Ghost is a game on the Games & Contests page
The first game of Ghost
Referee: /dev/joe
1. Malenkai
2. Guy Fawkes
3. ThinMan
4. snowgod
5. breadbox
The game, and Malenkai's turn, began at Nov 13, 17:18 EST
Malenkai played h at Nov 13, 22:52 EST
Guy Fawkes played dh at Nov 14, 08:34 EST
ThinMan played adh at Nov 14, 12:38 EST
snowgod played adhe at Nov 14, 20:12 EST
breadbox played adhea at Nov 15, 01:39 EST
breadbox resigned at Nov 15, 11:01 EST
Malenkai played adheat at Nov 16, 17:51 EST
Guy Fawkes protested adheat (not found within a word) at Nov 16, 23:48 EST
Malenkai resigned at Nov 16, 23:59 EST
Guy Fawkes played n at Nov 17, 13:27 EST
ThinMan played mn at Nov 18, 09:16 EST
snowgod played mne at Nov 18, 22:05 EST
Guy Fawkes played mnem at Nov 19, 10:10 EST
ThinMan played amnem at Nov 19, 14:57 EST
snowgod failed to play (and thus is considered to have resigned).
Guy Fawkes protested amnem at Nov 24, 08:59 EST
ThinMan failed to respond to the protest, and was removed from the game,
leaving Guy Fawkes the winner (scoring 5 points) at Nov 27, 08:59 EST
Robert Sevin played q at Dec 26, 17:32 EST
snowgod played qa at Dec 26, 21:28
Techno withdrew at Dec 29, 15:03
Jammer played qat at Dec 29, 17:39
breadbox challenged (not in a word) at Dec 30, 15:19
Jammer named qatari, which is not in the official dictionaries, and was
removed from the game.
breadbox played t at Dec 30, 19:56
Lestrade played ti at Dec 31, 02:03
Robert Sevin played yti at Dec 31, 21:15
snowgod played nyti at Jan 1, 1997, 00:36 EST
breadbox played nytim at Jan 2, 15:55
Lestrade resigned at Jan 2, 22:02
Robert Sevin played anytim at Jan 3, 12:28
snowgod resigned at Jan 4, 14:07
breadbox played manytim at Jan 5, 12:03
Robert Sevin challenged (not in a word) at Jan 5, 14:41
breadbox named manytimes, which is not in the official dictionaries,
eliminating him, and making Robert Sevin the winner at Jan 6, 20:22.
Narf played g at Feb 21, 14:19
ThinMan played gh at Feb 21, 14:23
/dev/joe played gho at Feb 21, 15:08
IdiotBoy played ghou at Feb 21, 15:28
fnord played ughou at Feb 21, 18:05
breadbox challenged (not in a word)
fnord named roughouse, which is not in the official dictionaries
(roughhouse is), eliminating him at Feb 22, 08:54
snowgod played w at Feb 22, 13:36
mr cwm played wr at Feb 22, 19:15
Mohammed played awr at Feb 22, 23:38
Narf played awri at Feb 22, 23:52
ThinMan challenged (not in a word) at Feb 24, 11:28
Narf named seawright, which is not in the dictionary, removing Narf
from the game at Feb 25, 8:59.
/dev/joe played z at Feb 25, 15:40
IdiotBoy played iz at Feb 25, 18:44
breadbox played izi at Feb 26, 00:33
snowgod withdrew at Feb 26, 02:44
mr cwm played e at Feb 26, 18:50
Mohammed played eu at Feb 26, 19:37
ThinMan played neu at Feb 27, 10:42
/dev/joe played neur at Feb 27, 14:13
IdiotBoy played neuro at Feb 27, 17:10
breadbox played neuros at Feb 28, 04:24
mr cwm played neurosu at Feb 28, 11:12
Mohammed played neurosur at Feb 28, 15:25
ThinMan played neurosurg at Feb 28, 15:34
/dev/joe played neurosurge at Feb 28, 16:07
IdiotBoy played neurosurgeo at Feb 28, 16:31
breadbox resigned at Feb 28, 16:42
mr cwm played m at Feb 28, 17:25
Mohammed played mv at Feb 28, 23:15
ThinMan player umv at Mar 3, 09:36
/dev/joe played umvi at Mar 3, 11:52
IdiotBoy played cumvi at Mar 3, 12:21
mr cwm played rcumvi at Mar 3, 17:21
Mohammed challenged (not in a word) at Mar 3, 17:35
mr cwm tried circumvine at Mar 3, 18:19
Malenkai reported that circumvine is not in the official dictionary at
Mar 3, 18:40, eliminating mr cwm
ThinMan played q at Mar 4, 08:10
/dev/joe played xq at Mar 4, 10:53
IdiotBoy played exq at Mar 4, 12:18
Mohammed played exqu at Mar 4, 16:08
ThinMan played exqua at Mar 4, 21:23
/dev/joe challenged (not in a word) at Mar 4, 22:36
ThinMan tried exquataran at Mar 5, 08:19
Malenkai reported that exquataran is not in the official dictionary at
Mar 5, 09:03, eliminating ThinMan
IdiotBoy played f at Mar 5, 09:16
Mohammed played df at Mar 5, 13:55
/dev/joe played ndf at Mar 5, 14:48
IdiotBoy played ndfe at Mar 5, 15:01
Mohammed challenged (not in a word) at Mar 6, 06:21
IdiotBoy tried handfed at Mar 6, 08:22
Malenkai reported that handfed was not in the official dictionary, apparently
at Mar 6, 09:35, eliminating IdiotBoy
/dev/joe played o at Mar 6, 12:57
Mohammed played on at Mar 6, 18:02
/dev/joe played zon at Mar 6, 20:34
Mohammed played zona at Mar 8, 06:43
/dev/joe played azona at Mar 8, 14:42
Mohammed challenged (not in a word) at Mar 10, 14:26
/dev/joe tried azonal at Mar 11, 17:59
Malenkai reported that azonal is in the official dictionary, apparently
at Mar 11, 21:12, eliminating Mohammed. /dev/joe wins the game.