Proposal 1001 - Wed Jul 10 15:44:02 EDT 1996
Creation of the office of Wizard
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected
a proposal to create a rule entitled "Creation of the office of Wizard" which contains the following text:

a.This rule creates an elected office known as the Wizard.
b.Only the Wizard can create Otzma Cards, if such entities exist.
c.A Wizard conduct games of Eleusis, if the game of Eleusis is defined in Ackanomic.

The office of Wizard is filled by elections according to the rules for electing political officers. All rules that apply to Political officers apply to the Wizard, with additional restriction that a player who holds three or more offices, either political or functional, is not eligible to be elected for Wizard.

a.Whenever a new Wizard is elected, a new pack of playing cards is created. This pack is owned by the Wizard and is intended to be used for the purpose of playing the game of Eleusis. While a game of Eleusis is in progress, the Wizard's pack of playing cards may not be used for any other purpose.

b.The Wizard must always own at least one pack of playing cards. The Wizard may acquire additional packs of playing cards by any legal means. The Wizard may also sell, trade or give away packs of playing cards, as long as e retains ownership of at least one.

c.If a Wizard is left without a pack of playing cards, e is immediately impeached, and fined A$50, for negligent use and disregard of official property.

d.The Wizard receives a salary of 5 units of currency a week.

e.A Wizard remains in office until either:
(i). The Wizard resigns, and makes a public anouncement of eir resignation.
(ii).The Wizard is impeached.
(iii) The Wizard has conducted and completed two instances of the game of Eleusis, and there is no instance of Eleusis is in progress

f. if a Wizard has conducted and completed four instances of Eleusis, e may not start any new instances of the game. Once the currently existing instances the game are all finished e must resign from the office of Wizard.

g. When a Wizard finishes eir term in office, as described in either (i) or (iii), e retains ownership of all the packs of cards e owned as Wizard, which are not currently being used in a game of Eleusis, as a reward for a job well done.
A player may run for the office of Wizard as many times as e wishes.

If a Wizard goes on vacation for more than four weeks, e is considered to have resigned.

f. Should a Wizard leave office while one or more instances of the game Eleusis are still in progress, e may hand over the management of those instances to eir successor. Game instances 'inherited' in such a way from previous Wizards do not count towards the total number of instances of games of Eleusis managed and conducted by a Wizard.

g.In addition this rule creates the following entities:
The Wizard's Pot - the Wizard's Pot is owned by the Wizard. It cannot be sold, bought, traded or given away. If there is no Wizard, the Wizard's pot is temporarily dormant.
The Wizard's Shop- the Wizard's Shop is owned by the Wizard. All buisness conducted by the Wizard take place in eir shop. If there is no Wizard, then the shop is temporarily closed.

Proposal 1002 - Wed Jul 10 15:44:21 EDT 1996
Definition of a pack of playing cards
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected (was originally thought to be Accepted)

a proposal to create a rule entitled "Definition of a pack of playing cards" which contains the following text:

1. This rule defines an Ackanomic entity called a pack playing cards(aka PoPc), and the ways such entities may be legally used. This rule does not create such an entity Other rules may dictate the creation and destcution of packs of playing cards

2. Description
There are 124 cards in a pack divided in the following manner There are 8 suits, following are the names of the suits and the symbols that mark them:
! - wands
@ - shtrudels
# - cross-stripes
$ - dollars
% - libra
^ - pointy hats
& - serpents
* - stars

There are 15 cards in each suit. Nine of them are number cards, each card depicts a number from 2-10. In each suit there is exactly one card of each number.
There are also 6 face-cards in each suit. Each suit has exactly one of each of the following face cards:
Ace, Page, Knave, Monarch, Nomic,Suber.
Unless otherwise specified, the face-cards have the following numerical values
Ace- 1
Page - 11
Knave - 12
Monarch - 13
Nomic - 14
Suber -15

The cards have colors, each suit is associated with a color according to the following list:
! - wands @ - shtrudels - Blue
# - cross-stripes $ - dollars - Green
% - libra ^ - pointy hats - Black
& - serpents * - stars - Red

In addition there four Wild cards, Wild cards have no suit, color or value. The four Wild cards are identical. With the exception of the Wild cards, each card is unique within the pack.
Suits may be reffered to either by their names or symbols. Number cards may refered to by their numerical balue, Face cards may be refered to either by their full name or by their inital letter.

3. Creation and Destruction
A pack of playing cards may be created by any rule that includes the phrase :"This rule creates a pack of playing cards." or words to that effect. Rules may be created that describe other ways of creating packs of playing cards.
Similarly, other rules may describe methods for the destruction if playing cards.
Whenever a pack of playing cards is created, or destroyed, it is created or destroyed as a full pack as described in section 2 of this rule. Individual playing cards may not be created or destroyed, unless they are part of a full pack. The Creation and Destruction of packs of cards are Protected. This section takes precedence over any rule that reffers to playing cards, or packs of playing cards.

4. Usage
Playing cards and packs of playing cards may be used in games or activities, if any exist, as defined by the rules creating those games and activities. Playing cards only have an influence within the scope of the games or activities in which they are being used, and they may only be used within those games and activities in the way described by the rules creating those games and activities.
Playing cards have no influence outside the scope of the games or activities in which they are being used.
However the results of the games or activities, whether intermediary or final, may have an effect on Acaknomic, they may cause currency and assets to change hands, they may have an effect on players' score, but only in the manner described by the rules creating the specific game or activity.

5. Ownership

Each pack of playing card must be owned by a registered player. Any pack may be sold, bought, traded, or given away, unless the rules specifically state otherwise.
When packs of playing cards change ownership, in any manner whatsoever, they do so as full packs. Individual playing cards may not change ownership, in any way other than as part of a full pack.

A player must own a pack of playing cards in order to organize a game or activity which uses a pack of playing cards. Other players who participate in the game or activity may control cards for the duration of the game or activity, but once the game or activity are over, all playing cards return to the owner of the pack of playing cards used in the game or activity.

Any single pack of playing cards may only be used for one game or activity at a time. A player may own more than one pack of playing cards..

Proposal 1003 - Wed Jul 10 15:44:42 EDT 1996
Creation of Otzma Cards
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

a. Otzma Cards are Protected
b. Otzma Cards can only created by the Wizard, if such an office exists.
c. Otzma cards can be created and used only according to the rules

a. At any given time there may be no more than 100 Otzma Cards in existence.
b. Any single player may not own more than six Otzma Cards at any given time.
c. Otzma Cards may be bought, sold, traded, or given away, in accordance with the rules governing transactions.
d. If a player already owns the maximum number of Otzma Cards, and receives or acquires , by any means another Otzma Card, e must immediately destroy either the new Otzma Card, or one of eir existing Otzma Card.
e. If a player recieves or acquires, an Otzma Card, that cannot be owned by that player simulateneously with other cards owned by that player, then the player must destory one or more Otzma Cards, until the Otzma Cards e owns meet all the restrictions placed on Otzma Cards
f. When a player destroys an Otzma Card, neither the player nor the Wizard receive a refund of any kind

a. A Wizard may create an Otzma Card if at any time the Approved-Otzma-Count (defined in section 6 of this rule) is greater than (zero) and the number of Otzma Cards currently Up-For-Sale is less than 4
b. The cost of creating an Power Card is 20 units of currency. The cost is payed by the Wizard to the Treasury. If a rule called Creation of the Game of Eleusis exists, then this section deffers to the section entitled Eleusis Prize, of that rule.
If theOtzma Card type definition rule specifies a different cost, then the creation cost is the higher of the two numbers.
c. When ever an Otzma Card is created, the Approved-Otzma-Count is decreased by 1.
d.When the Wizard created an Otzma Card e must publically anounce this. E must also anounce the type of Otzma Card. Every new Otzma card receives a unique ID, that may be reffered to as the OCID. The OCID of the first Otzma Card created is 1. The OCID of any other card created is the smallest integer larger than the OCID of the previous card created.
d.Once the Wizard anounced that e has created a new Otzma Card, it is Up-For-Sale for a period of 7 days. The Wizard may also announce eir asking price. The upper bound for the asking price is 200 units of currency or the Card's creation cost multiplied by 1.5, whichever is higher. Players may make offers to buy it. All offers must identify the desired card by OCID. If within 7 days no player makes an offer equal to or greater than the asking price, then the Wizard may either destroy the Card, and be refunded the creation cost, or place it on display at eir shop.
The Wizard has the option of selling a Card for a price lower than eir asking price.
At any time there may be no more than 4 cards Up-For-Sale
e. There may no more than 20 Otzma Cards on display at the Wizard's shop at any given time. If there are 20 cards and the Wizard wishes to add another one, e must either destroy the new Otzma Card, or destroy one of the cards already on display. If e destroys the new card e is refunded the creation cost, if e destroys one of the cards on display e is refunded half the creation cost.
f. The Wizard cannot use any of the Otzma Cards on display
g. The Wizard can sell, trade or give the Otzma Cards on display at any time, in accordance with the rules governing tranactions. Any currency paid for the cards on display is paid to the Wizard.
h. When a Wizard leaves office for any reason e may choose to leave all or some of the Otzma Cards on display.
i. The Wizard can destroy any of the Otzma Cards on display at any time, and be refunded half the creation cost.
j. When ever any player, including the Wizard, destroys a Otzma Card, e must announce it publically
k. No Otmza Cards are indestructible

a. The Wizard may only create Otzma Cards of types that have been defined by Otzma Card definition rules.
b. The Wizard may must abide by the restrictions defined in Otzma Card definition rules.
c. Otzma Cards may only be defined by Otzma Card definition rules
d. Otzma Card defition rules are rules that have as part of their title the words: "Creation of Otzma Card type..." followed by the name of the type.
e. Otzma Card types may belong to type-sets. When a Otzma Card definition type rule includes the words "This type is a member of type-set...", followed by a legal ackanomic name, then, if that type-set exists, the new type is added to that type-set, if the type-set does not exist, it is immediately created, with the type defined in that rule as its first member.
f.Rules pertaining to a Otzma Card type-set, affect the entire type-set.
g. If an Otzma Card definition rule is repealed, then all Power Cards of the the type defined by that rule are immediately destroyed.

a.Otzma Cards may only be used according to the rules.
b. Each Otzma Card may only be used once. Once it has been used, and having caused its effect, it no longer exists
c. A player uses an Otzma Card by notifying the appropriate officer that e is using a Otzma Card, and which card. In addition the player must notify the Wizard.
If there is no appropriate officer, then the player must a public anouncement, that e is using the Card, and manner in which it is being used.
d. A player can only use an Otzma Card that e owns
e. In the case of Otzma Cards that affect voting on proposals and its results, the appropriate officer is the officer in charge of counting the votes.
f. The results of the use of Otzma Cards must be published by the appropriate officer, along with the name of the player who used the Otzma Card, and the manner of its use.
g. The Wizard must be notified of all transactions and uses that involve Otzma Cards, and must keep track of all Otzma Cards in existence.
h. A player may only use one card at a time. For cards that effects voting and its results, a player can use only one card per proposal. Reults of voting includes, but is not restricted to, points and penalties given to players once a proposal either passes of fails.

a. Let there be a counter called Approved-Otzma-Count.
Initially Approved-Otzma-Count=0
b. If the Total number of Otzma Cards in existence in Ackanomic plus the Approved-Otzma-Count is less than or equal to 100 then
c. Every Sunday night, at midnight GMT, the Tabulator updates the Approved-Otzma-Count if the following manner
(i) The Approved-Otzma-Count is multiplied by 0.9, and rounded up to the smallest integer which is larger than the result of the multiplication
(ii) If the Approved-Otzma-Count is smaller than thirty, then it is incremented by the number of proposals that passed in the previous 7 days (counting from the precious Sunday midnight GMT)
(iii)If the Approved-Otzma-Count is greater than or equal to 30, then it is incremented by half the number of proposals that passed in the previous 7 days (counting from the precious Sunday midnight GMT)
(iv) if the Approved-Otzma-Count is greater than 100, then it is set to 100

Proposal 1004 - Wed Jul 10 15:45:00 EDT 1996
Catching Up
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend Rule 571 as follows:
Change "it's" to "its".
Change "anounces" to "announces".
Changes "sents" to "sends".

{{[Proposal 944 undid some of the spelling corrections in this rule.]}}

2. Amend Rule 379 to read, in full:
"When a proposal is accepted which contains less than five lines of text in the body of the proposal, the player who submitted it is awarded five points."

3. Amend Rule 706 as follows:
Change "voted in favor of" to "voted YES on"

{{[ These two changes were omitted in P950 because there were proposals in the queue to repeal the rules. ]}}

4. Amend Rule 937 as follows:
Change "since the vacationers return" to "since the vacationer's return".
Change "immediatly" to "immediately".
Change "it is well know" to "it is well known".

Proposal 1005 - Wed Jul 10 15:45:10 EDT 1996
Electing the Gaoler
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend R612, 'Functional Offices, Commonalities' as follows:
Change the first sentence from
"This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules."
"This rule takes precedence over rule 609."

[[ Eliminating a blanket precedence clause; this will allow elected functional offices (like Gaoler already claims to be). ]]

2. Amend rule 712, 'Gaoler, Creation of'.
Change section (ii) from:
"There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by election."
"There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by election. This rule takes precedence over rule 612."

Proposal 1006 - Wed Jul 10 15:45:21 EDT 1996
Unofficial voting period
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

{{[ "Official Voting Period" is undefined. ]}}

1. Amend Rule 629, 'Constitutional Convention; Procedure' by changing "Official Voting Period' and 'official voting period', each time those phrases occur, to 'Prescribed Voting Period'.

2. Amend R695 "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy" to read, in full:

"(a) There shall be a functional office called Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy. This office may be referred to as CSRR.
(b) The purpose of the Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy is to make changes to the rules when it finds that the rules, as written, do not make sense, are redundant, do not conform _in fact_ to their interpretation in game custom, or are redundant. The Office may perform other functions if they conform to the rules. [The Office should make minor changes. But if it can get major changes past the, shall we say, review process, it can.]
(c) A privilege of the CSRR is publishing Common Sense Reports. A common sense report (CSR) is a suggested change to the rules. A CSR is not a proposal. The changes suggested in a CSR may only consist of amending and repealing mutable rules.
(d) The CSRR shall distribute CSR's publicly, and assign each one a unique number. After a CSR is distributed, any player may officially object to it by publishing his objection publicly. If no player objects to the CSR within the Prescribed Voting Period after it has been distributed, then at the end of that time, the changes it suggests will be made. The CSRR shall publish a notice that the changes have been made."

Proposal 1007 - Thu Jul 11 11:41:22 EDT 1996
Creation of Various PartyChessPieces
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

A proposal that has the following effects:

I. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Rook" which contains the following text:

"1. A Rook is represented by the ASCII character R.
2.A rook can move either along a row, or along a column, up to a maximum distance of 10, provided all the squares between the current square, and the destination square are unoccupied.
3. A Rook's material value is 9"

II Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Bishop" which contains the following text:

"1.A Bishop is represented by the ASCII character B
2. A Bishop can move along either diagonal, up to a maximum distance of 10 , provided all the squares between the cuurent square and the destination square are unoccupied.
3. A Bishop's material value is 6"

III. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Knight" which contains the following text:
"1. A Knight is respresented by the ASCII chracter N.
2. A Knight maymove either : (a)2 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally, or (b)2 squares horizontally, and 1 square vertically.
3. A Knight can skip over any pieces that occupy any squares between the current square and the desstination square"
4. A Knight's material value is 4"

IV. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Queen" which contains the following text:

"1. A Queen is represented by the ASCII character Q.
2. A Queen can move either as a Rook, or as a Bishop
3. A Queen's material value is 12"

V. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Jester" which contains the following text:

"1.A Jester is represented by the ASCII character J
2. A Jester can move exactly two squares in any given direction. It may skip any piece that occupies the intervening square, between the Jester current square and the Jester's destination square.
3. A Jester's material value is 3"

VI. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Camel" which contains the following text:
"1. A Camel is respresented by the ASCII chracter C.
2. A Camel may move either : (a)3 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally, or (b)3 squares horizontally, and 1 square vertically.
3. A Camel can skip over any pieces that occupy any squares between the current square and the desstination square"
4. A Camel's material value is 5"

VII. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece il-Nabi" which contains the following text:
"1. il-Nabi is represented by the ASCII character M
2. il-Nabi has one of the following moves:
(a)3 squares diagonally, and one square either horizontally, or vertically, provided all the squares it passes through are unoccupied, the move must be made in that order.
(b) If, at any given direction, SQ1 is occupied, then il-Nabi may skip over that piece to SQ2.
(c) if, at any given direction, SQ3 is occupied, and SQ2,is unoccupied, then il-Nabi may skip to SQ4.
For this move to be legal, it does not matter whether or not SQ1 is occupied.
3. il-Nabi can legally capture according to 2.(a). It cannot capture using the moves in 2(b), 2(c)
4. il-Nabi's material value is 6
5. The propoer pronunciation of il-Nabi, is with an an emphasis of the 'Na', which is pronounced the same as in 'nun', minus the last '-n'.
6. il-Nabi is Arabic for 'the Prophet', and is named in honor of Mohammed, who made a large contribution to the game of Party Chess"

VIII. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece Pawn" which contains the following text:
"1. A pawn is represented by the ASCII character p .
2. A pawn can move exactly one square either horizontally, or verically, provided that the distance between the quare the pawn occupied, and the square j10, does not increase, where distance is defined as the larger of dR, and dC
3. A pawn can capture, only by moving diagonally, a distance of one square, into a square occupied by an opponent's piece, provided that the distance between the quare the pawn occupied, and the square j10, does not increase, where distance is defined as the larger of dR, and dC
4. a pawn is a promotable piece. When a pawn reaches one the following squares: j10,j11,k10,k11, it is immdiately promoted. It can be promoted to any legal PartyChessPiece the chosen by the Swinger.
5. A pawn can only be Placed on one of the columns a,b,s,t ; and on one of the rows 1,2,19,20
6. A pawns's material value is 1"

IX. Creates a rule entitle "Creation of PartyChessPiece CopyCat" which contains the following text:
"1. A CopyCat is reprsened by the ASCII character O
2. A CopyCat can move either 3 or 5 squares in any given direction, provided that all the squares between the current square, and the destination square are unoccupied.
3. A CopyCat captures a piece only according to the rules by which the captured piece can capture.
for example - a CopyCat can capture a Rook, using a Rook's move, it can capture a Knight using a Knight's move. It can capture il-Nabi according to the same that il-Nabi can capture. etc."
4. A CopyCat's material value is 7"

Proposal 1008 - Thu Jul 11 11:41:33 EDT 1996
Lazy III
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

R 691, "No Deadbeat Judges", is hereby repealed.

Proposal 1009 - Thu Jul 11 11:42:58 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

This document, though of an entirely different asthetic, is actually contains the text of proposal 592, and should be treated as such.

Proposal 1010 - Thu Jul 11 23:50:45 EDT 1996
amend 588
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

A proposal to replace the text of R588 entirely with the following text:

"A.When Judgement has been called for, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. Let TJI be the sum total of JIs of all players who are eligible to be selected as Judges for a given CFJ.
2. The probability that any single player will be selected a Judge for a given CFJ is calculated as JI divided by TJI, and may be denoted as JP. Hence for each player JP=JI/TJI ; 0<=JP<=1 [[in probabilty, p=1 is certainty, p=0 is certainly not :)]]
3. The officer in charge in selecting Judges, will select the judges randomlly according to the probabilities calculated for each player.
4. When a player is selected to be a judge for a specific CFJ, eir JI is decreased by 1, regardless of the verdict the Judge returns.
5. a. The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting, either publically or privately, to the applicable officer. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days shall be penalized 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment.
b. If a selected player refuses appointment, then that player is no longer considered eligible for judgement on that CFJ, and a new player is selected according to the method described in this rule

B. If the CFJ is a Call For Criminal Judgement (CFCJ), the player or players against which the CFCJ is being called are excluded from "the other active players" and "remaining pool" as described above. This exclusion is made before the random determination is made. In other words, a player who has a CFCJ called against them may not be selected to judge that CFCJ."

Proposal 1011 - Sun Jul 14 00:55:18 EDT 1996
Punishment for using Dormant
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

{{ any entity who attempted to make a rule (or rules) dormant (non-player entities excluded) shall be placed in the Gaol for a period of seven days}}

Proposal 1012 - Sun Jul 14 00:56:01 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

The web harfer is required to maintain an image link to on the main ackanomic page at all time (directly beneath the banner would be preferable) so that the citizens of ackanomic can always be aware of the status of the cambridge coffee machine.

The web harfer is relieved from this responsibility if the above URL is determined to be non-functioning.

Proposal 1013 - Fri Jul 19 15:03:37 EDT 1996
Robin Hood (R Shaw)
Decision: Rejected

Whenever any player feels that the state of ackanomic is in doubt, they may petition the supreme court for an injunction.

The petition must:
a/ be public,
b/ say why the state of the game is unclear,
c/ list the possible game states.

If and only if a majority of all justices (acting or otherwise) decide that the game state is unclear and also that this uncertainty may have a significant adverse effect upon the game then they may issue an injunction.

The sumpreme court must either issue an injunction or decline to within 3 days of the public petition.

The injunction:
1/ must say what action is responsible for creating this uncertainty, to be called the responsible action
2/ must say how the uncertainty can be resolved in accordance with the rules,
3/ may prohibit any action if the legality of that action is unclear because of the responsible action.

Clause 3 may be applied any number of time.
The president may veto any injuction.
Actions required by immutable rules can not be prohibited
Performing prohibited actions is a criminal act.

Once the uncertainty as been resolved as specified in the injunction all prohibitions made by it are removed.

Proposal 1014 - Fri Jul 19 15:04:48 EDT 1996
Taking the Altar by the Horns
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

A proposal to create a rule entitled "Taking the Altar by the Horns" which contains the following text:
"A player who is a member of a Church can't be burned as a witch, or as a heretic provided e follow the following procedure:
1. After a witch hunt has been declared e posts a public message saying:
"I am running to the Church" followed by the name of the Church of which e is a member.
2. Afterwards e posts a second message saying :"I am holding the Altar by the Horns"

Both messages must be posted before the witch hunt is over. If, for whatever reason, the player is no longer a member of the Church e anounce e was running to, e gets burned anyway."

Proposal 1015 - Fri Jul 19 15:06:03 EDT 1996
01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 01101001 01110011 01110100 01101000
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

01100101 01110100 01101001 01110100 01101100 01100101 01101111 01100110 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 01110010 01110101 01101100 01100101

All messages to the public forum must be in the form of a binary ASCII representaion of the English language.

There are two exceptions to this rule: Any player who owns a Captain Cosmic Decoder Ring (if such a thing should exist) is exempt from the provisions of this rule. Any player who is wearing a prosthetic forhead is also exempt.

[for example, I've included the text of this proposal in binary ASCII:

01000001 01101100 01101100 01101101 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100001 01100111 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110000 01110101 01100010 01101100 01101001 01100011 01100110 01101111 01110010 01110101 01101101 01101101 01110101 01110011 01110100 01100010 01100101 01101001 01101110 01110100 01101000 01100101 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 01101111 01100110 01100001
01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 01000001 01010011 01000011 01001001 01001001 01110010 01100101 01110000 01110010 01100101 01110011 01100101 01101110 01110100 01100001 01101001 01101111 01101110 01101111 01100110 01110100 01101000 01100101 01000101 01101110 01100111 01101100 01101001 01110011 01101000
01101100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01110101 01100001 01100111 01100101 00101110

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Proposal 1016 - Fri Jul 19 15:06:20 EDT 1996
Everything You Know is Wrong
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

This rule defers precedence to R210 and any other rules that deal with resolving conflicts, except for during the twelve hours immediatly following the legal chewing of the ackanomic gumball [12 hours from the time of the announced chewing in the time zone in which the gumball was chewed], at which time it takes precedence over R210 and any other applicable rules.

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the highest effective ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall be reversed and the rule that claims precedence shall defer precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern except in cases where one of the rules containes the word silly, than it shall have precedence.

Hereafter, 'number' refers to a rule's effective ordinal number. Lowest number is defined as follows:
1. Each rule has a number of the form 'X' or 'X.Y' where X and Y may be any positive integers.

2. Among a set of rules, the rule(s) with the lowest value of X are considered to have the lowest number(s).

3. If a rule has the number X and one or more other rules have number(s) of the form 'X.Y', for the same X and any Y, then the rule with the number 'X' has the lowest number among these rules.

4. Among a set of rules with the same X, all of which have numbers of the form 'X.Y', the rule with the lowest value of Y is considered to have the lowest number.

Proposal 1017 - Fri Jul 19 15:07:07 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted


Repeal R 664, "Every other day, every other day, every other day of the week is fine, yeah"

{{[ This is the "Sunday rule", which is what prompted me to write this proposal. Aside from the problem of the rule being non culturally neutral, it is a royal pain in the #^&%&^ for the CotC and Assistant Tabulator.

Times must be constantly be adjusted, and it draws out certain processes unnecessarily.

The biggest problem will be for a CotC or AT, like myself, who works a full job Monday to Friday, and does not use the company e-mail account for nomic. The rule has the effect of buffering work that could be done Sunday, to Monday, leaving alot of work for Monday nite. This will not fly when football season starts in America :).]}}


Amend R 569, "Overturning Judgements", to replace the first paragraph, to read in full:

"After any Judgement is returned, a player may appeal the case to the Supreme Court for consideration. The time period for appeal shall be 4 days from the posting of the Judgement. A player may not make more than 3 appeals of the same CFJ."

{{[I've changed the appeal time from 7 to 4 days. This will ease CotC work and clutter. Virtually all CFJs are appealed as soon as the verdict is handed down anyway. 4 days is sufficient for it to be hanging out there. I originally had 3 days, but that was too short for verdicts handed down friday nite for people who don't play on the weekends, because writing an appeal reasoning can be time consuming, unlike other 3 day things in the game. (ie, I effectively keep the Sunday rule for this one case, because of the time consuming nature of CFJ appeals.

I've also removed the 5 point appeal penalty, The 20 point frivilous appeal penalty is sufficient. If a real turkey of a verdict is handed down, why should the first person to appeal it get hit with a 5 point penalty?

I've also tried to remove the endless filibustering with appeals.]}}

{{[current text
"After any Judgement is returned, a player may pay a penalty of 5 points and appeal the case to the Supreme Court for consideration. The time period for appeal shall be one week from the posting of the Judgement."]}}


Amend R 611, "Offices, Related Definitions" as follows:

a) replace all occurrances of the phrase "48 hours" with the phrase "3 days".

b) replace all occurrances of the phrase "72 hours" with the phrase "3 days".

{{[3 days is the time for everything else in the game, it should be the same here. 2 days was too short for nomination announcements, given weekends. Also, in the spirit of consistency, change hours to days]}}


Amend R 612, "Offices, Commonalities" as follows:

replace all occurrances of the phrase "72 hours" with the phrase "3 days".


Amend R 615, "Speaker, Creation of" as follows:

a) replace all occurrances of the phrase "48 hours" with the phrase "3 days".

b) replace all occurrances of the phrase "72 hours" with the phrase "3 days".


Amend R 648, "Confirmation Procedure" to replace the first paragraph to read, in full:

Whenever a rule calls for the confirmation by the Senate of a particular candidate or action (e.g. R507), each Senator will have 3 days (hereafter call the Period) to post a "Yes" or "No" vote to the public forum.


Whenever a rule calls for the confirmation by the Senate of a particular candidate or action (e.g. R507), each Senator will have the amount of time defined by the Standard Confirmation Period to post a "Yes" or "No" vote to the public forum.]}}


Repeal Rule 636 "Definitions".

{{[ I never went anywhere with my original idea here of standardizing times. The rule subtracts value, IMHO, and is no longer needed.]}}


Amend R 779, "Succession Proceedings", as follows:

a) Add the following sentence as the first line of the rule:

"This rule has precedence over Rule 490."

b) Replace all occurences of the term "fortnight" with term "week".

Proposal 1018 - Fri Jul 19 15:07:07 EDT 1996
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

A class of entities called the Hotel (plural Hotels) is hereby created. Hotels are Protected. Each particular Hotel is Protected and may only be created by the passage of a Rule. If the Rule that creates a particular Hotel ceases to exist, that Hotel vanishes in a cloud of dust.

Any Player may stay in a Hotel upon announcing it to the public forum and paying the hotel's fee. If the fee for a particular Hotel is not defined elsewhere in the rules, it is 10 units of the official currency per 24-hour period or fraction thereof. The fee for staying in a Hotel is paid to the owner of the Hotel, unless otherwise specified. If a Hotel has no other owner, its owner is considered to be the Treasury. If the owner of a Hotel is a Player, that Player may set the fee for that Hotel, but any increase in a Hotel's fee will not apply to any Player staying in that Hotel at the time of the fee increase. If the owner of a Hotel ceases to be a Player, ownership of that Hotel reverts to the Treasury. A Hotel is considered to be an asset [and therefore can be bought and sold on the Free Market].

A Hotel is considered to have no limit on the number of Players staying there concurrently unless otherwise specified by a Rule. A Player staying in a Hotel is considered a Guest of that Hotel.

A Player may stay in a Hotel for any length of time as long as e has enough currency to pay for the privilege.

If a Guest goes on Vacation, e will remain in the Hotel as long as e has enough currency to pay for the privilege, provided that no other rule requires the Player to leave the Hotel.

A Guest will not leave the Hotel until either e posts to the public forum that e is leaving, e runs out of money to pay for the stay, the Hotel ceases to exist, or e is required to leave the Hotel by any applicable Rule. The owner of a Hotel does not have the ability to make a Guest leave that Hotel unless otherwise specified by another applicable Rule.

Players who are staying in Hotels and owners of Hotels may have other privileges, duties or special characteristics as specified by another applicable Rule.

No Player may simultaneously be in more than one of the following entities: any Hotel, the Ackanomic Afterlife, Gaol. A Player staying in a Hotel who is required by any rule to enter another of these entities automatically leaves the Hotel. This Rule defers to those Rules requiring any Player to enter an entity mentioned in this paragraph.

Proposal 1019 - Fri Jul 19 15:08:35 EDT 1996
Casa Mona
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

The Casa Mona is a Hotel. It is a classy building.

The Casa Mona may also be referred to as the Pissant Hilton.

The Casa Mona is built like a bookcase, with solid sides and back and with a front of blue-green glass.

In the Casa Mona, there are fresh flowers on every bedside table, but the beds are not made. There are no pillows on the beds. In fact, there is simply a bare, brand-new Beautyrest mattress. Every time a guest leaves the room, the old mattress is thrown away and a new one is put in. There are no coat hangers in the closets.

The fee for staying in the Casa Mona is 4 units of the official currency per 24-hour period or fraction thereof, plus 10 units of the official currency per stay. (This is the fee for the mattress.) If a Player owns the Casa Mona, that Player may set the daily fee for staying in the Casa Mona, but not the mattress fee.

Any Player who is staying in the Casa Mona will not be eligible to receive the Magic Potato, should such an entity exist, for the duration of the stay. This rule takes precedence over Rule 306, should such a rule exist.

Any Player who is staying in the Casa Mona at the time that a Proposal written by that Player is accepted will receive an additional 5 points for each Proposal meeting these requirements.

Any Player who is staying in the Casa Mona will have the opportunity to meet the Fat Lady at the end of the stay.

No Player may wear a Prosthetic Forehead while staying in the Casa Mona. The ceilings are too low.

If a Player who has been staying in the Casa Mona for at least one month wins a cycle, e will gain ownership of the Casa Mona, and henceforth any fees paid by players to stay in the Casa Mona will be paid to that Player.

The President of Ackanomia may stay in the Casa Mona without charge (except for the mattress) but is not eligible to receive points based on the stay and will not gain ownership of the Casa Mona if e wins a cycle.

Proposal 1020 - Fri Jul 19 15:09:44 EDT 1996
This number was mistakenly assigned to a non-proposal.

Proposal 1021 - Fri Jul 19 15:10:18 EDT 1996
Coke was It
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 706, "Coke Is It," is hereby repealed.

Proposal 1022 - Sat Jul 20 11:43:11 EDT 1996
Spelling Bee
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[this is an attempt to allow the web-harfer to fix misspellings when rules and CFJs are adopted, and not need to go through the proposal process, thus simplifying the whole thing, and putting it in the background]}}

Create a new rule entitled "Spelling Bee", reading:

This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule which would prohibit the type of Rule and CFJ changes described here.

1) This Rule creates a Protected entity known as the Spelling Bee. Its purpose is to fly through the Rules and CFJ Archive and sting out misspelled or mistyped words. It may not fly through, or sting, any other entities.

2) Its flight may only be initiated by an officer privileded to do so.

3) Its flight may be initiated at any time, including immediately after the Adoption of a Rule change, or the filing of a CFJ verdict.

4) An officer initiates its flight by posting a public message with the term "Spelling" in its subject line. Its flight consists of, in that post, a listing of all Rule and CFJ changes being made, clearly labeled by rule or CFJ number, old word, and replacement word. These changes are called "stingings" and must be made in accordance with the rules below. Words in titles and headers of Rules and CFJs may be stung. No one may initiate a flight which is illegal, or contains illegal stingings.

5a) Permissible Stingings:
a) Replacing a misspelled word with its correctly spelled equivelent.
b) Changing the capitilization of the first letter of a word.
c) Replacing correctly spelled words with the word that was intended. Ie, replacing "an" with "and" in the following example from R 214: "A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons an arguments".
d) Replacing proper nouns with their proper spelling when the proper spelling is generally known and accepted.

5b) Impermissible stingings. This list takes precedence over 5a) where there is conflict:
a) Replacing a creative or made up word, such as "Torkola".
b) Replacing British, American, or archaic spellings with their American, British, or non-archaic equivelent.
c) Replacing a foreign word with its Anglicized equivelent.
d) Replacing Spivak pronouns with other pronouns, or replacing non-gender neutral language with gender neutral language, or replacing any pronoun or phrase with a Spivak pronoun.
e) Replacing words in quotes or words followed by [sic].
f) Replacing slang or colloquial words, or spellings thereof.
g) Changing the word, such as replacing "superceeds" with "takes precedence over", or "computer" with "machine", even if the word being replaced is misspelled.
g) Fixing grammar errors, except what is allowed by 5a) section c).
i) Replacing abbreviations and acronyms.
j) Making any change that violates the "spirit" of what was intended in the writing being edited.

6) Once the flight has been announced, it has been considered to be made, and the changes may be physically made by the officer. If a player objects to a stinging or stinging(s), they must Call for Judgement on the matter that the change violated this, or other rules. If the CFJ finds for the player's position, the change(s) must be undone. (Note that the officer will be liable for CFCJ as well, for initiating an illegal flight of the Spelling Bee). If the CFJ does not find for the player, their only recourse is a Proposal to change the language back.

7) Changes made by the Spelling Bee are not noted below the Rules, as is customary for other changes. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would require such notation.

8) Where there is doubt, corrent spellings are adjudicated by the Official Dictionary.


Amend R 411, "Office of the Web-Harfer", to read, in full:

The Office of the Web-Harfer is a Functional Office. The Duties are:
a) To keep the information on the Ackanomic WWW page up-to-date.
b) To select and maintain a link to the Official Dictionary of the English language (hereafter referred to in the rules as the "Official Dictionary").

The Privileges are, in addition to receiving the customary salary:

a) To initiate flights of the Spelling Bee.

It is the responsibility of other players to make public any information that should be reflected in the WWW page."

{{[original text:
"The Office of the Web-Harfer is a Functional Office. It is the Duty of the Web-Harfer to keep the information on the Ackanomic WWW page up-to-date. It is the responsibility of other players to make public any information that should be reflected in the WWW page."]}}


Amend R 798 "Palindromes are Inherently Amusing", to replace section (2) under "conditions" with:

"(2) each word in the Rule exists either in the Ackanomic Rule Set previous to the creation of the Rule, or in the Official Dictionary, provided that such dictionary exists and is not under the control of any Player."

(2) each word in the Rule exists either in the Ackanomic Rule Set previous to the creation of the Rule, or in an electronically accessible dictionary of the English language selected by the Web-Harfer, should that office exist, provided that such dictionary is not under the control of any Player]}}

Proposal 1023 - Sat Jul 20 12:03:02 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[Not only includes a new auction rule reuseable by anyone, but rewrites Gadgets and Blueprints for conformity.

It came to me when writing the Pizza proposal that it might be nice to piggyback on the existing gadget/blueprint/auction stuff that was already out there, but those rules were specific and not reuseable.

It seems to me that anyone should be able to create a blueprint/gadget, if 2/3 of the electorate approve it (eg, magic potato, pizza). Its really not that much different than a rule. The Inventor could still do so by priveledge, but I wanted to extend the process to where a *rule* could create blueprints and gadgets, thus reusing the concept. It was especially important to me in the case of auctions, where I do not want to rewrite the auction procedure every time I wanted to create something like Pizza by rule, so I broke out auctions into a seperate rule, which also allows the Inventor a chance to bid on the gadget.

I also extended the term Gadget to Artifact and Creature, because the term Gadget seems mechanical and limiting. (I have the term Chartreuse Goose in my mind, but haven't found anything to do with it yet (pTang's Horrid Green Thing comes to mind))]}}


Amend R 594, "Blueprints, Creation of", to read in full:

(i) The Inventor can create a new Blueprint by publicly posting its text. In this case, the Inventor is considered the creator of the Blueprint. A Rule can also create a new Blueprint by specifying that it is doing so, and by specifying its text. In this case, the Rule's author is considered the creator of the Blueprint.

If a new Blueprint does not (a) introduce exactly one new type of Gadget, (b) name the new Gadget type, and (c) unambiguously define the behavior of such a Gadget, it is immediately destroyed.

(ii) When a Blueprint is judged to be in conflict with one or more Rules, the Blueprint is destroyed.

(iii) A Blueprint is lonely if and only if there do not currently exist any Gadgets made from that Blueprint. The creator of a Blueprint may destroy their lonely Blueprint. If an Inventor leaves office for any reason, all of his or her lonely Blueprints are destroyed. [This gives the Players a way to get rid of the Blueprint for some Doomsday device: impeach the Inventor. In other cases, the Blueprint is generally approved by vote.]

[A Blueprint is not a legally binding document except where the Rules say that it is.]


Amend Rule 786 "Gadgets, Creation of", to read in full:

(i) The terms "Artifact" and "Creature", as used elsewhere in the rules, shall be considered synonomous to the term "Gadget", and all rules pertaining to Gadgets shall apply to these terms.

(ii) A Gadget's Blueprint is the Blueprint that defines the class of Gadget to which that Gadget belongs. If a Gadget's Blueprint exists, the Gadget behaves in the manner defined by the Blueprint, and may be manipulated in accordance with it.

(iii) A Gadget has at most one owner. The ownership of a Gadget may be transferred from one Player to another by mutual consent, but both Players must write messages to the public forum stating the terms of the transfer. The time of the transfer is the time of the later of the two messages.

(vi) The ability to create Gadgets is a Privilege of the Inventor. The Inventor may create a Gadget only by performing these tasks, in this order:

(a) choosing a type from those defined by existing Blueprints.

(b) announcing publicly that a new Gadget of that type is being made. This cannot be done if the Inventor is already in the process of making a Gadget.

(c) building the gadget. This task is completed when the Inventor has spent at least three days building, and the Blueprint defining the type of Gadget to be made has existed for at least one week. The Gadget is created at the end of this time. It has no owner.

(d) announcing publicly that the new Gadget has been built and initiating the process to publically Auction the Gadget, as defined by Rule XYZ.

{{Upon adoption of this rule change, all occurrences of the string "XYZ" in the resultant rule, other than this one, shall be replaced by the proposal number which led to this rule change.}}

(e) If, during the creation process, the Inventor's Privileges are suspended, the process is paused. If, during the creation process, the Inventor leaves office, no new Gadget is created, or the new Gadget is destroyed (whichever case applies). The process is then aborted and cannot be continued by the succeeding Inventor.

(v) Gadgets, Creatures, and Artifacts may also be created by rules, provided the rule specifies the quantity created, the Blueprint which defines its behaviour, and how ownership is to be determined. If ownership is to be determined by Auction, The Auction shall be conducted by the process defined by Rule XYZ.

(vi) A Gadget's owner can destroy it by publicly announcing that he or she is doing so, unless the Gadget's Blueprint specifies that it is indestructible.

(vii) A Gadget may create, destroy, or manipulate a Protected entity if its Blueprint so specifies. [So, Gadgets can affect other Gadgets, create points, and so on, as long as this behaviour does not conflict with the Rules.]


A new rule shall be created with the title "Auction", and have the following text:

1) An Auction can be called either by the Rules or by any Player. The call for Auction must include:
a) the item to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling for the Auction, and must be owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player.
b) the quantity to be Auctioned (default = 1)
c) the minimum bid (default = A$0)
d) whether the Auction is to be private or public (default = private)

{{[the following is to allow the Inventor a chance to bid on inventions]}}

2) The Auctioneer will be the Assistant Tabulator if the day of the week when the Auction is called is odd (based on New York Time), and the Inventor otherwise. If either office is unfilled or on vacation, the other shall be the Auctioneer. If both are unfilled or on vacation, the Speaker shall be the Auctioneer. If this is impossible as well, there shall be no Auction until the situation is corrected. To go on vacation just to avoid Auctioneer duty is to be considered bad taste, and the other Players are permitted to sneer.

3) The Auctioneer is disqualified to bid in the Auction. The Auctioneer may use either the title of Auctioneer, or Chief Cheese for the duration of the Auction.

4) The Auction shall last for 3 days, after which time the Auctioneer shall announce the results, and all currency and items shall be transferred to their new owners. If the Auction was not initiated by a player, the Auctioneer shall keep a 10% commission of all monies transferred to the Treasury as compensation for performing the work and not being permitted to bid.

5) The Auction shall be conducted as follows:
5a) All qualified players are permitted to submit bids of an amount of currency equal to or less than the amount they possess. If a player submits multiple bids, only the highest will be considered. Anyone who submits a bid in excess of the currency they have is disqualified, and their bids are disqualified. Anyone who submits a bid below the minimum bid is also disqualified. Bids may not be retracted.

5b) Let N be the quantity of items up for Auction. The players who made the N highest qualified bids shall each receive an item in exchange for the amount of currency they bid. If the number of players who made qualified bids is less than N, then the Auctioneer shall receive all the the remaining items, if the minimum bid was A$0. If it was not A$0, then the remaining item(s) shall revert to the player initiating the auction. If, instead, they were unowned when the Auction was initiated, they are destroyed.

5c) If the bids are tied such that the Auctioneer cannot determine who gets item(s), the Auctioneer shall resolve the tie(s) via random means, and disclose this fact.

5d) If the Auction is private, the Auctioneer shall not disclose the results to anyone during the process of the Auction. If the Auction is public, the Auctioneer shall make a good faith attempt to keep the players apprised of the current high bid(s), either via e-mail or the Web page, for the duration of the Auction.

Proposal 1024 - Sat Jul 20 23:57:13 EDT 1996
Saving Bandwidth II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[trying to remove all traces of the extra step of submission to an officer on game actions where that extra step slows things down, and adds no value. I left contracts alone, because I'm not sure were they are going. I like the idea, but no one uses them, so...]}}

Amend R 613, "Offices, Impeachment", to make the following changes:

1) in section (i), replace the phrase "submitted to the Assistant Tabulator" with the phrase "posted to the public forum".

2) in section (ii), remove all occurrances of the string "The IP shall be distributed publicly."


Amend R 775, "Church, Creation of", to completely replace section 2 with the following:

2. Any may Player may declare eir intent to found a Church. A Church officially exists when the player has three Followers in addition to eirself, and publically announces all of the following details of the Church:
a) the name of the Church
b) the name of the Founder (who must be a church member)
c) the names of all the members
d) a document called Church Dogma. Church Dogma includes any information concerning the Church that the Church wishes to make public.

{{[ original text:
2. a. Any may Player may declare eir intent to found a Church. A Church is officially recognized when the player has three Followers in addition to eirself.
b. The Player who founded the Church will be known as the Church Founder.
c.Any Player who joins the Church will be known as a Follower
d. Once a Church has been officially recognized, a public announcement will be made by the Speaker to that effect. The announcement must include the name of the Church, the name of the Founder, the names of all the members, and a document called Church Dogma. Church Dogma includes any information concerning the Church that the Founder wishes to make public. ]}}

Proposal 1025 - Sun Jul 21 23:24:17 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal R 558, "Definition of Dormant".


Amend R 592, "Protection", to append the following as its last sentence:

"Rules, the rule set, proposals, points, currency, Officers, Players, and PFbonds are protected entities. Rule changes may manipulate rules and the rule set."


Repeal R 660, "Protected Entities".

Proposal 1026 - Mon Jul 22 15:58:38 EDT 1996
New and Returning Players
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

When a person registers as a player, he shall be considered a returning player if and only if there exists an Undead with a name which that person may choose as his Ackanomic name, in accordance with the rules. Otherwise he is considered a new player.

Proposal 1027 - Mon Jul 22 18:43:01 EDT 1996
Undead whoops
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 962.2, "Player Leaving/Returning Process", as follows:

1. In step 7 of the procedure for players leaving the game, change "Undead created in step 4" to "Undead created in step 3".

2. Add to the end of the rule:

{{ The Undead haunting Mohammed's house is given the name Mohammed. }}

Proposal 1028 - Mon Jul 22 18:43:35 EDT 1996
Regulating the Use (Misuse?) of Acka Entities
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

1) Create a new Rule titled "Classification of Acka Entities" with the following text:

There exist 2 meta-types of nomic entities, Active Entities and Passive Entities. Nomic entities created by a Proposal must belong to one of the two meta-types. No Acka Entity may belong to both meta-types at the same time.

An entity is considered Active if it has the inherent ability to do any of the following: adjust Points, adjust votes, adjust income, adjust status of a Player, or other actions as may be determined by the Rules (i.e. the Voting Gnome, Blueprints, Gadgets, Amber Banana, Tamany, etc)

An entity which does not fit the above criteria is considered Passive (i.e. Prosthetic Foreheads, Gumball, Silly Vacation Hats, etc.).

When the Rule defining an Entity is amended, or when new powers are given to an Entity, it may change meta-type or remain in its current meta-type.

Any Player may call into question the classification of any Entity or change of classification by publicly petitioning the President (or, if there is no President, the Speaker). The President (or Speaker, if there is no President) must determine the Entity's classification. If the President (or Speaker et al.) is unable to decide which meta-type an Entity belongs to using previous determinations, game custom, or specific Rules, then the Entity shall be considered Passive.

Any Player may challenge the classification of an Entity to the Supreme Court, if such exists. If no Supreme Court exists at the time the challenge is made, the Speaker shall make the final determination.

2) Create a new Rule titled "Punishment for Misuse of Acka Entities" with the following text:

If a Player believes another Player (hereafter referred to as "the Offending Player") is attempting or has attempted to use an Acka Entity in a manner inconsistent with the traditions of the game, or in violation of the Rules, He may request a "Senatorial Decree" on the matter. Senatorial Decrees may be granted if a simple majority (or 50% of the Senators and the Proconsul) determine that such misuse has occurred or is occurring.

If the Acka Entity involved is Passive at the time of misuse, the action(s) resulting in the misuse of the Entity shall be determined to never have occurred and the Offending Player shall have eir Score reduced by no less than one (1) Point and no more than six(6) Points at the determination of the Senate. If the misuse is determined by the Senate's judgement to have been intended to result in a reduction of Points, the Offending Player's score shall be raised by twenty-five (25) Points (this sentence takes precedence over the previous one).

If the Acka Entity involved is Active at the time of misuse, the action(s) resulting in the misuse of the Entity shall be determined to never have occurred and the Offending Player shall forfeit eir rights to access any Active Entity for a period of one week or until the end of the current cycle at the time of the Decree (whichever is shorter).The Offending Player shall also have eir Score reduced by twenty (20) Points and be subject to a Fine of A$ 15. If the misuse is determined by the Senate's judgement to have been intended to result in a reduction of Points, the Offending Player's score shall be raised by twenty-five (25) Points and fined A$15 (this sentence takes precedence over the previous one).

The Offending Player may appeal a Senatorial Decree issued against em exactly once per Decree. E may petition the Supreme Court to issue an Act of Justice overturning the actions of the Senate. The Supreme Court must consider the petition of the Offending Player, but reserves the right to deny the request. If there is no Supreme Court at the time of the request for Appeal, the Speaker Shall assume this duty. This paragraph takes precedence over any other Rules dealing with Appeals or Supreme Court actions.

Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to restrict the Senate from issuing Decrees on the matter of misuse of Enities by eir own initiative. Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to deny any Players' rights to request a CFJ or any other judicial relief as specified in the Rules. This Rule takes precedence over any Rules governing access to Acka Entities.

[Proposer's Comment: Many thanks to snowgod, Malenkai and /dev/joe for eir tremendous input. Without em, this Proposal would be a lot shorter and loaded with loopholes and possible paradoxes....Hmmmm]

Proposal 1029 - Tue Jul 23 00:28:18 EDT 1996
On Ice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[I've done some tinkering with the vacation rule to attempt to handle long and ambigious vacations, or at least try to put durations around vacations. Any votes?]}}

Amend R 457, to read in full:

A player shall be considered "on vacation" when he or she makes a public request that he or she desires to be on vacation. Players are allowed to put only themselves on vacation. The Rules may specify other ways a Player may be put on vacation.

A player should specify the expected duration of their vacation. If the duration is not specified when they go on vacation, it is assumed to be 14 days. If the period specified is longer than 30 days, it is assumed, and recorded, as 30 days. It is a duty of the Register to keep a record of the expected duration of vacationing players.

{{ Grandfather clause: Any player who was on vacation the instant this rule was adopted will have recorded for them an expected duration of 30 days from the time the rule was adopted. This paragraph has precedence over the previous one.}}

While a player is on vacation, the player shall not not be randomly selected for anything. The player shall also not be chosen to perform any task. The duties of any offices held by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker.

A player on vacation is not considered and "active player" while they are on vacation. Nor may they be removed from the game by any procedure, unless that procedure *explicitly* states that it applies to vacationing players, or that procedure is part of this Rule.

The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation. A player shall take himself off vacation by declaring to the public forum that he is back from his vacation. As soon as the player makes this public declaration, he shall no longer be considered on vacation.

Votes cast before a player went on vacation shall count normally. If a vacationing player does not cast a vote on a proposal, then the player shall have no vote or abstention recorded for that proposal.

Succession Proceedings may not be called against a player on vacation.

If a player is still on vacation when their expected duration expires, they are put "on ice", and it is a duty of the Registrar to announce this fact publically. A player on ice is still considered a vacationing player, and their on ice status is removed at the same time they return from, or are removed, from vacation.

A player who is on ice for 14 consecutive days is automatically Impeached from any offices they may hold. A player who is on ice for 90 consecutive days is removed from the game.

This rule has precdence over any mutable rule which conflicts in whole or in part, with any of its provisions.

Proposal 1030 - Tue Jul 23 00:28:36 EDT 1996
Voodoo Economics
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[the rewrite for those deflationary senarios. I had to wait to see if "previously granted" passed.]}}

Amend R 480, "Creation of the AckaDollar", to read in full:

The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.

Each player who has not previously been granted A$ by application of this rule shall be granted the lesser of A$900, or the average A$ balance of all other existing players, from the Treasury. AckaDollars cannot be traded, exchanged, given, destroyed or in any way acted upon except as specified in the Rules.

{{[previous text:

The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.

Each player who has not previously been granted A$ by application of this rule shall be granted A$900 from the treasury. AckaDollars cannot be traded, exchanged, given, destroyed or in any way acted upon except as specified in the Rules. ]}}

Proposal 1031 - Tue Jul 23 00:28:46 EDT 1996
Notes Fix
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 545, "Notes and Comments" shall be amended to read, in full:

{{ The symbol [[ in rules other than this one begins a temporary note, which ends with the next following symbol ]]. All temporary notes shall be removed from the rules herewith. }}

A left square bracket in a rule or other text begins a note, which ends with the next following right square bracket, or the end of the rule or body of text, whichever comes first. [This means that notes do not nest.] In the Ackanomic language, notes have no semantic meaning, whatever their lexical content.

{{[The double-braced part will get rid of temporary notes that weren't really temporary... there was a teeny problem with that, as Malenkai pointed out with his paradox win, and so the first paragraph will clean up the mess.]}}

{{[ (If someone wants a temporary note from here on out, notes can be embedded in Malenkai braces). ]}}

{{[This was originally Mohammed's proposal. He had to retract it before he quit because a problem in R 569. He would have wanted someone else to submit it.]}}

{{ Malenkai's score shall be reduced by 9 points. [I can't think of a non-retroactive way to give Mohammed the points, as they seem to be an extra-nomic entity at this point. Oh well.]}}

Proposal 1032 - Tue Jul 23 00:49:11 EDT 1996
CFJ Casino
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

{{[This is based on a comment mr cwm made a while back, and I've added in Brinjal's "pool" idea received when this was in RFC.]}}

1) The CFJ Casino is hereby created. It is a Protected entity. The Casino shall be run by the officer responsible for administering CFJs. For the purposes of this rule, that officer shall be known as the "House".

2) Upon initial distribution of the CFJ, the House shall decide if "betting is on", or "betting is off", and shall make that designation part of the official distribution. The House shall use common sense to determine if betting should be on, by considering the frivilous nature of the CFJ. For example, betting would probably be off for a CFJ with a statement such as "I make Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice by squeezing the Golden Frog, and have therefore won the game". Note that this should be read as *frivilous*, not necessarily *no-brainer*.

3) Once such a designation has been made, it cannot be changed for the entire life of the CFJ, including any appeals.

4) Once a CFJ has been distributed for which betting is on, the House will accept bets on the outcome of the CFJ from the players, and bets will be accepted until the time a verdict is officially delivered.

5) "Outcome", must be a single statement specifying whether the player is betting taht the verdict will be TRUE or FALSE". All players are eligible to wager, except those explicitly excluded. Wagers must be 50 units of currency. Wagers may not exceed the account balance of the player making them. Upon wagering, the funds are escrowed with the House, and may not be used by the player for any other game action. The funds are considered "owned" by the Treasury while they are being held in escrow, so any event that affects the House's or bettor's balance will not affect them. This clause claims precedence over any mutable rule with which it is in conflict.

6) A player may not make more than one wager. A player may not retract a wager. Players may not make wagers after the original verdict is delivered (ie, while it is being appealed).

7) The House, the first judge-designate of the CFJ, and the initiator of the CFJ are explicity excluded from betting on the particular CFJ.

8) It is illegal for the Judge or the House to announce or reveal a verdict to any player other than the House before that verdict is officially delivered by the House. It is also illegal for the Judge to disclose how they "may" rule on the CFJ to any player other than the House.

9) Once a verdict is announced, the House announces the results and payoffs of all the wagers. The Financier shall update all of the books appropriately. If a verdict other than TRUE or FALSE is announced, all funds wagered are forfeit, and go to the Treasury.

10) If the verdict is appealed, and it is overturned, the results of 9) are "reversed", and new payoffs are published and accounted for as in 9).

11) Results and payoffs are as follows:
a) If no one placed a wager, there is no payoff.

b) If exactly 1 player placed a wager:
If they were correct, they receive a payoff of 100% of their wager from the Treasury, less a 10% "vigorish" retained by the House, and a return of their original wager.

If they were incorrect, their wager is forfeited to the Treasury, less a 10% vigorish retained by the House.

c) If more than one player placed a wager, the total pool of money wagered is added up, and the House receives a 10% vig from that pool. After that, the money is evenly divided among every player who correctly predicted the outcome. If the amount is not evenly divisible, the House will contribute enough units back to the pool to make it evenly divisible. If no player correctly predicted the verdict in this case, all monies except the vig are forfeit to the Treasury.

Proposal 1033 - Tue Jul 23 00:49:26 EDT 1996
Bronze Torch
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Bronze Torches are awarded as a recognition of merit to those players who have shown us the light through the stickiest of rule interpretation quagmires.

Any number of Bronze Torches may exist at any one time. They may only be owned by players, and have only those powers specified by the Rules and shall only be created and destroyed as specified by the Rules. A player may have at most one Bronze Torch. Bronze Torches may not be bought, sold, or otherwise traded or transferred amongst players, except as specified in this rule. This clause has precedence over any mutable rule which would allow such transferrence.

Bronze Torches are awarded by the President, the Proconsul, or a Justice. Each time one is to be awarded, it is created for the occasion by the Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division. They may only be awarded to a player if that player is eligible to receive one.

Once a player has delivered a total of 15 verdicts on CFJs, CFCJs, or as part of (or all of) the Supreme Court, they are eligible for a Bronze Torch. Verdicts which have been overturned do not count towards this total, nor do any verdicts other than True or False. A verdict which is upheld by the Supreme Court counts both for the original Judge and for the Justices of the Court (assuming it is True or False).

Upon a player leaving the game, their Bronze Torch is haunted by their undead.


Amend Rule 563 "Justices Are Keeper Of The Sacred Laws", to read in full:

Before the result of a CFJ is made public, a Justice or Bronze Torch owner can add their own reasoning to the official publication of the result by sending it either to the person in charge of CFJs, or to the public forum. This reasoning can be made public by no one other than the author of the reasoning.

Upon the Judge or Court reaching a verdict, the person in charge of CFJs will also add any reasoning submitted under the auspices of this rule to the official publication of the CFJ, along with the judge's decision.

{{[original text:

Before the result of a CFJ is made public, all Justices can add their own reasoning to the official publication of the result by sending the text to the person in charge of CFJs. This reasoning can be made public by the Justices, but no one else, until the judge has decided on the verdict. At that time, and before public publication, the person in charge of CFJs will also add each Justice's message at the end of the official publication of the CFJ with the judge's decision.]}}

Proposal 1034 - Tue Jul 23 02:33:03 EDT 1996
Repeal R 989 "Definition of Judging Index".
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal R 989 "Definition of Judging Index".

{{[The CotC's worst nightmare. JI is not used. Blow it away!!]}}

Proposal 1035 - Wed Jul 24 00:33:25 EDT 1996
Parades and such
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 761, "Parades", as follows:

Change the beginning of the first sentence from:
"Whenever a proposal whose number ends with the digits "76" is accepted, an Ackanomic Parade shall be held" to:
"When the Tabulator distributes the voting results for a proposal whose number ends with the digits "76", and the proposal was accepted, an Ackanomic Parade shall be held"

Change the second sentence from:
"The Guest of Honour has seven days from the acceptance of the proposal to publish an interesting description of the parade." to:
"The Guest of Honour has seven days from the distribution of the proposal's voting results to publish an interesting description of the parade."

Add to the end of the rule:
"{{ Malenkai shall be awarded 10 points. [This is to make up for the points he lost without ever having a chance to describe the parade.]}}"

Proposal 1036 - Thu Jul 25 01:59:33 EDT 1996
Rock, Creation of
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

There exists A Rock To Wind A String Around (henceforth known as the rock). The rock may not be owned or controlled by any player, except as specified by the rules. The rock may be manipulated by a vending machine, should such a thing exist.

Presently the rock is unowned, and resides in the treasury.

Proposal 1037 - Thu Jul 25 01:59:46 EDT 1996
Bull Market
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R 818 to make the following changes:

1) Replace all occurrances of the string "A$7" with the string "A$57".

2) Append the following paragraph at the end of the rule:

Prosthetic Foreheads may be traded on the FM for currency or other entities, assuming the FM exists. Prosthetic Foreheads may be auctioned, provided such a procedure is defined by the Rules.

Proposal 1038 - Thu Jul 25 01:59:59 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 729, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", to append the following paragraph at the end of the current text:

Any player who has been burned as a heretic exactly once is considered Enlightened. Any player burned more than once, however, is beyond hope and may never become Enlightened. Any player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule.

Proposal 1039 - Thu Jul 25 02:00:13 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 110, "Winning the Game", as follows:

1) Change the title to "Winning".

2) Amend it to read, in full:

A player may only win the Game or Cycle by procedures defined by the Rules, or by achieving a winning condition that is defined by the Rules. There is no limit to the number of such procedures or conditions which may be defined in the Rules.

Proposal 1040 - Thu Jul 25 02:00:49 EDT 1996
Protect #1
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

Transmute R110 to Immutable

Proposal 1041 - Thu Jul 25 02:01:10 EDT 1996
Protect #2
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author

Transmute R106 to Immutable

Proposal 1042 - Thu Jul 25 02:02:06 EDT 1996
protect #3
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

Transmute R112 to Immutable

Proposal 1043 - Thu Jul 25 02:02:34 EDT 1996
We've been crashed for a while
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 457 to replace the sentence which reads:

"The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation."


"The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation, or perform any action permitted by an Immutable Rule."

Proposal 1044 - Thu Jul 25 02:03:02 EDT 1996
Honoring Wayne
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{Wayne is hereby awarded a Blue Cross as recognition for his outstanding work for Ackanomic. A parade shall be held in his honor. This rule has precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1045 - Thu Jul 25 02:03:16 EDT 1996
Just sillier
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

The words "cows eat grass" in the rule entitled "That's just silly" shall be replaced with the text of Rule 728.

Proposal 1046 - Thu Jul 25 02:03:27 EDT 1996
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule reading as follows:

The acka-entity called the Little Lamb exists. The Little Lamb resides on the common lands of Ackanomia.

Any player may claim possession of the Little Lamb, which will remain in effect until another player claims possession of the Little Lamb, or for one week, whichever is longer.

Just as cows eat grass, the Little Lamb also eats grass. Therefore, any player who possesses the Little Lamb will be charged 10 units of the official currency each time e takes possession of the Little Lamb. The fee will be paid to the Orkatass Lawn Care Company and Motor Inn for reseeding the common lands.

But while a player possesses the Little Lamb, e has three times the normal probability of receiving the Magic Potato, and e may purchase a Wool Sweater from the Treasury for 10 units of the official currency.

Any number of Wool Sweaters may exist at one time. They are created by the Orkatass Lamb Products Company when purchased. A player may put on a Wool Sweater if e possesses one. However, players wearing Prosthetic Foreheads may not put on a Wool Sweater, because Wool Sweaters will not fit over Prosthetic Foreheads.

Proposal 1047 - Thu Jul 25 02:04:02 EDT 1996
[The name of this proposal is a single space character]
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule entitled "[The name of this rule is a single space character]" with the following text:

The entity called Nothing is hereby created.

Nothing exists.

Nothing can be owned by any player.

Nothing has no properties.

Nothing cannot be owned by the Treasury.

Proposal 1048 - Thu Jul 25 02:04:22 EDT 1996
Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted by author

{{[game custom indicates the following rule changes are legal, I suppose]}}

Transmute R 108 to Mutable.

Amend "Rule 108" Mutable/Immutable Inconsistencies, to read in full:

Clauses or sections in Mutable rules that are inconsistent in some way with some Immutable rule (except by proposing to transmute it) are wholly void and without effect. The rest of the Mutable rule remains in effect, as if the inconsistent clause(s) have been stricken from it.

They do not implicitly transmute immutable rules into mutable rules and at the same time amend them. Rule changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules will be effective only if they explicitly state their transmuting effect.
Transmute R 108 to Immutable.

Proposal 1049 - Thu Jul 25 14:10:14 EDT 1996
Killing Two Birds With One Stone
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R729 by replacing it's complete text with the following:

Cows Eat Grass. Contradiction of this fact is Heresy. If, in a public message, a player refers to acows eating oats, or implies that cows eat anything other than grass, any other player may call for a Witchhunt, by publically posting that they are doing so. During the Witchhunt, which lasts 3 days, players send their votes to the Assistant Tabulator (hereafter referred to as the Witchfinder General) containing the name of the alleged Heretic. Players can vote either "No! E said Cows eat grass", or "BURN THE WITCH!" After the Witchhunt is over, a simple majority (50% or more) will determine whether or not the alleged Heretic has been burned.The Witchfinder General will publicly announce the outcome. If the witch has been burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic afterlife, should such a place exist. E shall be excommunicated from the Ackanomic Catholic Church, should such an organisation exist. And e shall lose 10 points.

Any player who has been burned as a heretic for implyong that cows eat something other than grass exactly once is considered Enlightened. Any player burned more than once, however, is beyond hope and may never become Enlightened. Any player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule.

Proposal 1050 - Thu Jul 25 14:10:29 EDT 1996
Equal Rights for Foreheads
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

No mutable rule may deny the right of a player wearing a Prosthetic Forehead to partake in any game action, or entity use. This rule defers to any rule regarding other forms of headware.

The Rule claims precedence over all mutable rules which claim precendence over it, and defers precedence to all mutable rule that defer to it (with the specific exception of rules regarding headware, which it shall always defer to)