Rule 42/0 (Repealed)
The Oldest Rule in the Book
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Rule 107/10 (Repealed)
Then, quorum is met if either (a) at least 60% of the players in the head count have cast a vote, or (b) at least 36% of the players in the head count have voted YES, or both. In no other circumstances is quorum met.
Rule 206/8 (Repealed)
Keep 'Em In The Game
Mitchell Harding
Rule 207.1/13 (Repealed)
That's just silly
Bascule (Matt Black)
Any player who scores points in the above manner may publicly announce, in the seven days following the proposals acceptance, "The new silly phrase is ****", where **** is a three word phrase. All quoted instances of the phrase "contains monosodium glutamate" in this rule will be replaced by the three word phrase chosen by that player.
Rule 207.3/6 (Repealed)
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
a) The first line of the proposal is "I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now."
b) The rest of the text of the proposal is a previously submitted and rejected proposal, altered in no way from this previously submitted proposal except in the updating of numerical rule pointers.
c) The player submitting the proposal was the author of the previous proposal.
Whenever a Foolish Proposal is accepted or rejected, all scoring effects from rule 207 related to its acceptance or rejection shall be doubled.
Rule 309/5 (Repealed)
Substantially Similar Proposals
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
a) Proposal A was distributed after Proposal B;
b) Proposal B is still under voting consideration;
then Proposal A is invalid.
Rule 313/13 (Repealed)
Proposal Bribery
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
A proposal is invalid if it calls for one or more effects that discriminate in any way between players based on their voting actions on that proposal, or any other specific proposal or proposals identified in the proposal. Effects that depend on the way players vote are allowed if they apply to all proposals, or to all proposals in one or more classes previously defined by the rules. [This would be modest proposals, harfy proposals, etc.] This section defers to section IV of this rule.
II. Voting Actions
The following are voting actions:
A. Casting a legal vote as defined by rule 106.
B. Being part of a political party that gets a unity vote.
C. Using a Bonus Vote by rule 317.
Other actions may be designated by the rules to be voting actions.
III. Effects Triggered on Changing the Triggering Rules
If a proposal adds, changes, or repeals rules that generate effects or cause some entity to generate effects (including but not limited to score changes) based on the way players vote, then those rules generate no effects based on the way players vote on that particular proposal. This section of this rule takes precedence over all other rules which generate effects based on the way players vote on proposals, but defers to the following paragraph.
IV. Bribes
A. Bribes which violates any of the rules regarding Bribes are invalid.
B. A proposal may include a Bribe section, which must be in a separate paragraph in preface to the main text of the proposal in a proposal, beginning with the word "Bribe", a colon, the vote being bribed for, a comma, and the bribe. [as in "Bribe: YES, A$1"].
C. Each proposal may contain one and only one bribe section and the text of the bribe must be formatted as described above.
D. Bribes may only cause the transfer of tradeable entities from the author of the proposal to players who voted the way the Bribe specified on the proposal; a Bribe need not specify that the entities come from the author of the proposal, since it is assumed.
E. If a proposal does not specify a condition for receiving its Bribe, then every player who voted the appropriate way on the proposal is eligible to receive the Bribe. A Bribe may specify further conditions, and may offer different amounts to different players, or based on different conditions [I.e., extra bribes can be given to players whose parties generate unity votes], but any conditions in the Bribe must be determinable when the voting results are posted.
V. Processing Bribes
A. When the voting results for a proposal containing a Bribe section are posted, if the amount(s) specified by the Bribe cannot be transferred from the proposal's author to all eligible players, based on the conditions stated in the Bribe, the Bribe is invalid.
B. The required number of YES votes for a proposal containing an invalid bribe to be accepted is one more than the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period. This paragraph takes precedence over rule 106.
C. When the voting results for a proposal containing an invalid Bribe are posted, the author of that proposal loses 15 points, and no other rules that generate score changes or other effects when a proposal is rejected trigger any effects for that proposal; this takes precedence over any such rules.
D. When the voting results for a proposal containing a valid Bribe are posted, the amount(s) specified by the Bribe are transferred from the proposal's author to all eligible players, based on the conditions stated in the Bribe.
Rule 315/16 (Repealed)
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
A statement sent to the Tabulator is a Tammany Bribe if, and only if, it conveys the following information:
a) the Proposal number of a Proposal that has not yet come to
b) an amount of currency in the range of A$ 25 to A$ 100 (inclusive)
c) a Desired Vote of either YES, NO, or SILENT.
d) the intent of the sender of the message to bribe Tammany the amount
specified, in order to vote in the manner specified on the Proposal
It is the Duty of the Tabulator to ensure that each Tammany Bribe remains secret until the end of the voting period of the Proposal to which it applies. The Tabulator shall not intentionally examine the text of any Tammany Bribe until this rule makes it eir Duty to do so. If he should inadvertently do so, he should, as a matter of ethics, avoid allowing this foreknowledge to influence his game actions in any way.
Each voting player may submit a maximum of one valid Tammany Bribe per Proposal. Should more than one Tammany Bribe be submitted by a Player for a given Proposal, the Tammany Bribe received most recently by the Tabulator shall be deemed the sole valid Tammany Bribe by the Player for that Proposal, with all others being disregarded.
Before the voting results for a given Proposal are announced, the Tabulator has the Duty of determining whether and how Tammany will vote on this Proposal, based upon the valid Tammany Bribes for that Proposal and the specifications below in this Rule. Tammany's vote and all Tammany Bribes pertaining to a Proposal shall be reported along with the voting results for the Proposal.
Each Player who submitted a Tammany Bribe on a Proposal which is about to be resolved shall have the designated amount of currency deducted from his account and placed in the Treasury. If this would result in a negative currency balance for the player, his entire Bribe is disregarded and no currency is deducted.
Tammany shall vote YES on a Proposal if and only if the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of YES is greater than the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of NO plus twice the total amount of currency associated with Bribes that had a Desired Vote of SILENT.
Tammany shall vote NO on a Proposal if and only if the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of NO is greater than the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of YES plus twice the total amount of currency associated with Bribes that had a Desired Vote of SILENT.
Rule 317/9 (Repealed)
Bonus Votes
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
2. A player can own at most five Bonus Votes at an given time. If a Player who already owns five Bonus Votes receives an additional Bonus Vote, by any means, the additional Bonus Vote is destroyed.
3. Bonus Votes are used in the following manner - A player sends a message to the Tabulator that e is casting eir Bonus Vote on a specific proposal, and the legal type of Vote that Bonus Vote represents. The Bonus Vote shall then be counted as a vote on that proposal. When the results of that proposal are released by the Tabulator, the Bonus Vote is destroyed.
4. A Player can only cast a Bonus Vote e owns. A particular Bonus Vote can only be cast once. Any attempt to cast a Bonus Vote fails if it does not meet these restrictions.
5. A voting player can use at most one Bonus Vote per proposal. A voting Player can use at most one Bonus Vote on any string of three consecutive proposals. On any single proposal, at most four Bonus Votes are counted. If more than four Bonus Votes were sent to the Tabulator on a single proposal, only the last four valid Bonus Votes to have arrived before the end of the voting are counted, the rest are destroyed. Only voting players may use Bonus Votes.
6. Other rules may specify means by which Bonus Votes are acquired or destroyed, subject to the restrictions in this rule.
7. A voting player may pay $A150 to the Treasury to declare any one proposal in the voting queue to be a Guarded Proposal. Bonus Votes may not used on a Guarded Proposal. Bonus Votes already cast on that proposal are not counted, and any player who cast a Bonus Vote that was nullified in this manner is given one Bonus Vote as compensation.
Rule 319/2 (Repealed)
Unanimity Is Lovely (although not so lovely as it used to be)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Rule 320.3/1 (Repealed)
Government Type: Despotism
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 320.4/1 (Repealed)
Government Type: Fundamentalism
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 320.5/1 (Repealed)
Government Type: Elected Assembly
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 320.6/2 (Repealed)
Government Type: Proportional Representation
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 330/17 (Repealed)
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
A player may retract his own CFJ as a public action. This action will fail if a verdict other than Undecided has already been delivered on the CFJ. The player retracting the CFJ does not lose any points unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ or a cycle win CFJ in which case e loses 3 points.
A player may retract his own Miscellaneous Submission as a public action. This action will fail if a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the submission is already publically knowable. The player retracting the submission loses 1 point. This section takes precedence over any rule which would prevent retraction of these entities. Instances of following, and nothing else, are Miscellaneous Submissions:
a) Impeachment Papers
b) Common Sense Reports
c) New Games and Contest submissions as described by Rule 1250.1
d) Discoveries (retracted Discoveries are Debunked).
Newbies shall not lose points as a result of this rule.
Rule 364.1/2 (Repealed)
Grease is the Word
Brie Clump (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 411/9 (Repealed)
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
At the time of a presidential election at most two seats are selected in the following manner:
i) All seats for which an election was held during the previous 16 weeks are disregarded.
ii) Of the remaining seats, the two seats which have not had an election for the longest period or all of these seats, whichever is less, have their term of office expire.
iii) Ties in section ii) are broken randomly.
If Nominations are being held concurrently for the Office of President and the Office of Senator, then no player may nominate for both Offices. If a player attempts to nominate for both Offices, only the first nomination received by Count Tabula from that player for either of the offices shall be legitimate. This paragraph overrides Rule 402 in the event of a conflict.
A Senator may, if e has not already done so in eir current Term of Office, rename eir Seat. E does so by announcing the new name(which must satisfy all the Rules for entity names), and paying the Standard Harfer Fee.
Rule 419.2/20 (Repealed)
Internomic Interface
Kelly Martin (Kelly Martin)
Internomic is an entity. Member nomics of Internomic, excepting Ackanomic, Internomic, and any Ackanomic Organization considered to be a Member nomic of Internomic, are named tradeable entities. The name of any such entity is that of the corresponding nomic. Whenever a Nomic joins Internomic, it is owned by the Treasury. Whenever a member nomic(excepting Ackanomic and Internomic)leaves Internomic it is destroyed.
II. Liaison
The Ambassador (or, in the absence of an Ambassador, the Speaker) is Ackanomic's Liaison to InterNomic. The Liaison shall keep the Players of Ackanomic apprised in a timely fashion of events in InterNomic of interest to Ackanomic.
III. InterNomic Proposals
Any Voting Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison. If said Proposal is adopted by InterNomic, the player who requested it receives 7 points upon the Liaison reporting the fact of its adoption to Ackanomic.
Though not required, players are strongly encouraged to have the Spelling Exchequer proofread such Proposals before submitting them to the Liaison.
IV. InterNomic Voting
Whenever Ackanomic is permitted to vote upon any matter in InterNomic, the Liaison shall initiate a binding Hearing to determine how e should cast Ackanomic's vote in InterNomic by publically posting the proposal or question to be voted upon. The valid responses in this Hearing shall be the valid votes the Liaison may cast on the matter in InterNomic. This Hearing shall have a voting period of 7 days, and, in the case where the results are inconclusive, the President shall, as a public action, decide how the Liaison shall cast Ackanomic's vote. The Liaison shall be the Hearing Harfer for this Hearing.
V. InterNomic Judgements (ISFJs)
Whenever Ackanomic is required to serve as a judge in Internomic, the Liaison shall publically post the statement for judgement along with the initiator's reasoning, if any. During the three days following this post, players may respond to the statement for judgment with whatever comments and reasoning they may have on the judgement. Three days after the Liaison's posting of the statement for judgement, a Hearing will commence. The valid responses for this Hearing will be the allowed verdicts Ackanomic may deliver in response to the ISFJ. For the purposes of determining a verdict in this Hearing, each response from a Bronze Torch holder counts as two player responses, and non-player responses do not count. The verdict of this hearing shall be the verdict delivered on the statement for judgement. In the event of a tie or a verdict of "Never Mind", the Liaison shall determine which verdict to deliver. This section has precedence over rules governing Hearings. When reporting the verdict to Internomic, the Liaison shall use whatever player comments he feels are appropriate, including dissenting ones, and shall annotate these comments with their author's Ackanomic name.
VI. Internomic Attitude
The Attitude of Ackanomic toward any other member nomic of InterNomic shall be changed as directed by the Rules of Ackanomic, and in no other circumstances. [in other words, it shall be changed when a proposal is accepted that contains a rule change directing such a change of attitude].
Rule 419.3/3 (Repealed)
How are Things Out There
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
When the Ambassador receives a messaged from a Liaison of another nomic which is a member of Internomic, and the message is addresses to the People of Ackanomic, then the Ambassador must forward this message to the Public Forum, and it is deemed to be a public message by the nomic from whose Liaison it was received.
Rule 431/12 (Repealed)
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
The duties of the Illuminatus are to collect Agenda Conditions, conduct bidding on Nemesis Eggplants, and distribute and track Agenda Hats, as described in this rule.
The Illuminatus has the Duty co announce a call for Agenda Condition submissions if, for any reason, there has not been such a call during the current cycle, and there is neither a call for Agenda Conditions nor a Nemesis Eggplant bidding period currently underway. The Illuminatus has the privilege of calling for Agenda Submissions whenever no such call has occurred in the past 90 days. The Agenda Condition submission period will last for seven days after this. During this time, any voting player other than the Illuminatus may submit a number of Agenda Conditions equal to three minus the number of Agenda Hats e owns by sending them to the Illuminatus. If a player sends more than this number of Agenda Conditions, only the first Agenda Conditions sent will be counted.
Agenda Conditions should be statements that may be true or false depending on the game state. If the words "this hat," or "this eggplant" are used in an Agenda Condition, they shall be equivalent to, "the Agenda Hat associated with this Agenda Condition," and "the Nemesis Eggplant associated with this Agenda Condition," respectively.
At the end of the seven days, the Illuminatus must release a list of all submitted Agenda Conditions, along with the names of the players who submitted each. If at least 4 players have submitted Agenda Conditions, the Illuminatus must initiate a seven day Nemesis Eggplant bidding period. During the Nemesis eggplant bidding period, each player who submitted Agenda conditions may send a Weight bid corresponding to each submitted Agenda Condition to the Illuminatus. Weight bids must be integers between (-2 Magic Number / 3) and (Magic Number / 3). If a player does not send a weight bid for a particular Agenda Condition, that player will be considered to have bid (Magic Number / 3), rounded down, on that condition.
At the conclusion of the bidding period, the following occurs:
z) Initially, all conditions are under consideration.
a) The Illuminatus will determine the condition under consideration which has the lowest bid. Ties should be broken randomly.
b) A Nemesis Eggplant with that condition is awarded to the lowest bidder on that condition who has less than 3 Nemesis Eggplants. Ties among lowest bidders should be broken randomly. (If there are no bidders who have less than 3 Nemesis Eggplants, then the Nemesis Eggplant shall be awarded to a randomly chosen player who has either one or two Nemesis Eggplants, or zero Nemesis Eggplants but one or more Agenda Hats. If there are no such players, then the Nemesis Eggplant is awarded to a randomly chosen player.)
c) That condition is removed from consideration. If any conditions are still under consideration, this process repeats, starting with a)
d) The Illuminatus may change the condition associated with any Nemesis Eggplant if e believes any of the following :
i) that it is impossible for a player to achieve that condition in normal play
ii) achieving the condition would prevent the player from winning by agenda. [for example, The owner of this hat also has the Chartreuse Goose.]
iii) the condition is otherwise unharfy [For example, a condition that would be satisfied by spamming the mailing list with 1000's of messages would be technically easy to achieve, but a bad idea all around.]
The condition that the Illuminatus chooses should be easily attainable. It should also be silly.
e) For each newly created Nemesis Eggplant an agenda Hat is created in the hidden state, which has:
i) with the same condition.
ii) a weight equal to the lowest bid on its condition that was greater than the winning bid. If no bid was greater, the hat is assigned the winning bid as a weight. If the eggplant was awarded to a player who did not bid on it, then the hat is assigned the highest bid on its condition. Any Agenda Hats with a condition that was chosen by the Illuminatus according to d) are Silly Agenda Hats, and instead are created with a weight of (Magic Number / 4) rounded up.
f) Each player who submitted Agenda Conditions receives a number of agenda hats equal to the number of conditions e submitted. The Agenda Hats must be distributed randomly among these players, except that no player shall receive an Agenda Hat with a condition that e authored or that is the same as that of a Nemesis Eggplant e owns. If, after some part of this distribution has been done, there is no way to distribute the remaining hats as specified above(e.g. all players who submitted Agenda Conditions have three Agenda Hats, because of one or more players leaving the game or hats being transferred among players), then the remaining Agenda Hats are randomly distributed among players with one or two Agenda Hats or no Agenda Hats but one or more Nemesis Eggplants. If there are no such players and Agenda Hats still remain to be distributed, then they are distributed randomly among other players. Any Agenda Hats still remaining are transferred to the Mad Hatters.
g) The Illuminatus must publicly announce the owners and conditions for each Nemesis Eggplant created, and the weights and conditions for each Agenda Hat created. The Illuminatus must privately notify each player who received Agenda Hats as to the conditions of each Agenda Hat that player received.
It is also a duty of the Illuminatus to check that the correct condition is being revealed when a player makes an Agenda Hat visible.
It is a privilege of the Illuminatus that e achieves a Winning Condition if it is publicly knowable that e has a score that is greater than 5/6 times the Magic Number.
Rule 437/3 (Repealed)
Providing Meaning Where We Can
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
I. Quorum Call
The senator who issued the Quorum Call is deemed to have acknowledged it publicly. All players who have not acknowledged the Quorum Call publicly before it ends gain a puppet head. In the 24 hours following the end of the Quorum call, only players who do not have puppet heads are counted for Quorum purposes.
II. Committee Call
When a Committee Call is made, the Senator must also specify an office that is not the Senate. All deadlines pertaining to the duties of that office are now suspended and will be due 24 hours after the Committee Call finishes.
III. House Call
When a House Call is made, a senator's Call of the past week must be specified. The Senate has until the end of the following day to censure that Call. All senators who think that Call should not have been made vote against. If a majority is against, then the senator who made that call loses 10 points and may not issue a call for seven days.
Rule 440/1 (Repealed)
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
The Duties of the Thrallmaster are:
(i) To maintain a list of player Thrall Attributes.
(ii) To publicly announce whenever a Thrall Attribute has changed.
Rule 507/1 (Repealed)
JT (JT Traub)
When a rule directs that a Trinket becomes a Magick, the Trinket is destroyed and a new Magick is created with the same name and description of the destroyed trinket and an original value equal to the value of the destroyed Trinket.
A Trinket may only become a Magick as directed by the rules, and no other entity other than Trinkets may be transformed into Magicks.
Rule 594/21 (Repealed)
Blueprint Rule Suite
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
II. A Discovery is said to be made by the player who posted its text. If a Rule creates a Discovery, authorship credit is given as listed by that Rule. If that Rule gives no authorship credit, then no authorship credit shall be given.
III. A Discovery is Debunked if, within 7 days of its creation, at least 4 different players have protested its creation in a public forum. Whenever a Discovery is Debunked, it is destroyed. If a Discovery is not Debunked after 7 days of its creation, then a new rule is created as a member of this rule suite, with the title "Blueprint: <name>" where <name> is the name of the Discovery, with authorship credit as described in section II, and with text identical to the text of the Discovery. The Discovery is then destroyed. Creation of a Blueprint does not create any instances of the type of Gadget described by that Blueprint.
IV. The term "Blueprint", as used in the rules, means a member of this rule suite.
V. Blueprints defer to all non-Blueprint rules, except as specified elsewhere in this rule. [This allows blueprints to claim precedence or defer to one another, and allows the Whamiol's trade restriction to work.]
VI. A Blueprint may only define the behavior and attributes of gadgets of the type which is named in its title, define ways in which such gadgets and their attributes may be manipulated, manipulate or destroy (but not create) such gadgets and/or their attributes, and place restrictions on how such gadgets may be created, destroyed, or otherwise manipulated. Restrictions of this last type do not defer to other rules by default.
Blueprints may not create, destroy, or manipulate any other entities, except in the ways that they direct their gadgets to do so.
[Follow this link for the Blueprints]
Rule 594.1/3 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Scroll of Crumble
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Rule 594.2/4 (Repealed)
Blueprint: The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
No matter what shape or size The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really is, it shall always have a button somewhere upon it marked "ENERGIZE"
The owner of The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really may use it to change the player name of any active player to another name which is an anagram of the original. This is a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the owner must state that he has pointed The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really at x (where x is the name of the player being renamed) and pressed the ENERGIZE button, and he must give an anagram of the original name. If this action is successful then The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really changes x's name to the specified anagram.
The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really runs on rechargeable 9 volt batteries, and may be used no more than once every two weeks, or the batteries will overheat and explode before The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really is able to change a players name ( and thus causing The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really to be destroyed).
Rule 594.3/3 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Whamiol
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Whenever the time since the last new player voted for the first time is an even integral number of days greater than or equal to 30, the Whamiol becomes anxious and subtracts one point from its owner's score.
Any trade which would cause a Whamiol to be owned by an entity other than a Player is invalid and will not occur.
Rule 594.4/8 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Vending Machine
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
All Vending Machines are equipped to vend Rocks To Wind A String Around. The price to buy a Rock To Wind A String Around from a new Vending Machine is A$6.
If a Vending Machine is possessed by the owner of the Great Trombone of Ackanomia, e may vend therefrom Walls of Trombones. The price for which A Wall of Trombones can be sold starts at A$10.
If a Vending Machine is owned by the possessor of the Little Lamb, e may vend therefrom Santa's Beards. The price for which a Santa's Beard may be sold starts at A$8.
If a Vending Machine is owned by the possessor of the Magic Potato, e may vend therefrom Magic Radishes. The price for which a Magic Radish may be sold starts at A$7.
If a Vending Machine is owned by the second player to legally chew The Gumball on any given day, e may vend therefrom A Bottle of Bubble Gum Flavoured Shampoo for the remainder of the day. The price for which A Bottle of Bubble Gum Flavoured Shampoo may be sold starts at A$12.
If a Vending Machine is owned by the First Citizen, e may vend therefrom A Large Box of Chocolates. The price for which A Large Box of Chocolates may be sold starts at A$14.
The owner of a Vending Machine may change the price for which the Machine sells any item. This fails if the price for that item was changed at any time within the preceding thirty days or if the new price is not an even integer.
Any player may attempt to buy any item from any Vending Machine. This fails if the Vending Machine is broken or unowned; if the Vending Machine is not equipped to vend the specified item; or if the player attempting to buy the item does not have the current price for which the specified Machine sells the specified item. If the action succeeds then the Machine transfers half of the current price of that item to its owner and the other half to the Treasury, and then it creates a new item of the type requested and gives it to the buyer.
Rule 594.5/4 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Automatic Sculpture
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
An Automatic Sculpture is always in one of two states, active and dormant, and begins dormant. When a player other than the player who buried a dormant Automatic Sculpture finds the treasure containing it, it becomes active, and minute polyjointed arms sneak out of the panel, carving the gadget into a fascinating (though perhaps offensively avant-garde) stone figurine. When an Automatic Sculpture becomes active, it designates a player at random to be its Mad Sculptor. The Mad Sculptor is responsible for posting a description; when he does so, the Automatic Sculpture sets its description to that description. If e does not do so within 3 days of being selected, the Automatic Sculpture deducts one point from the Mad Sculptor's score, and sets its description to "It is X." where X is one of the colours defined in Rule 1155, chosen at random, or green if no such colours exist.
When the description of an active Automatic Sculpture is set, it transforms itself into a trinket worth A$123, with the same description the Sculpture had, and the name "Sculpture X" where X is replaced by the least prime number that would result in a unique name.
However, when a Player buries an Automatic Sculpture and then finds it himself, he will find that it is a dull, slate gray box with an irregular pentagonal metal patch on one side. (It is unchanged.)
Rule 594.7/4 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Evil Ballot Stuffer
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
The Evil Ballot Stuffer is green and has 2 levers, the large lever and the small lever.
The small lever enables the EBS to affect Hearings and Elections. The owner of an EBS may flip the small lever in any given Hearing by privately notifying the Hearing Harfer, and in any Election by privately notifying the Officer responsible for conducting the Election. This notification must be in the same private message as a valid response for the relevant Hearing, or valid vote for the relevant Election. The EBS shall then make a response (in a Hearing) or cast a vote (in an Election) identically to their owner. If the same EBS is used more than once in a Hearing, only the last such vote it cast shall count.
The large lever is used to create Bonus Votes. The possessor of an EBS may flip the large lever. Upon doing so, the EBS creates a Bonus Vote and transfers it to the player who flipped the lever, assuming no instance limits on Bonus Votes with respect to the game or that player would be exceeded. Regardless of whether the Bonus Vote was actually created in this case, the EBS then starts to shake and shimmy uncontrollably.
Upon an EBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things will occur with equal probability. An EBS may not be used between the time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random determination is publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake and shimmy:
1) The EBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The EBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its
user throughout the land of Acka.
3) The EBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another
random active player.
Neither lever may be used if the EBS is broken, and only the player who possesses an EBS may use it, the previous provisions of this Blueprint notwithstanding. A broken EBS may only be fixed as described in the rules or by another Gadget empowered to do so.
Rule 594.9/4 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Spell Book of Chorg
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Pages are numbered sequentially, starting at 1, thru the number of pages in the Book when the Book was created. Once so numbered, at creation time, page numbers in the Book do not change. Each page contains a spell.
A player who owns a Book may read the spell on its lowest-numbered page as a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the player must describe a pyrotechnic display by which the page is destroyed. This action fails if any other page has been read from the same book within the last calendar week. If this action is successful then the page read is removed from the book and destroyed as described by the reader in his reading attempt, and the Spell Book of Chorg shall cause one of the following effects shall occur, depending on the number of the page read:
1) If the page number was evenly divisible by 21, a random Boon of the Ancients is created and bestowed to the reader.
2) Otherwise, if the page number was evenly divisible by 5, a random Gadget other than a Spell Book of Chorg is created and transferred to the reader. However, this gadget is ephemeral; it will be destroyed 3 days after it is publically knowable what it is (if it still exists), unless it is indestructible, in which case it will be transferred Somewhere Else at that time. For the purposes of this section, the Book itself is said to be doing this destruction or transference, as appropriate.
3) Otherwise, a random Otzma card is created and transferred to the reader, all cards having equal probabilities, except that card types which exist at their instance limits shall have no probability of being created. If, however, this creation would exceed any other limits of the Otzma cards, it does not occur, and the Book is destroyed in a vile display of chartreuse smoke instead.
If a player possessing the Spell Book of Chorg is ever burned as described in the rules, the Book is immediately destroyed, being that it is made of really old parchment.
Rule 594.10/1 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Plunky Monkey Wrench
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
A player who has a Plunky Monkey Wrench may throw it into any unbroken mechanical Gadget. The Wrench then causes the gadget it was thrown into to become broken, and then the Wrench is destroyed.
A player who has a Plunky Monkey Wrench, a broken mechanical Gadget, and A$ 30 can try to fix the Gadget with the Plunky Monkey Wrench, assuming he or she has not already tried to fix the Gadget in the past three days. When this is done, the A$ 30 is transferred from the player to the Treasury. There is a fifty-percent chance that the Wrench then causes the mechanical Gadget to cease to be broken.
For the purposes of this Blueprint, a Gadget is mechanical if and only if its Blueprint says that it is.
Rule 594.14/3 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Cheez-Whiz
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
All sentences that follow this one are, or describe, attributes of grapefruit, and they conflict with this one.
Rule 594.16/2 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Silver Spaceship
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
The possessor of a Silver Spaceship may launch it as a public action. In order to fully specify this action the launcher must specify a Location that is defined by the rules to be a Moon or Planet, and he must include an original piece of poetry or lyrical composition of at least 5 lines that contains the words 'They', 'Might', 'Be', and 'Giants' anywhere in its text. The launch fails if the launcher is not in the Wilds of Ackanomia (local authorities object to the noise). If the launch succeeds then the the Spaceship transports the launcher to the location named. The Silver Spaceship becomes broken after being successfully launched unless the poetry used in the launch was a sonnet. The Poet Laureate shall be the final authority as to whether the poetry used qualifies per above, or was in fact a sonnet, if the question is raised.
Rule 594.17/5 (Repealed)
Blueprint: BWG Laser
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
The BWG laser is operated as follows. Any active player may aim the business end at an active, non-sheltered, player. It will remain aimed at that player until it is re-aimed as described in the previous sentence, or until that player leaves the game.
Whenever the business end is aimed at an active, non-sheltered player, any active player may place a trinket in the fuel input end. If the trinket is the sort of fuel it takes, the BWG laser will transfer the trinket to the player it is aimed at, then fire a Pulse Beam at them. If the trinket is not the sort of fuel it takes, the BWG laser will destroy the trinket.
When the BWG Laser fires a pulse beam at a player, one of two things happens. If the target has one or more pulse shovels, the beam bounces off the shovel, the BWG Laser transfers one of his pulse shovels to a random player, the beam hits the player who provided the BWG Laser with fuel, and that player becomes Hosed for 3 days. Otherwise, the target is Hosed for 3 days.
Rule 594.18/3 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Butler
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
A player who owns a Butler may set it to automatically welcome visitors into eir Home. If the Butler is so set, then whenever any player publicly asks to enter that player's Home, the Butler will transport em there. When setting the Butler to welcome visitors, the owner may specify a duration(up to a week)during which the Butler will do so; if the owner does not specify such a duration, the Butler will do so for three days. After performing such duty, the Butler must rest and recharge itself, and it will be an equal length of time before it may perform such services again.
In addition, the Butler's owner may provide it with an ordered list of tradeable entities(which e must own), and set it to distribute these entities to guests. When the Butler is in "welcoming" mode, it will give one entity to each guest who arrives at it's owner's Home who has not already done so since it was last set to welcome visitors, in the order that was specified by its owner. The owner may add entities to the end of the list, or remove entities from the list, at any time; if e transfers an entity on the list to another player, or uses it in any way, it is assumed to be removed from the list. Any entities on the list are still considered to be owned by the Butler's owner until they are traded. This duty is even more taxing to the Butler, however, and after it has finished performing it it must rest and recharge itself for longer. The butler may then not be used until a period of rime equal to twice the time it was performing this duty has passed.
The Butler will become Broken if at any time its owner's House begins to dangle, because the unaccustomed shock will upset its delicate circuitry.
Rule 594.19/2 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Pyraic Frobnotzer
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
When created, a Pyraic Frobnotzer is not broken, and its nodes are not attached to anything.
The owner of a Pyraic Frobnotzer may attach either of its nodes to a noun phrase in a Rule as a public action. This fails if the Frobnotzer is gyrating. If the node was already attached to a noun phrase then it ceases to be attached to the old phrase. If a node of the Frobnotzer is attached to a noun phrase in a rule when that rule is amended, repealed, or modified in any way then that node becomes unattached.
The owner of a Pyraic Frobnotzer may set it off as a public action. This fails if the Frobnotzer is broken or if either node is unattached. If it succeeds then the Pyraic Frobnotzer starts to gyrate. It foams. It steams. It continues to gyrate, with increasing angular momentum and wobble, until it is broken or destroyed.
When a Pyraic Frobnotzer has been gyrating continuously for one week, the following happens: If the Pyraic Frobnotzer's two nodes are attached to two noun phrases which are both plural or both singular, and the two noun phrases do not share the same occurrence of the same word, then the Frobnotzer swaps those two noun phrases within the Rule set, and the Pyraic Frobnotzer is destroyed in a magnificent gout of golden flame. Otherwise, the Pyraic Frobnotzer chokes, sputters, whines, and dies; it is then broken.
Rule 594.20/1 (Repealed)
Blueprint: BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Whenever a Pulse Beam from a BWG Laser with a BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment attached to it is fired at a player, the BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment will Hose all non-sheltered active players except the target and the player who provided the laser with fuel for 3 days. It will make the same sort of annoying noise that a Pulse Laser makes.
A player who owns a BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment attached to a BWG Laser may detach the attachment, provided they also own a Plunky Monkey Wrench.
Rule 594.21/4 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Good Ballot Stuffer
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
The Good Ballot Stuffer is not orange and has 2 levers, the harfy lever and the boring lever.
In any hearing or election, the owner of a GBS may flip the boring lever by privately telling the hearing harfer that e is doing so. The GBS will then attempt to shut Evil Ballot Stuffers out of that hearing. [See the Hearings rule - this makes EBS votes not count, if and only if no other GBS was used in this way.]
The possessor of a GBS may flip the harfy lever by publicly announcing they are doing so. Upon doing so, the GBS starts to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, and then one of the following happens at random:
1. The GBS casts a YES vote for all harfy proposals currently in the voting
2. The GBS creates one bonus vote in the possession of all current
3. The GBS gives its owner a random boon of the ancients.
4. For the next week, each time any player posts a public message that
does not contain the word "harf" (or a derivative of it), the GBS
deducts one point from that player's score.
Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of the following 3 things will occur with equal probability, except that if item 4 on this list above occurs, it will shake and shimmy for one week before one of the 3 things happens. In either case, when one of the 3 things happens, it will stop shaking and shimmying uncontrollably. A GBS may not be used while it is shaking and shimmying uncontrollably.
1) The GBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The GBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its
user throughout the land of Acka.
3) The GBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another
random active player.
Neither lever may be used if the GBS is broken, and only the player who possesses a GBS may use it, the previous provisions of this Blueprint notwithstanding. A broken GBS may only be fixed as described in the rules or by another Gadget empowered to do so.
Rule 594.25/2 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Transtemporal Holographic Image Recording Device
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
A player with a THIRD and a Master Holotape may pay A$5 to have the THIRD create a Holotape Copy, which contains the same text as the Master Holotape (this text need not be posted again to the public forum to do so).
Rule 594.27/0 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Guardian Angel
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
If at any time any player (or other entity) owns more than one Guardian Angel then they will fight and all except one of them will be destroyed.
Rule 594.28/1 (Repealed)
Blueprint: Highlander's Sword
JT (JT Traub)
When any player in a duel owns a Highlander's Sword, it performs the following effects at the end of the duel:
a) The loser of the duel loses 1 head unless they only have one in which case they lose 10 points and 1 trinket at random which are given to the winner.
b) The loser's sword is given to the winner after all sword penalties have been applied.
If both duelists have a sword, the penalties from the loser's sword are applied first.
If a player ever owns more than one Highlander's Sword, the most recently acquired one is destroyed.
At the end of any calendar week for which two or more players have owned Highlander's Swords and were not engaged in a Duel for any part of that week, each Highlander's Sword owned by such a player, who also did not challenge another player with a Highlander's Sword to a duel during that week, will deduct one point from its owner's score.
Rule 595/20 (Repealed)
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
II. Gadgets are tradeable entities. The owner of a Gadget may destroy it.
III. Gadgets may be created by rules, provided the rule specifies the quantity created, the Blueprint which defines its behaviour, and how ownership is to be determined. If ownership is to be determined by Auction, The Auction shall be conducted by the process described in Rule 516.
Rule 599/1 (Repealed)
Alfvaen's Swansong
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
An instant after it ceases to be legal to appeal a Cycle-Win CFJ ,which meets the criteria in the previous paragraph this rule shall repeal itself.
This rule takes precedence over Rule 600 (Winning Conditions) were it conflicts on what constitutes a Cycle-Win CFJ.
Rule 599.9/1 (Repealed)
ZZimsy Wins
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Winning Conditions with creator attribute 599.9 are not destroyed by Rule 600 due to a player owning more than one of them.
Whenever no Winning Conditions with creator attribute 599.9 exist, this rule repeals itself.
Rule 607/5 (Repealed)
Winning by Agenda
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
a) E will receive the title of Agent of KAOS. Any other player with
this title loses it.
b) The owner of any Nemesis Eggplant with a condition that is the same
as the condition of an agenda hat owned by the Agent of KAOS must pay
40 A$ to the Agent of KAOS.
c) All Agenda hats owned by the Agent of KAOS and all Nemesis
eggplants with corresponding conditions are destroyed
d) The Agent of KAOS achieves a Winning Condition.
e) The Agent of KAOS has three days from when eir Cycle-Win CFJ
becomes unappealable to publicly announce eir desire to be
Illuminatus. If they do so the current Illuminatus is removed from
office and the Agent of KAOS becomes the new Illuminatus. Otherwise
the office of Illuminatus becomes vacant.
At the end of a cycle won by this method, any player who had owned a Nemesis Eggplant that was destroyed as above when the Winning ondition that led to the win of that cycle was achieved has eir score set to -40. [See Rule 666]
At the end of a cycle won by this method, all Agenda Hats and Nemesis Eggplants are destroyed.
Rule 615/2 (Repealed)
Win By World Domination
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
If anyone wins a Cycle by this method, then at the end of that Cycle all Thrall Attributes are set to "".
Rule 671/6 (Repealed)
Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Agenda Hats are ownable Headwear. Each Agenda Hat has a condition and a weight (which must be an integer,) associated with it. No player may own an agenda hat with a condition e authored or for which e owns corresponding Nemesis Eggplant. Agenda hats may be Silly as described by the rules. They may be either visible or hidden, (but not both.) The owner of a hidden Agenda Hat may make it visible by publicly posting the condition associated with it. Visible Agenda Hats are tradable. Only visible Agenda Hats may be worn. No player may wear more than three Agenda Hats at any given time. The author of an Agenda Hat's condition may publicly post a description of that Agenda Hat.
No Entity other than Players or The Mad Hatters may own Agenda Hats. No Entity other than Players may own Nemesis Eggplants.
If player who is wearing a Silly Agenda Hat posts a public message that does not contain the words, "wearing a Silly Agenda Hat," or "wearing Silly Agenda Hats" that Silly Agenda Hat falls off and is no longer being worn.
If the owner of a Nemesis Eggplant is ever On Ice, then all of eir Nemesis Eggplants are randomly redistributed. These Eggplants shall go, if possible, to players who own one or two Nemesis Eggplants; if not, they shall go to players who own no Nemesis Eggplants. If there are no such players, then the Nemesis Eggplants are destroyed, as well as their corresponding Agenda Hats.
If the owner of an Agenda Hat is ever On Ice, then all of eir Agenda Hats shall be transferred to the Mad Hatters.
Rule 675/4 (Repealed)
Mercury Poisoning
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
The Mad Hatters automatically approve any trade that satisfies one or more of the following forms, provided that the trade is possible: 1) A player trades a Visible Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters in exchange for A$1.
The Mad Hatters are permitted to call a public auction on any of the Agenda Hats they own and will do so upon request. When the Mad Hatters call an auction, the illuminatus shall initiate it and the minimum shall be A$10.
If the Mad Hatters have been in possession of a given Visible Agenda Hat for more than 7 days, and a player points this fact out, then that Visible Agenda Hat and its complementary Nemesis Eggplant are destroyed.
Rule 750/2 (Repealed)
Thrall: Definition
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
When a new player joins the game, their Thrall Attribute is set to "".
When a Player (B) leaves the game, any Player whose Thrall Attribute is the name of Player (B) has their Thrall Attribute set to "".
If Player (C) has Thrall Attribute which is the name of Player (D), then Player (D) may be referred to as Player (C)'s Overlord.
Rule 752/1 (Repealed)
Thrall-Related Etymology
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
If a player (B) is to "lose a Random Thrall", then one player is chosen at random from those who have player (B) as their Overlord. The player chosen has their Thrall attribute set to "". If such a choice is not possible, as player (B) is the overlord of no players, then player (B) is placed in Contempt.
Any random determinations required by this rule shall be performed by the Thrallmaster.
This rule takes precedence over any conflicting clauses of any other rule which specifies how random determinations take place.
Rule 755/2 (Repealed)
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is accepted, the Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment has their Thrall Attribute set to the name of the author of that Proposal.
When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is rejected, the author of that Proposal has their Thrall Attribute set to the name of the Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment.
When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is retracted, that Potential Enthrallment is destroyed.
Rule 760/1 (Repealed)
Purchasing Thralls
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
The specified amount of A$ for a player who is Overlord of n Players to make a Thrall Purchase of a list of k People is equal to (n+1)*(k)*(k)*10 times the Standard Harfer Fee.
[Examples: Player who is overlord of no-one purchases 3 player's thrall: Cost is 1*3*3*10*SHF = 90*SHF (= $2250 at time of printing) Player who is overlord of 17 people purchases 1 player's thrall: Cost is (17+1)*1*1*10*SHF = 180*SHF (= $4500 at time of printing).]
Rule 765/1 (Repealed)
Circularity in Enthrallment
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
If any player in a Thrall Cycle publicly states that "The Vicious Circle Must be Abolished", then all people in that Thrall Cycle have their Thrall Attributes set to "".
Rule 850/20 (Repealed)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
The Ackanomic Museum of Antiquities (Museum) exists; it is a classy building near the Library. It is a Common Location. The Museum has 3 wings: the North Wing, the West Wing, and the McCumber Annex.
The West Wing is the most prestigious, but the McCumber Annex is sort of cramped and unused. The North Wing and West Wing each have a gold plaque at their entrances, engraved with the names of honored benefactors. A lighted sign also appears near the entrance of each of these wings.
II. Curator
The Financier is the curator of the Museum, and it is a duty of that office to maintain records of the Museum's inventory, and other relevant Museum details.
III. Donation
A player may donate any Gadget, Trinket, or Prosthetic Forehead he owns to the Museum. If the player attempting it is not at the Museum, e first moves to the Museum, and then the donation occurs. If e is unable to move to the Museum, then the attempt fails. All newly donated objects (along with the name of the associated benefactor) are placed on display in the North wing. The Museum has high standards, so it will not accept Prosthetic Forehead donations if it already has 15 such pieces on display (i.e. the donation fails). Items on display in the Museum are not considered in the Treasury.
IV. Donation Value
Objects on display are valued by the Museum as follows:
a) Prosthetic Foreheads: A$10.
b) Gadgets: The most recent price paid for that type of Gadget at an auction such that the proceeds of that auction went to the Treasury. If that value is undefined, its value is A$50.
c) Trinkets: The value the Trinket had when it was donated. If it was once part of a Buried Treasure for more than 60 continuous days, it is an Antiquity, and its value is increased by 30% (fractions truncated), upon donation, and it is no longer considered to have once been part of a Buried Treasure for for that length for the purposes of this sub-section, unless it again acquires that attribute.
V. Benefactor value and becoming a Member of the Museum
Each Museum benefactor has a benefactor value (BV), which is the sum of the value of all objects on display in the North Wing that that benefactor donated (the benefactor of record is considered to be the last player to donate a particular object). Upon a benefactor's BV exceeding A$1000, he gains the title 'Member of the Museum' and his name is added to the end of the list of names on the plaque in front of the North Wing, and the lighted sign in front of the North Wing stops displaying whatever it displayed before, and begins displays that benefactor's name.
VI. Bonus Vote
On the first day of each month, the Museum throws a party honoring its benefactors. This is a private gathering. There are door prizes, but as the Museum is always tight on funds, they are pretty lame. The only one of note is a Bonus Vote, which is awarded to a random benefactor as determined by the Financier. Each benefactor's probability of receiving this Vote is their BV divided by the total BV of all currently active players. If the total BV is zero, however, no award is bestowed.
VII. The Value of Winning
Upon a benefactor's BV exceeding A$5000, if e is a voting player, all objects donated by that benefactor are transferred to the West Wing, and a big ceremony, which is a public gathering, is held. If this appears to occur simultaneously with a player becoming a Member of the Museum, however, it will occur an infinitesimal time afterwards instead. Then that benefactor becomes a Life Member of the Museum, and his name is added to the end of the list of names on the plaque in front of the West Wing, and the lighted sign in front of the West Wing stops displaying whatever it was displaying and begins displaying that benefactor's name, and the lighted sign in front of the North Wing starts displaying 'North'. Then, if that is the first time that player has had a benefactor value exceeding A$5000, he achieves a Winning Condition.
When a Trinket is moved to the West Wing of the museum according to the previous paragraph it becomes a Magick.
VIII. Traveling Exhibitions
Players can make temporary donations to the Museum so that objects of great historical value that would otherwise not be seen by the public can be put on display. Any player can state that they wish to give to the Museum any trinket e owns that was created more than six months previously to add to the Private Collection Room. It is good form for the donor to give a brief description of the gifts. The Curator can accept or decline such gifts. Although the Museum is pleased to be able to display these artifacts, the donor's Benefactor Value is not changed. However, the player can get back any donation he made to the Private Collection Room by making a public request for it.
IX. Museum Security
Entities may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules. Any person caught stealing from the Museum, as described in the rules, shall go to Gaol with a sentence of 7 days per object pilfered, in addition to any other penalties described in the rules. If the Museum loses an entity displayed there, and the rules do not describe how that entity is manipulated thereby, that entity is transfered to the Treasury, and it ceases to be on display in the museum.
The security in the Private Collection Room is much greater than that in the rest of the museum so as to encourage players to allow their more valuable objects to be put on display. For this reason it is impossible to steal anything from the Private Collection Room and any attempt to use an Otzma Card of type Art Thief to steal an object there automatically fails. However, the card is still used and the player is deemed to have been caught stealing. This paragraph of this rule takes precedence over rule 1240.15
Rule 911/9 (Repealed)
The Great Trombone of Ackanomia
Brinjal (Simon Clarke)
Whenever the Great Trombone is Somewhere Else, the first player to make a valid public claim will take possession of it. A claim is only valid if the player concerned has had a publically knowable score of exactly 76 points at any time within the past 3 days.
Whenever the score of the player who possesses the Great Trombone exceeds 152 points, they lose possession of the Great Trombone, and it returns to Somewhere Else.
If the player who possesses the Great Trombone is On Ice, they automatically relinquish possession of it, and the Great Trombone is once again said to be Somewhere Else.
The Great Trombone is a unique entity.
Rule 917/7 (Repealed)
Rocks, Walls, Facial Hair, Root Vegetables and Flavoured Shampoo
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
i) A Rock To Wind A String Around.
ii) A Wall Of Trombones.
iii) Santa's Beard.
iv) A Magic Radish.
v) A Bottle of Bubble Gum Flavoured Shampoo.
vi) A Large Box of Chocolates.
All of the above entities are collectively known as Venerable Entities and may be manipulated by vending machines, should such things exist. All of the above entities are Tradable.
Due to the complex field interactions between Venerable Entities in the same location, a player who possesses a least one of each type of the Venerable Entities may request a Boon of the Ancients, with a 10% chance of it being granted. However, invoking the Officer in Charge of Random Things in this manner, causes all of the Venerable Entities in eir possession to disappear in a flash of coloured light. A player may make no more than one such request per calendar month.
Rule 921/8 (Repealed)
Acid Rain Dance
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
i) The Player who submitted a proposal since the most recent Acid Rain Dance whose number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 28.
ii) Any player who possesses at least three Amber Bananas. All amber bananas in eir possession are destroyed upon completion of the dance.
The player performing the Acid Rain Dance shall post a public description of the dance. Immediately after the public description of the Acid Rain Dance, the Acid Rain shall fall, destroying the Amber Banana Tree(so that it goes Somewhere Else), unless the Amber Banana Tree is protected by the Bronze Umbrella. If the Amber Banana Tree was destroyed, the player who performed the Acid Rain Dance receives the Amber Banana Tree Seed.
Only the Amber Banana Tree can be destroyed by Acid Rain unless permitted by other rules.
Rule 923/10 (Repealed)
The Amber Banana
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
The owner of the Tree may once per calendar month direct the Tree to vote on a proposal in the following manner:
The owner sends a message to the Tabulator that e wishes the Tree to Vote on a specific proposal that the tree is capable of voting on, and the legal type of Vote that it should cast.
The Tree shall then vote in the desired manner.
Any player who has a proposal in the queue whose number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 21 [ex. prop 777], shall have the right to purchase one Amber Banana from the owner of the Tree, if it is not Somewhere Else. The price for one Amber Banana shall be A$10, payable to the owner of the Tree. Amber Bananas are tradeable entities.
A player who owns an Amber Banana may publicly announce that e is eating the Amber Banana as "cows eat grass". Upon eating the Amber Banana(which destroys it), said player may inform the owner of the Tree how e must vote on a single proposal, which must be in the current queue and whose digits must also sum to 21. (It may be the same proposal as allowed em to buy the Amber Banana in the first place, but it need not be.) This effect takes precedence over any other Rules which may specify how the Tree's owner shall vote on that proposal. If two or more players eat Amber Bananas in an attempt to affect the Tree's owner's vote on a single proposal, then only the first Banana eating has the desired effect, all other eatings being ineffective. A player may only eat one Amber Banana per week.
If the Amber Banana Tree is Somewhere Else, then a player who would otherwise be eligible to purchase an Amber Banana may instead purchase an Amber Banana Tree Seed(also referred to in this rule as the Seed)by paying A$50 to the Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication(which had the foresight to preserve one so that the species would not die out), unless such a seed already exists. The Amber Banana Tree Seed is a unique, tradeable entity. At any time, the owner of the Seed may publicly declare that e is planting it. At that point, the Seed is destroyed, and in two weeks time, the Amber Banana Tree will appear in eir possession.
Rule 933/4 (Repealed)
Purple Robe of Justice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Whoever is wearing the Purple Robe of Justice has their odds of being selected to judge a CFJ trebled. This clause takes precedence over R 212 inasmuch as the random process is affected in the way described above.
If the owner of the Robe is ever penalized some number of points for failing to deliver a verdict on a CFJ, failing to respond to a CFJ, or for having a CFJ overturned, they immediately lose the priceless Robe, and it goes Somewhere Else.
The value of the Robe is price that was last paid for it, plus A$15.
Any player (other than the Robe's owner), may buy the Robe, thus becoming the new owner, regardless of where it is, provided they pay its current value to the Treasury, and all of the following are true:
a) It is not currently being auctioned.
b) Its current owner, if a player, has had it at least 1 week.
c) Its current owner is not judging a CFJ.
d) Its current owner is not a judge-designate for a pending CFJ.
Other rules may designate other ways in which ownership of the Robe may be transferred. This rule defers precedence to those, including the fact that the above conditions need not necessarily be met, unless the other rule specifies such.
A player losing ownership of the Robe never receives monetary compensation for losing it.
When a player receives a Bronze Torch, if they possess the Purple Robe of Justice, it goes Somewhere Else
Rule 940/3
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 999.1/0 (Repealed)
Quest of the Magic A$
JT (JT Traub)
Other Effects: The player becomes a Life Member of the Museum and his name is added to the end of the list of names on the plaque in front of the West Wing of the Museum and the lighted sign in front of the North Wing of the Museum begins displaying North. All objects donated by the player are moved to the West Wing. If any Trinkets were moved to the West Wing by the previous sentence, they become Magicks. The lighted in front of the West Wing begins displaying the players Name.
Rule 1004/3 (Repealed)
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Society's may own A$, and Organizational Powers. Societies may not own any other type of entity. Society's may receive A$ as a gift. If a Society receives a Trinket as a gift, then the trinket is deemed to have been destroyed for A$ just prior to the transfer. A Society may only transfer A$ to the Treasury. [ this enables a Society to purchase powers, or transform itself into another type of Organization]
Rule 1005/0 (Repealed)
else...if (Henry Towsner)
If a Corporation owns a share associated with itself, that share is destroyed.
If a group of Corporations own shares in such a way that no entity other than a member of that group owns shares in any of those Corporations, all those Corporations are immediately disbanded.
If an entity owns two-thirds or more of the shares of a Corporation which are not buried, then all entities owned by that Corporation will be treated as if they are owned by that entity and the Corporation will be known as a Subsidiary; for the purposes of this paragraph, a player who owns n% of a Corporation is treated as owning n% of the shares that Corporation owns. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules which transfer entities.
Rule 1007/1 (Repealed)
Organizational Name Change
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Rule 1013/10 (Repealed)
Secret Laboratories
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
An Corporation may, as an action, use any Secret Laboratory it owns to build a Gadget from any existing Blueprint. A member of the Corporation must be specified as the recipient of this gadget at the time the action is declared. Three days after the action is announced, the Gadget is created in the specified player's possession. Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a Gadget at most once each calendar month.
Rule 1015/2 (Repealed)
More Than Human
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
An Organization that has a More Than Human is allowed to have non-player Entities as members, provided that said Entities are capable of expressing eir consent in the public forum, or that the rules allow for some method by which said Entities can become members of Organizations. An Organization with a More Than Human is allowed to enable non-player Entities to become members, by expressing its consent to the joining of the non-player Entity (or by having an open admissions policy), and by the non-player Entity expressing eir consent to join the Organization in the public forum.
Rule 1020/3 (Repealed)
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
If an entry on the Dispensations List contains the name of a Society and an action, then the Society may perform that action as an Organisational Action.
A member of a Society may submit an Indulgence by sending it to the Org-Harfer privately. It is a Duty of the Org-Harfer to publish Indulgences. An Indulgence must be an entry of the form included in the Dispensations List. Any player may object to a published Indulgence within 3 days of it being published.
If, 3 days after an Indulgence is published, fewer than 2 players have objected to the Indulgence, then the Indulgence will be added to the Dispensations List as a new entry.
The Dispensation list may only be manipulated as specified by the rules.
Rule 1020/1 (Repealed)
Conspiracy Theory
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Each Organization has two Characteristics: Power and Resistance. These are both zero by default.
An Organization with Power greater than zero is an Organized Group. An Organized Group which has zero Resistance is an Illuminatus Group. An Organization with zero Power but Resistance greater than zero is an Unorganized Group. These organizations, and no others, are considered to be Groups.
II. Megabucks
Megabucks are tradeable entities, with the exception that they may never be traded to entities which are not Groups. Organizations which are Groups are, of course, empowered to own them. An Organized Group may convert A$100 into a Megabuck at any time as a public action, though it may not put itself into debt by doing so. If a Megabuck is "spent" as specified in the Rules, then it is destroyed.
III. Control
Each Group may have a Thrall Attribute. This Thrall Attribute is either the name of another Group or the null string. If a Group (G) changes its name, then any Groups whose Thrall Attribute was the old name of the Group (G) have their Thrall Attributes changed to the new name of Group (G).
When an Organization first becomes a Group, then its Thrall Attribute is set to "". When an Organization ceases to be a Group, then any Group whose Thrall Attribute is the name of that Organization has their Thrall Attribute set to "".
If a Group (G) has a Thrall Attribute which is the name of a Group (H), then Group (H) may be said to Control Group (G). If a Group (H) Controls a Group (G), it also Ultimately Controls Group (G); in addition, Group (H) Ultimately Controls any Group which Group (G) Ultimately Controls. Any Controlled Group (G) which is not Ultimately Controlled by an Illuminatus Group has its Thrall Attribute immediately set to "".
If a Group (G), which is not an Illuminatus Group, has a Thrall Attribute of "", then it is said to be Uncontrolled. [Illuminatus Groups are never Controlled; they are always the Controllers.]
The Illuminatus Group which Ultimately Controls a Group (I) may be referred to as Group (I)'s Illuminatus Group. Only Controlled Groups or Illuminatus Groups are allowed to make attacks. The Groups which are Ultimately Controlled by a particular Illuminatus Group are the Lackeys of that Illuminatus Group.
A Group which is directly Controlled by an Illuminatus Group is said to be Protected by a factor of 1; a Group which is directly Controlled by a Group which is Protected by a factor of N is Protected by a factor of N+1. No Uncontrolled Group is Protected in this manner.
IV. Attacks
A particular Illuminatus Group and its Lackeys may, among them, make two Attacks per calendar week, with the proviso that no single Group may make two Attacks in the same calendar week. An Attack is initiated by an Organizational Action on the part of the Illuminatus Group(no matter which group is actually Attacking), and is considered to actually occur when the Action succeeds. (No such Action will succeed if it would exceed the above limits.) When an Attack is declared, it must specify the Attacking Group, the type of Attack, name another Group(the Defending Group), which it must be permissible to Attack in this manner, and a number of Megabucks to be spent on the attack. These Megabucks may come only from the Attacking Group and its Illuminatus Group.
If the Defending Group is Controlled, then its Illuminatus Group has three days to initiate an Organizational Action to spend Megabucks in its defense. Should no such Action be initiated within three days of the attack, or should the Defending Group be Uncontrolled, then the Attack's success or failure shall be determined after the three days are up; otherwise, the determination shall wait for the defending Action to succeed or fail. Only the Defending Group and its Illuminatus Group may spend Megabucks this way.
The chance of an Attack succeeding is called the Base Roll, and is determined differently for different types of attack. The Modified Base Roll(MBR) begins with value of the Base Roll, and is modified as follows:
For each Megabuck that the Attacking Group, or its Illuminatus Group, spends on the attack(which amount must be specified as part of the Action), the MBR is modified upwards by 1.
For each Megabuck the Defending Group spends(which spending must occur within three days of the attack being announced), the MBR is modified downwards by 2. For each Megabuck its Illuminatus Group spends in its defense, the MBR is modified downward by 1.
If the Defending Group is Protected by a factor of 1, the MBR is modified downward by 10; if by a factor of 2, the MBR is modified downward by 5; and if by a factor of 3, the MBR is modified downward by 2. (A Protection factor of 4 or greater has no effect.)
The Final Base Roll, or FBR, is the lesser of 10 and the Modified Base Roll. [ That is, the Final Base Roll may never be greater than 10; there is always a chance that any attack will fail. ]
V. Types of Attack
a) Attack to Control
This type of Attack may be aimed at any group except an Illuminatus Group. The Base Roll in this case is the Attacking Group's Power minus the Defending Group's Resistance. If the Attack succeeds, then the Defending Group's Thrall Attribute becomes the name of the Attacking Group.
b) Attack to Neutralize
This type of Attack may be aimed at any Controlled Group. The Base Roll in this case is the Attacking Group's Power minus the Defending Group's Resistance, plus six. If the Attack succeeds, then the Defending Group's Thrall Attribute becomes "".
c) Attack to Destroy
This type of Attack may be aimed at any Organized Group. The Base Roll in this case is the Attacking Group's Power minus the Defending Group's Power. If the Attack succeeds, then the Defending Group's Power and Resistance characteristics are set to 0(i.e. it is no longer a Group).
VI. Outcome of Attacks
It is a Duty of the Org-Harfer to determine the success or failure of Attacks, when it becomes necessary(as specified above)to do so. In doing so, e must roll two six-sided dice(using the Dice Server)and sum them together. If this value is greater than the Final Base Roll, then the Attack fails; otherwise, the Attack succeeds.
Rule 1025/3 (Repealed)
Political Party Admissions
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
1. Standard: the organisation may accept new members as an organizational action.
2. Open: any player may join the Political Party as a public action.
3. Privileged Single Player: a single member may grant any request for membership in that Political Party, without waiting around for the consent of the rest of the members. A single player with this ability must be specified.
4. Quasi-open: Any player may request membership into the organisation and will become a member three days later unless any member of the Political Party refuse the player admission.
5. Communist Single Player: a single member may grant any request for membership in that Political Party, without waiting around for the consent of the rest of the members. Any member of the organisation may grant membership in this way.
A player may leave a Party at any time.
Rule 1055/3 (Repealed)
When You Don't Get a Say
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
1) consists entirely of eir removal from that Organization unless
there are only two members of the organisation.
2) was suggested prior to eir most recent acquisition of membership in
that Organization.
Rule 1060/3 (Repealed)
Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite.
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
A Trade Pact is set up with an other nomic if and only if the following five conditions are satisfied:
1) The other nomic's ruleset allows Trade pacts, and doesn't contradict the Ackanomic ruleset on how they should work.
2) There are at least two players of Ackanomic who are also players of the other nomic.
3) An organisation, defined by rule, exists in Ackanomic for the purpose of conducting trade with the other nomic. (This shall be known as "A" below.)
4) An organisation or similar entity (as defined by the rules of Ackanomic) exists within the other nomic for the purpose of conducting trade with Ackanomic. (This shall be known as "B" below.)
5) The intersection of (the set of members of A) and (the set of members of B) has at least two members each of which is a player of Ackanomic.
If a Trade Pact exists between Ackanomic and another nomic then A may import items from the other nomic that are transfered them from B and A may export items to the other nomic by transferring them to B. Items may only be transfered by A if they would be allowed to be given to a player or organisation by A.
If A is transfered an item from B and it is specified that this item is to be given to a player or organisation C then A must give this item to C.
If A is given an item from a player or organisation D and it is specified that this item is to be transfered to B then A must transfer this item to B. If further it is specified that B must give this item to an entity E within the other nomic then A must specify this to B during the transfer.
If either of the last two paragraphs are contravened then all the members of organisation A are guilty of the Crime of Trading Under False Pretenses.
[This rule is the head of a rule suite defining such organisations]
6) Custodianship
The Ambassador is Custodian of the Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite (the 1060.Y rules).
Rule 1136/1 (Repealed)
Harf the Mail!
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
After having sent their entry to the President, if a player sees a message from their target that contains the associated target word and was posted more than one week after the most recent assumption of office by the President, then they can send a public message claiming this to be the case. They must state the message's title and when that message was posted, and say "The Harf is back and I want a winter cap."
The President must then check that the player's claim is correct. There are 3 possible replies. If the claim is true and that target word was listed only once in the List-of-Harf, the President must say "Indeed the Harf is back, here is your cap!" If it is true but the target word appears on the List-of-Harf more than once, e must say: "It was Blue, take a straw hat!" If it is false, e must reply: "Orange devil, wear sandals!"
In all cases, the player's entry is then removed from the current List-of-Harf. If the President replied "Indeed the Harf is back, here is your cap!" then that player will gain one-tenth of the points (rounded down) of their target's score, when that target said the claimed target word.
Just before the President's term of office ends, the current List-of-Harf is destroyed.
If a player becomes Active while a player is President but it is illegal to submit an entry to the List-of-Harf, that player has 3 days from the time at which e becomes active to submit such an entry. No such player may make a claim as above unless the message on which e makes the claim was posted after this three-day period has expired.
Rule 1240.4/2 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of type Summon Tornado
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
A Tornado shall sweep through Acka 4 days after this card takes effect [i.e., 7 days after it is played].
At any given time there may exist at most one Card of this type. 'Summon Tornado' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Rare.
Rule 1240.13/2 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of Type Fix My Gadget
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
2. This card is played in the public forum. When a player plays this card, he unambiguously identifies a currently broken [as opposed to destroyed] Gadget. Upon the playing of this card, that Gadget is no longer broken.
3. Counter-Action: The Gadget that was repaired is once again broken.
4. At any time there may be no more than 5 "Fix My Gadget" cards. 'Fix My Gadget' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal.
Rule 1240.15/3 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of type Art Thief
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
A player who plays this Card shall unambiguously announce the name of an entity (other than a player) contained in the Museum. Upon doing so, the following shall occur:
a) If the entity's donation value is less than A$10, then the theft succeeds.
b) If the entity's donation value is greater than A$10, then for every A$10 of the entity's value the chance of failure is 1%. (So, for an A$350-value entity, the chance of failure is 35%.)
c) If the chance of failure is non-zero, then the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall determine whether or not the theft fails. If the theft does not fail, it succeeds.
d) If the theft succeeds, then the entity is removed from the Museum and transferred to the player(and is no longer considered "on display" in the Museum).
e) If the theft fails, then one of the two following events occurs (with equal probability): Either the player is Caught Stealing, or another random item of the same type is stolen by mistake(and transferred to the player as in d) above). Item types, for this purpose, consist of Trinkets, Gadgets, and Prosthetic Foreheads.
Its Counter-Action: The player playing the card is deemed to have been "caught stealing" [and suffers the applicable penalties, qv R 850]. If the player still possesses the entity transferred as above, it is transferred back to the Museum as if it had never been removed (i.e., its donor and display status are restored).
Rule 1240.18/2 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of type Lay Off!
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
In order to play this card the owner must unambiguously specify any single gadget. For the next week (i.e. 168 hours) any attempt to use a scroll of crumble on that gadget will fail. The scroll will still be destroyed however.
Counter-action: A Scroll of Crumble may once again be used to destroy the gadget in question.
At any given time there may be at most 7 cards of this type. Lay Off! cards have an F designation of Normal.
Rule 1240.51/1 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of Type ACME InstaGadget
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
A player with an ACME InstaGadget card may play it in the public forum, naming a type of Gadget whose Blueprint is not Useless, and paying either
(a) the last price paid at Public Auction for a Gadget of that Type,
if such a value is defined, or
(b) A$500.
The amount paid goes to the Treasury.
A Gadget of that type will be created in the possession of the player who played the Otzma Card.
[Note: This Card has no Counteraction, so the Gadget is created 3 days after the Otzma Card is played.]
Rule 1240.52/1 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of Type Felicitous Populi
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
A player who plays this Card shall unambiguously announce:
i) an event described in the rules which requires a random
determination to be made, for which there is more than one possible
ii) the desired outcome from amongst the possible outcomes for that
iii) and an amount of A$ which e is 'betting' (referred to as B).
Immediately upon playing the card the specified amount of A$ is transferred to the treasury from the player. If the player had insufficient A$ the card shall have no effect.
Otherwise, if the named event occurs during the 3 days after the card is played, the the probability of the desired outcome is increased in the following manner. All outcomes are expressed as fractions using the smallest common denominator (referred to as D). The denominator of all the possible outcomes and the numerator of the desired outcome are increased by X, where X is B*D/200 rounded down.
At any given time there may be at most 7 Cards of this type. 'Felicitous Populi' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal.
Its Counter-Action:
If the card is countered prior to the random determination the
probability of the specified event occurring shall be unaltered from
its usual value. If the card is countered after the random
determination the player who played it shall transfer an amount of A$
equal to B to the player who countered the card.
This rule has precedence over any rule that defines probabilities for a given event.
Rule 1240.53/1 (Repealed)
Otzma Card of Type Enslavement
JT (JT Traub)
An Otzma Card of Type Enslavement is played in the Public Forum. The player playing it must name another player, and a third player who is in thrall to the named player. The third player then is in Thrall to the player who played the card.
Counter Action: The player who played this card is then in thrall to the player who was Overlord the thrall he attempted to steal. The player who was being stolen is also in thrall to the player who was his Overlord before this card is played.
Rule 1313/14 (Repealed)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Whenever a Tornado sweeps through Acka, all active and vacationing players who are non-Sheltered are affected. The scores of all affected players shall be randomly reassigned among the affected players. In other words, the score of each affected player is placed in a pool, all affected players' scores are set to 0, a random score is chosen from the above pool, without replacement, and added to the score of a randomly chosen (without replacement) affected player, until the pool is exhausted. ("without replacement" means the randomly chosen entity may not be re-chosen for the duration of a single instance of this process, once it has been randomly chosen). If there are no affected players, the Tornado has no effect on players' scores as detailed previously in this paragraph. Sheltered players are always unaffected, in any case.
Players in the Ackanomic Afterlife and Gaol are Sheltered. A True Prophet and his Location are Sheltered.
A Bomb Shelter may only be created by methods specified in the Rules. Players may only become Sheltered by methods specified in the Rules.
The Rules may specify other ways or times that a Tornado sweeps through Acka.
Whenever a Tornado sweeps through Acka, each player's or haunted house that is Tethered stands a separate 50% chance of losing its tether and being swept off the face of Acka, were upon it becomes Floating. The player or undead shall retain possession or haunt of the land the building was sitting on. A player so bereaved of shelter may rebuild his house for A$100, and he must name it upon its reconstruction. Until such time, he shall be issued a small tent for use as his Home.
If the house belonged to a player who was Vacationing, that player shall be assumed to be vacationing in a far-off land with a two-letter name. Upon his return, he may submit a report containing the name of this far-off land and a summary of his journeys there. If he does so within seven days of his return, he shall receive five points.
Rule 1390.1/2 (Repealed)
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Rule 1390.7/1 (Repealed)
I Am Not the Only Dust My Mother Raised!
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Rule 1390.11/1 (Repealed)
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)