This proposal Conflicts with proposal 96. [Somehow, I figure that the owners of multiple souls may strike down proposal 96. This proposal makes the default be 2 votes per player, one intrinsic to the player, and one associated with the soul. This retains the soul system, but makes it somewhat less overpowered, and removes the awkward characteristic which makes it better for groups of like-minded players to pool their souls with one player rather than keep them themselves.] Section IV in Rule S15 is amended to read: "Each player has one vote, plus one additional vote for each soul he owns."
In rule S12, replace "Ownable thingies may be transfered from one owner to another if both owners agree to the trade." with "The owner of an ownable thingie may offer it to another player in a public action; if that player accepts in in a public message within one week then the thingee is transfered from the old owner to the player who accepted it.
In rule S12, replace "Ownable thingies may be transfered from one owner to another if both owners agree to the trade." with "The owner of an ownable thingie may offer it to another player in a public action; if that player accepts in in a public message within one week then the thingee is transfered from the old owner to the player who accepted it as long as it is still owned by the player who offered it."
I'd sell my soul for a Yes right about now. Create a new kernel rule titled "Needed since proposals cannot" with the following SILLY_LOOPHOLE text SILLY_LOOPHOLE Amend rule I3 by apending the following text as delimited by XXX and substituting YYY for the name of the author of the proposal which created this rule: XXX YYY (with the assistance of the Devil) once ruled Ackanomic. XXX The owner of this proposal has the soul e named returned to em. This rule repeals itself immediately after the above affects have been applied. SILLY_LOOPHOLE Amend rule S66 by replacing the following EXPENSIVE delimited text EXPENSIVE If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a right about now," where is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote on that Proposal equal to for each soul he owns. EXPENSIVE with the following LESS_SO delimited text LESS_SO If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a 'X' right about now, where 'X' is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote for each 10 Souls or fraction thereof he owns. [IE, 1-10 souls = 1 vote, 11-20 = 2 votes, etc] LESS_SO
This proposal conflicts with proposal 103. Amend rule S66 by replacing the following EXPENSIVE delimited text EXPENSIVE If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a right about now," where is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote on that Proposal equal to for each soul he owns. EXPENSIVE with the following LESS_SO delimited text LESS_SO If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a 'X' right about now, where 'X' is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote for each 10 Souls or fraction thereof he owns. [IE, 1-10 souls = 1 vote, 11-20 = 2 votes, etc] LESS_SO
This is a kernel proposal. Create a new rule numbered K21 with the following WORROMOT-delimited text. WORROMOT category: Rules about the Game State. Players may make changes to the Game State, as they are described in the rules, via a Public Message. All passages of text describing actions of the player are considered to be the attempt of performing the action. The player is successful, if and only if the intended action does not conflict with the existing rules. The change to the Game State is then applied. Several changes are checked against the rules and applied in the order of their description. Any action is considered to happen after that the player has sent eir respective message. WORROMOT [I discovered that the rules don't even describe how a player may perform the actions, he is allowed to do. (with a few exceptions like joining, leaving, CFJs, fiddling) This is why I included this part in the proposal. The most importanst part however is that messages are considered to be descriptions of future, not past, actions. This will clarify the Texas/heat-problem. Note that it would have required Thomas to describe his fiddling in a separate action.]
This is a kernel proposal. [Unfortunately, there is no way to change the imperial rules which will therefore be an implicit category of their own.] Add the line "category: Rules about Spheres" to the beginning of the following five rules: Rule K1 : More Sphere Stuff Rule S5 : More Spheres Rule S7 : The Games and Puzzles Sphere Rule S8 : The Fantasy Sphere Rule S9 : The Harfy Sphere Add the line "category: Rules about rules" to the beginning of the following three rules: Rule K2 : Follow the Rules Rule S6 : Rule Numbers Rule S53 : Resolving Conflicts Add the line "category: Rules about the Game State" to the beginning of the following three rules: Rule K3 : The Game State Rule K4 : The Game State Is Platonic Rule K5 : Calls for Judgement Add the line "category: Rules about proposals" to the beginning of the following six rules: Rule K6 : Kernel Changing Rule K7 : Quarantine Rule S10 : Proposals Rule S14 : Comments Rule S51 : Conditional Proposals Rule S219 : Anonymous Proposals Add the line "category: Rules about public actions" to the beginning of the following five rules: Rule S1 : Joining And Leaving Rule S15 : Souls Rule S216 : Deciphering the Book of Wmbredd o Gwag Rule S666 : Number of the Beast Rule S667 : Across the Street from the Beast Add the line "category: Rules about Hats" to the beginning of the following four rules: Rule S2 : Speaker Delinquency Rule S3 : Public Messages Rule S4 : Rule Cleanup Rule S13 : Hats Add the line "category: Rules about winning" to the beginning of the following ten rules: Rule S11 : Antivoting Rule S21 : Points for Proposals Rule S201 : Winning and Rounds Rule S202 : The Current Round Rule S203 : Winning Rules Rule S204 : The Champeen Rule S205 : Changing the Winning Rule Rule S215 : Greenies! Rule S220 : Waffles Rule C1 : Winning the Current Round Add the line "category: Rules about Thingies" to the beginning of the following two rules: Rule S12 : Thingies Rule ??? : Favors Add the line "category: Rules about topology" to the beginning of the following four rules: Rule S27 : If we don't have coordinates, we need topology Rule S141 : Graph it, Graph it good! Rule S142 : Somewhere Else Rule S221 : Armadillo Country Add the line "category: Rules from outer space." to the beginning of the following five rules : Rule S52 : Calendar Rule S214 : That Other Game Rule S217 : They Might Be Slumbering Giants Rule S218 : Grandfathered Disappointments Rule ???? : They Might Be Barenaked Milkmen.
I'd sell my soul for a yes about now. The player who submitted this proposal has the soul he named returned to him. Amend rule S666 by replacing the following EXPENSIVE delimited text EXPENSIVE If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a <X> right about now," where <X> is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote on that Proposal equal to <X> for each soul he owns. EXPENSIVE with the following LESS_SO delimited text LESS_SO If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a 'X' right about now, where 'X' is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote on that proposal equal to 'X' for each 10 Souls or fraction thereof he owns. [I.e., 1-10 souls = 1 vote, 11-20 = 2 votes, etc] LESS_SO . [Apologies to JT.]
Amend rule S66 by replacing the following EXPENSIVE delimited text EXPENSIVE If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a right about now," where is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote on that Proposal equal to for each soul he owns. EXPENSIVE with the following LESS_SO delimited text LESS_SO If a Proposal includes text to the effect of "I'd sell my soul for a 'X' right about now, where 'X' is a type of vote which is legal to cast on Proposals, The Devil will cast one vote for each 10 Souls or fraction thereof he owns. [IE, 1-10 souls = 1 vote, 11-20 = 2 votes, etc] LESS_SO
Create a new rule on the Structural Sphere, numbered S2000, and titled "Edit Buffer," with the following text: "No provision of this rule is binding or has any effect, except this provision." Amend rule S2000 in the following ways: 1. Append to it the full text of rule S10. 2. Replace the first sentence of section I with "A Proposal is a list of proposed changes to the Game State, together with all associated implicit and explicit attributes. Attributes include, but are not necessarilly limited to, title, name of submitter, dependencies, and conflicts." [The attributes bit makes attributes formally part of the proposal, which does some nice things including accounting for furniture as explicit attributes.] 3. Append the following sentence to the body of section II: "Voting on a proposal constitutes a manipulation of that proposal." [This prevents game state elements outside the Living Sphere from voting on Proposals.] 4. Insert the following sentence into the body of section III, immediately prior to the sentence beginning with "The Speaker": "Rejected proposals self-destruct five seconds after leaving the queue." 5. Replace the word "authored" with the word "submitted" in section III. [Submitter is verifiable; author is not. For that matter, the author may not be just one person.] 6. Replace section IV with the following GETS_THE_GREASE-delimited text: GETS_THE_GREASE As soon as a Proposal is activated, it is evaluated with respect to each Sphere to which its list specifies one or more changes. The Proposal immediately ceases to exist if it does not satisfy the conditions for modification by proposal of any of those Spheres. If no conditions are specified for a Sphere then the conditions for the Sphere immediately inside it apply. Then, if the proposal still exists it is transferred to the innermost Sphere to which it lists a change, and it attempts to perform each change on its list, in order, one at a time. If a Proposal lists a rule creation without specifying the location then it is treated as if it specified the Structural Sphere for that rule. If a proposal lists the creation of a non-rule game state element without specifying the location then it is treated as if it specified the Living Sphere for that element. After a Proposal has attempted to make all of the changes on its list, that Proposal ceases to exist. Players are strongly encouraged to place all changes to a single Sphere together in eir proposals and to clearly mark them. GETS_THE_GREASE [The biggest change here is a paradigm shift -- or perhaps just a paradigm clarification -- which now has the Proposal attempting to perform the changes it specifies. Previously they just happened automagically. This also gets around the null and without effect bit that caused so much confusion by simply destroying the proposal before it does anything if it's not supposed to do anything.] 7. Append the following text to the end of the rule: "All existing proposals which have been removed from the queue are destroyed. Rule S2000 is repealed. After the previous two sentences take effect, they are deleted from this rule along with this sentence." [Clean up all that clutter!] Amend Rule S12 by replacing the text of section VII with: "Proposals are ownable thingies, initially owned by their submitter." Amend rule S10 by replacing its full text with the full text, except the first sentence, of rule S2000.
This is a Kernel Proposal. Create a new rule on the Kernel Sphere consisting of the following HRMPH-delimited text. HRMPH The Game of Ackanomic is moribund. HRMPH
Recognizing the perilous harm brought to all Nomics by rogue nomic- states, Ackanomic does hereby issue this declaration of war against the Nomic known as Ackanomic.
Rules S666 and S667 are repealed. All wraiths cease to be wraiths and are moved to the Aluminum Cave.
This proposal conflicts with proposal 113. All wraiths are moved to the Aluminum Cave and cease being wraiths.
This proposal depends on proposal 113. Rule S221 is repealed.
This is a kernel proposal. Replace all instances of "Ackanomic" in the ruleset with "CalvinBall"
Create a new rule with the text: " Ackanomic's activity level is equal to the product of the number of different players who have proposals under consideration and the the number of proposals under consideration. It is displayed on a huge billboard visible from all corners of Ackanomic, which due to a design error and space considerations is only a third of an average cat height square. Activity levels of less than 5 indicate that Ackanomic is dead. During such periods the world shall end, the fat lady shall sing, she shall sing The End of the World by REM. Ackanomic is considered alive when its ativity levels are 25 or greater - during such periods the Scaremonger should be particularly active to prevent the build up of unhealthy levels of optimisim. "
A haiku is hereby defined to be exactly three lines of text, with the following restrictions: 1) The first and third lines must each contain exactly 5 syllables. 2) The second line must contain exactly 7 syllables. The plural of haiku is haiku. Haiku is the official style of poetry of Ackanomic. Other styles are permitted, but are considered less harfy. If, for a 30 day period, there are no proposals submitted that contain a haiku, then Ackanomic is said to be in an Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in an Age of Woe for 30 consecutive days, then it ceases to be in an Age of Woe, and it is said to be in a Great Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in an Age of Woe, and two proposals containing haiku are submitted during this Age, then Ackanomic is no longer in an Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in a Great Age of Woe for consecutive 30 days, then it ceases to be in a Great Age of Woe, and it is said to be in Supreme Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in a Great Age of Woe, and two proposals containing haiku are submitted during this Age, then Ackanomic ceases to be in a Great Age of Woe, and it is in an Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in a Supreme Age of Woe, things are bad. Citizens of Ackanomic must act woeful. If Ackanomic is in a Supreme Age of Woe, and two proposals containing haiku are submitted during this Age, AND they both pass, then Ackanomic ceases to be in a Supreme Age of Woe, and it is in a Great Age of Woe.
Create a new rule entitled "Haiku!" (without the quotation marks), and with the following, ICEWEASEL-delimited text: ICEWEASEL A haiku is hereby defined to be exactly three lines of text, with the following restrictions: 1) The first and third lines must each contain exactly 5 syllables. 2) The second line must contain exactly 7 syllables. The plural of haiku is haiku. Haiku is the official style of poetry of Ackanomic. Other styles are permitted, but are considered less harfy. If, for a 30 day period, there are no proposals submitted that contain a haiku, then Ackanomic is said to be in an Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in an Age of Woe for 30 consecutive days, then it ceases to be in an Age of Woe, and it is said to be in a Great Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in an Age of Woe, and two proposals containing haiku are submitted during this Age, then Ackanomic is no longer in an Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in a Great Age of Woe for consecutive 30 days, then it ceases to be in a Great Age of Woe, and it is said to be in Supreme Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in a Great Age of Woe, and two proposals containing haiku are submitted during this Age, then Ackanomic ceases to be in a Great Age of Woe, and it is in an Age of Woe. If Ackanomic is in a Supreme Age of Woe, things are bad. Citizens of Ackanomic must act woeful. If Ackanomic is in a Supreme Age of Woe, and two proposals containing haiku are submitted during this Age, AND they both pass, then Ackanomic ceases to be in a Supreme Age of Woe, and it is in a Great Age of Woe. ICEWEASEL
[ > Getting the scores right is going to be a lot of work, > and may take me quite a bit of time to get right. And after all this inactivity don't mean much anyway. This looks like a classic example of work with little return on that investment. It might even be faster to write a bot to keep score than do this ... in any case ... ] All players' scores are set to 0.
[ One other fixup that should probably be applied so that the game works smoothly for what amounts to a fresh start ] All souls are returned to their creator, or to their rules defined owner if they were not created by a Player.
This is a kernel proposal. Repeal rule K22.
Add the following FRAH-delimited sentence at the end of paragraph IV in rule S12. FRAH A thingie may not have more than one owner. FRAH
Add the following BLACKHOLE-delimited sentence at the end of paragraph IV in rule S12. BLACKHOLE Ownable but unowned thingies are removed from the Game State. BLACKHOLE
Amend rule S8 to read in full "The Dungeon Master's Dice Bag is a unique ownable thingee. The Dice Bag's owner is the Dungeon Master. The Dungeon Master may create, destroy, or modify elements on the Fantasy Sphere at eir whim, via a public message. Dice are ownable thingees which may not be traded. A player who owns a Die may create, destroy, or modify elements on the Fantasy Sphere via a public message within the limits inscribed on the Die. The Dungeon Master may give or remove a Die from any player via a public message; when e gives a Die to a player e may inscribe a message on the Die. Note that the inscription is only binding where it limits the power to modify the Fantasy Sphere. The Devil will always accept the Dice Bag in a trade, and will always trade it to any player who requests it as long as no other entities are involved in the trade. As long as the Devil owns the Dice Bag all Dice continue to work, but the Devil will not use the powers of the Dungeon Master (although the Devil will technically be the Dungeon Master). " Create the Dungeon Master's Dice and transfer them to the Dungeon Master.
Create a new rule within the Structural Sphere, numbered at the whim of the player responsible for maintaining the ruleset, with the text "Besides a list of rule numbers and text, the Speaker's version of the ruleset shall include a list of what modifications were made when, by what player, and references to all Calls for Judgement which guide the interpretation of a rule. It may include other information at the Speaker's discretion."
Amend rule S8 to read in full "The Dungeon Master's Dice Bag is a unique ownable thingee. The Dice Bag's owner is the Dungeon Master. The Dungeon Master may create, destroy, or modify elements on the Fantasy Sphere at eir whim, via a public message. Dice are ownable thingees which may not be traded. A player who owns a Die may create, destroy, or modify elements on the Fantasy Sphere via a public message within the limits inscribed on the Die. The Dungeon Master may give or remove a Die from any player via a public message; when e gives a Die to a player e may inscribe a message on the Die. Note that the inscription is only binding where it limits the power to modify the Fantasy Sphere. The Devil will always accept the Dice Bag in a trade, and will always trade it to any player who requests it as long as no other entities are involved in the trade. As long as the Devil owns the Dice Bag all Dice continue to work, but the Devil will not use the powers of the Dungeon Master (although the Devil will technically be the Dungeon Master). " Create the Dungeon Master's Dice Bag and transfer it to the Dungeon Master.
Amend rule S205 by deleting the sentence "Move all Players, proposals, and thingees onto the Living Sphere."
In rule S13, replace "The Speaker may destroy any hat at any time" with "The Speaker may destroy any hat other than the Speaker's Bowler at any time"
[ This is just an attempt to formalize into the rules, the fact that it in in fact the responsibility (and perogative) of the owner of a given hat which can adjust their view of the game state, not solely the speaker. ] This is a kernel proposal. Amend rule K4 by replacing its current text with the following VIEW delimited text: VIEW The owner of the Speaker's Bowler, and the owners of Hats created by the Speaker's Bowler for the purpose of tracking elements of the Game State shall attempt to keep an accurate record of the Game State (Veiw) and make their Views available to all players. The Global View of the game state shall be the union of these Views. VIEW Amend rule K5 by replacing its current text with the following VIEW delimited text: VIEW Players may disagree with the Global View of the Game State by detailing the nature of their disagreement in a Public Message. The owners of the Hats which are in disagreement shall attempt to adjust their respective Views of the game state such that a consensus View is reached after having debate on the matter. A player may (even without such debate) ask for a Call for Judgement by detailing the essence of eir disagreement to all Players in a Public Message. Once a Call for Judgement (CJF) has been detailed, Players may publicly cast one vote on the matter (along with any arguments they deem relevant), and the owners of the affected Hats shall adjust their Views to the will of the expressed majority 3 days after the most recent vote has been cast, or 7 days after the Call was made, whichever comes first, as long as there is a majority opinion reached on the matter. VIEW
Create a new rule on the Structural Sphere, numbered as the lowest available triangluar number on that sphere, entitled "Marsupials" and consisting for the following YODA-delimited text. YODA 1. There exists a class of Thingies called Marsupials. Marsupials are ownable thingies. 2. There exists a class of Marsupials known as Koalas. 3. There exists a class of Marsupials known as Wombats. 4. Whenever a Proposal is placed in the Proposal Queue, each player shall have N+1 Koalas, where N is the number of souls the player possesses, created in her possession. 5. Whenever a Proposal is removed from the Queue, for each vote a Player cast, one Wombat is created in her possession. 6. Whenever a player is in possesion of both Wombats and Koalas, one of each is destroyed. YODA [Yes, there are problems, most problematic is the 'counting down' aspect of eliminating 'debt'. Oops did I just imply currency?]
This Proposal Depends on Proposal 131. Create a new rule on the Structural Sphere, entitled "Collections" and consisting of the following PASTDUE-delimited text. PASTDUE Players in possession of Wombats will find that the burrowing action of their Marsupials prevents them from moving to another Location. PASTDUE
#vote 133 1000 #bonusvote 133 y #tammany 133 y 1000 #amberbanna 133 y #playerbribe 133 y 1000 Create a new rule with the following text: The Fuzzy Red Pineapple (FRP) is a unique thingy. Despite its name it is neither red nor a pineapple. The Fuzzy Abstract of the Red Pineapple (FARP) is a document that describes what the Fuzzy Red Pineapple is not. The owner of the Fuzzy Red Pineapple may add one sentence to the FARP as a public action after which the FRP is randomly redistributed to a player other than its current owner. Additional sentences must be consistent with this rule and the rest of the FARP. The FRP may not modify any sphere inside the Harfy one. The FRP is transfered to a random player who voted either yes or no on this proposal, after which this sentence is cut up into little bits, ground into a fine powder, injected into a black hole and removed from this rule and then all players past and future are required to forget that this sentence ever exited.
Someone Else's Brillance is a unique thingy. The owner of Someone Else's Brillance may define what it will do when it kicks-in, at which point it will transfer to someone else. Any player may, due to an unfortunate typo in this rule, cause Someone Else's Brillance to kick-em. Players are encouraged to marvel at Someone Else's Brillance.
Amend Rule S1 by replacing "Note that such players cannot make proposals of vote, since these require influencing entities on the Living Sphere." with "Note that such players cannot make proposals or vote, since these require influencing entities on the Living Sphere." [Changes of to or] also Amend Rule S666 by replacing "Wraiths may not vote on Proposals, change location, or indeed take any game action besides voting during a fiddling contest or accepting a soul from another player who in Texas." with " Wraiths may not vote on Proposals, change location, or indeed take any game action besides voting during a fiddling contest or accepting a soul from another player who is in Texas." [Replaces who in Texas with who is in Texas]
Create a new rule with this text: " If, at the time of the distribution of the proposal which created this rule, there did, in fact, exist, a player whose whose name, soul, nickname, handle, etc. was, at any time in the history of this game, substantially similar to "snowgod", then said player shall receive enough entities, thingies, points, stuff, etc. as appropriate, to achieve a winning condition. Said player should, but is not required, to compose a sonnet praising said player's greatness within 3 days of this occurring. " Then repeal all rules created by this proposal.
This is a kernel proposal. Section IV in Rule S15 is replaced by the following HOUSE_OF_REPRESENTATIVES-delimited text: HOUSE_OF_REPRESENTATIVES "Each player has one vote, plus .5 vote for each soul e owns and 1/2 vote for each soul e has in eir possession at the beginning of the voting period." HOUSE_OF_REPRESENTATIVES [I know, I know, Kernel Porposal #101, but I think a representative form of voting might end up being rather interesting. And this way, it just might work]
Create rule S1000, "The Catalyst" with the following text: " In the name of progress and the hopes of restarting Ackanomic, the following enticements are offered to active players: Anytime a proposal is accepted or rejected, its proposer receives 5 points. Anytime a proposal is accepted or rejected, each player who voted on it receives one point. If a player posts a message not in response to another message, to which three other players respond, either directly or indirectly, then that player receives one point upon publicly noting this, providing e has not received a point because of this sentence in the preceding 24 hours. These points are in addition to any other rewards or penalties players may receive. One month after being created, this rule is automatically repealed. "