Some informal games of Ghost were played on IRC.

Game 1, February 23, 1997. Players:
1. Malenkai
2. Strider
3. IdiotBoy

Malenkai played j
Strider played jo
IdiotBoy played joi
Malenkai played joic
Strider played ejoic
IdiotBoy played rejoic
Malenkai played rejoici
Strider played rejoicin
IdiotBoy resigned

Strider played s
IdiotBoy played es
Malenkai played zes
Strider played azes
IdiotBoy played azest
Malenkai challenged (no word contains azest)
IdiotBoy couldn't name a word.

IdiotBoy played y
Malenkai played zy
Strider played zyg
IdiotBoy played zygo
Malenkai played zygot
Strider played zygoti
IdiotBoy played zygotin
Malenkai challenged (no word contains zygotin)
IdiotBoy tried zygoting, which is not a word.

Malenkai played v
Strider played av
IdiotBoy played ave
Malenkai played aven
Strider played aveng
IdiotBoy played avengi
Malenkai played avengin
Strider played avenging
IdiotBoy challenged (avenging is a word) (it is)

Game 2, February 23, 1997.
1. /dev/joe
2. fnord
3. IdiotBoy
4. Malenkai
5. Strider

This time, the game was played by the traditional rules; each loss gets you a letter in the word GHOST until it is completed -- then you are knocked out of the game.

/dev/joe played x
fnord played ax
IdiotBoy played axe
Malenkai played faxe
Strider played faxen
/dev/joe challenged faxen (not in a word)
Strider couldn't name a word and got a G.

fnord played w
IdiotBoy played we
Malenkai played wet
Strider played wett
/dev/joe played wette
fnord played wettes
IdiotBoy played wettest
Malenkai challenged (wettest is a word) (it is)
IdiotBoy got a G.

IdiotBoy played p
Malenkai played pt
Strider played pte
/dev/joe played pter
fnord played opter
IdiotBoy played opters
Malenkai played copters (note, is a word, but wasn't challenged)
Strider played icopters
/dev/joe played licopters
fnord played elicopters
IdiotBoy played helicopters, getting a GH

Malenkai played d
Strider played da
/dev/joe played dam
fnord played ndam
IdiotBoy played andam
Malenkai challenged (not in a word)
IdiotBoy named grandame, which is a word.
Malenkai got a G.

Strider played q
/dev/joe played qa
fnord played qat
IdiotBoy played qats
Malenkai challenged (qats is a word) (it is)
IdiotBoy got a GHO, and left the game.

/dev/joe played y
fnord played gy
Malenkai played ygy
Strider played zygy
/dev/joe played yzygy
fnord challenged (not in a word)
/dev/joe named syzygy, which is a word
fnord got a G.

fnord played k
Malenkai played kk
Strider played kko
/dev/joe played ckko
fnord played ockko
Malenkai played lockko
Strider played clockko
/dev/joe challenged (not in a word)
Strider couldn't name a word, and got a GH.

Malenkai played e
Strider played re
/dev/joe played cre
fnord played crea
Malenkai played ecrea
Strider played ecreat
/dev/joe played ecreate
fnord played ecreated
Malenkai resigned, getting a GH

Strider played q
/dev/joe played nq
fnord played inq
Malenkai played inqu
Strider played inqui
/dev/joe played inquir
fnord played inquiri
Malenkai played inquirin
Strider played inquiring, getting a GHO

/dev/joe played f
fnord played fi
Malenkai played fin
Strider played fing
/dev/joe played finge
fnord played afinge
Malenkai challenged (not in a word)
fnord tried strafinger, which is not a word, getting a GH.

fnord played d
Malenkai played dd
Strider played add
/dev/joe played wadd
fnord played wadde
Malenkai played twadde
Strider played etwadde
/dev/joe challenged (not in a word)
Strider couldn't name a word, getting a GHOS.

Malenkai played b
Strider played bb
/dev/joe played abb
fnord played abbl
Malenkai played abble
Strider played abbler
/dev/joe played rabbler
fnord challenged, apparently that it was not in a word, but there was some confusion. /dev/joe named scrabbler, which is a word, but rabbler is also a word, and /dev/joe decided to take the letter (G) to settle it.

Strider played p
/dev/joe played ph
fnord played eph
Malenkai played epho
Strider played ephor
/dev/joe played ephori
fnord challenged (not in a word)
/dev/joe could not name a word, getting a GH.

/dev/joe played w
fnord played wi
Malenkai played wiz
Strider played wize
/dev/joe played wizer
fnord played owizer
Malenkai challenged (not in a word)
fnord tried howizer, which is not a word (howitzer is), getting a GHO.

fnord played u
Malenkai played su
Strider played sur
/dev/joe played nsur
fnord played nsura
Malenkai played insura
Strider played insuran
/dev/joe played insuranc
fnord resigned, getting a GHOS.

Malenkai played h
Strider played gh
/dev/joe played gho
fnord played ghou
Malenkai played ghout
Strider played ghouth
/dev/joe challenged (not in a word)
Strider couldn't name a word, getting a GHOST to eliminate him.

/dev/joe played r
fnord played ru
Malenkai played rus
/dev/joe played brus
fnord played brusq
Malenkai played brusqu
/dev/joe played nbrusqu
fnord challenged (not in a word)
/dev/joe tried unbrusque, which is not a word, getting a GHO.

fnord played l
Malenkai played dl
/dev/joe played idl
fnord played idla
Malenkai played midla
/dev/joe played midlan
fnord challenged (not in a word)
/dev/joe named midland, which is a word.
fnord got a GHOST, eliminating him.

Malenkai played m
/dev/joe played mm
Malenkai played umm
/dev/joe played ummi
Malenkai played ummie
/dev/joe played dummie
Malenkai challenged (not in a word)
/dev/joe named dummied, which is a word
Malenkai got a GHO.

/dev/joe played w
Malenkai played wh
/dev/joe played wha
Malenkai played whac
/dev/joe resigned, getting a GHOS.

Malenkai played t
/dev/joe played ti
Malenkai played tin
/dev/joe played tino
Malenkai played tinom
/dev/joe challenged (not in a word)
Malenkai named antinomic, which is a word, to even his surprise
/dev/joe got a GHOST, eliminating him, and Malenkai won.