
[Historical Ruleset Index]

1/0: The Game
1/1: The Game
2/0: Names
3/0: Days and Nweeks
4/0: Versions and Revision Numbers
5/0: Serial Numbers
6/0: Majority
7/0: Spivak Pronouns
8/0: Comments
9/0: Randomness and Dice
101/0: Follow the Rules
102/0: Rules and The Ruleset
103/0: State and Rule Changes
103/1: State and Rule Changes
104/0: Self-Reference and Self-Application in Rules
105/0: Agents
106/0: Players
106/1: Players
107/0: Forfeit
108/0: Offices and Officers
109/0: Recognition of Actions
110/0: Resignation
110/1: Resignation
111/0: Nweekly Voting
112/0: Fora
113/0: Timing of Events
113/1: Timing of Events
114/0: Orders
115/0: Execution of Orders
116/0: Permissibility of the Unprohibited
117/0: Proposals
117/1: Proposals
117/2: Proposals
118/0: Eligible Voters
118/1: Eligible Voters
119/0: Ratio of Passage
120/0: Motions
120/1: Motions
120/2: Motions
120/3: Motions
121/0: Score
121/1: Score
121/2: Score
121/3: Score
121/4: Score
122/0: Post-Win Reset
123/0: Impossibility of Further Play
124/0: Legal Precedent
201/0: The Ballot
201/1: The Ballot
201/2: The Ballot
202/0: Ballot Issues
202/1: Ballot Issues
203/0: The Roster
203/1: The Roster
203/2: The Roster
204/0: Name Changes
204/1: Name Changes
204/2: Identifying Agents
205/0: Terms of Office
205/1: Terms of Office
206/0: Officer Succession
207/0: Nweekly Reports
208/0: The Administrator
208/1: The Administrator
209/0: Initial Players
210/0: Motion to Add Players
210/1: Motion to Add Players
210/2: Motion to Add Players
210/3: Motion to Add Players
211/0: Winning
211/1: Winning
211/2: Winning
212/0: Legislative Orders
213/0: Administrative Orders
213/1: Administrative Orders
213/2: Administrative Orders
214/0: Judicial Orders
215/0: Motive Orders
216/0: Private Orders
217/0: Vacation of Orders
217/1: Vacation of Orders
218/0: Redesignation of Fora
219/0: Twilight of the Fora
220/0: Recognition of Proposals
221/0: Proposal Submission and Alteration
222/0: Proposal Status
222/1: Proposal Status
223/0: Adoption of Proposals
224/0: One Vote Each
224/1: One Vote Each
225/0: Vote Counting
225/1: Vote Counting
226/0: Secret Voting
226/1: Voting
227/0: Quorum
227/1: Quorum
227/2: Quorum
227/3: Quorum
227/4: Quorum
227/5: Quorum
227/6: Quorum and Voting
227/7: Quorum and Voting
228/0: Recognition of Motions
228/1: Recognition of Motions
229/0: Adoption of Motions
229/1: Adoption of Motions
229/2: Adoption of Motions
229/3: Adoption of Motions
230/0: Unanimous Consent
230/1: Unanimous Consent
230/2: Unanimous Consent
230/3: Unanimous Consent
230/4: Unanimous Consent
230/5: Unanimous Consent
230/6: Tacit Consent
231/0: Opposed Minority Scoring
231/1: Proposal Scoring
232/0: Failed Proposal Scoring
233/0: Adopted Proposal Scoring
234/0: Requests for Judgment
234/1: Requests for Judgment
235/0: Recognition of Requests
235/1: Recognition of Requests
235/2: Recognition of Requests
236/0: Judge Selection
236/1: Judge Selection
237/0: Judgments
237/1: Judgments
237/2: Judgments
237/3: Judgments
238/0: Recusal of Judges
238/1: Recusal of Judges
301/0: Rescinding Actions
302/0: Subliminal Religious Indoctrination
303/0: Motion to Amend Trivially
303/1: Motion to Amend Trivially
303/2: Motion to Amend Trivially
304/0: Revisions of Ballot Issues
304/1: Revision of Ballot Issues
305/0: Required Actions
306/0: I Shot the Sheriff
306/1: I Shot the Sheriff
306/2: I Shot the Sheriff
307/0: Players that are [Away]
307/1: Players that are [Away]
307/2: Players that are [Away]
307/3: Players that are [Away]
308/0: Officers that are [Away]
309/0: Establishing Quorum
309/1: Establishing Quorum
310/0: The Officer of Supreme Justice
311/0: Elective Offices
312/0: Elections
312/1: Nominations
313/0: Conflicting Legislative Orders
314/0: Motion to remove players II
314/1: Motion to remove players II
314/2: Motion to Remove Players
314/3: Motion to Remove Players
315/0: Officers and Gentlemen
315/1: Officers and Gentlemen
315/2: Motions of no confidance
316/0: Objects
316/1: Objects
317/0: The Bank
317/1: The Bank
317/2: The Bank
318/0: The Banker
319/0: Points Owed
320/0: Extra Votes
321/0: The Officer of Bean Counting
322/0: Salaries for Officers and Judges
322/1: Salaries for Officers and Judges
323/0: Proposal Disbursements
323/1: Proposal Disbursements
324/0: Office of the Tax Collector
325/0: Bankruptcy
325/1: Bankruptcy
326/0: Who owns the Rules?
327/0: No place like home
328/0: proposal titles
329/0: Contracts
330/0: Optional Contract Parts
331/0: Contract Offers
332/0: Contract Restrictions
333/0: Contract records
334/0: The Motion to Escape a Contract
335/0: Motion Duplication
336/0: Challenge/response games
336/1: Challenge/response games
337/0: Three of these things belong together
337/1: Three of these things belong together
338/0: Contests
339/0: Poetry Competition c/rg
340/0: Home Alone
340/1: Home Alone
340/2: Home Alone
341/0: The Motion to Create points
342/0: The Motion to Destroy Points
343/0: C/RG: Mediocrity
343/1: C/RG: Mediocrity
343/2: C/RG: Mediocrity
344/0: The Thug and Its Uses
344/1: The Thug and Its Uses
345/0: Consent by Seconding
346/0: Dependency of Propositions
346/1: Motion Dependency
347/0: Debts are Objects
348/0: Player Self-Creation
349/0: Inheritance
350/0: Joel must Randal
351/0: Automatic Debt Payment
352/0: Parties
353/0: Party Membership
354/0: Party Privacy
355/0: Party Security
356/0: Party Destruction
357/0: Randal Judgements
358/0: Motion for Payment
358/1: Motion for Payment
359/0: Elections
360/0: Micropayment
361/0: Item Purchase
362/0: The Stamp of Failure
363/0: The Stamp of Theft
364/0: The Stamp of Confusion
364/1: The Stamp of Confusion
365/0: Political Go
365/1: Political Go
366/0: Go Board
367/0: Stones, Dragons, and Liberties
368/0: Go Moves
368/1: Go Moves
369/0: Stone Capture
370/0: Go Scoring
371/0: Clearing the Board
372/0: Banker/Tax Collector division of powers
373/0: Stones
374/0: Stone Purchase
375/0: Reserve Stones
376/0: Stones In Play
377/0: Captured Stones
378/0: Money for Nothing
379/0: Just Because It's A Bank, Doesn't Mean It Should Be Bankrupt
380/0: Taxation
381/0: Changing the Property Tax Rate
382/0: Prevention of Voting Manipulation
383/0: The Tribune
384/0: Cards: Properties
385/0: Cards: The Packs
386/0: Cards: The Dealer
387/0: Cards: Dealing
388/0: Cards: Hands
389/0: Cards: The Deck
390/0: Cards: Dealer's Report
391/0: Cards for Votes
392/0: A reward for voting
393/0: Statute of Limitation
394/0: Pooker: Definitions
395/0: Pooker: Trading
396/0: Pooker: the Showdown
397/0: Pooker: Scoring
398/0: The Dunce Cap
399/0: Separation of Card Packs
400/0: Thug Time Limit

Tue 26 Jun 2001 17:19:28 UTC