add proposal 344/0 l,a 21 November 2000 13:51:24 23 November 2000 19:14:00 The Kid R227/2 Amendment Amend R227/2 as follows: Replace the text "Candidates must put themselves forward for election again." with the text "Candidates must be nominated for election again." Replace the text "shall carry on the majority of votes cast." with the text "shall be determined as if quorum was met." ---- add proposal 345/0 l,a 22 November 2000 03:55:33 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Joel Uckelman Object proposal Create a rule entitled "Objects": Objects are indivisible and may be possessed only in nonnegative quantities. Agents may own Objects. No entity may be both an Object and an Agent. Objects may not be created, destroyed, or otherwise altered, transferred, or adulterated except as allowed by the Rules. ---- add proposal 346/0 l,a 23 November 2000 15:33:31 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Poulenc Transferable Voting! Enact a new rule titled "New Transferable Votes" to read as follows: With the nweekly distribution of the ballot, the Administrator shall create for each ballot item one New Transferable Vote for each player, and recind these to each player so that every player recieves one New Transferable Vote on each ballot item. New Transferable Votes are entities that may be created by the administrator only when required by the rules, they may be destroyed by their owner at any time. They may be transferred by their owner to any other legal owner by posting to the public forum. Eacn New Transferable Vote is marked with the serial number of the ballot item it represents, and can be used by its owner to cast a vote on that item; this may be done either by posting in the public forum or by privately notifying the Administrator. This use destroys that New Transferable Vote. At the end of the voting period, the Administrator shall order any remaining New Transferable Votes to be destroyed. _____ Repeal rule 224 ---- add proposal 347/0 l,a 23 November 2000 15:52:52 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Poulenc The Bank Enact a rule entitled "The Bank" with text as follows: The Bank is an agent, but it is not a legal voter. The Bank may create Points. The Bank acts only to comply with legally-issued Administrative or Judicial orders. The Bank may create points by posting to the public forum. These created points are owned by the Bank. _____ Enact a rule entitled "The Banker" with text as follows: The Office of The Banker is an elective office. It is the responsibility of the Banker to post actions to the public forum for the Bank. If the Bank is required to transfer more points than it owns, the Banker may order it to create more points before the transfer. ---- add proposal 348/0 l,a 23 November 2000 16:06:58 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Poulenc Extra Votes Enact a new rule with the titled "Extra Votes" and text as follows: Extra Votes are objects. The owner of one or more Extra Votes may transfer any or all of those Extra Votes to another legal owner by posting to the public Forum. The Owner of an Extra Vote may use the Extra Vote to cast one vote on any ballot item, provided that e is a legal voter, by posting to the public forum. This use also transfers ownership of that Extra Vote to the Bank. A voter may not use more than one Extra Vote on a single ballot item. There are five extra votes. Initially, all Extra Votes are owned by the Bank. An agent having a score of greater than or equal to 100 points may purchase an Extra Vote by posting to the Public Forum. This transfers 100 points from that player to the Bank, and the Administrator shall then, within a reasonable amount of time, order the transfer of one Extra Vote from the Bank to that player, provided that the Bank owns at least one Extra Vote. ---- add proposal 349/0 l,a 23 November 2000 16:48:34 23 November 2000 19:14:00 The Kid The Officer of Bean Counting Create a Rule entitled 'The Officer of Bean Counting' with the following text: "The Officer of Bean Counting (OBC) is an Elected Officer. The OBC is responsible for keeping track of the number of each Object currently owned by each Agent." ---- add proposal 350/0 l,a 23 November 2000 15:53:29 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Poulenc Points are transferrable objects Amend rule 121/1 to read as follows: _____ Associated with each agent is a scalar quantity known as eir score. An agent's score is a representation of the number of point objects owned by em. The owner of one or more points may transfer any or all points in eir posession to another legal owner by posting to the public forum. If the rules call for the Administrator to credit a player with a certain number of points then e shall order the transfer of those points from the Bank to that player. If the rules call for the Administrator to debit a player a certain number of points then e shall order that player to transfer the required points to the Bank. ---- add proposal 351/0 l,a 23 November 2000 17:23:28 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Poulenc AWAY players - slight change Change the second sentence of rule 307 to read as follows: If at any time a player has not voted in the last three nweeks the Administrator shall, within a reasonable amount of time, grant them the [Away] attribute by posting a message to that effect to the public forum. ---- add proposal 352/0 l,a 23 November 2000 17:38:39 23 November 2000 19:14:00 Poulenc Salaries for Officers and Judges Enact a new rule with the title "Salaries for Officers and Judges" and with text as follows: The Offical Salary and the Judicial Salary are values associated with this game. They may be changed only as specified by the rules. Initially, the value of each is zero. At the end of each nweek the Banker shall, within a reasonable length of time, transfer a number of points equal to the Official Salary from the Bank to the holder each elective office and the Administrator. E shall not transfer more points than one Official Salary to any agent, even if that agent holds more than one office. When a judge returns a judgement, the Banker shall transfer a number of points equal to the Judicial Salary from the Bank to that judge. Once per nweek, with a post to the public forum the Banker may set the values of the Official Salary and the Judicial Salary such that the value of each is neither less than zero nor greater than twenty. ----