
[Rules 1-100] [Rules 101-200] [Rules 201-300] [Rules 301-400]

Rule 201/2 : The Ballot
The Administrator shall, at least 48 hours prior to the close of voting each nweek, distribute to all Players the Ballot for that nweek. On the Ballot shall be a list of the following:

i. Approvable Motions which were at the time when voting began both live and not awaiting consent.

ii. Candidates to fill Elected Offices which are vacant or for which the current Officer's term will expire at the end of the nweek.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 201/0 amended by Proposal 321/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 201/1 amended by Proposal 420/0, 10 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 203/2 : The Roster
The Roster is a list of all Players. It shall contain, for each Player, at least the following information: (1) The Player's name, (2) eir email adress, (3) eir score, and (4) a list of all attributes associated with em.

The Administrator is responsible for updating the Roster so that it reflects the current game state.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 203/0 amended by Proposal 320/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 203/1 amended by Proposal 427/0, 10 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 204/2 : Identifying Agents
All Agents must have a unique name. The name of an Agent is eir real name if e is a person and did not supply any other unique name e would like to be known as.

An Agent may change eir name by sending a message to this effect to a public forum. Agents may change only eir own name. No name changes are possible during the voting period.

Agents should be identified by eir name, but may be identified by any other method as long as that method does not cause any ambiguity.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 204/0 amended by Proposal 394/0, 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
2. Rule 204/1 amended by Proposal 442/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 205/1 : Terms of Office
The Term of Office for an Office is five nweeks, unless otherwise specified in the Rules. At the end of the Term of Office the current Officer is automatically nominated for election unless e publicly specifies otherwise. If no Player other than the current Officer is nominated for election then the current Officer is automatically elected for another Term and no election is required. In the event that the election is tied, the Administrator shall select one of the tied players to hold the Office, but the Term of Office is reduced to one nweek.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 205/0 amended by Proposal 343/0, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 206/0 : Officer Succession
An Officer ceases to hold eir Office Upon expiration of eir Term unless e is eir own successor.

An Officer shall convey to eir successor, in a timely fashion following the expiration of eir Term, all materials necessary to carry out the duties of the Office.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 207/0 : Nweekly Reports
Each Officer shall, during each nweek, issue a Report summarizing actions during that nweek falling within eir jurisdiction.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 208/1 : The Administrator
The Office of the Administrator is an Elected Office which does not have a Term of Office (i.e. the Officer stays in Office until e resigns or is removed from eir Office by other means). The Administrator is responsible for all game duties not assigned by the Rules to other Officers.

The Office is initially held by the Player whose real name is Joel Uckelman.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 208/0 amended by Proposal 412/0, 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 210/3 : Motion to Add Players
Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become one if a Motion to Add naming em is adopted. Motions to Add are Secondary Approvable Motions. A Motion to Add is adopted if its passage ratio is at least two-thirds. Motions to Add Players may be subject to two-day unanimous consent.

The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Add directs the Administrator to add the named Agent to the Roster.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 210/0 amended by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 210/1 amended by Proposal 336/0, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
3. Rule 210/2 amended by Proposal 396/1, 19 Feb 2001 00:00:00

Rule 211/2 : Winning
Whenever a Player's score reaches or exceeds 500 points, and that Player owns at least 20 Rules, the Administrator shall credit em with a Win.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 211/0 amended by Proposal 356/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 211/1 amended by Proposal 405/0, 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 212/0 : Legislative Orders
A Legislative Order is an Order issued in consequence of the adoption of a Proposal. Rule Changes may be affected only through the issuance of Legislative Orders.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 213/2 : Administrative Orders
An Administrative Order is an Order issued by an Officer in the the course of performing the duties of that Office.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 213/0 amended by Proposal 414/0, 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
2. Rule 213/1 amended by Proposal 427/0, 10 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 214/0 : Judicial Orders
A Judicial Order is an Order issued by a Judge or Appeals Court in conjunction with eir Judicial duties. A Judge may, in the course of making a Judgment, issue one or more Judicial Orders to bring the game state into accord with the result of the Judgment.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 215/0 : Motive Orders
A Motive Order is an Order issued in consequence of the adoption of a Motion.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 216/0 : Private Orders
A Private Order is any Order that is not Legislative, Motive, Administrative, or Judicial.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 217/1 : Vacation of Orders
An Order later found to be invalid may be vacated by a Judicial Order. In the event that an Order is vacated, the Agent who executed it shall, if possible, take such actions as to reverse the effects of the Order. These actions should be specified as part of the Judicial Order.

If the Agent who executed the order cannot reverse the effects of the order, then the Judicial order shall specify some other Agent who is able to reverse the effects to do so.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 217/0 amended by Proposal 324/1, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 218/0 : Redesignation of Fora
The Administrator may designate a Forum public if it is reasonably accessible to all Players. The Administrator may designate a Forum private only if it is not the sole extant public Forum. Only the Administrator may redesignate Fora. The Administrator shall maintain a list of public Fora.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 219/0 : Twilight of the Fora
If at any time there exist no public Fora, the Administrator shall take such steps as are necessary to designate one. Designation of a Forum as public when there are no extant public Fora need not [[and cannot!]] be done publicly.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00

Rule 224/1 : One Vote Each
Each eligible voter may cast exactly one vote on each issue on any given Ballot, unless otherwise provided for in the Rules.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 224/0 amended by Proposal 420/0, 10 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 225/1 : Vote Counting
Only votes equivalent to "yes" or "no" are counted toward adoption of Approvable Motions. Abstentions and other non-committal votes are considered neutral. Only votes cast during voting are counted for voting purposes. The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion after its closure, tally the votes and make known the results of voting.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 225/0 amended by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 226/1 : Voting
To cast a vote, a Player must submit eir vote to the Administrator. Votes which are not known publicly shall not be revealed by the Administrator until voting ends.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 226/0 amended by Proposal 447/1, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 227/7 : Quorum and Voting
Quorum is the minimum number of eligible Agents needed to cast votes on an issue during a single voting period in order for the results of voting to have effect.

Motions for which quorum is not met remain alive, but are not adopted. Elections for which quorum is not met are held again in the next nweek, and the term of the current Officer is extended by one nweek.

Motions for which quorum has been met become dead at the close of voting, regardless of their adoption.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 227/0 amended by Proposal 332/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 227/1 amended by Proposal 343/0, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
3. Rule 227/2 amended by Proposal 344/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
4. Rule 227/3 amended by Proposal 395/0, 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
5. Rule 227/4 trivially amended by Motion 16/0, 11 Feb 2001 04:11:25
6. Rule 227/5 amended by Proposal 420/0, 10 Mar 2001 00:00:00
7. Rule 227/6 trivially amended by Motion 27/0, 13 Mar 2001 19:33:01

Rule 228/1 : Recognition of Motions
The Administrator shall, within a reasonable time after receiving a new Motion, assign it a serial number in the sequence appropriate to its type. A new Motion is not officially recognized until it is assigned a serial number.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 228/0 amended by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 229/3 : Adoption of Motions
An Approvable Motion is adopted iff it is subject to and receives consent or at the close of voting on it its passage ratio exceeds one-half, and all other adoption conditions applying to it are met. If the Rules regarding a motion establish a different passage ratio, it takes precedence over the passage ratio herein. An Approvable Motion fails when its adoption becomes impossible.

Orders, Motive or Legislative, in an adopted Motion shall be executed in a timely fashion by the appropriate Officers. Only Motions defined in the Rules have effect if adopted.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 229/0 amended by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 229/1 amended by Proposal 388/0, 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
3. Rule 229/2 amended by Proposal 450/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 230/6 : Tacit Consent
An Agent introducing an Approvable Motion may request consent at the time of its introduction, or until such time as the granting of consent could still occur prior to the nweek's voting, unless the Rules explicitly prohibit it.

N-day P-consent on a Motion is granted if no more than P eligible voters object to the Motion within N days of its recognition. The appropriate level of consent is considered to have been requested automatically for any Approvable Motion which may be adopted only by that level of consent or greater.

N-day unanimous consent is equivalent to N-day 0-consent. Any Approvable Motion for which the required level of consent for adoption by consent is left unspecified is considered to require unanimous consent. Any Approvable Motion for which the required period without objection for adoption by consent is left unspecified is considered to have a period of three days.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 230/0 amended by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 230/1 amended by Proposal 319/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
3. Rule 230/2 amended by Proposal 336/0, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
4. Rule 230/3 trivially amended by Motion 5/0, 23 Nov 2000 03:20:05
5. Rule 230/4 amended by Proposal 371/1, 10 Jan 2001 00:00:00
6. Rule 230/5 amended by Proposal 388/0, 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00

Rule 231/1 : Proposal Scoring
Whenever a Proposal is adopted, the Bank owes:

1. the Adopted Proposal Award to the Proposal's owner
2. the Opposed Minority Award to each Agent who voted against the Proposal
Whenever a Proposal fails, the Bank is owed:

1. the Failed Proposal Fine by the Proposal's owner

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 231/0 amended by Proposal 353/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00

Rule 234/1 : Requests for Judgment
A Request for Judgment is a Primary Unilateral Motion. An Agent may, at any time, initiate judicial proceedings in any matter by making a Request for Judgment. That Agent shall be known as the Plaintiff with regard to the Request. A Request for Judgment consists of a Statement to be judged, and analysis as the Plaintiff deems appropriate. A Request for Judgment is dead once a Judgment has been issued on it.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 234/0 amended by Proposal 317/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 235/2 : Recognition of Requests
Within a reasonable time after receipt of a Request for Judgment, the Officer of Supreme Justice shall assign the Request the next Judgment number, and shall select a Player to serve as Judge as per the Rules on Judge selection.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 235/0 amended by Proposal 318/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 235/1 amended by Proposal 338/1, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 236/1 : Judge Selection
The following are excluded from serving as Judges on a Request for Judgment:

1. the Plaintiff
2. Judges previously recused from the Request
3. any one Player that the Plantiff requests be recused from the Request

If these exclusions leave no Players eligible to serve as Judge, exclusions may be waived from highest-numbered to lowest until at least one Player becomes eligible.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 236/0 amended by Proposal 446/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 237/3 : Judgments
A Judge shall, within three days of eir selection, give one of the following responses to the Request for Judgment to which e was assigned, accompanied by analysis and Judicial Orders as appropriate:

1. Refused: A Judge may refuse to hear the Request if it lacks a clear Statement or is not germain to the game.
2. True: The Statement is true.
3. False: The Statement is false.
4. Undecided: It cannot be determined at the time of the Judgment whether the Statement is true or false.

The Judge shall decide the truth of the Plantiff's statement based on the game state at the time the RFJ was submitted. Judicial Orders presented with the Judgement will be made based on the game state at the time of the judgement. [[so if a problem has worked itself out already, we don't have to fix it twice]]

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 237/0 amended by Proposal 325/1, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 237/1 amended by Proposal 327/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
3. Rule 237/2 amended by Proposal 363/1, 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00

Rule 238/1 : Recusal of Judges
The Officer of Supreme Justice shall, in a timely fashion, recuse any Judge failing to issue a Judgment within three days of eir selection, and replace em with a new Judge.
0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 238/0 amended by Proposal 338/1, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00

[Rules 1-100] [Rules 101-200] [Rules 201-300] [Rules 301-400]

Tue 26 Jun 2001 17:19:30 UTC