
[Live Motions]

Motion 31/0 : Motion for Repayment : active
The Bank submits a Motion for Repayment for 30 points which poulenc does not owe the Bank anymore.
0. Poulenc made a Motion for Repayment [31], 16 Mar 2001 16:21:01
0. Administrator recognized Motion 31/0, 18 Mar 2001 01:38:44

Motion 36/0 : Motion to Amend Trivially : active
I make a Motion to Trivially Amend Rule 306/2 to change the spelling of its third word from "Administraor" to "Administrator".
0. Dave made a Motion to Amend Trivially [36], 08 May 2001 01:46:38
0. Administrator recognized Motion 36/0, 08 Jun 2001 03:21:52

Motion 37/0 : Motion to Amend Trivially : active
I move to amend trivially Rule 315/2 to change the spelling of that rule's title to "Motions of no confidence".
0. Dave made a Motion to Amend Trivially [37], 08 May 2001 05:35:14
0. Administrator recognized Motion 37/0, 08 Jun 2001 03:21:52

Motion 38/0 : Motion to Add : active
As per rule 210/3, I hereby move that I be added as a player. I shall be known as David Chudzicki (or any form of "David Chudzicki" that is easily identifiable as referring to me, as per rule 204/2).
0. David Chudzicki made a Motion to Add [38], 08 May 2001 22:34:25
0. Poulenc objected to Motion 38/0, 09 May 2001 21:58:09
0. Administrator recognized Motion 38/0, 08 Jun 2001 03:21:52

Motion 39/0 : Motion to Add : active
I am making a Motion to Add the Player, Miggsy Fox, who is hereby intended to be named 'Ectomorph' in the game.
0. Ectomorph made a Motion to Add [39], 05 Jun 2001 17:24:08
0. Administrator recognized Motion 39/0, 08 Jun 2001 03:42:32

Tue 26 Jun 2001 17:18:57 UTC