Proposal 1
Proposal the First
Dragon Mage
Due: Sat Oct 2 16:14:29 1999
Status: invalid
No game is a game without a way to win.   So, let's have one (and only
one).  The intent of this rule is to promote variety in the way rounds 
are won, to give an incentive for winning the Round, and an incentive
for choosing an interesting and achievable new condition

Create a new rule named 'Winner and still champeean' with the following
text as delimited by THE_WINNER
I.   Winning and Rounds.
     The Game of Ackanomic can never be won.  However, Rounds of The Game
     of Ackanomic can be won.   If ever a rule or proposal implies that
     The Game of Ackanomic is won, it means instead that the current Round
     is won.  Rounds are numbered with monotonically increasing postive
     integers starting with 1.  Whenever a new Round begins, the
     number in the first sentance of section II of this rule is replaced
     with the next successive number.

II.  The Current Round.
     The Current Round of Ackanomic is 1.

III. Winning rules.
     At any time there is exactly one and only one way to win the Current
     Round.  This method is defined solely by section IV of this rule.

IV.  Winning the Current Round
     The Current Round shall be won by the first Player to achieve a score
     of 150 points.   Points may only be gained or lost in accordance with
     the Rules of Ackanomic.   When the Round is won, all Players have
     their Score set to 0.

V.   The Champion
     The Player who wins the Current Round is known as the Champion.  When
     a new Player becomes Champion, any previous player who was the
     Champion is no longer the Champion.  The Champion may not win the
     Round during which they are Champion.   Any vote cast by the Champion
     on a Proposal counts as 3 votes of the type cast by the Champion.

VI.  Changing the Winning Rule
     When a Player becomes Champion, they may within 7 days specify a new
     method for winning the current round.   If within 7 days after such
     specification more than 1/2 of the current Players have approved the
     specification, then the new method replaces section IV of this Rule
     exactly as it was specified.   If less than 1/2 of the current
     Players approve the specificaton or if the Champion fails to make a
     specification in time, the contents of section IV of this Rule remain
     in force for the next Round.

Proposal 2
mr. no pop culture
Due: Sat Oct 2 22:31:27 1999
Status: invalid

[this introduces the concept of entities.  I have two sorts, ownable
and unownable.  Ownable entities are tradable.  In this proposal,
I just define entities.  I make players and rules unownable.
Proposals are ownable, and owned by their submitter.  I want to do
somethings, like split some of the jobs I have to do.  I plan on
making office-analogs ownable entities, but I want this to stand
or fall seperate from that.  ]

Create a new rule named "Thingies", with the following $$-deliminted text.

I.  Only those items which the rules designate as thingies are thingies. 
All other items are not thingies.

II.  Thingies may only be manipulated in manners provided by the rules.  All
other manipulation of thingies are immpossible.

III.  Thingies may be unique.  In this case, there is only one thingie like
it allowed to exist.

IV.  Thingies may be ownable or unownable.  Only unownable thingies may own
ownable thingies.  Ownable thingies may, but are not required to have, have a
set of manipulations which may be performed only by their owner.  It is
impermissable for the non-owner of a thingie to manipulate a thingie in
manner that only the owner is permitted to perform.  

V.  Ownable thingies may be transfered from one owner to another if both
owners agree to the trade.  Other rules may define other ways that thingies
may be transferred from one owner to another.  They may also prohibit
mutually agreed trades from occuring.

VI.  Players, the rules of Ackanomic, are all unownable thingies.

VII.  Proposals in the voting queue are ownable objects, owned by their
[Now I need to ammend rule 1, to change who gets veto power over a rule.]

In "the Rules of Ackanomic" replace this sentence: "At this time, a Proposal
is Accepted if and only if a majority of the votes cast on it were Yes,
and the Player who authored it did not vote No." with "At this time, a
Proposal is Accepted if and only if a majority of the votes cast on it were
Yes, and the Proposal's owner did not vote No."

Proposal 3
Acting up
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 3 06:00:26 1999
Status: invalid

Create a new rule titled "Delegation" with the text:

The Speaker may delegate any of their duties to any willing player. That
player is then responsible for carrying out that duty. Any penalties
that result from failure to perform that duty then apply to the player
rather the Speaker.

A player who has been delegated a duty may relinquish it as a public
action, likewise the Speaker may re-assign that duty to another willing

The Speaker is required to make available a list detailing which players
have been delegated duties.

Proposal 4
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Sun Oct 3 07:46:12 1999
Status: invalid
Create a new rule withe the following ____-delimited text.
I. A meta-proposal is every proposal that proposes changes to current 
proposals, instead of every other part of the game state. The meta-proposal 
is then said to be "linked" to this proposal. Meta-proposals may be linked 
to several proposals. Meta-proposals may not propose direct changes to 
anything else than proposals.

II. Meta-proposals are a subset of proposals and thus handled like ordinary 
proposals, even meta-proposals on meta-proposals are possible.
III. A proposal will not be enacted, as long as there is a meta-proposal 
linked to him. It will remain in the queue until its meta-proposal has been 
enacted or repealed.
[This is a concept we had at Gnomic, and it is a constructive alternative to 
voting against a proposal, when you just disagree with minor parts. 
However, as all proposals would remain in the queue for seven days, it 
would be useless to propose a change to a proposal without the delay 
created by this rule]

Proposal 5
The Core and the Arm
Dragon Mage
Due: Sun Oct 3 12:44:38 1999
Status: invalid
Create a new rule titled 'Core and Arm' with the following BIFURCATED
delimited text
  I.  The Core and the Arm
      The are two seperate and distinct sections of the Ackanomic
      Rules.  The rules numbered from 1 to 50 are the Core.   All
      rules with numbers outside of this range are the Arm.  There
      may never be more than 50 Core Rules.

 II.  Core Proposals
      There is a subtype of Proposal called a Core Proposal.
      Only Core Proposals may create, modify, renumber an
      Arm rule into, or repeal a Core Rule.   If a Non-Core
      Proposal submitted after this rule is enacted attempts to
      modify, create, renumber an Arm rule into, or repeal a Core
      Rule, that proposal has none of its changes applied if it
      is Accepted.

III.  Accepting Core Proposals
      A Core Proposal is Accepted if an only if at least 2/3rds of
      the votes cast on it were Yes and the player who authored it
      did not vote No.   This takes precedence over Rule 1, section

If Proposal 2 (Thingies) was accepted, replace 'the player who authored
it' in section III of the rule titled 'Core and Arm' with 'the Proposal's

The rules 'Thingies', 'Core and Arm', 'Winner and still champeean',
'Delegation', and the rule created by the proposal 'meta-proposals' are
renumbered to be Core Rules if they exist and are not numbered so

Proposal 6
Corporate Paradise
Tyrethali Ansrath
Due: Sun Oct 3 13:25:36 1999
Status: invalid

Create a rule titled "Corporations" with the following FNORD delimited text, 
except for comments enclosed in [], which do not become part of the actual 

I. Corporations are groups of players that, for all intents and purposes, 
are recognized as a player by the rules. Thus, corporations may vote, 
propose rules, submit CFJs, have points, etc.

II. A player may start a corporation by sending a Public message with their 
intent to do so. The player must also name the Corporation.

III. Each Corporation must have a set of sub-rules regulating how that 
Corporation votes, accepts new players, proposes rules, etc. Also, the 
method for changing the sub-rules must be included there also. A player may 
always leave a corporation [although there may be such sub-rules that state 
the corporation always votes NO for proposals by ex-members, or similar 

IV. If a corporation has no members, it is removed from the game. If two 
corporations have the exact same members, then each of those players must 
vote for one of the corporations. Whichever corporation receives the 
majority of votes is the remaining corporation, the other is removed from 
the game. If there is no majority, the players who voted for each 
corporation become members of that corporation, and must quit the other. 
[this is to keep those darn players from making twenty-odd corporations with 
just them as members, to get a lot of extra votes.]

V. At no point may a corporation's sub-rules take precedence over the main 
ruleset. Also, if something is said to be done only as regulated by the 
ruleset [ie changing the main rules or gaining points], then the sub-rules 
of a corporation cannot do that [ie change the main rules or give players 

VI. For a corporation to receive the benifits of being such, the members and 
sub-rules must be on public display somewhere, either with an 
at-least-weekly Public Message, or a web-site that is updated at least as 
often. [no secret societies... yet. Although one could have supposedly 
unnofficial and unenforcable secret rules in a group without any immediate 
benefits, and a corporation as a front for it.]

Proposal 7
They Only Said They Hated the Ruleset Size
Doctor Slakko
Due: Sun Oct 3 14:40:56 1999
Status: invalid

Create a new Rule, numbered 42, with the title "Back When I Were A Lad",
with the following BREADBOX-delimited text:

The Game of Ackanomic commenced on January 21, 1996.  It accumulated a
large amount of rules, and an even larger game state, which had to contain
the history of the game at every stage.  That gamestate was thrown away
with the passage of Proposal 4371. 

The Historical Nature of Ackanomic is the state of the game of Ackanomic
as it existed at 7pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time on Friday the 24th of
September, 1999.  The Historical Nature of Ackanomic may be referred to,
but it has no direct impact on the game other than that explicitly given
it by the rules.

Proposal 8
creative amnesia
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Sun Oct 3 15:02:47 1999
Status: invalid
Create a new rule with the ___-delimited text.
When a proposal is enacted, the proponent recieves one point for every 
letter of the following "-delimited string which can not be found inside the 
proposals text or title, both transformed to lower case: 

Proposal 9
Points I
Mike Lugo
Due: Sun Oct 3 15:48:51 1999
Status: invalid
Create a rule entitled "Plus and Minus" with the following
"POINTS"-delimited text.

Upon the removal of a proposal from the Queue, the player who proposed it
shall receive 1 (positive) point for each vote for the proposal and lost 1
point for each vote against the proposal.

[Why should the method of winning be points if there is no way to score?]

Proposal 10
Mike Lugo
Due: Sun Oct 3 15:49:01 1999
Status: invalid
Create a rule entitled "Numbering of Rules" with the following
"42"-delimited text:

I. Each of the Rules of Ackanomic shall receive a unique positive integer
number.  The first rule to be accepted after the acceptance of this proposal
shall receive the number of 51; each rule accepted after this shall receive
the next higher number that is not already in use.

II. The number of a rule can be changed by a Proposal.  The number that it
is changed to may be any positive integer, so long as no other rule
currently has that number.

[Proposal 5, The Core and the Arm, implies rule numbers exist.  However,
they don't seem to be defined anywhere.]

Proposal 11
the Essence of playership.
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Sun Oct 3 17:07:01 1999
Status: invalid
Create a new rule using the ___-delimited text:
I. Every player is identified by a unique string, named his soul.
II. Every non-player becoming a player must specify his soul upon joining 
the game. It is not possible to choose a soul that appears somewhere in 
the current ruleset or any of the current proposals.
III. Every current player must specify a soul. This third paragraph removes 
itself, when all current players have a soul.
[This offers room for some interesting concepts like buying souls and 
wandering souls...]

Proposal 12
Stand in the place where you are
Due: Mon Oct 4 13:15:52 1999
Status: invalid

If there is no rule called "Thingies", this proposal has no effect 

Otherwise it has the following QAZ delimited effects:

Amend the rule "Thingies" by appending to its first paragraph the
following sentence: "The term "entity" can be used interchangibly with

Create a new rule titled "If we don't have coordinates, we need
topology" with 
the following ZXCVB delimited text:

Locations are entities. Only entities other than locations can have a
location. Such entities must have exactly one location.

Locations may be connected to each other as nodes in a graph. Unless
specified otherwise, a connection is bidirectional.

A player may move to a different location, provided that a path from the
players current location to that location exists such that the rules do
not proscribe that player from moving to any location on that path. 

Create a rule titled "The Aluminum Cave and Annex" with the following
ASDFG delimited text:

The Aluminum Cave is a location. It is said that after the Greyt
Catastrophie, all of the players of Ackanomic awoke in the Aluminum
Cave, remembering nothing of how they arrived there. Some say that the
cave must be embedded in the sphere that surrounded the original world
where Acka resided, but this is just a theory. All new players of
Ackanomic begin in the Aluminum Cave.

The Aluminum Annex is a location that is connected to the aluminum cave.
It is said that the Aluminum Annex was built as a proof of concept for
connected locations. 

All players are moved to the Aluminum Cave.

Create a rule titled "Somewhere Else" with the following QWERT delimited

Somewhere Else is a location. If at any time an entity does not have a
location defined for it, it is moved to Somewhere Else.
Somewhere Else has a trap door that is a oneway connection to the
Aluminum Cave.
Also, the ventilation system of Ackanomic is replenished by an infinite
amount of air stored in Somewhere Else.

All non player entities are moved to Somewhere Else

Proposal 13
mr. no pop culture
Due: Mon Oct 4 17:48:19 1999
Status: accepted
 [this introduces the concept of entities.  I have two sorts, ownable
 and unownable.  Ownable entities are tradable.  In this proposal,
 I just define entities.  I make players and rules unownable.
 Proposals are ownable, and owned by their submitter.  I want to do
 somethings, like split some of the jobs I have to do.  I plan on
 making office-analogs ownable entities, but I want this to stand
 or fall seperate from that.  ]
 Create a new rule named "Thingies", with the following $$-deliminted text.
 I.  Only those items which the rules designate as thingies are thingies. 
 All other items are not thingies.
 II.  Thingies may only be manipulated in manners provided by the rules.  All
 other manipulation of thingies are immpossible.
 III.  Thingies may be unique.  In this case, there is only one thingie like
 it allowed to exist.
 IV.  Thingies may be ownable or unownable.  Only unownable thingies may own
 ownable thingies.  Ownable thingies may, but are not required to have, have a
 set of manipulations which may be performed only by their owner.  It is
 impermissable for the non-owner of a thingie to manipulate a thingie in
 manner that only the owner is permitted to perform.  
 V.  Ownable thingies may be transfered from one owner to another if both
 owners agree to the trade.  Other rules may define other ways that thingies
 may be transferred from one owner to another.  They may also prohibit
 mutually agreed trades from occuring.
 VI.  Players, the rules of Ackanomic, are all unownable thingies.
 VII.  Proposals in the voting queue are ownable objects, owned by their
 [Now I need to ammend rule 1, to change who gets veto power over a rule.]
 In "the Rules of Ackanomic" replace this sentence: "At this time, a Proposal
 is Accepted if and only if a majority of the votes cast on it were Yes,
 and the Player who authored it did not vote No." with "At this time, a
 Proposal is Accepted if and only if a majority of the votes cast on it were
 Yes, and the Proposal's owner did not vote No."

Proposal 14
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Mon Oct 4 18:04:29 1999
Status: rejected
Create a new rule withe the following ____-delimited text.
I. A meta-proposal is every proposal that proposes changes to current proposals, 
instead of every other part of the game state. The meta-proposal is then said to be 
"linked" to this proposal. Meta-proposals may be linked to several proposals. Meta-
proposals may not propose direct changes to anything else than proposals.

II. Meta-proposals are a subset of proposals and thus handled like ordinary 
proposals, even meta-proposals on meta-proposals are possible.

III. A proposal will not be enacted, as long as there is a meta-proposal linked to 
him. It will remain in the queue until its meta-proposal has been enacted or repealed.

IV. No player is allowed to post meta-proposals linked to his own meta-proposals. 
No player is allowed to post two meta-proposals linked to a single proposal.
[I added IV in oder to reduce delaying. It is still possible i.e. if two players post 
alternating metas, but less likely. However, the player is allowed to post one meta 
on his own main proposal]

Proposal 15
The Essence Of Playership
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Mon Oct 4 18:04:39 1999
Status: accepted
Create a new rule using the ___-delimited text:
I. Every player is identified by a unique string, named his soul.

II. Every non-player becoming a player must specify his soul upon joining the game. 
It is not possible to choose a soul that appears somewhere in the current ruleset or 
any of the current proposals title or text.

III. Every current player must specify a soul. This third paragraph removes itself, 
when all current players have a soul.

Proposal 16
, Which Is Pretty Much Doomed From the Get-Go
Clamshell Lawyer
Due: Mon Oct 4 18:09:27 1999
Status: rejected

Replace each instance of the string "Ackanomic" in the Ruleset with
"Kernel Ackanomic".  Append " (which can be abbreviated as Kacka)" after
the first such instance.

The date upon which this instance of Nomic began is, officially, 24
September 1999.

Proposal 17
Stand in the place where you are
Due: Mon Oct 4 18:17:49 1999
Status: accepted

If there is no rule called "Thingies", this proposal has no effect 

Otherwise it has the following QAZ delimited effects:

Amend the rule "Thingies" by appending to its first paragraph the
following sentence: "The term "entity" can be used interchangibly with

Create a new rule titled "If we don't have coordinates, we need
topology" with 
the following ZXCVB delimited text:

Locations are entities. Only entities other than locations can have a
location. Such entities must have exactly one location.

Locations may be connected to each other as nodes in a graph. Unless
specified otherwise, a connection is bidirectional.

A player may move to a different location, provided that a path from the
players current location to that location exists such that the rules do
not proscribe that player from moving to any location on that path. 

Create a rule titled "The Aluminum Cave and Annex" with the following
ASDFG delimited text:

The Aluminum Cave is a location. It is said that after the Greyt
Catastrophie, all of the players of Ackanomic awoke in the Aluminum
Cave, remembering nothing of how they arrived there. Some say that the
cave must be embedded in the sphere that surrounded the original world
where Acka resided, but this is just a theory. All new players of
Ackanomic begin in the Aluminum Cave.

The Aluminum Annex is a location that is connected to the aluminum cave.
It is said that the Aluminum Annex was built as a proof of concept for
connected locations. 

All players are moved to the Aluminum Cave.

Create a rule titled "Somewhere Else" with the following QWERT delimited

Somewhere Else is a location. If at any time an entity does not have a
location defined for it, it is moved to Somewhere Else.
Somewhere Else has a trap door that is a oneway connection to the
Aluminum Cave.
Also, the ventilation system of Ackanomic is replenished by an infinite
amount of air stored in Somewhere Else.

All non player entities are moved to Somewhere Else


Proposal 18
A hat! My kingdom for a hat!
mr. no pop culture
Due: Mon Oct 4 19:10:40 1999
Status: accepted

[This introduces hats.  Hats allow the speaker to delegate his authority to 
others, and for those people to delegate it further.  I assume that proposal
13 passed; if it didn't this prop is a no-op.  Hats are ownable, and thus
freely tradable.  ]

If Proposal 13 did not pass, this proposal does nothing.

All hats are destroyed.  [No Malenkai's loophole here!]  The Speaker's
Bowler is created in the possession of David Scheidt

If a rule named "Delegations" exists, repeal it.  If the game defines the
notion of a core proposal, this proposal is a core proposal.  

Create a rule named "Hats", with the lowest possible unassigned positive
Hats shall have the following !! delimited text:

I.  There exists a class of thingies called Hats.  Hats are ownable
thingies, which may be created and destroyed only as allowed by this rule.  

II.  There exists a unique hat called "The Speaker's Bowler".  The owner of
this hat is Speaker.  If for any reason, The Speaker's Bowler should cease
to exist, it is recreated in the possesion of the last player to own it.  

III.  Hats grant their owners game-sanctioned authorities and
responsibilities.  These responsiblities must be defined by the creator 
when the hat is created, but must not contravene the rules.  

IV.  The owner of a hat, called the parent hat, may create a hat, called 
the child hat.  The owner of the child hat is granted a subset of
responsibilites of the parent hat.  The owner of the parent hat is relieved
of them, unless they also own the child hat.  At any point, the owner of the
parent hat may destroy the child hat.  If this is done, they regain the
responsibilites that had been delegated to the child.  The Speaker may
destroy any hat at any time.  In addition, if a hat is destroyed, all of
its child hats are also destroyed.  If any hat, other than the Speaker's
Bowler, ever appears to have no parent hat, its parent hat is the Speaker's

V.  If the owner of a hat fails to perform the duties and responsibilities
imposed on them by a hat in a timely manner, and any Player points it out,
that Player may either take possession of the hat, or destroy the hat.  A
timely manner is three full days from it being known that the owner of the
hat needed to perform a duty, unless other rules specify other lengths of

VI.  If the owner of a hat uses the powers granted to them by the hat to
break the rules, and any Player points it out, that Player may either take
possession of the hat, or destroy the hat.

[Now, rule one fixup.]

Replace section V. of the rule called "The Game of Ackanomic"  to read as
the following #! delimited text:


V.  Whenever any Player who is not hte owner of The Speaker's Bowler
correctly points out in a Public Message that no Player is the owner of the
Speaker's Bowler, or that the owner of the Speaker's Bowler has not sent a
Public Message withing the past 7 days, or that the Speaker has broken (or
attempted to break) the Rules, then the notifying Player becomes the Speaker.
Alternatively, the Speaker loses eir Speakership by giving the Speaker's
Bowler to another Player, or by becoming a non-player.
[The last sentance should prevent the problem we had pointed out by John
Bollinger from happening again, except in the case of the Speaker quiting.  
I don't care to put any restrictions on someone leaving the game.]

Proposal 19
Winner and still champeean
Dragon Mage
Due: Mon Oct 4 20:07:16 1999
Status: accepted
No game is a game without a way to win.   So, let's have one (and only
one).  The intent of this rule is to promote variety in the way rounds 
are won, to give an incentive for winning the Round, and an incentive
for choosing an interesting and achievable new condition

Create a new rule named 'Winner and still champeean' with the following
text as delimited by THE_WINNER
I.   Winning and Rounds.
     The Game of Ackanomic can never be won.  However, Rounds of The Game
     of Ackanomic can be won.   If ever a rule or proposal implies that
     The Game of Ackanomic is won, it means instead that the current Round
     is won.  Rounds are numbered with monotonically increasing postive
     integers starting with 1.  Whenever a new Round begins, the
     number in the first sentance of section II of this rule is replaced
     with the next successive number.

II.  The Current Round.
     The Current Round of Ackanomic is 1.

III. Winning rules.
     At any time there is exactly one and only one way to win the Current
     Round.  This method is defined solely by section IV of this rule.

IV.  Winning the Current Round
     The Current Round shall be won by the first Player to achieve a score
     of 150 points.   Points may only be gained or lost in accordance with
     the Rules of Ackanomic.   When the Round is won, all Players have
     their Score set to 0.  When a player joins the Game of Ackanomic eir
     score is set to 0.

V.   The Champion
     The Player who wins the Current Round is known as the Champion.  When
     a new Player becomes Champion, any previous player who was the
     Champion is no longer the Champion.  The Champion may not win the
     Round during which they are Champion.   Any vote cast by the Champion
     on a Proposal counts as 3 votes of the type cast by the Champion.

VI.  Changing the Winning Rule
     When a Player becomes Champion, they may within 7 days specify a new
     method for winning the current round.   If within 7 days after such
     specification more than 1/2 of the current Players have approved the
     specification, then the new method replaces section IV of this Rule
     exactly as it was specified.   If less than 1/2 of the current
     Players approve the specificaton or if the Champion fails to make a
     specification in time, the contents of section IV of this Rule remain
     in force for the next Round.

All players scores are set to 0.

Proposal 20
The Core and the Arm
Dragon Mage
Due: Mon Oct 4 20:15:16 1999
Status: accepted
Create a new rule titled 'Core and Arm' with the following BIFURCATED
delimited text
  I.  The Core and the Arm
      The are two seperate and distinct sections of the Ackanomic
      Rules.  The rules numbered from 1 to 50 are the Core.   All
      rules with numbers outside of this range are the Arm.  There
      may never be more than 50 Core Rules.

 II.  Core Proposals
      There is a subtype of Proposal called a Core Proposal.
      Only Core Proposals may create, modify, renumber an
      Arm rule into, or repeal a Core Rule.   If a Non-Core
      Proposal submitted after this rule is enacted attempts to
      modify, create, renumber an Arm rule into, or repeal a Core
      Rule, that proposal has none of its changes applied if it
      is Accepted.

III.  Accepting Core Proposals
      A Core Proposal is Accepted if an only if at least 2/3rds of
      the votes cast on it were Yes and the player who authored it
      did not vote No.   This takes precedence over Rule 1, section

If Proposal 13 (Thingies) was accepted, replace 'the player who authored
it' in section III of the rule titled 'Core and Arm' with 'the Proposal's

The rules 'Thingies', 'Core and Arm', 'Winner and still champeean',
'Hats', 'Delegation', and the rules created by the proposals
'meta-proposals' and 'The Essence of Playership' are renumbered to be Core
Rules if they exist and are not numbered so already.

Proposal 21
Even wholly newer!
Due: Mon Oct 4 21:00:58 1999
Status: rejected
	Replace each instance of the string "Ackanomic" or "Kernel 
Ackanomic" in the Ruleset with "CalvinBall".  Remove any occurrences of 
" (which can be abbreviated as Kacka)".

The date upon which this instance of Nomic began is, officially, 24 
September 1999.

Proposal 22
A Whole New Nomic
Due: Tue Oct 5 01:04:43 1999
Status: rejected
	Replace each instance of the string "Ackanomic" or "Kernel 
Ackanomic" in the Ruleset with "Phoenix".  Remove any occurrences of 
" (which can be abbreviated as Kacka)".

The date upon which this instance of Nomic began is, officially, 24 
September 1999.

Proposal 23
Cad is ainm duit?
Due: Tue Oct 5 01:11:56 1999
Status: rejected
Replace each instance of the strings "Kernel Ackanomic", and
"CalvinBall" in the Ruleset with "Ackalackadocious". Then replace each
instance of the string "Ackanomic" in the Ruleset with "Ackannnomic"

Proposal 24
(not much better than a) Owner of a Lonely Harf
Due: Tue Oct 5 01:38:56 1999
Status: rejected

Create a rule titled "Let There be Harf!"

The Unique Title of Harfmeister exists. If, at any time, no one has the
Title of Harfmeister, the Title is given to the Speaker. 

The Harfmeister may designate a proposal currently under voting
consideration as Harfy. This action fails if there are already three
proposals designated Harfy or if the proposal specified is attributed to
the Harfmeister. A proposal designated Harfy remains so
designated as long as it is under voting consideration; it ceases to be
designated Harfy as soon as it ceases to be under voting

If a Harfy proposal passes, its author gains 3 points and the title of
Harfmeister passes from the current Harfmeister to the author of the
Harfy proposal. If two or more Harfy proposals are accepted
simultaneously, the title of Harfmeister shall go to the author of the
highest numbered one. 

The Harfmeister may use his or her discretion in determining what is to
be considered Harfy for the purposes of this rule, but it is
considered bad form to designate a proposal as Harfy that is not really
Harfy, and other players are permitted to sneer.

Proposal 25
Due: Tue Oct 5 14:30:24 1999
Status: rejected
Create a new rule entitled "Rule Numbers" reading as delimited by 
I.  Each rule has a rule number.  A rule number is a string of 
nonnegative integers called locators separated by hyphens.  Rule 
numbers are always read left to right.  Only the first locator in a 
rule number may be 0.

	The terms Parent, Child, Ancestor, Descendant and Sibling are 
interpreted under their usual meaning for hierarchical systems.

	An H number is larger than another H number if the first 
integer which differs between the two is larger; a rule is always 
larger than all its ancestors.
	The are two operations which change the number of a rule. 
Moving or renumbering a rule moves all its children so that they 
continue to be its children (so their final locator stays the same 
and the previous ones change to the same thing as the parent). 
Changing a rule's rule number does not affect that rules children.

II. Whenever a rule is assigned a rule number, whether when it is 
created or later on when it is moved, it is numbered as follows:

1. If the numberer (be it proposal, rule, or something else) assigned 
it a valid rule number not already assigned to a rule than it 
receives that number.

2. Otherwise, if the numberer assigned it a valid H number and that 
rule already exists and has a parent (hereafter called THEPARENT), or 
creator specified that it be the child of an existing rule (hereafter 
called THEPARENT) without specifying an H number, then the rule
receives the smallest H number not already assigned to a rule which 
would make it a child of THEPARENT.

3. Otherwise, it is given the smallest H number which would make a 
child of the Unassigned Rule Section.

Create rule 100, "Unassigned Rule Section" with the following 
SLJSG-delimited text
	The Speaker may move any descendant of this rule in a public message.
	Move all rules to 100-1

If proposal 20 passed, replace "The rules numbered from 1 to 50 are 
the Core." with "Rule 0 and its descendants are the Core."

Proposal 26
Now Face North.
Due: Tue Oct 5 14:49:04 1999
Status: accepted
If Proposal 17 did not pass, none of the below listed actions take place.

Append to the rule titled "The Aluminum Cave and Annex" the following XYZ
delimited text.
The House of Pain is a Location.  It looks like an orange square with a
white L-shaped border along two of its sides.  "Just Visiting" is
enscribed on the floor of the white area.  The House of Pain is connected
to the Aluminum Cave.

Retitle the rule currently titled "The Aluminum Cave and Annex" to
"Graph it, Graph it good!"

Proposal 27
Since we're doing it anyway
Due: Tue Oct 5 15:06:45 1999
Status: accepted
	Create a new rule entitled "Conditional Proposals" with the 
following IFELSE delimited text
	Before any changes to the rules, a proposal may specify that 
it Conflicts with or Depends on a proposal already in the Queue, 
called the connected proposal.  If the connected one passes and the 
proposal Conflicted with it, the Conflicting proposal fails 
immediately and is removed from the queue. If the connected one fails 
and the proposal Depended on it, the Dependant proposal fails 
immediately and is removed from the queue.

Proposal 28
Weekly Reality Check
Tyrethali Ansrath
Due: Tue Oct 5 15:19:18 1999
Status: rejected

Create a rule titled "Prisoner's Dilemma" with the following TRUST-delimited 
I. Each week there is a game of Prisoner's Dilemma. Each player submits 
their choice of 'Cooperate' or 'Defect' to the bot. Only the most recent 
choice is considered.
II. At the end of the week the totals are tallied up. Players who chose 
'Cooperate' get two points for each other player who chose 'Cooperate'. 
Players who chose 'Defect' get three points for each player who chose 
'Cooperate', and one for each who chose 'Defect'.

Proposal 29
Green mouse
K 2
Due: Tue Oct 5 15:42:44 1999
Status: rejected
This is a Green mouse.

Proposal 30
The invalid and the naked.
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Tue Oct 5 16:30:18 1999
Status: rejected

If proposals 13 and 17 have been enacted, create a new rule, using the 
following TEKCOP-delimited string.

Every player is assumed to own a Pocket. At any time, a Pocket moves 
everything inside it to the location where its owner is. A Pocket is inside 
A player may put all ownable things at eir current location into eir pocket, 
except if another rule says that a certain thing may not be pocketed. A 
player may drop anything from inside eir pocket to eir current location.

Proposal 31
Mike Lugo
Due: Tue Oct 5 18:55:05 1999
Status: accepted
Create a new rule with the following GREGORIAN-delimited text:

The official time zone of Ackanomic ("Acka Time") is Greenwich Mean Time.

The official Ackanomic Day (which may be referred to as the "day") is the
interval between two consecutive instances of midnight in Acka Time.

The official Ackanomic Week (which may be referred to as the "week") is the
interval between two consecutive instances of the midnight at which Sunday
becomes Monday in Acka TIme.

Proposal 32
Points I
Mike Lugo
Due: Tue Oct 5 18:55:23 1999
Status: rejected
Create a rule entitled "Plus and Minus" with the following
"POINTS"-delimited text.

Upon the removal of a proposal from the Queue, the player who proposed it
shall receive 1 (positive) point for each vote for the proposal and lost 1
point for each vote against the proposal.

Proposal 33
Soul Rules
Mike Lugo
Due: Tue Oct 5 18:59:56 1999
Status: accepted
If proposals 15 and 30 have passed, create a new rule called 'Wandering
Souls' with the following LUCIFER-delimited text:

I. Souls are a class of ownable Thingies.
II. A soul may not be transferred from one player to another without the
consent of both players.
III. A player may own a maximum of four souls.
IV. Each player has exactly one vote for each soul they possess.  A player
who lacks a soul has one vote.

[Part III was inspired by the Koran's restrictions on polygamy.  It will be
interesting to see what happens with soul-selling.]

Proposal 34
A Desperate Choice for Desperate Times
Clamshell Lawyer
Due: Wed Oct 6 17:04:47 1999
Status: rejected

Replace each instance of "Phoenix", "CalvinBall", "Kernel Ackanomic",
"Ackalackadocious", "Ackannnomic", or "Ackanomic" in all Rules with the
string "Oop! Ack!anomic".  Remove any occurences of " (which can be
abbreviated as Kacka)".  Replace any instance of "Acka" with "Oop!
Ack!a".  Append to the end of Rule 1 as a separate paragraph, numbered
appropriately where necessary: 

"Bill the Cat is the official mascot of Oop! Ack!anomic.  Anyone caught
impugning His Hairiness or producing, distributing, or possessing
unofficial Bill the Cat merchandise (including but not limited to: tote
bags, promotional cups, pajamas, baby toys, drug paraphernalia, underwear,
Odor-Eaters (tm), vomit inducers, fake tongues, and those little dolls
with suction cups that cling to car windows) will be barfed upon most
severely.  With hairballs."

[ Note: this proposal was also submitted in that other, lesser game which
has the temerity to call itself Ackanomic. ]

Proposal 35
Yes, we are all individuals!
Clamshell Lawyer
Due: Wed Oct 6 17:25:00 1999
Status: rejected

Create a Rule, numbered (should Rule numbers be defined) 99, titled
"Unconventions" and consisting of the following text, minus single quotes:

'For the purposes of this game, any person who is not registered as a
player but wishes merely to observe play may be known as a Shrubbery.
Furthermore, the terms "Proposal" and "Aardvark" shall be considered
synonymous.  And anyone who publicly claims that the Earth is anything
other than icosahedral will be burned as a duck.

Silliness, however, will *not* be tolerated.' 

Proposal 36
Numerically Challenged
K 2
Due: Fri Oct 8 11:12:30 1999
Status: rejected

All proposals with a number less than 300 are re-numbered by adding 4487
to their current numbers.

Proposals 4372 through to 4399 are created with The Moo Cow Hunter as
author, registered as having been rejected and are removed from voting
consideration. Each proposal that was just created is given the first
colour in the following list as its text, after which that colour is
deleted from the list (although not in such a way as to actually modify
this proposal :-) ).

alabaster; amber; amethyst; aquamarine; auburn; azure; black; blue;
bronze; brown; burgundy; carnelian; cerulean; chartreuse; coral;
cream; crimson; cyan; emerald; fuchsia; gold; green; grey; harf; hazel;
indigo; ivory; khaki;

Proposal 37
Lets not let that happen again
K 2
Due: Fri Oct 8 11:12:40 1999
Status: accepted

Amend Rule 1 by appending to the end of section VI (proposals) the
following text:
Proposals are voted on and applied in the form they are distributed.

Proposal 38
Resolving Conflicts
K 2
Due: Fri Oct 8 11:28:25 1999
Status: accepted

If the concept of "core rules" is defined in the rules then the CORE
delimited text of this proposal shall form a new rule, otherwise the
NOTCORE delimited text shall form a new rule. Either way the new rule
will have the title "Resolving Conflicts". It is a privilege of the
Speaker to renumber this rule as e sees fit, after which this paragraph
is deleted from this rule.

If two or more rules other than this one conflict about a particular
issue, and if the rules other than this one (and not restricted to the
conflicting rules) specify a single, coherent, unambiguous method for
resolving the conflict then that method is applied to determine which
rule or rules take precedence with regard to that issue. Otherwise,
wherever the rules conflict on a particular issue, the lowest numbered
core rule (or arm rule if no core rules were involved) among those rules
which conflict on that issue shall guide play with regard to that issue. 

If two statements in the same rule conflict with each other, and the
rule doesn't define a way to resolve the conflict, then the statement
which appears later in the rule takes precedence. 

If two or more rules other than this one conflict about a particular
issue, and if the rules other than this one (and not restricted to the
conflicting rules) specify a single, coherent, unambiguous method for
resolving the conflict then that method is applied to determine which
rule or rules take precedence with regard to that issue. Otherwise,
wherever the rules conflict on a particular issue, the rule with the
number among those rules which conflict on that issue shall guide play
with regard to that issue. 

If two statements in the same rule conflict with each other, and the
rule doesn't define a way to resolve the conflict, then the statement
which appears later in the rule takes precedence. 

Proposal 39
Stifling the Soul
Mike Lugo
Due: Fri Oct 8 21:06:05 1999
Status: rejected
If proposals 20 and 33 have passed, replace section IV of rule 33 by the
following BEEZELBUB-delimited text:

IV.  All players that possess at least one soul receive one vote for each
soul they possess.
V. Players who possess no soul receive one vote on all proposals that affect
Arm rules only.  They receive no votes on proposals that affect Core rules.

#submit proposal Conditional Scoring
If proposals 27 and 31 has passed, repeal the rule which it created and
create a rule entitled "Plus if...else minus" with the following
WEBOFLIES-delimited text:

Upon the removal of a proposal from the Queue, the player who proposed it
shall receive 1 (positive) point for each vote for the proposal and lost 1
point for each vote against the proposal.  If the proposal was removed
its Conflicting proposal passed or its Depending proposal failed, the player
neither receive nor lose any points.

Proposal 40
The thief and the pocketed.
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Sat Oct 9 14:24:47 1999
Status: rejected
  Add the following TEKCOP-delimited set of sentences to 
  the rule created by proposal 30 (if existing), or to the 
  TECKOP-delimited text of proposal 30 if it is still in 
  the queue.
  No player may drop his pocket.
  Anything inside a pocket can't be pocketed.
  A player pocketing an unowned thingie will own this 
  A player pocketing a thingie owned by another player 
  will own this thingie.
  Furthermore, e will recieve the predicate 'Thief of the 
  THINGIE', where THINGIE is replaced by the name of the 
  thingie. E will lose this predicate when e no longer 
  owns the thingie.

Proposal 41
I *am* that other game.
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 10 11:19:56 1999
Status: accepted

create a new rule with the text:

Ackanomic acknowledges the existence of a game which believes that up
until 24 Sep 1999 19:14:12, when differing opinion on the effect of
Proposal 4371 caused its genesis, it was the same game as this one. That
game is hence forth as Fat-Acka.

Proposal 42
Recursive nomic
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 10 11:20:06 1999
Status: rejected

Create a new nomic with a rule-set and game state identical to what this
game would've had had Proposal 4371 not been effective, factoring in
those actions (legal according to the presumed rule-set) which have been
taken under the presumption that this was already the case.

The previous paragraph has no effect on this game of nomic or on its
game state, except that it is not null.

Proposal 43
Frinks are entities too! (FNPR)
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 10 13:58:38 1999
Status: rejected

Create a new rule with the title "Frinks" and the text:
A class of entities known as frinks exist. The owner of a frink may
frink it, after which the frink is said to have been frunk and is
destroyed. Unless specified otherwise the effect of frinking a frink is
to make the player who frunk it less thirsty.

Proposal 44
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Sun Oct 10 14:27:34 1999
Status: rejected
  Create a new rule with the following PRAISED ETC-
  delimited text.
  Each players has a set of predicates.
  A predicate is a title or other description of the 
  player, which may only be created or removed by a rule, 
  proposal or an action defined in a rule.
  Every current player of this game has the predicate 
  "faithful follower of proposal 4371".

Proposal 45
Number Numbness
Due: Sun Oct 10 21:56:03 1999
Status: rejected

Amend every rule named "Winner and still champeean" to
replace every occurrance, in section II, of the text 
"is 1", with "is 38".

Proposal 46
Ack! I got points everywhere !
Thomas Hirsch
Due: Mon Oct 11 14:32:50 1999
Status: accepted
Create a new rule with the following .....-delimited text.


A point is a little green furry ball which sticks to the player who has 
got it, until e removes it by application of a rule. The sum of a players 
points is called score.
Points are ownable thingies. Unowned points will destroy themselves.

A player may never have less than zero points. If a rule tries to 
remove more points from a player than e currently owns, e will lose all 
eir points.

Points may not be traded.


[Trading may be enabled later, but for now it seemed safer to me 
when it is not permitted. Negative scores would be useless, as you 
can simply leave and rejoin the game in order to reset your score to 

Proposal 47
Copper, Silver, Gold: an indestructible metallic alloy
Mike Lugo
Due: Mon Oct 11 16:56:10 1999
Status: rejected

Create a new rule entitled "Leucine, Aspartate" with the following 
GEB-delimited text:

I.  There exists a class of items known as Currencies.  [Currencies are 
*not* thingies!]  Each Currency is identified by a unique string, called its 
name. [So original, isn't it?]  Each Currency also has a unique string of 
four or less characters associated with it called its symbol.

II. Each Currency has a class of ownable thingies associated with it known 
as "name" Coins, where "name" is the name of the Currency.  Coins of a 
Currency may be transferred from one player to another, provided that both 
players agree to the trade.

III. Any player can create a Currency by announcing its name and symbol to 
all other players.  This player becomes known as the minter of that 
Currency.  At any time, the minter of a Currency can create more Coins of 
that Currency by their declaration.

IV. It is not possible to own a negative or fractional amount of Coins of 
any given Currency.  If a rule calls for a player to give more Coins of a 
Currency than they have, then they shall give up all their Coins of that 
Currency.  If a rule calls for a player to give up a fractional number of 
Coins, then that number shall be rounded down to the nearest integer.

[We could create a whole financial system, if we want.  But I obviously 
can't write that all in one proposal.  I'm aware that section II creates the 
possibility that a minter could get far too much power far too quickly by 
simply minting their currency - we need to create safeguards against this.]

Proposal 48
My soul for a name
Dragon Mage
Due: Mon Oct 11 20:17:06 1999
Status: accepted
If rule 15 (souls) is a core rule, then this is a core proposal.

Amend rule 15 (Souls) by appending the following NAMED delimited text
IV.  Two souls may not have the same name.  Two names are the same
     if they contain exactly the same alphanumeric characters in the same
     order.   Case does not matter for this comparison.

     If any souls have the same name, each is renamed to their current
     name with a unique prime less than 1000 such that each soul has
     a unique name and then this sentance is repealed.

IV.  A player may rename any soul they own as long as the new name would
     be a legal name for a soul.

Proposal 49
Kernel Hack
Due: Mon Oct 11 21:25:41 1999
Status: accepted

[unfortunately my proposal was not grandfathered.  More
unfortunately I am missing how to otherwise make a proposal


Create a new rule numbered 8675309 called "Core Proposal Generator"
with the following text:

Create a core proposal and submit to the speaker's
(or eir delegate's) designated bot or e-mail address, 
on behalf of Malenkai, with the following double dollar 
sign delimited text:

Amend every rule named "Winner and still champeean" to
replace every occurrance, in section II, of the text 
"is 1", with "is 38".

then create another core proposal and submit to the speaker's
(or eir delegate's) designated bot or e-mail address, on behalf 
of Malenkai, with the following double dollar sign delimited text:

Amend the rule titled "Core and Arm" to add the following to
the end of section II:
A proposal is a core proposal if and only if words to that
effect appear as its first line.

then repeal this rule.

Proposal 50
Due: Mon Oct 11 22:09:44 1999
Status: rejected

Create a new with number 8675309, title "Self-repealing rules
do not need to be well-written" and this text:

The Speaker shall, within 3 days of the creation of this 
rule, send an e-mail to all registered players who did not
cast a vote on the proposal that created this rule and ask
them if they wish to continue being a registered player.  E
will also explain to them about the small ruleset and provide
URLs e feels are appropriate, and explain that they may be a 
registered player because they were an elder sometime ago.  
E may omit sending it to players who have previously notified 
em that they will be on vacation during that time.

All players to whom the e-mail was sent (even if it is not delivered)
who do not respond in the affirative within 7 days of the e-mail being
sent will be deregistered.  Within 3 days of expiration of the 7
day period, the Speaker shall then report the roster of registered
players, at which time this rule shall repeal itself.

[I don't think we need a general rule for this like in fat acka, 
but a one time check seems reasonable]