Ackanomic Player Scores

See also the pointlog for cycle 5.

The Magic Number is 257

Scores at 00:34:39 EDT August 19, 1996, when Malenkai won cycle 5.

Score	Ackanomic Name   Status  Real Name
-----	--------------      ---  -------------
257	Malenkai             A   (Randy Hall) 
193	/dev/joe             A   (Joseph DeVincentis) 
84	this is not a name   A   (Mike Epstein) 
79	Techno               A   (Jerome Herrman) 
75	ThinMan              A   (John Bollinger) 
68	Niccolo Flychuck     A   (Uri Bruck) 
40	Habeous Corpus       A   (Ed Graham)
39	Bascule              A   (Matt Black) 
34	mr cwm               A   (Eric Murray) 
32	Robin Hood           A   (R Shaw) 
20	Brinjal              A   (Simon Clarke) 
15	Mellon              IV   (Niklas Mellin)
14	snowgod              A   (Phil Ackley) 
8	De'ghew              V   (John Spickes) 
-2	Geezer               A   (David Chapman)
-3	fon                  V   (Adrian Smith) 
-3	Robert Sevin         V   (Mitchell Harding) 
-10	chess piece face     V   (Paul Swan) 
-17	Wayne                A   (Wayne Sheppard) 
-20 [%]	Simon Marty Harriman D   (Andy Swan) 
-24	Pascal               A   (Jason Reed) 
-33	Calvin N Hobbes     IV   (Thierry Joffrain)

Status: A=Active, N=New, V=Vacationing, IV=Involuntary Vacation, D=Dead

Scores from bond cycles:
(Score5) Aug 5, 18:25 EDT (end of a bond cycle)
(Score22) Jul 22, 18:25 EDT (¤õ_$_ÁŸ­2›˘­2›˘­2_d_____ˆõ__‰õ____¤õ_"
_]š2Ł\®2Ł\®2_d_____Śô__§ô__¨ô____¤õ_’__bZš2R¸2R¸2_d_____žö__żö__Àö__Áö__Âö__Ãö____¤õ_^a_H=ˇ2ù~®2ù~®2_d___4_™õ__šõ__›õ__œõ__õ__žõ__Ÿõ__ õ__Ąõ__˘õ__Łõ__¤õ__Ľõ____¤õ_´__"ì¸2LΡ2LΡ2_d_____Iï__Jï__Kï__Lï__Mï__Nï____¤õ_Ÿ__–_š2Ś=Ż2Ś=Ż2_d____æõ____¤õ_ûü¸2ÿ=Ż2ÿ=Ż2_d_____éõ__êõ____¤õ_
™_{9š2Q5ˇ2Q5ˇ2_d___P_ëõ__ìõ__íõ__îõ__ïõ__ðõ__ñõ__òõ__óõ__ôõ__õõ__öõ__÷õ____ -3 -3 0 Robert Sevin V (Mitchell Harding) -10 0 0 chess piece face V (Paul Swan) -24 -43 -41 Wayne A (Wayne Sheppard) -24 -24 -20 Pascal I (Jason Reed) -33 -23 -19 Calvin N Hobbes I (Thierry Joffrain) 10 [%] 10 14 Mohammed D (Jason Orendorff) 41 [%] 37 0 Kelly Martin D (Kelly Martin) 36 [%] 36 12 pTang1001001sos D (Mark Nau) -4 [%] -4 0 The Great Old One D (Sean Crystal) Status: A=Active, N=New, V=Vacationing, I=Involuntary Vacation, D=Dead

[%] Score when some players left the game. See undeads page.

Gnome Log:
starting at prop 958, Wayne was Gnome Buddy.
Wayne *could* have made P975 pass w/ the gnome's vote
P983: auto-gnome passes
P993, 996, 1000, 1001: Wayne voted no, gnome must vote no. still fails.
P1002: Wayne voted no, gnome must vote no. proposal fails 9-5 instead of passing 10-4.
P1003, 1009, 1010, 1012: Wayne voted no, gnome must vote no. still fails.
P1015: after this one, snowgod became the gnome buddy.
Jul 28 20:00 EDT: snowgod went below -60; Wayne became gnome buddy. (between P1024-1025)
P1025: Wayne voted yes, gnome must vote yes. still passes.
P1036: Wayne's score increased to -32, CNH becomes gnome buddy with -33 points.

Page by: Joseph DeVincentis.
Last Updated Wednesday, February 25, 1998