Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) - Wed, 21 May 1997 21:17:56 -0600 (MDT)
I will draw up the following contract:

Alfvaen shall obey the wishes of the owner of this contract with regard to performing the Acid Rain Dance. In other words, he shall perform said dance if the owner of the contract requests him to(once only), and he shall refrain from performing it under any other circumstances.

I then sign this contract

Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) - Wed, 21 May 1997 22:45:01 -0600 (MDT)
I now create a contract, which I entitle The Acid Rain Contract Take 2, whose text is the following:

Alfvaen shall obey the wishes of the owner of the Brass Umbrella with regard to performing the Acid Rain Dance. In other words, he shall perform said dance if the owner of the Brass Umbrella publicly requests him to(once only), and he shall refrain from performing it under any other circumstances.

Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) - Fri, 30 May 1997 10:44:44 -0600 (MDT)
As they are no longer of any use, and as I am the only signatory, I hereby destroy both of the Acid Rain contracts I created(to which there was no mechanism to grant names, but since I've only created two contracts, and they both involved the Acid Rain Dance, I think it should be clear which ones I mean).

Bascule (Matt Black) - Mon, 2 Jun 1997 01:30:41 +0100
I am creating a contract, with the following text:

Bascule must give A$10 to Alfvaen

I am signing this contract.

I am creating a contract, with the following text:

Bascule must not give any A$ to Alfvaen

I am signing this contract.

Mohammed (Jason Orendorff) - Fri, 6 Jun 1997 05:36:36 -0500 (CDT)
I am writing a contract that reads:

Whosoever giveth this contract back to me, and upon so doing, giveth me also a postal address somewhere on the Earth, shall be entitled to receive from me one (1) postcard at that address, sent by myself no more than ten days after receiving the address; and at the time the postcard is sent, this contract shall be destroyed.

I am signing this contract with a large pirate flag flourish and promise to keep the spirit of it even if the wording is iffy. (It's laaate.)

Mohammed then buried the contract.

Alfvaen found this contract on Jun 30.

Alfvaen returned this contract to Mohammed on Jul 12.

Red Barn (Daniel Knapp) - Mon, 9 Jun 1997 09:48:55 -0400 (EDT)
Ooh! I am creating however many contracts it was as ties... there is, to my knowledge, no price on a contract :). The contracts will have the same names as the ties would've (Did? Do?). The texts will be:
"No signers of this contract will destroy this contract or give it to a player who has not signed it. X", where X is the description of the corresponding tie.
I am signing all of my ties...

Antimatter (Ross Morgan-Linial) - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 21:46:54 -0800
I am creating a contract called the Silver Shovel Contract, which reads as follows:

The holder of the Silver Shovel is bound by these restrictions:
E may not destroy, or allow the destruction of, the Silver Shovel.
E may not destroy, or allow the destruction of, the Silver Shovel Contract.
E may not give the Silver Shovel to a player who has not signed the Silver Shovel Contract, or bury it with a map that allows it to be found by a player who has not signed the Silver Shovel Contract.
E may not hold onto the Silver Shovel for more than one week.

I am signing the Silver Shovel contract.

two-star (Alexandre Muniz) - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 23:46:25 -0700
If it is legal for me to do so, I am signing the silver shovel contract.

Mr. Lunatic Fringe (Phil Ackley) - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 10:54:15 -0900
I hereby create a contract that reads

If will repay to the highest bidder in the auction for the widget of yendor a sum of A$100 as soon as possible after I recieve payment, so long as the price paid for the widget is less than or equal to A$500.

I name this contract "Bob" if it needs a name. I sign it. Others are encouraged to sign too (Boy, could that drive prices up)

Mr. Lunatic Fringe

Who meant t call an auction for A$150

Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) - Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:52:50 -0600 (MDT)
Oh, yes, forgot about this. I am signing the Postcard Contract that Mohammed buried as part of his Treasure(I don't think I need to, but what the heck)and giving it back to him, pending his ack. A postal address somewhere on the Earth will be coming privately.

I am signing the Silver Shovel Contract.

I am also signing Red Barn's "Tie" Contract #24601. (Does the Oscar allow one to do anything that one wouldn't be able to do otherwise?)

Mr. Lunatic Fringe (Phil Ackley) - Wed, 16 Jul 1997 20:43:08 -0900
I am creating a contract (which I will call the you can't bury land contract) with the following text:

The creator of this contract agrees to give 2 kaa of unocupied land to the person who finds the buried treasure containing this contract. This contract will expire after its conditions have been fulfilled once.

I am signing this contract.

Now I'm burying the You can't bury land contract as treasure, ands revealing the following portion of the map:

"Someone's going to die! Whodonit?"