See also the pointlog for cycle 17.
Slakko won Jan 28 17:39 EST by the Hidden Agenda rule.
Final Scores:
Score Ackanomic Name Status Real Name ----- -------------- 1234 ------------- 211 Alfvaen A (Aaron Humphrey) 210 Slakko A (Duncan Richer) 192 K 2 A (Kelly Kelly) 149 Balsamic Dragon A (Vivian Norwood) 146 The Gingham Wearer A (Tom Walmsley) 142 Malenkai A (Randy Hall) 135 Vynd A (John McCoy) 126 ThinMan A (John Bollinger) 115 Niccolo Flychuck A (Uri Bruck) 98 Slagothor A (Eric Plumb) 90 Fortunato A (Aaron Keesler) 74 /dev/joe A (Joseph DeVincentis) 71 breadbox A (Brian Raiter) 69 Crackfoo A (Jerome Herrman) 66 Red Barn A (Daniel Knapp) 64 Calvin N Hobbes A (Thierry Joffrain) 50 rufus A (David Scheidt) 41 Goldenmean A (Joshua Herreshoff) 35 two-star A (Alexandre Muniz) 34 Robert Sevin N (Mitchell Harding) 29 Bill the pirate king A (Aaron Shapiro) 18 else...if A (Henry Towsner) 17 Rex Mundi A (Gavin Doig) 2 Karma N (Jordan James) 2 Michael Wren AIi (Tom Warmbrodt) 1 Device NP (Dave Mackenzie) 1 Hoover 2300 NP (Kent Stadler) 52 Archie Leach D (T. Miller) 37 norpan D (Martin Norbäck) 36 Voting Gnome D (Ed Graham) 1 Antimatter D (Ross Morgan-Linial) 0 Murphy D (Ed Murphy) -3 mr cwm D (Eric Murray) Status: Column 1: N=New R=Returning (for Pending players) Column 1: N=New R=Returning A=Active n=Non-voting (for Vacationing players) Column 2: A=Active, P=Pending, N=Non-voting, V=Vacation, I=On Ice, D=Dead Other columns: g=Chartreuse Goose, i=Involuntary (last put-on-vacation)
Page by: Aaron Humphrey.
Last Updated Monday, March 02, 1998