proposal add 446/0 13 Mar 2001 18:44:12 14 Mar 2001 00:24:16 Jeff Schroeder Judge Selection Modify Rule 236/0 to replace the text: "The following are excluded from serving as Judges on a Request for Judgment: 1. the Plaintiff 2. Judges previously recused from the Request If these exclusions leave no Players eligible to serve as Judge, exclusions may be waived from highest-numbered to lowest until at least one Player becomes eligible." with the text: "The following are excluded from serving as Judges on a Request for Judgment: 1. the Plaintiff 2. Judges previously recused from the Request 3. any one Player that the Plantiff requests be recused from the Request If these exclusions leave no Players eligible to serve as Judge, exclusions may be waived from highest-numbered to lowest until at least one Player becomes eligible." ---- proposal add 447/0 13 Mar 2001 22:58:22 14 Mar 2001 00:24:16 Joerg How to vote Amend rule 226 by changing the title to "Voting" and the text to: "To cast a vote, a Player must submit the vote to a public forum. E may also vote privately if e desires by submitting the vote to the Officer responsible for counting the votes using another method. The Officer shall reveal such private votes at the end of the voting period, but no Player except the voter is allowed to reveal them before." [[by voting in a non-public forum, the voter reveals the votes emself, which is now legal]] ---- proposal add 448/0 14 Mar 2001 00:01:15 14 Mar 2001 00:24:16 Zagarna The Tribune The office of The Tribune is an elective office. The term of office for the Tribune is one nweek. At the end of the Term of Office the current Tribune is not automatically nominated for election. A specific Player may not be nominated as Tribune more than once every five nweeks. If no player is nominated as Tribune the office is held vacant. [[severe restrictions so that the Tribune's power is kept in check]] The Tribune is meant to be the protector of liberty in this game of nomic. The Tribune holds the power of veto, once per nweek the Tribune may Veto a proposal by posting such action to a public forum. A Proposal Vetoed by the Tribune fails even if would have otherwise been approved. This paragraph overrides rule R229 [[adoption of motions]] ----