Proposal 501- Tue Mar 19 19:43:27 EST 1996
Changing Your Score
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423
Any active player may change thier score to any integer amount from -59 to 20, inclusive by notifying the Scorekeepor. The score change will be effective as soon as the Scorekeepor announces it to the public forum.

This rule shall repeal itself if one of the following Rules is amended or repealed: Rules 355 and 423.

Proposal 502 - Tue Mar 19 19:47:10 EST 1996
Changing Your Score
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Any active player may change thier score to any integer amount from -59 to 20, inclusive by notifying the Scorekeepor. The score change will be effective as soon as the Scorekeepor announces it to the public forum.

This rule shall repeal itself if one of the following Rules is amended, repealed or doesn't exist: Rules 339, 355 and 423.

Proposal 503- Tue Mar 19 20:26:51 EST 1996
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

A Proposal shall be any collection of text that is designated as a Proposal. Proposals shall only be valid if they are distributed by the Promoter.

The validity of a proposal shall only be considered if and when the proposal passes. If the proposal is deemed invalid, then it shall not have any effect on the game.

Proposal 504 - Wed Mar 20 01:41:36 EST 1996
The President of Ackanomia
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

A new position will be created called the President of Ackanomia.

The President will be elected by all players for a period of 8 weeks. A president may re-run for office as many times as desired. The winner is the person with the most votes after 3 days of voting. A quorum is not required. If there is a tie, the vote is to be retaken in the same manner until the deadlock is resolved. Other candidates may join in, current may drop out every time the election is restarted.

Candidates for the position must either be the official leader of their political party (if such things exist) by whatever method is used in that party, or a non-aligned candidate officially supported by at least two other non-aligned players. If a party has no official leader, they are considered to independent. If no party leader of a party, or more than one, is registered with the Speaker, then all members of that party will be considered non-aligned.

The President can resign from his/her position.

Proposal 505 - Wed Mar 20 01:42:22 EST 1996
There Can Be Only One
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

There can only be a maximum of one of the following things, whether they exist or not:
Official currency
Financial Market

Neither can there ever be two jobs with the same name.

Proposal 506 - Wed Mar 20 01:43:00 EST 1996
Good Work Needs Pay
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

Every week during which there exists an official currency in Acka then the people holding the following jobs will get a salary. If the job does not exist then no one will be paid for it. If one person has more than one job, he/she will earn the total income for all the positions, up to and including 100 units per week in total.

President: 30 units per week.
Speaker: 30 units per week.
Senator: 25 units per week.
Justice: 25 units per week.

Any other job defined by the rules will earn 20 units per week, unless the pay for that job is defined explicitly in a rule.

Proposal 507 - Wed Mar 20 01:43:45 EST 1996
The Supreme Court of Ackanomia
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

A new entity will be created called the Supreme Court. It will be composed of two players (called Justices) who are neither President, Speaker, Senator or already Justice. They are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Should the Senate not agree on a candidate, then the President must propose another person until the Senate agrees or the Senate has already rejected three candidates.

Once a justice, a player can never be voted out or kicked of office by any other entity, except by a petition of at least two thirds the number of players. A justice can resign.

Should there not exist either/all of the above mentioned position (president, speaker, senator) then this rule becomes dormant until there are.

Proposal 508 - Wed Mar 20 01:44:17 EST 1996
Justices Rock
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

The players that are also Justices (should the position exist) that is, members of the Supreme Court, have the following powers, provided all agree to use it and how to use it, on the one instance.

They may nullify a decision made by the President.
They may nullify a decision made by the Senate.
They may nullify a previous decision made by the Supreme Court.

The decision must be made public by an Act Of Justice (AOJ) in which they give a statement on what decision is being nullified, and an explanation as to why. The AOJ must be published with the names of all the justices at the end, with the phrase "verified and agreed" before each of their names. As soon as it is made public, it is in effect and cannot be overturned except by another AOJ.

This rule stays dormant if Justices do not exists, until they do. If either/both the Senate and president do not exist, then Justices cannot use their first two powers.

Proposal 509 - Wed Mar 20 01:44:45 EST 1996
Title: Justices + Senators = Better!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

A committee called the Oversight Committee (OC) will be made up of all the Justices plus two members of Senate. The OC will be able to correct the spelling of the rules as they see fit. Furthermore, if two rules are in conflict on one/many points, they may reconcile this problem by giving one rule precedence over another.

All actions by the OC require agreement of 75% of it members in a vote. The action must be put forward as an Act of Justice (AOJ). This specific AOJ must be approved by the President, and the approval/rejection does not count as a Presidential decision that can be nullified (should the Supreme court have that power).

If the OC cannot agree on (i) which rule should take precedence over another, (ii) until they do make an AOJ, (iii) or if an AOJ is repealed, then other rules and tradition will be used.

If there are not enough/any Justices/Senators/President/Speaker then this rule is dormant until there are. Same if either the Senate/Supreme Courts do not exist.

Proposal 510 - Wed Mar 20 01:45:21 EST 1996
Tools I
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

No player may use more units of currency to buy, trade, give or in any way move out of his account, than there is in his/her account at that moment in time.

If there is no currency then this rule stays dormant until there are.

Proposal 511 - Wed Mar 20 01:45:59 EST 1996
Tools II
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

If a player is in debt, then he/she cannot buy assets nor anything else, neither exchange nor trade nor give anything. However, that player continues to earn currencies from jobs, yields, interests, donations, selling financial goods for currency.

If no currency or good exist, then this rule is dormant until there are.

Proposal 512 - Wed Mar 20 01:46:25 EST 1996
Tools III
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

If a player leaves the game, then all his assets are destroyed. If the player was in debt, the account is returned to zero and canceled. All assets related to that player which cannot be destroyed are taken by the person responsible for the supervision of assets, and frozen.

If the player later wishes to re-enter, he/she may reclaim any frozen assets as heritage. If the player's name is not the same, then any assets which depends on this will be updated. The player will be given 10 units of the official currency to open a new account.

If there is no official currency, accounts, person in charge of assets (explicitly or implictly) then this rule will stay dormant until there is.

Proposal 513 - Wed Mar 20 01:46:55 EST 1996
Tools IV
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

If a player or any entity makes a loan to a player or another entity, then the recipient is expected to pay back the loan in full according to the details of the accord. There may be an interest rate or fee associated with the loan, but the total amount of interest+fee paid by the recipient can never exceed 10% of the value of the original loan.

If a player leaves the game while still having a loan, his/her destroyable assets are shared between creditors proportionally to the amount still being owed to them instead of being destroyed. If there are none, then the creditors get nothing back.

Proposal 514 - Wed Mar 20 14:14:13 EST 1996
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Accepted

A Proposal to create a new Rule which will read, in whole:
(i) A Contract is formed when two or more Players each inform the appropriate Officer of their intent to form a Contract among themselves. The Contract is considered to exist at such time as the appropriate Officer has recieved indentical copies of the proposed Contract from each Player involved along with each Player's consent to abide by the Contract. (ii) A Contract is Enforcable iff the behaviours it regulates are among the following list: a) The transfer of currency from Player to Player
b) A vote of YES or NO on one or more Proposals by Player
c) The transfer of an Ackanomic entity (iii) A Contract is not Enforcable if any behaviour it regulates violates any of the rules. (iv) A Contract ceases to exist immediately upon being non-Enforcable. (v) A Player may call for the enforcement of a behaviour regulated by an Enforcable Contract. In such a case, it is the duty of the appropriate Officers to see to it that the Contract is enforced. The result of a vote may be altered by the enforcement of a Contract that was in existance before the announcement of the results of said vote. (vi) At any such time as all involved Players inform the appropriate Officer of their unanimous intent to sever a Contract, it immediately becomes non-Enforcable.

Proposal 515 - Thu Mar 21 09:35:47 EST 1996
Amend 383 - Clearing up this names business
Dr McSpong (Julian Richardson)
Decision: forgotten about -- held up in revision for weeks.

Amend rule 383, replacing the words "twenty alphanumeric characters" by:

"twenty characters. Only the following characters are permissible in Official Ackanomic Names: the upper and lower case letters of the English alphabet, the digits 0-9, and the space character."

[Note: if you think you have a good reason for having a name which does not meet these simple criteria, you can of course submit a proposal allowing it.]

Proposal 516 - Sat Mar 23 4:00am CST 1996
I'm Just a Bill
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Accepted

A Proposal to create a new Rule which will read, in whole:
(i) A Proposal is any collection of text, designated as a Proposal, submitted in the proper manner. All Proposals are valid. The term "proposed rule change" is synonymous with the term "Proposal."

(ii) A Rule Change is a Proposal that has been adopted through the applicable process. An invalid Rule Change is eliminated instantly upon becoming a Rule Change, before it takes effect. The author of an invalid Rule Change is penalized 2 points.

Proposal 517 - Sat Mar 23 4:00am CST 1996
Elimination of polls/pollster
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

Rule 315 (polls/pollster) is hereby repealed.

Proposal 518 - Sat Mar 23 4:00am CST 1996
No two-faced politicians
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Any player who submits a Proposal in the proper way must vote Yes for that proposal within the alloted time. In fact, a Yes vote will automatically be registered for the Proposal upon proper submission on behalf of the submitting player, and the player will not be permitted to retract or change their vote.

Proposal 519 - Sat Mar 23 4:00am CST 1996
No sexist language
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Proposals will be written without sexist pronouns (e.g. he, she) and other sexist language unless it is explicitly intended by the author that the sex of the entities being referred to in the Proposal is relavent. This rule supercedes R362 to apply to all sexes.

Proposal 520 - Sun Mar 24 5:45pm CST 1996
Gaby (Gabriel Campos)
Decision: Rejected

Players which create an office with a proposal shall be deemed as taking providence over other players to that office. If proposing player refuses appointment, player shall be penalized 3.5 points. Office will then be chosen by the current Speaker.

This rule also accounts that as of this proposal, only players that do not have an office shall be eligible for office. For example, after this rule: Officers can't hold another office other than his current office(s). If the Speaker were to resign, the player would be eligible for another office. This rule spreads out responsibility to other players as well as letting current players to keep their offices. If a player has any number of offices other than 0, he is considered an officer. The curent offices are stated as the initial offices before this rule. As of this rule no player currently holding an office or offices can engage in more offices. In the event that a officer proposes a new office and is already an officer, that proposing player will appoint the office.

Proposal 521 - Sun Mar 24 10:00pm CST 1996
No Dead Observers Allowed
Robert Sevin(Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Once every two weeks (beginning the first Monday following the day that this rule goes into effect) the Registrar (or the Speaker, in the case that the Registrar doesn't exist) must send a message to each observer. The subject of the message must be of the form: "Ackanomic: Observer Renewal" (minor variations are allowed). In this message must be an explanation of why the message is being sent, and the following question: "Would you like to join the game as a player, would you like to remain in the game as an observer, or would you like to be removed from the game entirely?" The observer has two days to reply to the message. If the observer replies and says that they wish to join the game as a player, then the observer will begin the process of becoming a player as defined in other rules and game custom. If the observer replies and says that they wish to remain as an observer, they will remain as an observer. If the observer replies that they wish to be removed from the game, OR if the observer doesn't reply at all within the two day limit, OR if the observer replies to the message but does not answer the question, then the observer shall be officially removed from the game. Any observer who leaves the game may rejoin, following the standard rules and game custom for doing so, at any later time.

Proposal 522 - Sun Mar 24 10:15pm CST 1996
Absolute Reference Number
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Every rule shall have both an effective ordinal number and an absolute reference number (hereafter referred to as ARN). The ARN must be a positive integer.

All rules, at the time of the creation of this rule, already have effective ordinal numbers assigned to them, and there are rules that describe how to generate the effective ordinal number for any new or amended rule. The instant this rule is adopted and goes into effect, all currently existing rules will have an ARN assigned to them. The ARN for such rules will be the same as their effective ordinal number.

Whenever a new rule is created (by whatever means) it will be assigned an ARN. The ARN of the newly created rule will be identical to the effective ordinal number assigned to it. Whenever a rule is amended or transmuted, or modified in any way, it will retain its previous ARN. Any rule, when it is repealed, will retain its ARN.

No two rules may have the same ARN. If a case ever arises when a rule is to be assigned an ARN that is already assigned to a rule (or repealed rule), then the Speaker will select a different ARN and give it to the new rule. The Speaker must select an ARN that is not currently assigned to any rule (or repealed rule), and the Speaker will try and select an ARN that will not be assigned to any other rules in the future).

[The ARN will be helpful in organizing the Web Page as well as giving an absolute reference to any rule. Currently it is impossible to refer to a rule by number, because the effective ordinal number of the rule might change.]

Proposal 523 - Mon Mar 25 2:45pm CST 1996
Encouraging Really Good Rules
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Upon the passage of a proposal by unanimous vote, the author will receive double the number of points they would have received had the proposal passed non-unanimously, or 22 points, whichever amount is smaller. This rule applies to this rule.

Proposal 524 - Mon Mar 25 2:45pm CST 1996
Player Expulsion
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

The following procedure will be used for player expulsion:

1) Player X may Call for Judgement, following the proper
procedure for Calling for Judgement, that Player Y has
"Wantonly and destructively violated the rules and/or
Spirit of the Game", and present evidence to support this

2) A Judge is selected under the normal rules for selecting
a Judge, except that neither Player X nor Player Y may be 
selected as the Judge. If a Judge cannot be selected for any
reason, the CFJ is dropped.

3) The CFJ is responded to and adjudicated by following the
normal rules for responding to and adjudicating CFJs. Upon a
verdict of False or Undecided, Player X is penalized 30 points
and the charges are dropped.

4) Upon a verdict of True, Player X, and only Player X, has the
following options:
a) Drop the complaint
b) Call for a warning vote
c) Call for an expulsion vote 5) Upon selection of option a), the complaint is dropped with no further action. Upon selection of option b), a warning vote is called to "Warn Player Y of the offending behaviour". The normal procedures for voting are followed (with the exception that Player Y is excluded from the vote), and upon a unanimous Yes vote, Player Y is considered Warned, and a note of this fact is made by the Registrar in the appropriate document. 6) Upon selection of option c), an expulsion vote is called to expel Player Y. The normal procedures for voting are followed (with the exception that Player Y is excluded from the vote), and upon a unanimous Yes vote, Player Y is Expelled, and the Registrar will notify Player Y of this fact, and will notify Player Y of the Appeal Procedures. 7) Upon unsuccessful appeal by Player Y, the Registrar will handle the logistical details of removing Player Y from the game. 8) Appeal Procedures: Player Y has 3 days after notification of an affirmative Warning or Expulsion vote to claim they were "blackballed", and appeal, with any appropriate evidence. A CFJ is executed on that statement with the submitted evidence under the appropriate rules, except that neither Player X nor Player Y may be the Judge. Upon a verdict of True, all charges are dropped and removed from the record, otherwise the appeal is considered "unsuccessful".

Proposal 525 - Mon Mar 25 6:00pm CST 1996
Offices, Starting List of
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

(i) Each of the following Ackanomic entities, if it exists, is considered to be an Office: President, Senator, Justice, Financier, Promoter, Clerk of the Court, Publicist, Tabulator, Web-Harfer, Registrar, Pollster, Scorekeeper. Other entities may be Offices if so specified by the Rules.

(ii) Each of the following Ackanomic entities, if it exists, is considered to be a Functional Office: Promoter, Clerk of the Court, Publicist, Tabulator, Web-Harfer, Registrar, Pollster, Scorekeeper. Other entities may be Functional Offices if so specified by the Rules.

Proposal 526 - Mon Mar 25 6:00pm CST 1996
Offices, Commonalities
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

The following applies to all Offices:

(i) The Rule that creates an Office should specify how many players can hold that Office at any one time. This is referred to as the number of "Seats" an Office has. If the Rules fail to specify the number of Seats for any given Office, the Office has only one Seat. A Seat is either held by one Player or it is vacant.

(ii) The Duties of an Office are the tasks that the Officer(s) are expected to carry out to facilitate the conduct of Ackanomic business. Duties tend to be typified by the compilation, maintenance, and distribution of information.

(iii) The Privileges of an Office are the considerations the Officer(s) recieve according to the Rules regulating the Office. Examples can include the receipt of Ackanomic currency, the ability to cast extra votes in certain circumstance, or special consideration with regards to making appointments or issuing CFJ decisions.

(iv) The Rules may specify conditions under which a Player serves in an Office in an "Acting" capacity. In such a case, the Player is responsible for performing all of the Duties without receiving any of the Privileges of the Office. For any given Seat, there can be an "Acting" Officer only if the Seat is vacant.

(v) If the Rules specify that a particular Officer is to be paid a certain amount of currency (a "salary") periodically as one of the Privileges of Office: a) Unless otherwise specified, the payment shall be in units of the Official currency of Ackanomic, should such an entity exist. b) The payment is considered to happen every Tuesday at noon Eastern time if the salary is weekly. c) No retroactive demand for salary that was not recieved because of the non-existance of an Official currency shall be considered valid.

(vi) A Player may issue a CFJ on the matter of whether a particular effect is to be regarded as a Duty or a Privilege if the Rules are unclear on the matter. The judge is referred to sections (ii) and (iii) of this Rule for guidance on this matter.

(vii) The Rules may specify a Term of Office, which is the amount of time a Player may hold an Office before his Term is considered to have expired. If the Rules fail to specify a Term for any Office, the Office is considered to have none, which is to say that the Term never expires.

(viii) When a Player's Term expires, he is no longer considered to be holding the Office. The Player performs the Office in an "Acting" role until the Seat is filled.

(ix) An Officer may always voluntarily step down from office, leaving it vacant. Whenever possible, the Officer should give at least 3 day's notice of his intention to vacate an office.

Proposal 527 - Mon Mar 25 6:00pm CST 1996
Offices, Impeachment
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

This Rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.

An Officer is Impeached by the following process:

(i)   An Impeachment Paper (IP) is authored by a Player
      and submitted to the same Officer responsible for
      distributing Proposals.  The IP shall contain the
      stated intent to remove one Player from one Office
      held by that Player.  An author may only have one
      IP pending at any one time.
(ii) The IP shall be distributed publically. All Players except the Officer named in the IP shall be able to cast one vote either YES or NO on the matter of removing said Officer from Office. The voting period shall be 3 days.
(iii) Upon submission of the IP, the Player in question shall no longer be considered to hold the Seat, instead filling an "Acting" role for the Office. There shall be no action taken to fill that Seat until the IP is resolved.
(iv) At the expiration of the voting period, there will be a resolution of ACCEPTED or REJECTED for the IP. An IP is REJECTED unless it meets ALL of the conditions below, in which case it is ACCEPTED:
a) At least a quorum of Players voted on the IP.
b) At least 1/2 of all active Players, excluding the Officer named in the IP, voted YES.
c) At least 2/3 of all Players who voted on the IP voted YES.
(v) If the IP is ACCEPTED, the Player named in the IP is no longer considered to be the "Acting" officer, and the Seat is open.
(vi) If the IP is REJECTED, the Player named in the IP is restored to Office, and the author of the IP is penalized 10 points. Also, the author of the IP cannot author an IP for a period of one month.
(vii) The Rules may specify additional means of impeachment without invalidating the process outlined above. As well, this rule defers to all other rules on the matter of what conditions are required for an IP to be ACCEPTED.

Proposal 528 - Mon Mar 25 6:00pm CST 1996
Appointer, Creation of
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

(i)   The Office of Appointer is hereby created.
(ii) There shall be one Seat for this Office.
(iii) a) This Office shall be filled by an Election for Office. If this process is undefined, the Office shall not exist so long as this condition continues.
b) The specifications for the Election for Office are:
1) Nomination Period: 24 hours.
2) Voting Period: 72 hours.
3) Tie Resolution: Random.
(iv) The Duties are:
a) To publicly announce the occurance of an open Seat for a Functional Office.
b) To serve as a source for notices from volunteers for Functional Office.
c) To publicly announce the occurance of a Player being appointed to hold a Functional Office.
(v) The Privileges are:
a) To decide who among the volunteers shall be selected to hold an open Seat for Functional Office.
b) A salary of 5 units per week.
(vi) Whenever this Office is vacant, the Speaker shall be the Acting Appointer unless the Rules otherwise state.
[Note that appointing someone to Office is a PRIVILEGE.]

Proposal 529 - Mon Mar 25 6:15pm CST 1996
Offices, Related Definitions
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

(i)   A Nomination is conducted as follows:
a) The appropriate Officer publicly announces the beginning of the Nomination, the reason the Nomination is being called, and when the Nomination shall end.
b) If there is no Nomination Period specified for the Nomination, the defult Period is 48 hours.
c) During the Nomination Period, volunteers shall notify the appropriate Officer of their intent to be considered.
d) At the end of the Nomination Period, the appropriate Officer shall publicly report the list of eligible volunteers (Nominees).
e) If there are no eligible volunteers, the Nomination Period shall continue until there is an eligible volunteer.
f) If the rules fail to state who is eligible to volunteer, then all Players are eligible. (ii) An Election for Office is conducted as follows:
a) A Nomination is conducted. Any Player who is eligible to hold the Office is eligible to volunteer.
b) The appropriate Officer publicly announces the start of the Election, the Office for which the Election is being held, and when the Election will end.
c) If there is no Election Period specified for the Election, the default Period is 72 hours.
d) During the Election Period, each Player may cast one vote for any one of the Nominees by so notifying the appropriate Officer.
e) At the end of the Election Period, the appropriate Officer shall publicly announce the vote tallies for each Nominee, and which Nominee(s) shall hold the Office.
f) Letting N stand for the number of vacant Seats for the Office in question, the top N Nominees, ranked by votes recieved, shall hold the Office.
g) In the event of a tie for number of votes recieved, the tie can be resolved in one of the following manners:
1) Random: the Speaker shall randomly assign a ranking order among any Nominees tied for votes recieved.
2) (Officer) Preference: the Officer named shall select a ranking order among any Nominees tied for votes.
3) New Election: the entire Election for Office shall start over, with all results of the current Election for Office disregarded.
h) If the Rules fail to specify what method shall be used to resolve ties, then the Random method shall be used.

Proposal 530 - Mon Mar 25 6:15pm CST 1996
Functional Offices, Commonalities
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.      

The following applies to all Functional Offices:

(i)    A functional Office has only one Seat unless the
       Rules specify otherwise.

(ii)   As a Privilege of Office, each Player holding at least
       one Functional Office shall receive a weekly salary
       equal to the maximum of:
a) 4 units plus 1 unit for every Office held.
b) The salary that the Player would be eligible to receive if he held no Functional Offices. (iii) A Functional Officer going on vacation shall be judged to have vacated his Seat for the period of the vacation, after which he shall hold the Seat once again. At his discretion, the Appointer may appoint a volunteer to fill an "Acting" role for a Functional Office vacated by vacation. In this case, there shall be no action to fill the empty Seat. This section takes precedence over section (vi) of this Rule. (iv) Whenever a Functional Office has a vacant Seat, and there is no Acting Officer for that Seat, the Appointer is to be the Acting Officer for that Seat. (v) Functional Officers may be impeached by the following process:
a) The Appointer declares publicly his intention to impeach a stated Player from a given Functional Office.
b) At least 2/3 of Senators concur with the impeachment by so notifying the Appointer within 72 hours of the Appointer's declaration.
c) At this time, the Functional Office is vacant. (vi) Whenever a Functional Office has a vacant Seat, the Appointer shall conduct a Nomination for that Seat. After the Nomination, the following process is followed:
a) If at any time there is only one eligible Nominee, then that Player will hold the Functional Office.
b) The Appointer will select an eligible Nominee, now called the "Candidate", to fill the Office. The Appointer will notify each Senator of his selection for Candidate.
c) When at least 1/2 of Senators confirm the Candidate by so indicating to the Appointer, or whenever 48 hours have passed since the notification to the Senate, the Candidate shall hold the Office.
d) Whenever more than 1/2 of the Senators reject the Candidate by so indicating to the Appointer, the Candidate is no longer considered to be an eligible Nominee. The process returns to section(vi), clause "a" of this Rule.

Proposal 531 - Mon Mar 25 6:30pm CST 1996
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.

(i)   The Office of Speaker is declared to have one Seat.
(ii) Whenever this Office is vacant, it shall be filled by an Election for Office. The specifications for the Election for Office are:
a) Nomination Period: 48 hours.
b) Voting Period: 72 hours.
c) Tie Resolution: New Election.
(iii) As an additional Privilege of Office, the Speaker shall receive a weekly salary of 10 units.
(iv) Whenever the Speaker goes on vacation, he is considered to be temporarily vacating the Office until he returns from vacation. No action shall be taken to fill the office. The Speaker shall appoint a volunteer to be Acting Speaker for the vacation period. If there are no volunteers, then the Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker for the duration. This section takes precedence over section (ii) of this Rule.
(v) Upon passage of this Rule, Robert Sevin will hold the one Seat of the Office of Speaker, and section (v) shall be subsequently striken from this Rule.

Proposal 532 - Wed Mar 27 12:45am CST 1996
Senate Objectivity
fon (Adrian Smith)
Decision: Rejected

A Proposal to create a new Rule which will read, in whole:
(i) No Player who is a member of the same Party as a Senator may become a Senator. (ii) No Senator may become a member of the same Party as another Senator. (iii) Should there ever be more than one member of a Party who are Senators, there shall be a resolution of this circumstance, considered to happen instantly after the condition is satisfied. To resolve the circumstance, all but one of the Players who are members of the same Party shall no longer be Senators. The process of selecting which among them shall be the sole Senator shall be resolved in the following order of precedence: a) If there is an involved Player who recieved more votes when elected to the Senate than any other, he is the sole Senator among the involved Players. Otherwise, b) Among the Players who were tied for the most votes recieved when elected to the Senate, if they can unanimously decide who among themselves shall be the sole Senator, that decision shall be enforced. Otherwise, c) The sole Senator shall be randomly selected from among those Players who were tied for the most votes recieved when elected to the Senate. (iv) This rule supercedes all mutable rules regarding Senate membership and/or party membership.

Proposal 533 - Wed Mar 27 2:45am CST 1996
The End Of The Game
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

If any player wins the game, the game is considered to have finished one cycle. Immediately after ending one cycle a new cycle begins. At this time (the transition between ending the old cycle and beginning the new cycle) the scores of all players are reset to zero, all currency the players possess will be reset to 100 units, and every player shall lose all of their current Political Favors and will be reissued 100 new political favors in their name. If any players are in debt during this time, the debt is canceled. All proposals currently being voted on will remain up for consideration. All rules will remain the same. Nothing will change other than the details described above, and any other details specified in other rules.

Whichever player wins the game (and therefore causes the current cycle to finish) will be considered the Champion of Cycle N (where N is the cycle in which the player won). If more than one player wins, they will all be considered the Champions of Cycle N (where N is the cycle in which the player won).

At the time of the passing of this rule the game is currently on its first cycle.

Proposal 534 - Wed Mar 27 3:00am CST 1996
Transmuting Rule 110 to Mutable
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Transmute Rule 110 from Immutable to Mutable.

[Rule 110 states that the winner of the game becomes the Speaker of the next game. This is clearly not a good idea, and I intend to revise this.]

Proposal 535 - Wed Mar 27 3:00am CST 1996
Amending Rule 507 - Supreme Court
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Amend the second sentence of the first paragraph of Rule 507 from:

"It will be composed of two players (called Justices) who are neither President, Speaker, Senator or already Justice."


"It will be composed of three players (called Justices), none of which are the President, the Speaker, the Senator, or another Justice."

[Having two Justices won't work very well. Too many ties will result. 3 will allow better decisions and less deadlock.]

Proposal 536 - Wed Mar 27 3:00am CST 1996
Confusing Proposal Revisions
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Whenever a player attempts to revise his proposal (via the rules established for doing so), and succeeds in doing so, the Promoter will send a message to all players with the following information:

1. A copy of the revised proposal.
2. The date/time when the voting period of the revised proposal ends.
3. A reminder that all previous votes on the proposal were deleted, and that everyone must send their votes again for the revised proposal.

The third item will only be included in the message if it is in fact the case that the rules require the votes to be deleted on the revised proposal.

Proposal 537 - Wed Mar 27 2:45pm CST 1996
"Rule changes" (amendment)
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

The Rule titled "What is a Rule Change?" shall be amended to read:

"A valid rule change is either a bill, an amendment, a transmutation, a repeal, or nonsense. A rule change may specify which category it falls into; if it fails to do so, it is invalid.

"The effect of a bill is the creation of one new mutable rule to read, in full, as the bill specifies. The effect of an amendment is the modification of one mutable rule as specified by the amendment. The effect of a transmutation is the change of one specified immutable rule to mutable, or vice versa. The effect of a repeal is the removal of one specified mutable rule from the rule set. Nonsense has no effect.

"Each of these effects is subject to any applicable Rules; if the Rules disallow the effect of a rule change, that rule change is invalid. If the Rules require that a certain rule change specify information that it fails to provide, that rule change is invalid."

Rule 491 currently reads:

What Is A Rule Change?
A rule change must be one of the following: (1) the enactment repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule, or vice versa.

Proposal 538 - Wed Mar 27 3:00pm CST 1996
Munchkin Haven
Dr McSpong (Julian Richardson)
Decision: Rejected

Upon the passing of this proposal, any party whose name is "Foozball" will automatically have its party name changed to "Munchkin Haven". This name may not be changed.

[Note ... unless you can pass a proposal to change it ... :-)]

Proposal 539 - Thu Mar 28 2:30am CST 1996
DevJoe (Joseph W. DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

There shall be an office called the Postmaster, with one seat chosen on a volunteer basis. The duty of the Postmaster shall be to create and maintain a mailing list for Ackanomic, so public messages can be sent to one address and forwarded from there to all players and observers automatically.

If the office of Postmaster is vacant, there shall be no Acting Postmaster.

Proposal 540 - Thu Mar 28 2:30am CST 1996
Welcomer, Creation of:
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

(i)   The Functional Office of Welcomer is hereby created.
(ii) There shall be one Seat for this Office.
(iii) The Duties are:
a) To contact new Players and impart to them the following:
1) How to connect with the Ackanomic Web page.
2) A quick overview of the basics of the game.
3) The fact that the Welcomer is available to answer questions from new Players.
3) Any other information that seems helpful.
b) To make oneself available for questions from new Players. (iv) The Privileges are:
a) The usual salary for a Functional Officer.
b) A bonus of 3 units each time the "Gee, Wally" condition is met according to section (v) of this Rule. (v) The "Gee, Wally" condition is met whenever all of the following apply:
a) A Player sends, to the Scorekeeper alone, a message that contains the phrase "Gee, Wally, this sure is a neat game."
b) This Player sends the message during a time period running from 28 to 42 days after that Player first became a Player.
c) The Officer holding the Welcome Wagon Office has made no reference to the "Gee, Wally" condition other than the following sentences: "There is a way you can give me bonus points if you think I've done a good job as Welcomer. I'm not allowed to tell you anything more about this."
d) At least 7 days have passed since the last incidence of the "Gee, Wally" condition.
(vi) Whenever this Office is vacant, there shall be no Acting Welcomer.

Proposal 541 - Thu Mar 28 2:45am CST 1996
File Clerk, Creation of:
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

(i)   The Functional Office of File Clerk is hereby created.
(ii) There shall be one Seat for this Office.
(iii) The Duties are:
a) To serve as the Officer responsible for recieving copies of all Contracts.
b) To keep a private record of all Enforcable Contracts.
c) To make an Enforcable Contract public upon the request of one of the Players involved in that Contract.
d) To NOT disclose or make reference to any of the specifics of any Enforcable Contract unless required to by (iii)c of this Rule.
(iv) The Privileges are:
a) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.
b) The right to demand receipt of a filing fee of .30 units from each Player involved in an Enforcable Contract when that Contract is submitted. This transaction shall be accomplished in the proper fashion. If one or more Players involved in the Contract cannot or will not pay the fee, the Contract is deemed to be non-Enforcable.
(v) An Acting File Clerk has the right to demand payment of the filing fee. This section takes precendence over all mutable rules.

Proposal 542 - Thu Mar 28 9:15pm CST 1996
Transmuting Rule 351 to Mutable
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

R351, Creation Political Parties, is hereby transmuted from Immutable to Mutable.

[Just to make it easier to amend. Some of the language in the rule has led to unneeded bandwidth consumption. Also, it would be nice to add to the properties of Political Parties unambigiously in one place]

Proposal 543 - Thu Mar 28 9:15pm CST 1996
Party Bosses
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This rule shall supercede all rules dealing with Political Parties where possible.

1) All Political Parties which exist at the time of passage of this Proposal must officially designate one of their members to be the Party Boss. They may use any procedure they wish to determine this position. They must notify Ackanomic publically of their decision within 7 days, and the Web-Harfer will be responsible for publishing this information in an appropriate way on the Ackanomic Web Page.

2) Any new Political Party being formed must include as part of its initial information who their Party Boss is, and the Web-Harfer will again be responsible for publishing this information.

3) A Party may change its Party Boss at any time by any procedure they wish, but this change will not be official until it is publically announced, and the Web-Harfer has published the information.

4) The Party Boss must always be a member of their Party. Upon the current Party Boss leaving a Party, that Party is deemed not to exist until a new one is selected as in 3) above. A Party may have only one Party Boss.

5) Abstractly, the Party Boss will be responsible for communicating official information between the Party and Ackanomic, as decided by further rules.

6) Specifically, the Party Boss will have the following propery upon the passage of this rule:
a) No change in membership in a Political Party will be recognized or deemed to have taken place until the Party Boss offically communicates such a change publically.

Proposal 544 - Thu Mar 28 9:15pm CST 1996
Amending Rule 201
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

Amend R201 to include the following:

An "active registered player" is defined to be a player who as voted at least once, submitted a proposal, called for judgement, or been officially registered at least 3 days.

[[ I realize this proposal could create an onerous amount of work for someone, but as new players flood the game, it often takes them some time to get adjusted, and active participation is often not on their mind, and they are listed as abstentions on votes. I would hate so see good rules not pass because quorum is not reached because new players haven't adjusted]]

Proposal 545 - Thu Mar 28 9:15pm CST 1996
Amending Rule 466 - Temporary Notes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 466 to include the following line.

Any text in doube square brackets [[e.g this]] is considered to be a temporary note provided by the author, but meant to be excluded completly from the text of the rule when it is officially published. This rule expilcitly does not apply to this rule.

Proposal 546- Thu Mar 28 9:30pm CST 1996
Incentive to gain points and win
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This rule superceeds all mutable rules pertaining to how points are disposed of when a winner is declared.

When a winner is declared, every player's points are converted to the official currency, should one exist. After such conversion, all players will have zero points. Additionally, the winner shall take possession of the Right-Handed Grapefruit, should such an entity exist.

The following rules apply to the conversion:

1) The conversion rate is 1 unit of currency per 5 points. All fractions are dropped.

2) No player shall receive more units of currency than the winner. Should 1) above indicate otherwise, all excess units are forfeited.

3) Should 1) above indicate a negative amount, the player will receive 0 units instead, and will also receive a Chartreuse Goose Egg, should such an entity or class of entities exist.

Proposal 547 - Fri Mar 29 1:45am CST 1996
Substantially Similar Proposals
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal will amend R423 to append the following line:

A player can retract a proposal using the above procedure without penalty by claiming the proposal is "substantially similar" to a lower numbered rule or proposal and stating the number of the similar rule or proposal. Should another player disagree that the retracted proposal was "substantially similar" to the stated proposal, they could initiate a CFJ on the matter to void the retraction. [The guidelines in R421 could be used as guidelines to judge if 2 proposals are substantially similar].

Proposal 548 - Fri Mar 29 2:00am CST 1996
Article 12.3.7, Section 2b, Paragraph 101z
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

A crisis will be defined as the following two events, but not restricted to them.
(1) If a win by paradox is officially called.
(2) If 12 proposals in a row are rejected.

In both cases, effective immediately, the President will become Tyrant for a week (called a Black Week). The Tyrant has the power to dissolve the Senate and replace any one Justice by another player of his choice. Whether he exercises this power or not, Justices will now also be called Political Officers. The Tyrant cannot be impeached but requires approval when modifying the rules set (as outlined below). All votes and CFJs will be suspended. All transactions and assets are frozen.

The person in charge of the financial market(s) will be arrested and restricted to one message a day. This also applies to any player holding a job defined in the rules except the Tyrant or the political Officers. Players holding jobs will loose 4 points each day they stay in office during Black Week. All political parties will become illegal and its members will be called "underground freedom fighters" (UFFs). UFFs will loose 7 points per day of Black Week they remain affiliated with their party.

The Tyrant can change the text of any rule, even those that are Immutable, provided he's action is approved unanimously by the Political Officers. He may also change the text of any pending CFJ and proposals without requiring any authorizations, but may not make new proposals or CFJs.

In case (1) the official broadcast of the win by paradox is said to be intercepted by pro-Tyrant forces and retracted. Should the paradox still exist when political activity is normalized after Black Week, UFFs and/or unaligned players are said to have deposed the Tyrant and this rule cannot be called again against that paradox.

In case (2) the Tyrant will also have the power to make any 3 mutable rules "dormant". Dormant rules can be modified and repealed by the normal procedures, but have no effect. A rule will stay dormant until reactivated when at least half the players vote to reinstate it.

Proposal 549 - Fri Mar 29 2:00am CST 1996
The Blue Cross
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

Any player who has more than 20 of his proposals become rules will be awarded the Blue Cross by the President, ProConsul or Senator as a recognition of merit and services to Ackanomic.

Then for every additional 10 proposals that the player makes which pass, he will be awarded a silver stripe. Four silver stripes are replaced by one gold stripe.

As soon as a player has a gold stripes, he will also have the title of Officer of the Blue Cross. Should someone have four gold stripes, they will be called Commander of the Blue Cross, but will not earn any more stripes.

If a player is elected Senator but does not have the Blue Cross at the end of his last consecutive term of office, then he will be awarded it. If at the end of his last consecutive term a president does not have the Blue Cross, he will be awarded it. Should he already have it, he will be awarded one extra silver stripe.

Proposal 550 - Fri Mar 29 2:00am CST 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Let the following definitions exist with the meanings given:

Standard Proposal Voting Period: 7 days
Standard Nomination Period: 3 days
Standard Election Period: 5 days
Standard Impeachment Voting Period: 3 days
Standard CFJ Selection Period: 3 days
Standard CFJ Decision Period: 7 days