -10(default -10) to original
Failure to complete ritual: -10
Invalid bribe proposal passes: -15 to author, no other score changes
Non-modest proposal passes unanimously:
player with lowest score(if only one): +2
players with lowest score(if more than one): increase to 2, or +3
Retracting proposal, unless new player: -2
Retracting CFJ: -1
Retracting Miscellaneous Submission: -1
Politeness Moon rules not polite: -3
IP rejected: -10
Internomic Proposal passes: +7 to author
Scientist impeached: -20
Scientist resigns while an IP is pending: -5
Rule 620:
Player cannot afford 18 A$ to feed Goose: -9
Rule 668:
Chartreuse Goose Egg used: score reduced to zero, if positive
Rule 670:
Commission d'Arts fails to produce a report: -2 to each member
Silver Moon recipient is in Gaol: -5
Rule 901:
Proposal passes, author has Magic Potato: +3
Proposal passes, author has Great Tuba of Ackanomic: +1
Rule 909:
Player posts Phoebe's wisdom: +6
Hearing finds Phoebe's wisdom bogus: -12 to author
Player loses Phoebe's matchbox: -3
Rule 910:
Vile Prophecies page in Ackanomicon: -5
Inner Workings page in Ackanomicon: -5
Terrorizing Pages in Ackanomicon: -15
Forbidden Fruits page in Ackanomicon: -20
Rule 913:
Guest of Honour does not provide a parade description in seven days:
Parade occurs, player owns Great Trombone: +10
Parade occurs: +1 to all other players
Rule 915:
Forehead Tribunal rules 'is toppy's a copy: -2
Rule 919:
Author of proposal in Chrome Streak: +5 (up to +15 max per streak)
Rule 938:
Ambassador captures a Nomic: +40
Player helps Ambassador capture a Nomic: +20
Rule 1044:
Swingpoints converted to Points: +1 per 2 Swingpoints converted
Rule 1112:
Harfy proposal passes: +5 to author
Rule 1129:
New player complains of loss of points: score raised to next prime number higher than current score
Rule 1211:
Boon fails Bogusity Hearing: -11 to desciber
Rule 1213:
Winner of Grab-A-Donkey: +3 + number of donkeys grabbed
Rule 1215:
Duel over: +6 winner, +3 winner's second, -6 loser, -3 loser's second
Duel forfeited: +6 challenger, -6 challenged
Rule 1240.14:
Scientist For A Day Card Blueprint protested: -10 to creator
[Note: No more than 20 points/calendar month from Games]
Rule 1250.7:
Winner: +8
Rule 1250.9:
Winner, non-duel: +4 points(four or fewer players), +5-+7(five to seven players), +8(more than eight players)
Rule 1250.14:
End of game, winner(s) declared: +8 divided among winning side(rounded down)
Rule 1307:
Burned as a witch: -10
Rule 1313:
Tornado: non-Sheltered players' scores randomized
Vacationing player's house loses tether in tornado, describes journey to
two-letter land: +5
Rule 1324:
Ambushed by Thargoids: -1