proposal add 444/1 14 Mar 2001 18:47:06 15 Mar 2001 05:03:23 Jeff Schroeder Sack the lazy Rename Rule 305/0 entitled "Required Actions" with "Sack the lazy" and replace the contents with the following text: If a Rule contains instructions for an Agent to perform a task within a "reasonable amount of time" or similarly constructed time frame, and while the Agent does not have the [Away] attribute as specified in Rule 307/2, the agent has the duration of one nweek to perform the task. After this time has elapsed and the action has not been performed, any Player may request a Motion to Sack or Lynch the offending Player. If a Rule contains instructions for an Agent to perform a task "as soon as possible" or similarly known time frame, and while the Agent does not have the [Away] attribute set, the agent has the duration of one-half an nweek to perform the task. All tasks of this type must be performed in the order they were assigned. While the task has not been performed, e may not submit Proposals or Vote. After the allowed time has elapsed and if the action has not been performed, any Player may request a Motion to Sack or Lynch the offending Player. Once the [Away] attribute has been cleared, if it was previously set, the time to complete the above actions shall begin. ----