Ackanomic Player Scores - End Of Cycle 21

See also the pointlog for Cycle 21.

K 2 won July 18, 1998 04:08 EDT by Rule 1319.2. The Magic Number was 503.

Final Scores:

Score   Ackanomic Name     Status Real Name
-----   --------------       1234 -------------
167     K 2                   V   (Kelly Kelly)
99      JT                    V   (JT Traub)
96      Alfvaen               V   (Aaron Humphrey)
43      else...if             V   (Henry Towsner)
42      /dev/joe              V   (Joseph DeVincentis)
29      Ethelred              V   (David Kenning)
28      Slakko               VI   (Duncan Richer)
25      Horny Protoceratops  VI   (Jack Rudd)
20      Wild Card             V   (Jonathan David Amery)
16      rufus                 V   (David Scheidt)
16      The Wages of Sin      V   (John McCoy)
11      breadbox              V   (Brian Raiter)
7       Joe Java             VI   (Joel Ricker)
3       Attila the Pun        V   (Micah Smukler)
1       Ayla                 VI   (Raquel Peres da Silva)
1       Goldenmean            N   (Joshua Herreshoff)
1       Rex Mundi             Vg  (Gavin Doig)
1       Robert Sevin          N   (Mitchell Harding)
1       Zaknafein Dourden    PV   (John Clougherty)
-3      867-5309              V   (Eric Plumb)
-5      IdiotBoy              V   (Matt Miller)
-8      Mr. Tambourine Man   VI   (Tom Walmsley)
-20     Fortunato             N   (Aaron Keesler)
-25     J. M. Bear            V   (Frank Schmidt)
-25     Niccolo Flychuck      V   (Uri Bruck)
-29     Calvin N Hobbes       V   (Thierry Joffrain)
-34     Koxvolio              N   (Ian Koxvold)
-34     two-star              V   (Alexandre Muniz)
-37     ThinMan               V   (John Bollinger)
0       Karma                nii  (Jordan James)
0       saaremaa              i   (Randy Hall)
0       The Mu-Cow Hunter     i   (Larry)

Status: (note new abbreviations!)
Column 1: P="Pending" (for Voting players)
Column 1: As below (for Inactive players' former state)
Column 2: V=Voting, N=Non-voting, I=Inactive, i=On Ice, D=Non-Player
Other columns: g=Chartreuse Goose, i=Involuntary (last inactivity)

Point Log for this cycle

Page by: Aaron Humphrey, Duncan Richer.
Last Updated Saturday, August 01, 1998